Find the Big Boom: 
When parachuting in as Lawrence Mujari before you land 
immediately reverse direction and land on the high ledge 
in back of the crane.Shoot the guard and get the M-79 out 
of the crate 
Big Boom 2: 
When you are in the second level (the one where you are in 
the jungle), when you pick up the plant sample transport kits, 
you continue through that tent to the end and there is a doorway, 
continue through that to the temple, climb up the temple to get a M-79! 
Triple Whammy: 
If you did not get the AUG300 sniper rifle you can throw a grenade 
in the train engine. It will kill Mara and the hostgage but will unlock 
Super Agent, Select Level and End Level, which you can use to finish the 
game from there. 
Tear Gas Trick: 
In one of the levels there will be a tear gas launcher. When you get this 
go to the closest wall and fire it once. Then go to your weapons screen and 
choose a weapon of your choice. When you exit out of the screen you will 
still have the gas launcher but firing the weapon you chose. 
There are a lot of weapons in Syphon Filter 3. I am going to give you the 
location of two guns that are dangerous to use in close quarters. The first 
place is the Pugari Complex.When you head up one of the hills, on your right 
there is a ledge with boxes. Get on the ledge and go back the way you came. 
You will see a box containing an M79. The other place is the waterfront before 
you meet Russel and Magie in the warehouse. Go right and shoot the barrels.
(Take no risks. Lots of guys are around.) You will see a box. This box contains 
the MIL15 Shotgun. Near one of the trucks will be two boxes. One has a flak jacket 
and the other contains a SPYDER. Have fun! 
Easy kill: 
At the very end of the game, when you go to beat Myra Amarov (sp?) on the subway 
train, make sure you have this gun called Audi 3000. The audi 3000 can shoot through 
any surface except for bulletproof glass. You'll find this gun in a box before you 
see Amarov. Anyways, after you get the gun, you'll keep running and bomb open this 
door. Amarov will be there w/ a hostage. She's hiding behind bulletproof glass so 
don't bother shooting. However, on the roof of the train, there's a opening. Climb 
up this opening and you'll be right above Aramov. Aim the audi 3000 and you should 
see through the roof of the train and be able to aim at Amarov's head. You'll get a 
nice clean shot. It's the easiest kill you'll get in the whole game.
Defeating Mara Aramov: 
To defeat Mara Aramov on the train, get the AU3000 out of the 
crate before you blow open the door with the explosives. Next, 
climb up on the train itself. Finally, walk forward so that you 
are near the beginning of the train. Aim through the train past 
the bullet proof glass and let Aramov have it with your new X-ray. 
Defeating Nigel Cummings: 
At the Waterfront level, make sure you take the MIL15 (to the right 
of warehouse Maggie is in). Save at least three shots for the next 
level. When you receive the order to kill Cummings, take out the MIL15 
and aim for the ground immediately beside him. If you kill him, you will 
see the body in front of the truck. 
Hotel Fukushima: Get into Room 413 without a key: 
You do not have to get the key to Room 413. Instead, go over to the bellhop 
at the elevator, take it up, go to Room 413 and press Triangle. Gabe will 
kick the door open 
Pugari Gold Mine: M-79: 
Parachute in and skip ahead through the communiqué. Turn the parachute around 
180 degrees. You should be able to see a ledge with a guard on it. Parachute so 
you can access the ledge and shoot the guard with your 9mm. He was protecting 
the M-79. You can use it now or save it for later. From here, you can jump back 
onto the crane structure. Make sure you take the guard out first. He will have 
spotted you and can shoot you up badly. 
Pugari Complex: Get hit by truck: 
Talk to Foreman Joe. When you are done, kill him and look out of the large window. 
You will see two headlights turn on. A huge dumptruck will appear and hit the 
building. Alternately, do not kill him and run outside directly in front of the 
truck. Aim through the window and shoot him in the head. Turn around and the truck 
will run over you and hit the building. This may require more than one attempt.



Level 1:
Right when you start, go around the corner holding R1 to lock onto the enemies. Keep using R1 to kill everyone until someone shouts out "Go Go Go!" At this time, you should proceed to the subway, which is accessible by heading down the ramp on the left side. Go down and look around by the locked door. You will be prompted to "Contact Lian Xing." Do it and you will have a new objective. Now, go back up and kill everyone up there again (except the CBDC, your backup). On the same side of the street as the subway is a building called "The Place." Blast through the glass (or just walk through it) and you will see a pool table straight ahead of you. (If you want you can shoot the light above the table, or turn to the little small room to the left of the entrance and shoot the bottles using sniper mode (Holding L1)) Take the hallway and go around the corner. On your left is a soldier in a small room off to the side. Shoot him and go in that little room. Grab his ammo and shoot the window for a future time. Go back out of the small room and turn some more corners until Lian Xing notifies you that you're near the first boss. Take out your M-16 and get ready for a fight! Turn the corner and as soon as a green dot appears on your radar, hold R1 to lock him in (He's the guy with the Flak Jacket on). When you have a shot that isn't blocked by the bar straight ahead of you, fire away! He isn't too hard and you should kill him relatively easily if you've saved your M-16 ammo. When he's dead, kill all the other people in the room and shoot the computer in the back corner. This is the first checkpoint. Go back to where you started the level now. You should see a CBDC. Go to where he is and go down the alley. When you come out of the alley, be prepared for gunners on the roof who have intentions of killing you! Holding R1 will remedy this problem and you should be clear of all gunmen--for a few seconds. When you come to the intersection, turn left and help out your backup by killing a few soldiers. Go into the building (the one with a triple-door and the newspapers for sale outside). If you really need it, get the Flak Jacket, otherwise, you can get it when you leave because there will be bad guys in here. What you have to do is keep the enemy from killing your CBDC man working on the bomb. Once you dispose of all the bad guys, head into the side room and take out your flashlight (you'll either have to go the menu in "weapons" while the game is paused, or hold select and find it using the L2 and R2 buttons.). In here, you can find M-16 ammo and grenades. Now you're done with this building. Before you make your way out the doors, you will notice that there are many gunmen back on the roof. Take out your M-16 and kill them through the windows (Or if you want, take out your sniper rifle. That's a lot more fun). Go back through the alley to "The Place." Remember that window you shot earlier? Now you go through it. Take a left out it to get a Flak Jacket and Sniper Rifle ammo, but beware: there are some enemies behind the flaming cars. Then go back near the window and you will see a fence. Shoot the lock on the left side using L1 and press the elevator call button straight ahead. Take the elevator down and equip your flashlight. Search around the small area down there for a power box. Hit the power box. Now when you go back up the elevator, there will be a person you have to kill. After that, go back through the window, out of the bar ("The Place") and down to the subway. Now, instead of the door being locked, it is open and you can proceed through there. After killing everyone down here, go to the left and hit triangle when you stand next to the bomb. The bomb will be the big square gray thing on your radar. Now go all the way to the end of the subway, where you can no longer go straight. Go to the right and out that door. Take a left in here and go down the elevator. Go all the way to the end, killing anyone you see, and finally, the boss (wearing the Flak Jacket) and walk up to the bomb.


Level 2:
Before I start the walkthrough for this level, let me just tell you that whenever you get set on fire, you die. There is no putting the flame out (at least not to my knowledge. Even if there is, you will probably have already lost most of your life and by then it'd be better to just start over.) So don't wander too close to the flames. Knowing that, we can now proceed. Take a right to start and continue straight for a Flak Jacket. Then cross the tracks. While running down here, hug the wall on the right side or else a burning soldier that is screaming crazily past you will ignite you in flames. Take a right and kill the guy on the ground first and then the guy on top of the train. Go past the dead soldier on the ground, picking up his ammo, and walk next to the train. You will be prompted to contact Lian Xing. She will give you a new objective: to find explosives. Now, go back to where you were when you killed the last two soldiers. Cross the tracks right in front of you and climb up onto the train by first getting on the little ledge next to it. Go straight and prepare for the toughest part of the game so far. Walk up to this next opening while being towards the right side. You have to keep checking R1 to see if you can kill anyone (I recommend the shotgun here). Keep moving up until you can kill the first two guys. Then walk over so a third guy can see you. Beware; he has grenades! Keep shooting him from down where you are until you see a grenade coming at you. At this time, quickly jump up to his level and get away. If you are anywhere near the grenade when it blows up, you will feel the shock of it and end up like the two soldiers already on the ground! Turn into the side of the walkway parallel to him and run down that way until you hear the grenade explode. Shooting him with R1, it will take around 10 shots to kill him. Whenever you see him throw a grenade, get out of that area. He should only be able to throw 2 or 3 grenades before you finish him off. Once he's dead, you will have to take a left and walk down on the tracks. Take out your flashlight from your inventory and search the right side of the wall way down by the train. Press Triangle to pick up the C4. Now go back to the spot where the man with the grenades was and go down the right side. When you reach the end of this road, a gunman above you will greet you. Shoot him with the weapon of your choice. I recommend the M-16. When he falls down, get his ammo and climb up on the crate that is dangerously near the fire. Face away from the fire and press triangle. You should climb up there. Keep climbing until you get to the next floor. Now, you have to go to the end of the subway and walk up to the door with bars. Press Triangle and you will have to protect a CBDC man while he works on the bomb. Then go towards the passage way in the "top left" section of the level. Notice that there are flames in the way. You now have to find a way to get rid of them. To do this, go back and on the left side of the subway (right side when you're backtracking) is a place to switch it off (on the wall, near the beginning of this section). Now you can go back to the place in the top left section of the second floor subway. All you have to do is make it through this area. The only tricky part is when there is another man engulfed in flames running after you. When you hear the screaming, quickly press down to do a 180-degree turn and run back. Don't worry about the guy on the roof of the train just yet. Make sure you get into the space between the two trains to avoid flaming up. Now that you are safe, take out your M-16 (or any other weapon) and destroy that threat. You can proceed safely when the guy stops flaming. Besides that, just keep going through this section and within a few more trains, you will be done with this level!


Level 3:
This level isn't too much of a level. The basic premise is this: you have to kill the girl, Aramov. Basically, know that the trains come on alternating sides, and you can roll under the separators. Don't get too far behind her either. What I did was start off putting about 10 shotgun shells into her, then switching to my M-16 and nail her with that. Don't even worry about the guys on the side who are shooting at you; they won't do much damage and will only slow down your goal of killing Aramov if you go after them.

Level 4:
This is probably the coolest level so far because you get to use a night vision sniper rifle. This is especially fun when you get to the part where you pick off guys from a distance way before they can see you. Also, the first objective you should do is to disarm the four viral bombs. The bombs are they gray square things on your radar. Knowing this is extremely helpful in completing this objective. Start out by killing the guy ahead of you on the ground. After you kill him, get the guy on top of the wall. The guy on the wall will give you the night vision sniper rifle! Go through the hole in the two walls where the gunman was and take a left. I suggest using the .45 right now because it is pretty efficient; killing in one or two shots. Go to the "wall" of the scenery and keep going until you see the bomb on your radar. Press triangle on the bomb and protect your CBDC agent by shooting all the enemies that come near you. After that is complete, go to the middle and head forward. You will see a huge statue in front of you. Go towards it. When you get the latest message from Lian Xing-that there are hostages on the Tennis Court-ignore it for a second. First, go to the other side of the statue and have a CBDC man disarm the bomb. Protect him again, and you will reach the second checkpoint (if you die, you would start here again). Now check your map and look for the Tennis Court. You will have to go out the right side to reach the Tennis Courts. Luckily, on the way, there is another bomb. Just follow the path (pavement) and you will see it (watch for it on your radar). Successfully disarm the bomb, then continue forward. Before you go in the hole of these two brick walls, you can pick up a Flak Jacket on the left side if you need it. Now, continue on and Lian will give you a new objective. Right after she does, watch out for the gunman on top of the wall ahead of you. Kill him and get his ammo if he falls down. Before you turn this corner, know that there are three guys. One is on the left wall, the other is behind this upcoming turn, but will roll out and shoot at you, and the third one is on top of the far wall. After you turn the next corner, there is one more guy who is on top of the left wall. Go through here and coming up are the tennis courts. Don't get too close to the fence, but close enough so you can see one guy walking around in there with your night vision rifle zoomed in all the way (zoom in with triangle, out with circle). After that headshot, move in closer. Get it so you can get a clean shot at the guy in the center of the three soldiers you see. You will have to do this through the door of the Tennis Courts. After that, you will contact Lian Xing. You can now go back to your real objectives. Go back to where the statue is and continue straight past it to the new area. There are guys all over here so keep your guard up. I used the .45 here. When you get to the next area, kill the guys in here and pick up the Flak Jacket if you need it. Continue through here and use the path to help you find the last bomb. This is the toughest one yet to defend because the guys come from all different sides. You will have to use your shotgun here to kill each one of the enemies at once because there are a lot of them. After you finish this, you will have to go back to the Tennis Courts. Now you will have to get to their comm. Equipment and disable it. It is on top of a series of white pillars. There is a gunman on top and many people all around it. Lian Xing will tell you when you're really close to it. Once you get up top, Lian Xing will tell you where your next foe will be (right ahead of you). Proceed and you will end up in a place called the "Hedge Maze." Here you will have to kill a rather tough "boss." Use your shotgun on him and know that there is a Flak Jacket to use in the right side of the maze. You really shouldn't trade blows with him because he takes away so much per hit. Try to get a few good ones in at first, then run away and hit him once or twice every time you see him and he should be dead in no time. When you kill him, you will only have to run forward a little bit to complete the level. It's your call though; you can either run straight for the exit while rolling the entire time, or kill the 5 or so guys equipped with Flak jackets. I chose the former. Just run and when you get really close to the guys (like, one body length apart) start rolling like crazy! Keep rolling until after the screen turns black for a few seconds because they can still hit you. You will have to make it to the entrance, which is in between the last two guards. 


Level 5:
This is another of those non-levels as your only objective is to kill the guy you're locked into the room with. They say that he is wearing full body armor. They tell you to look for a weak spot in it. All you have to do is get behind him and shoot the tank on his back. After 3-4 hits he will be dead. 


Level 6:
Before I start let me say that although this level is the coolest so far, it is also the most challenging. What you should know for this level is that you cannot be seen until you complete the first objective. To successfully do that, you should only use weapons that are silenced. To start, go up on the left side of the path. Climb up until you are in between a pillar and some crate next to the wall (that you can't open). Wait until the first guard walks past you so you can't see him for a few seconds. At this time, shoot the stationary guard in the head with the silenced 9mm and then turn around and hit the walking guard in the head as well. Get their ammo and then proceed forward. Right when you get in here, you will see another guard. Shoot him in the head, and then go out by all the pillars. Walk up to the one that has another one right in front of the two next to each other so you can't be seen. Wait until the guard who walks out and looks where you used to be goes back and turns his back. At this time, go up behind him and shoot him in the head. Go through this area and take a turn. Don't go all the way in this room, just a little; when you get a certain distance into the turn, a guard will walk across. Shoot him in the head (I suggest the sniper rifle from far away) and proceed into the next hallway. There are two guys here. Wait until they walk out and then kill them. You will have to turn a corner for the second one to come out. Now, you don't have to worry about being sneaky! Walk into this next room and peek around the corner to hit Benton in the head. If you successfully do it, you will get his Flak Jacket along with all the other goodies! Now, you have to go through the door marked "Museum staff only." There are three guys on this floor-one on each level. Kill the guy on the ground first, then the guy above him and finally kill the guy on the highest level (shoot him in the head for a Flak Jacket). Now pick up the ammo on the ground and climb up on the crates in the middle of the room. Keep climbing until you get to an air duct. Go through here and kill everyone. Keep killing everyone until people stop coming, then go down and pick up a cardkey. With the cardkey, you will have to go back up to the top of this area and press the switch on the right of the door (if you're walking out of it). Now you will have to quickly run down (take the "stairs" in the middle) and then run to the right side and through the door in there. You will have very limited time before the door shuts. If it does, you will have to do it again. Keep going and kill everyone coming after you. One of them will give you a cardkey. Go down the elevator. Now keep going forward and go through another "Museum Staff only" door. This time you will be on Mars (well, a Mars exhibit) and you will have to quickly kill everyone in sight. Take a right when you climb up and you will notice that it tells you to get a key to open this gate. Now you have to go back to the elevator and get to the second floor. When you arrive, stay on the elevator. Get to the "bottom right" of it. Look up with L1 and shoot the switch on the third level. This one is broken (see the sparks?) and this is the only way to get up there. Once you're up there, just proceed until you get to a hallway with glass on the left side. There will be guys here. Kill them all then get the stuff in the box at the end of the hall. Now you can go all the way back down to the first floor, past the mars exhibit and open that gate that you couldn't before. Go through here and just continue on. You shouldn't have any more problems. After this, you are done with this level. 


Level 7:
Get the stuff out of the lockers, and then kill everyone in this room. Go out and through the door at the end of this hallway. Lian will tell you that you will have to find your own way down. Get under the supports above you then press triangle to hang on. Shimmy over to the middle then drop down. Kill everyone in this room, then climb up to where the guy with the shotgun was and get all his things (First checkpoint). Now, go out this door and hit the two guys coming out in the other hallway when you get there. Then get their Flak Jackets, and turn around to kill one more guy in a Flak Jacket. Hit the switch and go though the gate in that hallway you were just in. Now, kill the guy in here. After that, crouch in front of the glass and hit the guy in front of you in the head. Then walk slowly through this hallway until you hear two people talking. Wait until you hear one tell the other that he has "10 seconds" left. Then either shoot her gun with your sniper rifle, or use your taser on her. After this, climb on top of the dinosaur and kill all the new people coming into the room. Then just shimmy over to the ledge on the "right" of the dinosaur.


Level 8:
Take out the two guards behind the truck with the Gas Grenades found in the locker inside of the guard's room. Snipe out the guard on the over-head walkway THEN the searchlight (if you shoot the search light first, the guy will call for back up, making your life a living he). Go forward until you see the first gas-tank, but take out the guard that's coming around the corner from the left, first. Look where the guy just came from and take out the guard patrolling in front of the gate. NOW plant the C-4. Check to your left and see the guy coming down the ramp. Wait for him to leave, and Check your right. Take out this guard using the peek-a-boo tactic (see him when his back is turned) and head up the ramp. Cross the walkway and wait atop until the two guards leave the scene. Kill the remaining guard and get the Night-Vision Rifle and Gas Grenades. Throw a Gas Grenade to kill the two guards around the corner and then sneak up and wait by their bodies. Kill the two guards on the walkway next to the light and then take out the light. Walk ahead a few feet and kill the guard through the window, and plant the second C-4. After the C-4 turn to your right and kill the guard past the boxes, make you way down the alley, gas the talking guards and take out the lights. Head to your right and plant the third C-4. Walk towards the tank but when you see the special guy, run all the way back and hide until he turns around, then kill him and pick up his card, FLAK, and ammo. Walk ahead, kill any remaining guards, and plant the fourth C-4. Kill the guards around the corner and next to the door and open the gate, Head to the Power plant and kill the patrolling guard, HURRY kill the other guard next to the switch before he calls for backup. Hit the switch, and plant the final C-4. Now make your way to the bunker and prepare for a lot of guards in the next level.

Level 9:
The tough thing about this level is that there is no map! You should also know that if you do touch the red lasers, you'll die. The way to turn the red lasers off is to shoot the flashing panels on the wall. All you have to do is progress through this level, going in all the side rooms to get the bombs and you'll end up at the end in no time. There isn't really much room to get stuck in this level. The only thing I am going to warn you about it at the end, you will be walking down a hallway. Take a right (by the room with the computer) and just finish the level. If you open the side room, then go in it, you'll see a bunch of bad guys who will just be a nuisance and you won't get anything. 


Level 10:
(Also taken from Beating the chopper can be tough unless you know the proper way. First you will need to learn the choppers two basic attack patterns and to be smart about evading the its fire. What it does is that it kind of strafes from side to side shooting bursts at you and then it drops down below the fence. Go to the edge and hold the lock on button and start strafing and then start shooting. Repeat this step as much as you can until he starts smoking. After it starts smoking, it unload a whole ton of lead at you so you better be good at side stepping. First stand facing the ledge its rising from and when it appears, lock on and roll (while shooting) along the edge as fast as possible from on corner to the other. It's almost beat when it passe overhead so when it does that just lock on and fire away and you should have it. Sometimes the chopper might drop some terrorists down but they shouldn't be too much of a problem, just get in some quick head shots then focus on the chopper again.

Level 11:
This level is really easy also and should only take a minute or two (literally). All you have to do is make it to the beginning of Level 8, the first level in Kazakhstan. What I did was just shoot the first two guys I saw, then didn't kill anyone else the rest of the level. While you're running, if you see the "danger" icon pop up under your health, start rolling. It's all pretty easy and you know you're at the end when you see a guy with a Flak Jacket. Just walk right past him and you'll be done!



Defeating Rhoemer:
After you have push the button to the main computer, you watch a short film and start real quick. Rhoemer is right behind you with an M-79. To get out of his way, make a quick right behind the column. Take your quickest route to the opposite side of the room (underneath the first window.) This is a safe zone. Above you are two of Rhoemer's men. Sniper them. Before this next step, make sure Rhoemer is directly behind your computer. Check this by using the virus scanner you got a few boards before. As soon as Rhoemer is in his place, throw a hand grenade off the wall to scare him away. The second he runs, you run in the direction of the second window and jump the computer. Sniper the other two people in the second window, climb the wall, and get the gas grenades. If he is still where he was when you through the grenade, gas him from the window. If he is by you, wait until he peaks around the corner to gas him.

Museum Level Tip:
When at the end of this level, you have to capture Aramov and Phagan alive. To do so, target Aramov with the taser or (if you prefer), shoot her gun hand with the sniper rifle.

M-79 in First Level:
If you go through "The Place" in the first level in your normal direction you'll see a door blocked by a large block that you can climb over and there will be one guy inside and then a window to the left. Shoot out the window and then climb out the window. To the left there will be a large metal box and just before you get to it there will be a message from Lian and then you climb on to the box. Go to the edge of the box that faces the nearest wall and press triangle. Gabe will jump up and grab a fire escape, pull yourself up and then go to the right end of the fire escape and press triangle again and Gabe will grab a pipe hanging above him, hold left and scurry across it. Once you reach somewhere near the middle two guys will run from around the corner. After you take them out keep moving across the pipe and you will find another fire escape and on the opposite end of it you will find a metal box with the M-79 in it, but it only has five rounds so save your ammo.

Stealth Tips:
You need to use stealth in Syphon Filter; and doing that can be quiet frustrating. Here are 3 tips to improve your chances of completing the game: 
When a guard is on a route (walking back and forth). Hide behind a wall and hold L1 to manual aim. Then hit L2 or R2 to do a quick pop out. Then you simply shoot the heck out of the guard then let go of the buttons. Instead of using your R1 auto aim, use the L2 manual aim. Wait until the screen says "head shot" then fire. You will use only 1 bullet and it kills him on the first shot. When using stealth, shoot out spotlights so guards can't see you. If a guard is by a spotlight, Then snipe-out then guard first, and then shoot the spotlight.