Place anything anywhere 
Type your name as The Galaxy Is Yours. When you play, if you press zero, you get a little box with the name of things. Use the up and down aroow keys to choose what you want, and the the right arrow key to place it. Press zero again to close it. 

Notes: This may cause a severe slow down in the game. The craft goes where your mouse is. No CP's needed. If you save and quit during a mission and come back later, the select box will not be there and cannot be used. 

Cheat mode: (he v1.1 patch is required) 
Start a new game and enter TheGalaxyIsYours as a case-sensitive name in the new player slot. When choosing your new player you must double click on the name, and not click on the blue arrow. Then, enter one of the following codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

Effect Code 
500 more command points M 
500 less command points [Ctrl] + M 
Order any unit regardless of command points1 [Shift] + M 
Spawn units without drop ship [Keypad 0] 
Win current mission [Ctrl] + W 
View all active units [Ctrl] + 8 
View all units [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 8 
Remove fog of war [Ctrl] + 9 
999999 life for unit [Num Lock] + [Keypad Asterisk] 

1. This code will also add 500 command points to your total. All items and buildings that are in yellow will be unlocked. 

Level select: 
Note: the v1.1 patch is required for this code. Start a new game and enter TheWorldIsYours as a case-sensitive name in the New Player slot. Note: When choosing your new player you must double click on the name, and not click on the blue arrow. 

Spawn units: 
Enable the "Cheat mode" code. After double clicking on the name in the player selection screen, proceed to either campaign or skirmish mode. After starting the game, press [Keypad 0]. Text similar to "0:Stormtrooper" will appear. All available units, whether they were playable or non-playable, will be unlocked. Press [Cursor Up] or [Cursor Down] to scroll through the list. Press [Cursor Left] to select the unit you wish to use. The chosen unit will appear on screen at your pointer location. This option overrides the amount of units you can have on the field. Therefore, you can have more than 60 units on the field at once. Also, you can place units anywhere on the field -- they do not have to start out near a standard or mobile base. However, not all units work properly. For example, Darth Vader does not attack enemies. You can only use his secondary ability to kill a victim - however, he can be put in a bunker or base to protect it. Also, if you use air units this way, even though you have them selected, during game play they may fly off and disappear. Other actions that can be done to spawned units include pressing [Shift] + [Cursor Up] or [Shift] + [Cursor Down] to change the team of the spawned unit. Press [Delete] to destroy the highlighted unit. 

Double unit: 
If a unit carrier gets destroyed, remove the unit at the same time it explodes. If done correctly, that unit will be doubled. 

Faster patient walking: 
Click on "Release Patient" when an Imperial vehicle is being healed on the repair bay. It will walk away faster. 

Hitting air units from the ground: 
Ground units cannot normally hit air units. However, an AT-AT's chin gun can hit an enemy air unit. 

Attacking with AT-ATs: 
If you are planning to attack with AT-ATs get two AT-AAs for each walker, then hold [Ctrl] and right click to have them follow the AT-AT. If any speeders want to use a tow cable, the anti-air will take them out. 

Pod Racer appearance: 
Complete the second objective in the third training mission (destroy the buildings at the Jawa camp) and two pod racers will start racing around.


Star Wars - Force Commander PC
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1.1) building tree
1.2) Buildings
1.3) Officers' Training 
1.4) Units
1.5) Characters 
1.6) Mission Briefings
1.7) Cheat mode 
1.1) building tree
command center
              -air control
              -auxiliary (aux) control
              -turret control
air control
           -fixed artilery turret
           -landing platform
auxiliary (aux) contro
                       -repair bay
turret control
               -anti air turret
              -anti infantry turret
              -anti vehicle turret
command center or tr-mb
                       -anti air turret
                       -anti infantry turret
                       -anti vehicle turret
                       -technology center
                       -shield generator
1.2) Buildings
Imperial Buildings
Command Center
No prerequisite.
The primary building of the Galactic Empire and the heart of the Imperial Base, this 
is where reinforcements are called down to be marshaled and deployed.
Air Control
Command Center Needed 
This building is a prerequisite for the Landing Platform and the Fixed Artillery 
Turret. It monitors friendly aircraft and makes sure no midair collisions occur. This 
building attaches itself to the command center, and thus does not need the unit 
commander to choose a location for it.
Auxiliary (Aux) Control
Command Center Needed
This is the prerequisite building a commander needs before he/she can order the 
Hospital and Repair Bay. Besides supplying the extra power these additional buildings 
require to run efficiently, the Aux Control also gives the player the ability to 
upgrade units. This building attaches itself to the command center, and thus does 
not need the unit commander to choose a location site for it. The Auxiliary control 
can make these upgrades:
    HEALTH UPGRADE: Increases certain units' resistance to damage. 
    FIRE-RATE UPGRADE: Allows a faster fire rate for certain units.
    SPEED UPGRADE: Allows certain units a greater top speed.
Turret Control
Command Center Needed
This building is necessary to order and control Imperial turrets. Without this 
structure, turrets may not be ordered, and already present turrets require infantry 
units to manually control them. This building attaches itself to the command center, 
and thus does not need the unit commander to choose a location site for it.
Fixed Artillery Turret
Air Control Needed
This is a large, fixed platform for powerful artillery with a very long range. This 
weapon requires the help of a spotter. This structure can also be manually operated 
by placed a stormtrooper within it. This is necessary when the structures controlling 
this weapon are captured or destroyed.
Landing Platform
The basic landing and repair station for TIE bombers and TIE fighters. It is a 
servicing center and storage facility for those craft.
Repair Bay
Auxiliary Control Needed
A garage that quickly repairs damaged vehicles and aircraft. The Repair Bay also comes 
with an ASP-7 mobile worker droid that it can send out to repair damaged buildings 
and ferry shuttles.
Auxiliary Control Needed A place to heal wounded infantry, if they're lucky enough 
to make it back here alive.
Anti-Air Turret
Turret Control Needed
Fixed defense against enemy air units such as Y-Wings and airspeeders. Used to protect 
vulnerable bases from air attack. This structure can also be manually operated by 
placed a stormtrooper within it. This is necessary when the structures controlling 
this weapon are captured or destroyed. 
Anti-Infantry Turret
Turret Control Needed 
Fixed defense against enemy infantry. Used to protect bases from invaders seeking 
to capture its buildings. This structure can also be manually operated by placing 
a stormtrooper within it. This is necessary when the structures controlling this 
weapon are captured or destroyed.
Anti-Vehicle Turret
Turret Control Needed
Fixed defense against enemy ground vehicles, such as Rebel attack tanks. A base's 
last defense against being totally overrun. This structure can also be manually 
operated by placed a stormtrooper within it. This is necessary when the structures 
controlling this weapon are captured or destroyed.
Rebel buildings
Command (Comm) Center
No Prerequisite. 
This primary building is the heart of the Rebel base. From here, the player orders 
reinforcements and buildings.
Command Center or TR-MB Needed
The storage, refueling and landing area for airspeeders and Y-wings.
Anti-Air Turret
Command Center or TR-MB Needed
This fixed surface-to-air weapon is very effective against the flying units of the 
enemy. Manually operated by a single trooper that comes with the turret upon delivery.
Anti-Infantry Turret
Command Center or TR-MB Needed
This fixed weapon is used against enemy ground units, such as stormtroopers. Manually 
operated by a single trooper that comes with the turret upon delivery.
Anti-Vehicle Turret
Command Center or TR-MB Needed
A fixed turret designed to defend against armored enemy ground vehicles, such as 
AT-STs and AT-ATs. Manually operated by a single trooper that comes with the turret 
upon delivery.
Technology Center
Command Center or TR-MB Needed 
This building researches upgrades that help make all Rebel units stronger. Upgrades 
the technology center can produce are:
    HEALTH UPGRADE: Increases certain units' resistance to damage.
    FIRE-RATE UPRGRADE: Allows a faster fire rate for certain units.
    SPEED UPGRADE: Allows a greater top speed for certain units. 
    SHIELD UPGRADE: Increases the total amount of shields points for units with 
Shield Generator
Command Center or TR-MB Needed
The primary Rebel defense against attack. This building emits a powerful energy field 
that enhances the shields of all surrounding units and buildings. So powerful is this 
field that even units that normally do not have shields slowly develop them when within 
the shield generator's influence. The shield generator is able to either double a 
unit's maximum amount of shields, or it will add shields equal to half an unshielded 
unit's armor points.
1.3) Officers' Training 
Commanding Troops 
Welcome to the ranks of the most elite military in the known galaxy. As an officer 
of the Imperial Military, you will have an important task making the galaxy safe and 
prosperous for the billions of inhabitants. You will work under the watchful eye of 
Emperor Palpatine, always for the greater good of the worlds he holds in his benevolent 
hand. As an officer, you will have many different duties, but none is as important 
as that of commanding your troops and vehicles in battle against the enemies of the 
Empire. You will spend most of your career either in battle or preparing for battle. 
Knowing how to command your troops will make this task much easier and more pleasant. 
To know how to command your troops efficiently, you must become familiar with the 
Battlefield Holographic Control Interface. Using the Battlefield Holographic Control 
Interface We designed the Battlefield Holographic Control Interface (BHCI) to give 
you a clear, superior view of the battlefield. This feature affords a number of 
benefits. In keeping your distance from the front lines of battle, you avoid costly, 
perhaps even fatal, distractions. Such a broad view of the battlefield allows you 
to more accurately pinpoint weak spots in the enemy line and more rapidly assess 
dangerous situations. This interface even allows you to view the battlefield from 
the enemy's perspective to better estimate your best lines of attack. Viewing your 
own positions from the enemy's vantage point allows you to spot and reinforce 
vulnerable areas before a situation becomes critical. Your interface is equipped with 
both a keyboard and a mouse for moving the camera around the battlefield. Personal 
preference will determine which option works best for you. The camera moves forward 
and backward, tilts up and down, orbits right or left around its focal point, pans 
(spins in place), and zooms in and out. The camera's tracking feature allows you to 
lock onto one of your units, and thus better plan unit movements across difficult 
terrain. It provides a good view of the battlefield when you advance into enemy 
territory. Most camera movement options function even when attached to a unit, so 
you can scan for threats, as well. 
Moving Units 
The uninitiated tend to believe that only superior numbers and firepower make for 
victory, but such is not the case. What is critical is mobility. Finding your enemy's 
weak spots does you no good unless you can get there to strike; finding your own weak 
spots does you no good if you cannot get units there to shore them up. With that in 
mind, read over the following sections on troop and vehicle mobility. 
Using Carriers 
Our troop carriers do an excellent job of transporting stormtroopers to distant 
locations quickly and safely, but several other vehicles can serve the same purpose. 
It is easy to overlook the transport capacities of the AT-ST and AT-AT in the heat 
of battle. This capacity is arguably as important as their firepower and ability to 
cover difficult terrain. The AT-ST can carry two stormtroopers; the AT-AT can hold 
six. Thus, these vehicles, with a complement of stormtroopers, are ideal for 
overwhelming Rebel positions. And it guarantees your stormtroopers will arrive at 
their destinations at the same time as the vehicles. Too often, vehicles rush in and 
are destroyed or forced to obliterate the enemy position in self-defense as 
stormtroopers hurry there on foot. Employ these vehicles as both attacker and troop 
carrier to take over a Rebel position quickly and efficiently. The vehicles suppress 
enemy fire and provide cover for the stormtroopers, who need only run a short distance 
from the vehicle to effect a capture. Speeder bikes also have value in this capacity. 
Although they cannot attack, speeder bikes are the fastest way to transport 
stormtroopers from one point to another. Each speeder bike can carry two infantry 
units. Thus, six speeder bikes carrying two stormtroopers each can reach any enemy 
position quickly and efficiently. Your units can dismount, decimate the position, 
remount, and return to base before the enemy can summon reinforcements. 
Remember, you are only as mobile as your slowest unit. Counter this by using your 
larger vehicles as troop carriers to transport reinforcements and your speeder bikes 
to send your primary attack force of stormtroopers. 
Using Waypoints 
As you will learn in your BHCI training sessions, it takes only a simple click of 
the mouse to move your units anywhere on the battlefield. Select a unit, move the 
cursor to where you want the unit to move, and then right-click. Your infantry units 
are only as intelligent as their orders. Tell a group to move to a distant location, 
and it will rush there by the most direct route. Although moving troops and vehicles 
to another position this quickly can be vital, it usually makes more sense to send 
your units along a less direct route. Imagine the vehicle damage you might incur if 
a Rebel encampment lay between your units and their destination. Even a large force 
will not last long walking across an enemy camp. And if your units must set up to 
attack that encampment, you have lost a lot of strength-and all of your surprise. 
It is better then, to send your units slowly and painstakingly from point to point 
to skirt the enemy position. Better yet, use "waypoints," which allow you to plot 
your units' course and skirt rough terrain to avoid enemy units until they get into 
position. Once you set them up, waypoints will send your units along with no 
intervention on your part. To set your waypoints, right-click as you hold down the 
shift key. Move the pointer cursor and, still pressing the shift key, right-click 
again. A pair of waypoints will display on the BHCI. Your units will move to the first 
waypoint, and then immediately head for the next without any additional command. 
Although there is no limit to the number of waypoints you may create, you should limit 
those you assign a given unit to simply avoid confusion. 
The Command Point System 
While your rank as an officer is important in knowing your position in the Imperial 
Military, it is the earning of Command Points that will often determine your success 
or failure on the battlefield. Command Points, in effect, represent the confidence 
your superior officers have in you. The more Command Points you have, the more 
comfortable they are with allowing you to call additional troops and vehicles into 
battle. In short, the Command Points you earn by completing objectives, taking over 
enemy positions, and destroying enemy units determine your standing within the 
Imperial military: the more points, the more prestige. 
Command Points translate into the units you may command on the battlefield and the 
buildings you may order from the orbiting Star Destroyer. They represent your supply 
line and your reinforcements: enough Command Points can increase your power; too few, 
and you will stagnate. 
Earning Command Points 
Three approaches exist for earning Command Points on the battlefield. To succeed, 
you should employ them all. One way to earn Command Points is to destroy enemy units. 
The bounty roughly equals the difficulty you experience in doing so. Thus, killing 
a Rebel trooper nets you only a few Command Points, while destroying a Rebel tank 
will reap you enough to purchase several buildings or a large supplementary force. 
Another way to earn Command Points is to complete mission objectives. Naturally, 
accomplishing your primary goals is rewarded more generously than completing 
secondary ones. Finally, you may earn Command Points by capturing certain enemy-held 
structures. Most rewarding are supply bunkers and mines. Because such structures 
generate needed materiel, you receive a continual increase in Command Points once 
you possess them. By garrisoning several enemy-held structures with stormtroopers, 
you can amass a great many Command Points that continue to accumulate as the mission 
Note that you are limited to 5,000 Command Points at any one time. If you accumulate 
more than that, the additional points are simply lost. 
Spending Command Points 
Command Points can work for you several ways. Use them wisely to aid you in battle 
and bring down experienced, battle-tested units, and you will rise in rank quickly, 
even to the coveted rank of Force Commander. First, you may spend Command Points to 
purchase stormtroopers, vehicles, and structures. The number of units you may command 
at one time is limited, but you may add buildings and turrets as you need or desire 
them, as long as you have the Command Points to do so. Next, you may use Command Points 
to upgrade your vehicles and increase their durability, speed, and rate of fire. You 
will get more out of the vehicles you have, and thus offset the limits placed on the 
number of units you may command. 
Finally, any Command Points left at the end of a mission remain until you begin your 
next one. Before the next mission starts, then, you may use these leftover Command 
Points to garrison the vehicles and stormtroopers you commanded earlier, to use later 
on. And because you will have access to an additional landing craft and Lambda class 
shuttles at the beginning of your next mission, you can fill both with these 
experienced units. In effect, then, you are using the Command Points you collected 
in one mission to purchase additional units and send them to the site of your next 
one. Once you begin a new mission, you lose any Command Points remaining from your 
previous one. 
Having read the foregoing paragraphs, you should have a handle on how to use your 
BHCI, troop carriers, waypoints, and ways you may earn and spend Command Points. 
1.4) Units
Imperial Units 
"To understand exactly what you can accomplish in battle, you must be familiar with 
your units' capabilities. Although each unit has its strengths, each also has 
weaknesses your enemy can exploit, if permitted."
AT-AA (All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft)
AT-AT (All-Terrain-Armored Transport)
AT-AT Barge
AT-PT (All-Terrain Personal Transport)
AT-ST (All-Terrain Scout Transport)
Builder Shuttle
Dewback Trooper
Heavy Artillery Platform
Landing Craft
Mobile Artillery
Probe Droid (Probot)
Speeder Bike
Tie Craft
Tie Fighter
Tie Bomber
TR-MB (Tracked-Mobile Base)
Tydirium Ferry Shuttle
Troop Carrier
AT-AA (All-Terrain Anti-Aircraft)
A fast-moving mobile anti-aircraft weapon that's the scourge of Rebel flying units. 
The AT-AA has a flak pod that sits on a walking shell. It's an indispensable unit 
used to protect units and structures from air attack.
If any one Rebel unit matches a comparable Imperial one, it is the small, single-man 
fighter craft. Many Imperial vehicles cannot fire accurately on this unit- hence, 
the All Terrain Anti-Aircraft walker (AT-AA).This unit was designed specifically to 
deal with airborne threats, so include them in your force wherever you suspect the 
presence of a Rebel air force. Even the most sophisticated Rebel aircraft cannot 
withstand the powerful barrage of this vehicle's anti-air weaponry.Keep in mind two 
significant problems, however. First, this unit is fragile. A concerted attack by 
Rebel aircraft will destroy it. To prevent this, group your AT-AAs in pairs or threes 
for mutual support. Second, these units are vulnerable to ground-based enemies. The 
solution here is to use other units, particularly AT-STs and AT-PTs, to protect your 
AT-AAs from enemy infantry.
AT-AT (All-Terrain-Armored Transport)
The Galactic Empire's heaviest weapon, this four-legged behemoth is equipped with 
anti-armor guns, plus a chin gun which produces a powerful, concentrated burst of 
fire that can eliminate just about anything. Finally, its heavy feet spell doom to 
the unlucky enemy trooper caught underneath its heavy step.
The pride of the Imperial military's ground forces is the massive All Terrain Armored 
Transport (AT-AT). These four-legged walkers tower over everything on the battlefield, 
including many structures. For sheer size, nothing in a mobile unit comes close; and 
given its sheer power, little can stand in its way.
A single AT-AT walker can level a Rebel installation or destroy wave after wave of 
oncoming enemy vehicles. Each AT-AT can carry six stormtroopers safely into to the 
heart of battle.If the AT-AT has a weakness, it is its difficulty in hitting enemy 
infantry with its main weapon. It is also slow compared to other AT vehicles. These 
are small prices to pay for such power, however, and for the numbing fear its presence 
bestows on the enemy. Unlike the other AT vehicles, AT-AT walkers are designed almost 
solely for offensive maneuvers. It can aid in defense, but it is not designed to do 
so. Therefore, purchase it only if you plan a massive assault.
AT-AT Barge
A flying craft capable of carrying large units down to the planet from the bay of 
the Star Destroyer. An AT-AT barge lands on the battlefield, deploys the units, and 
quickly ascends back to orbit.
AT-PT (All-Terrain Personal Transport)
One of the most effective anti-infantry units, this walking armored vehicle is agile 
on the battlefield, but is vulnerable when attacked by anti-vehicle weapons. Paired 
with AT-STs, they make a deadly force.The All Terrain Personal Transport (AT-PT) is 
the smallest walker currently in use by the Imperial military. Not much of an attacker 
on its own, the AT-PT functions best as support. Enemies intent on destroying larger 
vehicles often overlook this small unit; this allows the AT-PT to carve up Rebel 
infantry while the enemy concentrates its fire elsewhere. Left on its own, it is no 
match for even a small group of Rebel ground troops. In a balanced force, however, 
a few AT-PTs can burn through Rebel ranks and prevent serious damage to your larger 
vehicles. Remember, though, these units are not particularly durable (although they 
can withstand more damage than a stormtrooper, dewback trooper, or speeder bike). 
They should rarely, if ever, form the mainstay of an attack group or defensive position. 
On the other hand, you should rarely attack or defend without employing these units 
to target and destroy enemy infantry.
AT-ST (All-Terrain Scout Transport)
This walking, medium-range, armored transport is deadliest when deployed in groups 
of other AT-STs, AT-PTs and AT-AAs. After the stormtrooper, the All Terrain Scout 
Transport (AT-ST) is the workhorse of the Imperial military. The AT-ST is quick, 
durable, capable of crossing difficult terrain carrying a pair of stormtroopers, and 
able to destroy Rebel vehicles and installations quickly. Sturdier than the AT-PT, 
a group of unsupported AT-STs can blunt an attack of Rebel vehicles or turn a Rebel 
base to rubble. With AT-PT support, there is little this dependable, versatile unit 
cannot accomplish.Its versatility comes at a price, however. The AT-ST does many 
things very well, but excels at none of them. Although mobile, it is not as fast as 
the AT-PT or speeder bike. Although capable of transporting troops to the front, it 
carries fewer than the troop carrier or AT-AT. Still, this jack-of-all-trades can 
come in handy in any battlefield situation. It is perfect for attacking the enemy 
and suppressing enemy fire as your troopers take over. It serves equally well at home 
defending against enemy incursions. As soon as you can purchase these vehicles, do 
so. Any attack-and-defense force should include a healthy contingent of AT-STs, a 
marvel of Imperial military design.
Builder Shuttle
The way that buildings are brought down to a planet from orbit. The builder shuttle 
descends from space and drops off completely manufactured buildings.
Dewback Trooper
This heavy infantry unit is capable of firing anti-infantry bursts at enemy units. 
It can only be used on arid, desert planets and can carry a maximum of one 
stormtrooper.Dewback-mounted troopers are not much faster than an unmounted 
stormtrooper, and far slower than a speeder bike. Thus, the main advantage to 
employing this large desert lizard lies in the ability it affords a trooper to attack 
from a mounted position.Dewback troopers are excellent for protecting your 
installations from attack by enemy infantry. Their mounted gun can rip through Rebel 
ranks, and the dewback itself can sustain more damage than an individual trooper. 
You may use these units to attack enemy positions, but their slow speed makes 
coordinating such an attack somewhat difficult. Unless you can purchase faster 
vehicles, such as speeder bikes, keep this unit at your own base and use it 
Heavy Artillery Platform
An upgraded mobile artillery piece, this hovering platform carries a large weapon 
capable of raining down destruction on a Rebel base. A hit from the heavy artillery 
platform can severely damage all units within its blast radius, making it a hazard 
to both Imperials and Rebels.
Landing Craft
A modified Lambda-class shuttle capable of carrying troops and medium armor weapons, 
such as the AT-PT and mobile artillery platform, to the battlefield.
Mobile Artillery
Once this hovering platform is deployed, it becomes a medium-range artillery launcher 
capable of firing deadly bursts of energy in a parabolic arc. Blasts from any artillery 
unit can affect both friendly and enemy units, so always deploy them wisely.
Probe Droid (Probot)
The chief detector of the Imperial forces, this automaton drops from the sky like 
a meteor to investigate planets. However, probots are very fragile, and are easily 
destroyed by even the weakest of enemies.
Speeder Bike
This anti-infantry weapon is one of the fastest units on the battlefield. Used mainly 
as a scouting unit, its main weakness is a lack of armored protection for the rider.
TIE Craft
The Imperial Military takes a lot of pride in its small, one-man fighter crafts. 
The largest drawback to both of these units is their relative fragility. Both the 
TIE Bomber and especially the TIE Fighter are not designed to take much punishment. 
The TIE Fighter's agility should keep it fairly safe, while the TIE Bombers rely on 
the escort of the TIE Fighters to avoid damage. When using these units, attack with 
large groups or destroy any Rebel antiaircraft turrets and units before bringing in 
the TIE craft.
Tie Fighter
The workhorse of the Imperial space fleet, this little powerhouse is designed for 
strafing runs and anti-armor strikes. Although not designed for effective operation 
inside an atmosphere, they are employed as scouts and are deadly against units with 
no air protection. The TIE Fighter is a marvel of engineering, combining speed, 
maneuverability, and raw power in one compact package. They rely on their incredible 
agility to avoid damage. TIE Fighters are capable of battle both in space and in an 
atmosphere, making them versatile as well as dependable and powerful.
Tie Bomber
The big brother of the TIE Fighter is the TIE Bomber. A twin-ion engine craft designed 
to knock out enemy ground units with high-yield bombs that must be reloaded at a 
landing platform between missions. This unit is very powerful offensively, but is 
generally fragile and defenseless against other flying units. Much larger, and 
proportionally slower, the TIE Bomber is not designed to hold its own in a straight 
fight. Its job is to deliver massive payloads of powerful bombs to the enemy position, 
a job that the TIE Bomber is nearly perfectly suited for. It is slow and vulnerable 
on its own, but with support from TIE Fighters, the TIE Bomber can cause incredible 
TR-MB (Tracked-Mobile Base)
An Imperial prototype designed to transport a command center commander into the midst 
of a conflict. The TR-MB does not possess any weapons but can summon mobile units 
to its location away from the command center.
These soldiers (also known as scout troopers, snowtroopers or sandtroopers) carry 
blaster rifles that have the secondary ability to stun other infantry units, rendering 
them immobile for future capture and interrogation.Some battlefield commanders make 
the critical mistake of overlooking stormtroopers in their quest for faster, more 
powerful units. This is a mistake. Stormtroopers are among your most effective units, 
combining good firepower and versatility in one inexpensive package. Admittedly, a 
lone stormtrooper cannot withstand much abuse, but a large group can bring a lot of 
firepower at once to any given location. And because stormtroopers are difficult for 
enemy vehicles to target and hit, they have a good chance of surviving.Use 
stormtroopers for quick strikes against an enemy position, particularly if you wish 
to capture and garrison it. Stormtroopers are slightly more effective than their Rebel 
counterparts inside buildings- far more so, when you factor in their ability to stun 
enemies and end the conflict immediately. Stormtroopers also are useful for 
garrisoning your own buildings and preventing capture by Rebel agents. Speeder 
bike-mounted stormtroopers can reach distant enemy locations to take them over 
Tydirium Ferry Shuttle
An unarmed flying troop transport, the ferry shuttle can land almost anywhere and 
transport up to six stormtroopers to their destination without having to worry about 
difficult terrain.
TR-SD (Tracked-Shield-Disabler)
A single-purpose vehicle whose function is to eliminate the shield protection of Rebel 
units (like the attack tank), and buildings (such as the shield generator). This unit 
also has a secondary ion cannon, which allows it to disable unshielded vehicles, 
rendering them immobile.
Troop Carrier
This agile, wheeled troop transport has a top-mounted, anti-vehicle gun, and can hold 
up to six stormtroopers.
Rebel Units 
"Just as vital as knowing your units' capabilities is understanding those of Rebel 
units. Familiarity with their strengths and limitations allows you to attack 
efficiently, destroy quickly, and preserve your units' strength."
Rebel Trooper
Heavy Trooper
Air Units
Air speeders  
 Rebel Trooper
The Rebel trooper compares best to an unarmored stormtrooper, but it is far weaker. 
Although the weaponry is similar, the average Rebel trooper lacks our troops' training 
and battlefield experience.Do not let this lull you into complacency, however. Rebel 
troopers in large groups can pose a serious threat. Although they are less capable 
than our troops within the confines of a structure, they are nonetheless capable of 
creating problems for our larger vehicles; their small size and agility makes them 
difficult to hit.When attacking, the AT-PT affords you the best way to eliminate Rebel 
troopers. When you must defend, rely on both AT-PTs and anti-infantry turrets.
Heavy Trooper
Rebel heavy troopers are another story. With their powerful weaponry, these units 
can be a significant nuisance, particularly in large numbers. Like basic Rebel 
troopers, heavy troopers are difficult for our larger vehicles to target and destroy. 
These units' heavy weaponry can inflict significant damage to our machinery. A single 
heavy trooper makes an even match for a single AT-PT; a straight fight between the 
two often goes to the heavy trooper.Rely on your stormtroopers when you confront these 
enemies. Because they are geared to attack vehicles, they find it difficult to target 
stormtroopers effectively. Your attacking stormtroopers not actively engaged in 
taking over enemy structures should hunt down and eliminate these units as quickly 
as possible. This is an excellent reason to take over Rebel anti-infantry turrets: 
turn them against Rebel heavy troopers. At your own installations, rely on your own 
anti-infantry turrets, supported by stormtroopers and AT-PTs.
Without question, the most insidious Rebel infantry unit is the Infiltrator. This 
unit will latch onto an Imperial vehicle, enter it, kill the pilot, and take over.This 
capability can pose a serious problem, especially when infiltrators capture some of 
our larger and more powerful battlefield equipment. Infiltrators are trained 
especially for this mission and are equipped to take over any of Imperial units they 
can reach. Naturally, you must be on guard against them.Vigilance is the best defense 
against Rebel infiltrators. Because your net of anti-infantry turrets should cut them 
down before they can reach defensive units, you will encounter infiltrators most when 
you attack. Use supporting AT-PTs and stormtroopers to keep infiltrators away from 
your main attack vehicles, making them primary targets. Although Rebel heavy troopers 
certainly can inflict tremendous damage, nothing can blunt your attack faster than 
your own vehicles turned against you. Spare no expense to eliminate these units before 
anything else.
Like our speeder bikes, swoops provide Rebels a quick, efficient means for bringing 
their troops into position to attack. And as with our speeder bikes, swoop-mounted 
Rebel units must dismount to attack.You will encounter these units most often during 
Rebel attacks on your base. An effective set of anti-vehicle turrets (to destroy the 
swoops before the Rebel troopers dismount) and anti-infantry turrets (to kill the 
unmounted troopers) should prevent these units from inflicting much damage. Just be 
aware that they are remarkably fast and can attack without warning.
Unlike our own military, which relies on mobile, agile walker units, the Rebel 
military employs more traditional tanks. These are protected by both armor and shields 
that begin recharging the moment they take damage. Thus, these units can be difficult 
to destroy. The reliance on shields in lieu of additional armor also makes Rebel tanks 
relatively light and fast and they can strike and move away quickly.Meet Rebel tanks 
with force. AT-ATs and AT-STs, particularly in groups, can drive through a contingent 
of Rebel tanks quickly. A few solid hits will destroy the tanks' shielding and expose 
their feeble armor.When defending, a net of antivehicle turrets will make short work 
of oncoming tanks, particularly if AT-STs back them up.
Air Units
If the Rebel military has a true strength, it is in their small air- and spacecraft. 
Rebel tanks are often older and in poor repair, their troops untrained and without 
standard equipment. Even their capital ships show signs of neglect. But their fighter 
craft are always kept in top working condition. If the Rebels are to show significant 
resistance to us, it will usually be because of the presence of a good number of Rebel 
Air speeders 
Rebel airspeeders are a two-man craft frequently seen in planetary battles. Generally, 
one of the occupants pilots the craft while the other controls the airspeeder's 
weaponry. These craft are not capable of flight without an atmosphere, and in fact 
have a relatively low ceiling for how high they can travel in an atmosphere. These 
craft are small and maneuverable, and come with shields, making them tough to destroy.
Rebel Y-Wing starfighters are a single-occupant craft. These form the backbone of 
the Rebel air/space arm. Capable of operation both in an atmosphere and in space, 
the Y-Wing is a powerful craft suffering mainly from a low top speed. While slow and 
not very agile in flight, the Y-Wing has powerful shields and thick armor, allowing 
it to take a beating.While these two types of craft are quite different, your defenses 
against them will be quite similar. Any time you suspect that the Rebels may have 
an airfield, any attacking group you create should include AT-AAs. Additionally, 
until you can create antiaircraft turrets at your own base, ring your perimeter with 
stormtroopers to fend off the Rebel air attack.
1.5) Characters 
Brenn & Dellis Tantor
Brenn and Dellis Tantor were born in a small village on Garos IV, an idyllic world 
that had been afflicted by a bloody civil war. Under the Emperor's New Order, the 
Empire brought an end to the conflict and installed a government designed to maintain 
peace on the planet. The boys' own father joined the Imperial military as a transport 
pilot and taught his sons to respect the stormtroopers who protected Garos 
IV.Unfortunately, a small underground resistance movement formed on Garos IV. 
Imperial and anarchist factions clashed with increasing regularity, and eventually 
the Tantors' own village was caught in the crossfire. When their homestead was 
destroyed in an explosion, the brothers were buried beneath the rubble. Brenn regained 
consciousness as a stormtrooper pulled him and Dellis from the wreckage. Brenn and 
Dellis vowed to join the Imperial military in the hopes of becoming stormtroopers. 
Brenn traveled to the Imperial Academy immediately; Dellis followed him a year later. 
Soon after, their father undertook a dangerous mission to deliver medical supplies 
to the planet Graal'diin. His transport was caught in Rebel attack and he was slain, 
but his sons continued to pursue their dream. While at the Academy, Brenn focused 
all of his energies on combat training and developed a keen tactical mind. Dellis, 
in contrast, proved far more intellectual and specialized in the computer sciences, 
encryption, security systems, and communications. Both Brenn and Dellis petitioned 
for active stormtrooper duty, only to have their requests rejected. Their superiors 
explained that the stormtrooper selection process was controlled by "higher powers" 
within the Imperial ranks.
General Malcor Brashin
A career military man, Malcor Brashin entered the Academy as a very early age. Although 
his superiors did not consider him particularly ambitious, Brashin was viewed as 
competent and intelligent. Brashin would have probably remained an unspectacular 
Imperial officer if not for a tragic and defining moment in his life: while he was 
away from home on military maneuvers, Brashin's wife and daughter were murdered by 
Rodian thieves. The loss of his family transformed Brashin and he became one of the 
New Order's most outspoken zealots. He drove his forces mercilessly in the hopes of 
stopping the lawlessness and misery caused by "unchecked anarchists and aliens." With 
numerous military victories to his credit, Brashin has become one of the most 
respected - and feared - generals in the Imperial Army.
  General Taskeen
Unlike many Rebel officers, Tyr Taskeen did not attend the Academy nor was he ever 
a member of the Imperial military machine. After earning an education on Alderaan, 
Taskeen left home to start his own business. He honed his piloting and negotiation 
skills as a freelance starship dealer, selling advanced vehicles to spaceports and 
wealthy individuals throughout the galaxy. His business grew quickly and he became 
a very wealthy man. Although he and his employees had occasional run-ins with the 
Hutts and pirates, Taskeen continued to profit until the Emperor's New Order took 
hold of the galaxy. The Empire nationalized Taskeen's company, taking control of his 
wealth and facilities. Many of his alien employees were also taken into slavery. 
Enraged, Taskeen returned to Alderaan and joined the nascent Rebellion. Using his 
knowledge of the Outer Rim, he led many early Rebels to safe havens far from the Core. 
He also secured supplies and vehicles from former contacts sympathetic to the 
Rebellion. In recognition of all he had done for the Rebellion, Taskeen was 
continually promoted, until finally attaining the rank of General. Even among the 
dedicated Rebels, Taskeen is considered exceptionally driven and passionate; he would 
do virtually anything to ensure that the Alliance topples the Empire.
Captain Beri Tulon
Beri Tulon is descended from a long line of military officers. In fact, according 
to family legends, Tulon's ancestors fought alongside Empress Teta in the Great 
Hyperspace War. Beri himself never questioned his future and entered the Academy as 
soon as possible. Tulon truly enjoyed the camaraderie of the Imperial Army and he 
excelled at following orders. Like his ancestors, he eventually became an officer. 
As an officer, Tulon made every attempt to earn the friendship and respect of his 
troops. Because of this, Tulon was derided by his peers and chastised by his superiors, 
but the end results were phenomenal: Tulon's troops seemed to fight harder and live 
longer. Unfortunately, one of his jealous commanding officers conspired to have Tulon 
killed. He sent Tulon and his troops to Khomm for a "routine recon mission." The unit 
expected a short vacation on the relatively peaceful world, but instead found a group 
of Barabel mercenaries waiting. The Imperials were slaughtered, and only Tulon and 
a handful of soldiers escaped. Tulon quickly uncovered the treachery and had his 
superior officer executed, but the deaths on Khomm weighed heavily on the captain. 
He requested that he be allowed to train fellow officers rather than serve as an active 
commander. Because of his sterling record, Tulon's wish was granted and he is now 
one of the Empire's most decorated instructors.
1.6) Mission Briefings 
"Every Imperial Army Officer is expected to be able to survive in the field along 
with the men under his command, and to gain their respect by doing so. There is no 
room for students who have taken the army life in hopes of a cushy career."
Excerpt from "The Imperial Army - A Guide to Army Training for New Recruits"
Name: Desert Training
Objective: Follow Captain Tulon's Orders, Dellis Must Live
Resources: Zeta Squadron
The first three missions are training missions that take place on the planet Tatooine. 
They will teach you how to operate the Battlefield Holographic Control Interface (BHCI) 
and allow you to control the movements of some troopers. Overall, play with the 
controls as much as you can. The hardest thing about becoming an expert at the BHCI 
is learning how to control the camera instinctively. You won't have time elsewhere. 
In this first mission, you learn camera controls and how to move your units from place 
to place. Things heat up, however, when you become the spearhead in a search for two 
renegade droids.
Hint: Follow the tracks. 
Mission: 2
Name: Desert Training 2
Objective: Follow Captain Tulon's Orders, Dellis Must Live
Resources: Zeta Squadron
Training continues, as you become familiar with controlling your units in combat. 
Once again, make sure to practice with the camera controls when you can. In this 
mission, your continuing search for the errant droids leads you past dangerous Tusken 
Raiders to a huge Jawa Sandcrawler.
Tip: Keep your forces together to better fight off the Tusken Raiders.
Mission: 3
Name: Desert Training 3
Objective: Follow Captain Tulon's Orders, Dellis Must Live.
Resources: Zeta Squadron
In this final training mission, you will learn how to summon reinforcements and how 
to build an imperial base. However, the droids have still evaded the empire's grasp, 
and you are ordered to follow a lead deep into the desert to the dwelling of a 
mysterious desert hermit named Ben Kenobi...
Tip: Kenobi's house is located on the north side of the map.
Mission: 4
Name: Assault on Ruul
Objective: Capture the computer complex. Get Dellis inside the computer complex, 
Dellis must survive.
Resources: Probot, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Transports, Speederbikes, Stormtroopers, Dellis.
This is your first mission without the safety net of Captain Tulon. It is also one 
of the hardest missions to use the BHCI in, given the confined quarters of the canyon 
you find yourself in. Take your time and reinforce your base before venturing forth 
to complete your objectives. Remember to take over rebel buildings when you see them, 
instead of destroying them. Not only will this give you a flow of extra command points, 
but also it's easier to invade a rebel turret than obliterate it.
Mission: 5
Name: Assault on Ruul 2
Objective: Establish a continuous line of beacons connecting the computer complex 
to the communications tower. Dellis Must Survive.
Resources: Probot, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Transports, AT-AAs, Speederbikes, Stormtroopers, 
Your battles on Ruul continue in this mission, where you have to place a line of beacons 
across the map while defending yourself from Rebel attack. Once again, prepare your 
base for sneak attacks before sending out units to destroy or capture enemy units 
and buildings. Dellis is very important in this operation, as it is his ability to 
lay beacons that makes this mission possible, so protect him well!
Hint: The straight path is probably not the best way to go when laying beacons.
Mission: 6
Name: Crisis on Sarapin
Objective: Garrison all energy collection facilities. Dellis must survive.
Resources: Probot, Dewback Riders, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Transports, AT-AAs, Speederbikes, 
Stormtroopers, Dellis.
Welcome to the planet Sarapin, where the magma is free for all! This is a lengthy 
mission that takes you over some of the most hellish terrain in the galaxy. Really 
concentrate on defense while building up a sizable force, as the rebels have sunk 
their roots deep into this hot world. Remember, lava can kill your units if they walk 
or drive on the ground, but hover units, such as speeder bikes and probots aren't 
subject to that limitation.
Hint: Take care of your enemy before occupying the collectors. Also, remember that 
when you occupy an enemy command center, you can then summon reinforcements to that 
location as if it were your own base.
Mission: 7
Name: Crisis on Sarapin 2
Objective: Capture the drilling platform. Get Dellis into the drilling platform. 
Dellis must survive.
Resources: Probot, Dewback Riders, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Mobile Artillery, Transports, 
AT-AAs, TIE Fighters, Speederbikes, Stormtroopers, Dellis.
This is your first timed mission. The rebels have set up a drilling platform on full, 
and soon it will burrow to the planet's molten core, causing a massive explosion that 
will tear asunder the entire planet surface. To succeed, you should once again spend 
some time reinforcing your base before sending a convoy with Dellis up to the platform 
in the middle of the map. You are now able to summon TIE fighters as reinforcements. 
Although pretty frail, they make excellent scouts and are deadly against unprotected 
targets, like lone artillery or attack tanks. Remember to give your convoy lots of 
anti-air protection, as well. Those rebel airspeeders can be a big nuisance.
Mission: 8
Name: The Trap at Yavin IV
Objective: Neutralize any rebels on Yavin IV. Capture the Pyramid.
Resources: Probot, Dewback Riders, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Mobile Artillery, TR-SD, 
Transports, AT-AAs, TIE Fighters, Speederbikes, Stormtroopers.
Watch out, it's a trap! Rebels are hiding in the hills like Rodian Cockroaches in 
a greasy cantina, waiting for you to look away so they can strike! Use the canyons 
surrounding your base for defense by creating choke points. A good way to do this 
is to line up some AT-STs or some Mobile Artillery by a narrow pass to create a kill 
zone. Watch out for the Mobile Artillery, however. Their blasts can kill your units 
just as easily as your enemy's. Another unit you have available in this mission is 
the TR-SD, which takes out Rebel shields in a snap. Once bereft of their shields, 
the TR-SD can then use its disable ability to freeze the unit so the rest of your 
forces can clean it up without danger to themselves.
Mission: 9
Name: The Battle of Hoth
Objective: Destroy the shield generator. Capture the Rebel Hangar Bay. Get Darth Vader 
into the Rebel Hangar Bay. Darth Vader must survive.
Resources: Probot, AT-STs, AT-PTs, AT-ATs, Transports, AT-AAs, Speederbikes, 
Stormtroopers. Darth Vader
Talk about pressure! Lord Vader is sitting in a Star Destroyer, waiting for you to 
disable the Rebel shield generator so he can come down and teach that pesky Skywalker 
a lesson about the Dark Side. Although this mission isn't timed, if you delay too 
long, Vader will strip command from you, so keep on task! You don't get any 
reinforcements, so try to get to your goals as quickly as possible. Try to keep all 
of your units undamaged by grouping all of your units closely and destroying enemy 
units quickly with the liberal use of your AT-AT's chin guns. You can also use your 
Probot's extended sensory ability to see your enemies coming well before they know 
you're there. Finally, Darth comes down with a squad of stormtroopers right after 
you destroy the shield generator, so make sure the battleground is clear before you 
summon him.
Mission: 10
Name: Surprise at Endor
Objective: Scout locations for a possible shield generator base.
Resources: AT-STs, Speederbikes, Stormtroopers.
A familiar story for the Empire. You acquire some perfectly good land, but end up 
having to battle all the indigenous life for miles in order to keep your claim. Well, 
no matter, your AT-STs and speederbikes are more than a match for these primitive 
rodents. Remember that your stormtroopers can kill flying units, so keep them close 
together to defend against aerial attacks. One final thing: watch out for traps. A 
falling tree can really ruin an AT-ST's day.
Mission: 11
Name:  The Massacre on Abridon
Objective: Retake the Imperial base from the Rebels. Capture the Abridon Government 
Center. Clear Rebel forces from the Government garden area.
Resources: Probot, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Mobile Artillery, TR-SD, Transports, AT-AAs, TIE 
Fighters, TIE bombers, Tyderium Shuttle, Speederbikes, Stormtroopers.
The planet Abridon has defected over to the rebel side, and it's up to you to reaffirm 
their loyalties to the Empire! Because of the vast array of forces deployed against 
you, the first thing you might want to do is retake the captured Imperial Command 
Center, so that you can call down more reinforcements. Once that is done, use TIE 
fighters and TIE bombers to scout the terrain and find where your opposition is lying 
in wait. Move slowly and decimate everything in your way.
Mission: 12
Name:  The Massacre on Abridon 2
Objective: Capture the 5 rebel dignitaries. Hold dignitaries in prison platform until 
the prison ship leaves.
Resources: Probot, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Mobile Artillery, TR-SD, Transports, Heavy 
Artillery, AT-AAs, TIE Fighters, TIE bombers, Tyderium Shuttle, Speederbikes, 
This mission is going to be difficult. In the last mission, you stirred the Rebels 
up like a room full of divviks, and now they're calling for your blood. Luckily, you 
now have access to both heavy and fixed artillery, so you can bomb them from a good 
distance away. Unfortunately, there are those annoying dignitaries you are supposed 
to capture, which will die the instant one of your artillery barrages or TIE bomber 
runs gets close to them. What to do? Once again, defend your base, take it slow, and 
use your AT-ATs and TR-SDs to full effect, which includes using your AT-ATs as troop 
carriers for captured dignitaries.
Mission: 13
Name: The Massacre on Abridon 3
Objective: Destroy the Rebel Base. TR-MB must survive.
Resources: Probot, AT-STs, AT-PTs, Mobile Artillery, TR-SD, TR-MB, Transports, Heavy 
Artillery, AT-AAs, TIE Fighters, TIE bombers, Tyderium Shuttle, Speederbikes, 
This mission seems straight forward, find the rebel base and blow it up. However, 
things go awry when an AT-AT commander turns traitor and forces you to chase him down 
and destroy his AT-AT before he can defect to the other side. Luckily, you now have 
the TR-MB, a mobile command center, to help you out. With this vehicle, you can set 
down units (no buildings, though!) anywhere it happens to go. Remember, however, to 
only summon big units once you are out of the twisty hill roads, otherwise, they might 
have difficulty getting where you want to go quickly.
Mission: 14
Name: Escape From Kalaan
Objective: Get Brenn inside the TR-MB. Get the TR-MB to the Rebel evacuation point. 
Free Luke Skywalker from the Imperial command center. Get Luke Skywalker to the Rebel 
destination point.
Resources: Stormtroopers, TR-MB, Brenn, Luke Skywalker, Kalaanite rebels.
This is the first Rebel mission, but don't expect it to be easy. You have to escape 
from prison, convert some stormtroopers to your side, free Luke Skywalker from an 
Imperial command center, steal a valuable piece of equipment (that, incidentally, 
has no offensive weaponry on it) and get the heck off the planet! If you want to succeed, 
you'll have to be sneaky. An alarm will sound if you fire at anything, or move the 
TR-MB, but it won't sound if you take over buildings or turrets. Finally, you can 
use Luke's force powers to check out the surrounding area, making sure you don't step 
into a trap!
Mission: 15
Name: Return To Ruul
Objective: Rescue Beri Tulon from the Imperial forces before they get to the prison. 
Get Beri Tulon to the evacuation area. TR-MB must survive.
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Hover Transport, TR-MB, Ruulian rebels.
Welcome back to Ruul, the newest prison colony in the Empire. You'll land here without 
much but your TR-MB and a very limited selection of Rebel troops, so, once again, 
stealth will be your friend. In this mission, you'll be trying to intercept Beri Tulon 
as he's being taken from a holding facility to an actual prison. He's heavily guarded, 
so you might want to find the Ruulian rebels before taking the guarding units out. 
Finally, remember that heavy troopers carry anti-vehicle weapons, so, if you use them 
against infantry, remember to use their grenades instead of their guns.
Mission: 16
Name: Return to Ruul 2
Objective: Capture the computer complex. Get Beri Tulon into the computer complex. 
The TR-MB must survive.
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Hover Transport, TR-MB, Medical Droid. Guerrilla.
In this mission, you'll be trying to get some top-secret information from the Empire. 
Outnumbered once again, you can find help in the form of Ruulian Guerillas, stolen 
Imperial walkers and stolen Imperial speederbikes. Make sure to take over the Imperial 
command centers you pass by, or they'll cause you trouble, later. Try going around 
the northern portion of the map to avoid trouble. 
Mission: 17
Name: The Walker Gambit
Objective: Capture at least 1 AT-AT. Get at least one AT-AT back to the Rebel Base.
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Transport, TR-MB, Medical 
Droid, Swoop Bike, Y-Wing.
This mission introduces you to the Rebel infiltrator. This unit is able to take over 
Imperial AT-ATs and AT-STs to use for your own purposes. Note: It can take up to 4 
infiltrators to take over an enemy unit, so have plenty. One good strategy in this 
level is to use your Y-wing's disable ability to freeze an AT-AT before you infiltrate 
it, so take out any anti-air turrets you may come across while scouting out the area.
Mission: 18
Name: The Walker Gambit 2
Objective: Capture the Ion Cannon. Get Beri Tulon inside the Ion Cannon. At least 
one captured AT-AT must survive.
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Transport, TR-MB, Medical 
Droid, Repair Droid, Swoop Bike, Y-Wing.
This level is fairly straight forward, and a liberal use of Y-wings bombing and 
disabling might clear a path that a quick convoy can rush through to get to the ion 
cannon. Remember that repair droids can fix your captured AT-ATs when they get damaged, 
but it costs command points to do so...
Mission: 19
Name: Redemption at Abridon
Objective: Retake the government center. Destroy or capture the North West Imperial 
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Transport, Hover Tank, Attack 
Tank, TR-MB, Medical Droid, Repair Droid, Swoop Bike, Airspeeder, Y-Wing.
In this level, you'll eventually traverse almost every inch of the map to accomplish 
your goals. To help you, you now have the Rebel Attack Tank, whose secondary ability, 
the proton missile, can be launched from nearly half way across the map to strike 
at enemy units. Use these to safely take out turrets before rushing in to capture 
enemy bases. A good method to do this is to group all the tanks together and use the 
"F" and "T" keys to change the group leader and prime his missile for launch. An 
experienced player can use this method to send an almost constant stream of missiles 
at a single target until it is destroyed.
Mission: 20
Name: Redemption at Abridon 2
Objective: Capture the shipyard. TR-MB, 4 pilots and 4 A-Wings must survive.
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Transport, Hover Tank, Attack 
Tank, Scanner Jammer, TR-MB, Medical Droid, Repair Droid, Swoop Bike, Airspeeder, 
Stealth is once again your friend when you start this mission. The secret to success 
is to find a path through your enemies to reach the shipyard. Luckily, you now have 
the best scout in the game, the scanner jammer unit. Not only does this unit cloak 
your forces from being detected by radar, but also their secondary ability allows 
you to spot sections of the map without having to be near them. Using this unit, in 
conjunction with some well-placed tank shots will help you clear a path through the 
Imperial forces to win through to your goal.
Mission: 21
Name: The Alliance Strikes Back
Objective: Capture the shield bunker. Get Han Solo inside the shield bunker. Luke 
Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2D2, C3PO, and the shuttle "Tyderium" 
must survive. Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Tank, Attack Tank, Medical 
Droid, Repair Droid, Torpedo Launchers, Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia, R2, C3PO, Ewoks.
You are on Endor again, surrounded by rabid ewoks and bloodthirsty Imperials. But 
this time, you have Luke Skywalker and Co.! Use Leia and C3PO to convert the ewok 
forces over to your side, use your infiltrators and Chewie to grab the lone AT-STs 
hanging out in the jungle, and use Luke's force abilities to see far away terrain. 
Gather all the forces you can, avoid the highly guarded pass to the West, and strike!
Mission: 22
Name: The Siege of Coruscant
Objective: Capture the Imperial Command Center. Neutralize all four Imperial Sensor 
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Transport, Hover Tank, Attack 
Tank, Torpedo Launchers, Scanner Jammer, TR-MB, Medical Droid, Repair Droid, Swoop 
Bike, Airspeeder, Y-Wing.
This mission starts out fairly simple. Grab some antennas and an Imperial command 
center. However, holding on to what you've gained is going to be very tough! The 
command center is right in the middle of the map, completely exposed to attack from 
any direction. It'll be a fight just to stay alive. Remember to fully staff your 
turrets, antennas and command center with troopers or infiltrators so you can fight 
off invasion. Once you've established a sturdy base, use the giant pipes to hide behind 
while you use your torpedo launchers to pound your foes into submission.
Mission: 23
Name: The Siege of Coruscant 2
Objective: Destroy City Gate. Remove all the buildings from Imperial Control. At least 
half of the buildings must survive. Neutralize all Imperial opposition.
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Transport, Hover Tank, Attack 
Tank, Torpedo Launchers, Scanner Jammer, TR-MB, Medical Droid, Repair Droid, Swoop 
Bike, Airspeeder, Y-Wing.
Finally, no more need to sneak around! The Rebels have landed and they've come to 
kick some Imperial butt! Your base starts right out of range of the Imperial fixed 
artillery, but one step closer and any enemy unit that sees you will call down a hail 
of artillery fire. So, be patient, wait until any AT-AT gets in range and commandeer 
it with infiltrators. Use airspeeders to scout out the walls and use attack tanks 
to take out turrets. Then make your way in and clean up!
Mission: 24
Name: The Siege of Coruscant 3
Objective: Capture the Imperial Palace
Resources: Trooper, Heavy Trooper, Infiltrator, Hover Transport, Hover Tank, Attack 
Tank, Torpedo Launchers, Scanner Jammer, TR-MB, Medical Droid, Repair Droid, Swoop 
Bike, Airspeeder, Y-Wing.
This will be a fight to the finish, and you'll have to use every tactic you've developed 
to win this one. First, defend, defend, defend. Then, attack, attack, attack. In the 
end, if you're patient and strong enough, you will come out victorious! Long live 
the New Republic!
 1.7) Cheat mode 
Note: The v1.1 patch is required for this code. Start a new game and enter 
"TheGalaxyIsYours" as a case-sensitive name in the New Player slot. When choosing 
your new player you must double-click on the name, and not click on the blue arrow. 
Then while playing a game, enter one of the following codes to activate the 
corresponding cheat function: 
500 more command points M 
500 less command points [Ctrl] + M 
999999 life for unit [Keypad Asterisk]  
Win current mission [Ctrl] + W 
View all active units [Note 2] [Ctrl] + 8 
View all units [Note 2] [Ctrl] + [Shift] + 8 
Remove fog of war [Note 2] [Ctrl] + 9 
Order any unit regardless of command points [Note 3] [Shift] + M 
Spawn units without drop ship [Note 1] 0  
Note 1: Activate the code, then press [Up] or [Down] to select a unit. Press [Left] 
to spawn desired unit. Press [Shift] + [Up] or [Shift] + [Down] to change team of 
the spawned unit.
Note 2: Do this only after you have enabled the "spawn units without a drop ship" 
Note 3: This code also adds 500 command points to your total. 
Level Select 
Note: The v1.1 patch is required for this code. Start a new game and enter 
"TheWorldIsYours" as a case-sensitive name in the New Player slot. When choosing your 
new player you must double-click on the name, and not click on the blue arrow. 
Double Unit
If a unit carrier gets destroyed, remove the unit at the same time it explodes. If 
done correctly, that unit will be doubled. 
Faster patient walking 
Click on "Release Patient" when an Imperial vehicle is being healed on the repair 
bay. It will walk away faster. 
Hitting air units from the ground Ground units cannot normally hit air units. However, 
an AT-AT's chin gun can hit an enemy air unit. 
Pod Racer appearance Complete the second objective in the third training mission 
(destroy the buildings at the Jawa camp) and two Pod Racers will start racing around.