Press [Enter] during game play, type one of the following codes,

and press [Enter] again to activate the corresponding cheat function:

Code Result 
show me the money Minerals and gas increased by 10,000 
whats mine is mine Minerals increased by 500 
breathe deep Vespene gas increased by 500 
something for nothing Everything upgraded 
operation cwal Faster building and instant upgrades 
the gathering Unlimited psionic ability 
power overwhelming Indestructible buildings and ships 
war aint what it used to be Remove fog of war 
food for thought Ignore supply limit when building units 
black sheep wall Full map 
noglues Opponent has no psionics 
modify the phase variance Build anything 
medieval man Free upgrades to units 
there is no cow level Mission skip * 
ophelia Enable mission select 
terran # Terran mission # 
zerg # Zer mission # 
protoss # Protoss mission # 
staying alive Continue after mission completed 
man over game Win game 
game over man Lose game 
special warriors for nothing Free Special Hero 

* This code must be enabled before the other mission selection codes are used. 

Hear different unit phrases:
Select a unit four times. Select it again to hear a different phrase. This may be done on every ground unit, air unit, and heroes. Depending on type, four to seven different phrases may be heard. 

Nuke neutral animals:
Keep selecting a neutral animal (Kakaru, Rhyadon, Scantid, Ursadon, Bangalass, Or Ragnasaur) repeatedly until a nuke falls on them. They should make up to fifteen sounds before they die. 

Getting 400 Max. Units
First get 200 marines to go attack the enemies' base -- must get exactly 200 Marines. Destroy ONLY one of the enemies' pylons, overlord or supply depot. Then let the enemy kill and destroy all the marines. DO not let them ( the marines) destroy anything else because it will mess up the code. Let them stand there and allow the computer opponent to devour them. Then go back and you can get 400 max.