Activate the console with "t" and type in the 
following codes:
boinga*-God mode 
cartograph-Show Map 
diediedie-All Weapons 
freebird-Fly Mode 
gameover-Level Jump 
gimmestuff-Full Inventory 
gospeedgo*-Slow-mo mode 
quickzap-Warp to special corridor(?) 
statuesque*-Freeze Enemies 
trainme-Force Level Up 
trixie-Full Mana 
*- codes must have a (space) then a 1 or a 0 after 
them. 1 is on, 0 is off.
by unknown
To enable cheats, during gameplay, bring down the 
console with [Shift + ~] and type: "devmapall". You
can then enter the code in the console: 
god - God Mode 
noclip - No Clipping Mode 
notarget - Enemies Ignore You 
kill - Kill Yourself 
give all - All Weapons and Health/Armor at Max 
give health - Health at 100% 
give armor - Armor at 100% 
give ammo - Ammo at 100% 
give X # - Give Item X (# = amount)

Walkthrough, v1.0
Hello everyone - 
I hope you're all as excited about this game as I am. (Note to self, 
stop making completely obvious statements).  I've cranked out this 
walkthrough for everyone, because there are a ton of places to get held 
up, and I've already seen forums everywhere exploding with questions and 
Before you ask about the "punctuality" of this release, please know 
that I had to plead with a friend to get an early release copy a couple 
days beforehand, as I'm sure all of the rest of you forum lurkers did as 
well.  I have not had this much fun in a game since Half-Life, and I was 
itching to run out early this morning and get that collector's tin.  
Man, let me tell you, when I saw that blue saber logo in real life, my 
knees got a bit weak. =)
A word of caution, this walkthrough was VERY hastily prepared, and while 
I am sure that you'll be able to follow it through to the end of the 
game, it is probably missing many details (a number of secrets have been 
missed, for starters).  Therefore, this is only an initial release.  I'd 
like everyone in the community to use the email address at the bottom in 
order to update me on problems/additions I can make to the walkthrough.    
However, please observe my following requests:
-Don't send me spam
-Don't send porn spam either =)
-Don't email me further game questions you have...use the forums  
-Don't ask any questions about my mental state, either =)
Again, please send updates and additions to the address below, and I 
will post the revised editions.  This walkthrough will always be on
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
KyleKatrn on EFNet
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 1 (kejim_post)
Starting Off
            You and Jan start off behind a fighter, a small distance away 
from two stormtroopers.  Jan will carefully walk forward, and peek 
around some crates.  Follow her and check out where the troops are.  
Before engaging them, look to the left and you will see a door.  Inside
is a small room with a bunch of crates and a shelf with some mines 
blocking it.  Back away from the door and shoot the mines with your 
blaster; don't worry, the troopers won't notice.  You can pick up the 
blaster pack ammo, and there is an instant use healthpack for later.
After this, climb up on the crates to the top of the room, where you 
will find the first secret, a health canister and battery.  Exit the 
room and move back towards the shocktroopers.  Kill them, and then walk
around the small ledge to the in front of the ship.  Around the corner
you will find an imperial officer, and stairs leading to a loading 
platform with 5 additional stormtroopers. (There is also one up on the
ledge shooting down at you...kill him and enjoy the first falling death
of the game =).  Notice that there is a gun turret on the platform, but
it is offline.  After killing the troopers, Jan will attempt to break 
through the main cargo door, commenting that your blasters will be 
ineffective.  You offer to find another way around.  Shortly after your
conversation, three more troopers will emerge from around the corner to
the left of the door.  Kill em, and walk around where they came from.
Go through the doorway and you will find a small room with a shield 
regenerator (the small trash can with green lights.  press the use 
button to charge your shields.)  Jan reminds you to search any officers
for keycards...this is important, and will be a task you frequently
have to accomplish throughout the game.  go through the door to find
an officer with, surprise surprise, a supply key!  Notice that you
receive a message saying that it is a "supply" key.  This type of
key will only open small locked storage crates.  To unlock doors, you
will need an actual "security" key, usually found on higher ranking 
officers.  After killing this one, move to the lift and press the 
button to ride up.  You will now be on the ledge where you shot the
trooper who fell.  Look to your right, and go into the will
see a thin lift along the right wall.  Take it up into the control room.  
Along the window you will see a panel with a picture of the turret from 
the platform.  Push it, and you will see a short cutscene of the turret
powering up, and an automated voice saying that the security system has
been activated.  The alarms will start going off.  Jan comments that
the door still wasn't open, but that she's got company...three
stormtroopers have come out onto the ledge.  Go back down and wipe em
out, then make your way down to the platform again.  Hop in the turret,
turn around and shoot the door, blowing it open.  Follow Jan on to the
lift inside.  You will pass a checkpoint, and the lift begins to move
The Blue Section 
            You are now in the "blue section" of the base (it's not apparent 
at this point, but it's easier to wade through this guide if it's 
somewhat sectioned off) Once at the door at the bottom, you will 
instruct Jan to wait and cover your back.  Make sure to notice the 
lights on the door.  They are green, which means the door is  (usually) 
open.  Locked doors will have two red lights on them.  I said "usually" 
open because in this case, you have to press the button next to it, and 
it will open.  Inside is a long hallway with a green-light door to your 
immediate right, a security room with a window to your left, and a 
stormtrooper at the end.  Once you move forward to kill the trooper, 
five more will emerge from the door on the right.  Jan will come through 
and help you kill them.  Once done, go into the cargo bay they came 
from.  Explore around the crates and you will find a belt of thermal 
detonators and some batteries.  Look at the container sitting over a 
grate on the floor...learn to recognize those, because they explode 
when you shoot them, often offering goodies or a hidden passage.  Drop 
through the broken grate and walk up the small set of stairs in this 
dark room.  Proceed around the corner to the right and walk to the end 
of the long hallway.  (you will see a door on the left, which only 
leads you underneath the lift you took to get down).  At the end of the 
hallway is a large machine of some kind.  You have to blow it up, but 
be careful.  It doesn't take many shots, but it will release a large 
ball of fire that shoots back all the way to the end of the hallway.  
Either shoot it while you're still at the end and just hide around the 
corner, or get closer to it and use the door that leads under the large 
lift.  Once the machine is destroyed, walk all the way around it and 
you will see a computer console and a small lift.  Ride it up into a 
VERY dark room.  In this room you will see a grate on the floor.  Shoot 
it and drop through to get to the security room you saw when you first 
came down into the base.  Kill the officer, grab his supply key and 
then look at the window to your right.  You will see a row of buttons, 
1 blue and 3 red.  Push all the red buttons so that they are blue, 
this opens a bunch of doors.  Jan, who was waiting by the entrance door,
 will now be able to come and join you in the room.  She fiddles with 
the computer, unlocks some more stuff, and tells you she's going to 
hang around there to cause more trouble =).  
            Go to the shelf to her right, and pick up some blaster ammo.  
Now, exit the room.  You will encounter an officer and four troopers.  
After dispatching them, go through the door 
they came from.  You will be in a room with two green light doors, one 
on the left and one on the right.  Let's go to the right first.  Follow 
the passage and you will see another cargo bay to the left with a whole 
load of troopers, and a door on the right that leads to the original 
cargo bay where you dropped through the floor.  No need to go back in 
there for now.  Wipe out the troopers in the new bay, and find the 
first security crate.  These are the crates i mentioned that can be 
opened with supply keys.  Look at the small console side, press the 
use button and it will open, giving you the light amplification goggles.  
Grab them, and then move to the corner of the bay where there is a large 
lift.  Push the button and ride it will notice the the room 
is pitch black, how handy that you just found the goggles!  Turn them on
 (default key is numberpad left) and explore the room.  Jan radios you 
and mentions that the base is divided into 3 sections...important info 
for later.  In the room behind some of the crates you will find a secret 
area with two shelves containing an instant use healthkit and blaster 
ammo.  Turn around and go to the right, around more crates and you will 
see a dimly lit small maintenance door.  Crouch, walk through it and go 
into a room with four troopers and an officer.  Kill them, grab his 
supply key and head over to the control panel.  You will comment that 
the blue symbol looks like an imperial code, and you receive a message 
that your objectives have been updated.  Check them and you will see 
instructions to input the code at the "main array".  You'll encounter 
this later.  Look to at the rest of the console and you will see a map 
of the base, conveniently colored in red blue and green.  Notice that 
there is a blue button lit up, and the blue section of the map is lit 
as well.  Push the other two buttons, and see the red and green part 
of the base light up too.  You can now access more of the base.  
            Take the door out of this room and you will find a forcefield 
with a button next to it.  Push the button to let down the forcefield, 
and then climb up the stairs.  At the top of the stairs you'll need to 
kill two troopers.  Just to get your bearings, walk through the 
green-light door in front of you to see the cargo area with the lift.  
Now, standing at the top of the stairs, facing the door to the bay, go 
left.  Along this hallway you will find three troopers.  After killing 
them, go over to the shelf next to the thin window that looks out on a 
few suspended walkways.  Pick up the healthkit and blaster ammo, then 
continue down the hallway.  You will encounter one trooper at the end, 
and then be able to see the main array.  Make another mental note and 
study this area.  Remember how Jan said the base was in 3 different 
parts, and you just unlocked the green and red areas?  Well, look at 
the symbols above the doorways on each plank.  Blue, Red, and Green.  
Coincidence? heh.  Now move toward the main array.  You will see that 
there is a screen for the three colored icons.  If you try to press 
anything, Kyle comments that it is offline.  That's ok, you need to 
get the green and red codes first anyway.  Go into the GREEN section 
from here.  
The Green Section
            There are two ceiling mounted turrets in the room, along with a 
small windowed security room with an officer.  The turrets will start 
shooting you, but there's no need to try and blow them up.  Strafe 
through the room to avoid them and and move around to the left of the 
windowed room.  Go through the green-light door, and immediately turn 
right to go up in the security room.  Kill the officer, and press the 
button to turn off the turrets.  In either corner of the room you will 
find a shield recharger, a shelf with a couple assualt rifles, and a 
health canister on the floor.  go out of the security room and head 
straight.  Kill the 3 stormtroopers, and then head down the set of 
stairs to your left.  Go through the door and kill the four troopers in 
this room.  Near the end of the room, by another set of stairs leading 
up, is a security console.  Press the button that looks different, and 
you will hear and conversation between yourself and Jan, telling her to 
come help with the computer.  Walk away from the console and wait a few 
moments.  Jan will radio you and tell you she's under attack from 
troopers and needs your help.  Doh!  Go back out of this room the way 
you came, up the small set of stairs and out by the main array again.  
You will see two troopers guarding the way back to the blue section.  
Kill them and then run down the hallway.  
Back to the Blue Section (momentarily) 
            Go into the first door on your left (remember this one?  Where I 
told you to previously get your bearings?) It leads into the cargo bay 
where you'll find Jan and the troopers. Help her wipe them out, then 
she'll bitch at you for taking your sweet time to get there, then asks 
to be led to the computer.  *Sigh* now all the way back to the green 
section.  If you really can't remember...exit the cargo bay where you 
came out, turn right and go down the hallway, past the main array and 
into the green area. 
The Green Section (continued) 
            (Notice the turrets are inactive now :-) proceed through the 
security room, and with your back to the booth doors, head down the 
stairs to your left.  Lead Jan over to the console, where she will fool 
around with some more stuff.  You see a short cutscene showing a 
red-light door unlocking, turning to green.  Again Jan will stay to 
screw around, so go back out the way you came again.  (You could go 
up the stairs to the right of the console, but I figured you'd be more 
familiar with that other small set of stairs by now).  Now, looking at 
those stairs that lead down to the room you just came out of, go 
straight and enter the first green-light door on your right.  Kill the 
officer and four troopers.  To the left of the door you entered, there 
is a shelf with yet more blaster ammo and a healthkit.  on the floor is 
a health canister and your first large shield booster.  Go explore the 
rest of the room, and by the red and blue displays you will find the 
green clearance code on a wall terminal.  Your objectives are updated 
accordingly.  With your back facing that terminal, head through the 
door that is right in front of you.  you are now back in the hallway.  
go right and you will see a set of stairs leading up.  Follow them up 
to a short hallway.  There is a green-light door to your immediate 
right, a thin door at the end directly in front of you, and another 
green-light door at the end over to the left.  Take the door on the 
right first.  In this small room you will see various computers and a 
couple crates.  Now, remember way back when you blew up that crate to 
drop through the floor?  These crates are the same kind.  You can blow 
them up, or just walk around behind them to find a shelf with, yes, more 
blaster ammo and a healthkit.  Go back out of the room into the short 
hallway. Go through the thin door, and walk up the small stairs to a 
windowed control booth similar to the one you saw with the turrets.  
Well, there are turrets outside of this one as well...push the button 
to turn them off.  In the corner of the security booth you'll get some 
more blaster rifles and another health canister.  Go out of the booth 
and head right, through the green-light door.  In this room there is a 
lift...if you try to operate it, you'll hear a few mechanical sounds but 
nothing will happen.  That's ok, we can come back later.  Backtrack 
allll the way to the main array (not as hard as it sounds, really...exit 
the lift room, go down the stairs and follow the long hallway to the 
very end, and you'll be by the green security booth again.  Go out on 
the planks, and now it's time for the red section.  
The Red Section
            The red section has the same layout as the first room in the 
green section...ceiling turrets, security booth with guard.  So, do the 
same by the turrets, through the green-lit door and take a 
right up into the booth.  Kill the guard, grab the rifles and health 
canister (damn, at least the remnant forces are consistent :-) and then 
walk out of the booth.  With your back to the booth door, you'll see 
two ways to go...straight, or up a set of stairs to the left.  Take the 
stairs.  Kill the two troopers up here, and then circle around to the 
left to find a small lift.  There's no button to press, just wait a few 
seconds and it will take you up.  Kill the troopers and check out the 
room.  It's an observation deck the overlooks the main array area you've 
been running through.  Press the button in the middle of the window...
you'll see that it lets down a forcefield which is blocking another 
button on the walkway lining the array area.  Go out the doorway on the 
right to walk along the ledge.  Press the button once you're there, and 
turn around to see a part of the array extend downward, activating an 
energy beam.  You can also see an officer and a bunch of troopers run 
into the observation room you just came from.  Doh!  Head back into the 
room, kill them, and then make your way back to the bottom of the curved 
stairs.  This will lead you right back to the doors to the security booth 
and the turret room. 
            Now, turn with your back to the booth door, like you did before.  
Instead of heading up the stairs, go straight.  Go through this room's 
door, into an area with two supply crates on the left side.  Because 
you've picked up the necessary supply keys, you can open both of them.  
Each contains a health canister.  Finish off the troopers in this room, 
then go to the opposite end.  You will see a control panel with a 
picture of a satellite dish on it.  Press it a few times to see 
some interesting cutscenes.  After you're done, turn around and 
take the hallway on the right.  You will see a red-lit door on your 
left...go past it.  On the left will be one trooper, along with weapon 
and shield rechargers.  On the right is a green-lit door.  Stock up if 
you need to, then proceed through this door.  You'll see a couple 
troopers get blown up by a leaking gas pipe.  Go left into the long 
tunnel, and kill the trooper.  Once you reach the end of the tunnel, 
there will be a cutscene showing it explode behind you.  Proceed down 
the hallway and take the door on the right, leading to some stairs.  
At the bottom you'll find a room with three hovering droids, take them 
out, and notice the small lift along the left wall, with an ammo 
recharger at the top.  Ride it up and recharge.  You can go through the 
door here if you want, but it only leads to the 2nd red tunnel, which 
will blow up when you get halfway through it, forcing you to go back 
anyway.  So, once you finish using the recharger, hop back down and 
find the other small lift located behind the glass panel.  This takes 
you up to a short passageway that leads outside.  You will now be next 
to the radar dish you saw in the cutscenes a few steps back.  Kill the 
two hover droids, then walk along the roof of the passageway on the 
right.  There is a hole in the roof at the end...drop down and kill the 
2 troopers.  Head left through the small door and kill the officers and 
trooper, then grab the ammo and healthkit from the shelf.  The green-lit 
door leading out of this room will run you into yet more troopers and an 
officer, as well as a console with the final command code, the red one.  
Go out the door to the left of the console and kill the three troopers.  
            You will notice that you are back in the hallway next to the room 
with the satellite buttons.  Turn right to go back in this room.  It 
should be fairly easy to backtrack through the room, past the stairs and 
through the security area, out onto the main array platforms.  Finally!  
You can turn the damn thing on.  For each panel, press the three buttons 
until the image matches the icon in your objectives.  Once all 3 icons 
match, go to the last side of the array and push all three switches.  A 
walkway will extend in front of you, allowing progress forward.  You 
radio Jan to tell her to prep the ship, and then continue on your way.  
Go straight through this new door, and on to the next level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 2 (kejim_base)
Starting Out
            Walk forward, but don't go past the window on your left.  Inch by 
until you can see some small gas tanks.  Shoot through the window and 
blow up the tanks; this will kill the 2 troopers that were standing next 
to them.  Go around the window and kill the remaining four troopers and 
the officer.  In this hallway, there are two rooms to either side and a 
locked door at the end.  The two side rooms contain various weapons and 
health, so grab em.  Proceed to the locked door and get your first 
"security" key off of the dead officer.  To the right of the door, you 
will see a lock mechanism.  This is another thing to remember...all the 
security keys you get will unlock a door with this type of lock.  Open 
it, and you will see a room with two troopers and a wall mounted turret 
at the far wall.  Blast all three.  To your right is a locked door that 
leads to the security booth. Go left through the unlocked door.  This 
leads to a hallway with 2 troopers.  At the end, there is a shelf with 
the standard ammo pack/health kit.  To your left is a button that will 
open the large security door on the right side of the hallway.  Once 
this door opens, shoot the glass and climb through onto the small 
platform with two switches.  Take a look at the freezer in the middle 
of the room.  
The Freezer
            Pressing the two buttons will move the arms inside the freezer.  
The single button over to your left simply deactivates the forcefield 
which leads to the hallway you just climbed out of (saving you the 
trouble of climbing back through).  Go to the right of the freezer and 
kill the officer, swiping his key in the process.  As soon as you start 
to go down the stairs he was guarding, you'll be greeted with two new 
hover droids, and two troopers on a ledge above you.  Wipe out these guys, 
and check out the two locked doors at the bottom of the'll 
be back here later.  Head out to the freezer again, looking with the two 
switches behind you.  Break the windows on the freezer if needed, then 
jump in and head through the door on the bottom.  You'll take some damage 
due to the cold, but not too much.  In this new room, look to the right 
for a switch.  Hit it, and the door next to it will open, exposing a 
control panel.  Turn it on and you will see a diagram of some type of 
power levels dropping.  You've just turned off the freezer =).  Head up 
the stairs, hit the switch and go out the door.  Notice that you're right 
back where those 2 troopers and droids were.  Go back out to the freezer 
and jump in again, but stay on the ledge.  Jump up onto the arm, and then 
up to the catwalk.  Don't go forward just yet.  Move left, along the 
ridge on the outside of the freezer.  On the opposite end you'll find the 
first secret, a supply crate with shields and a battery.  Now, go back 
around to the catwalk.  There is a door in front of you, but look left 
and you'll see an ammo recharger and a belt of detonators hidden behind 
some pipes.  Jump over to use it and you'll get the second secret.  Go 
back on the catwalk and proceed through the door.  This takes you out 
onto the second level of a large room.  This will be designated the 
"pool room"...take note of the pool of water below you. Don't fall in, 
its electrified. 
Pool Room/Quest for Goodies
            Kill the two hover droids, and then walk straight out to the 
structure in the center.  From this spot you should be able to take out 
the two troopers and the officer over on the left, through the windows.  
You can get the two troopers on the bottom level too, by the stairs.  
They're guarding the door to the "goodie room", as i call it.  Go over 
to the left side of the pool room, take the lift down and get to the 
stairs where you just killed those 2 troopers.  The door at the bottom 
will lead you to a big room with lots of goodies stashed on high ledges.  
There are three turrets guarding the goodie room, take them out.  Now 
you're going to find a way to get those goodies =)
            Head back out the door, up the stairs into the pool room, and 
back up the lift to the second level.  Make your way over to the windows 
on the second floor, and look inside the room.  Shoot the explodable 
container inside; it will burn out the switch next to it and extend a 
platform that leads into the room.  Go in, grab the health/ammo on the 
shelf, and press the button.  Take the small lift in this room down, and 
take the blaster rifles on the wall if you need them.  Head down the 
hallway and into a security booth.  Hit the switch and you'll see a bunch 
of blocks raise up from the floor, making some of those goodies 
accessible.  Head back down the hallway, up the lift, back into the pool 
room again, and down to the stairs to get back in the goodie room.  With 
the turrets out of the way, it will be easy to hop up and snag the health 
canisters and shield boosters.  Go back out to the pool room.  You'll 
notice that on the first floor, on one side, there is walkway leading to 
the big structure in the middle.  Walk forward and a door will open up, 
exposing the inside.  Go in, drop in the hole, then turn around and 
crouch through the long tunnel.  
Cryo Room/Continued Goodies Quest 
            At the end is a large room, designated the "cryo room".  You'll 
find out why in a sec.  On your left is a big storage area with big glass 
containers.  On your right is an unlocked door, and in the far right 
corner there is a health canister sitting on a console.  Go over, grab 
it, and press the button.  You'll see four cryo chambers pop up from the 
floor.  Now, go over to the red-lit hallway by the cryochamber, through 
the door and hit the switch in this second booth overlooking the goodie 
room.  Notice that the blocks change position, and new turrets appear.  
Head back out the hallway and down the stairs to the goodie room.  Kill 
the turrets, and claim your rewards =).  Once you're done, go back up 
the stairs to the cryo room, and over to the other end.  Climb up to the 
unlocked door and go through.  You'll see an officer standing guard at a 
console behind a glass-windowed security station.  Once you shoot him, 
five or six troopers will come at you.  After killing them, walk forward 
and be ready for the ceiling mounted turret on your right.  Flip the 
switch where the officer was standing, and get his supply key.  Now, 
facing the station from the way you came in, you can either go left or 
right.  Keep a mental note of this spot...I'll call this the "T" 
junction for reference.  Going right leads down to detention cells, left 
is a corridor.  Back the way you came is the cryo room.  Here's a quick 
printout, just to make sure you're all in the right spot:
                            |_|  << Security Station
                ________| |________
                ________   ________ >> Down stairs to cells
      << Hallway    | |
                            | |
                            | |vv Cryo Room
T Junction - Going Left
            Start by going left.  When you see that the hallway turns left 
again, be ready for the officer that's hiding in the corner...he's 
holding a security key.  Once you get it, continue down the hallway and 
use the key on the locked door.  The next room overlooks the cryo room.  
Go over to the left and press the two buttons  (**The order actually 
matters have to press the one on the right first).  Now 
proceed through the unlocked door at the end of the room, and through 
the hallway.  You will come to a room with a wall turret on your immediate 
left, another on the far right, and a security booth in the middle.  Once 
both turrets are destroyed, go over to the right one.  There's another 
explodable container blocking a duct.  Blow it up, climb through, and then 
shoot the grate to get out.  You're now inside the security booth you just 
saw.  Hit the two switches and then go down the stairs and out the booth's 
door.  In front of you will be a locked door.  However, you'll hear guards 
behind it planting a mine.  Walk forward a bit...they'll yell "get clear!", 
the door will open, and they'll get nuked by it =).  Go into this room, 
kill the four troopers and the officer, and get his security key.  Go left, 
up the few stairs and down the hallway.  You'll now be in yet another 
booth that overlooks the goodie room.  Hit the switch...the blocks will 
change, new turrets, you know the drill.  Go back out the hallway into the 
room, and use your key on the door on your left.  Be careful here...there's 
a trooper in the room, but three trip mines as well.  Throw a grenade in to 
set them off.  Once it's safe, head through to the lift and move down to the 
goodie room.  If you crouch and sneak forward, you can get a good number of 
the turrets.  There's only one new accessible goodie ledge, so i only took 
out the turrets by that one.  Grab the goodies and head back up the lift 
once you're done.  Walk out into the room, and....
...At this point, you have two choices.  You can go back to the T 
junction and get some stuff there, or you can continue forward.  This 
guide assumes you will be going to back, but you don't have to.  Take 
the door on the right that you came through.  Take another right to go 
through the room with the 2 turrets and the security booth, along the 
hallway, through the room overlooking the cryotubes, and finally, back 
to the T junction.
T Junction - Going Right
Head down towards the detention cells and explore around.  In on part 
you'll find a switch that turns off a forcefield, leading back into the 
pool room.  No need to go in there yet.  Keep looking around the cells 
and you'll find a lift that takes you up to the second level.  At the 
top, head out the thin door and look around.  You can see the tops of 
the cells over to the left, another thin door ahead of you, and a 
locked door to the right.  Go in the thin door...this leads to a 
security booth you saw a loooong time ago.  Hit the two switches and then 
go back out to the right, over on top of the cells.  Kill the officer at 
the end of the room and hit the switch by him.  The cell forcefields are 
now deactivated.  Drop down in one of them, but be careful. There are now 
2 new hover droids, when they attack you, your view gets all loopy and 
your health will drain.  Dispatch them quickly.  Now explore the rooms 
that were previously blocked by the forcefields.  One has a shelf with 
ammo/healthkit and a supply crate holding a health canister.  The other 
has a detonation pack and a grenade belt.  Now, go back up the stairs 
and into the T junction again.  
T Junction - Going Left, continued
Go the way you went the first time: through the hallway, past the room 
overlooking the cryo room, through the short hallway, into the room with 
the 2 turrets and the security booth.  Continue straight through the 
door out of this room, and take the first door on your left. Once back 
in this room, look at the door to your right.  It seems like it has a 
forcefield blocking it, but it doesn't.  Once through, you will a see 
door open up, to a room with a bunch of stormtroopers, with one of them 
manning a big ass gun.  Kill them off with the help of all those 
explodable crates.  Once you take out the gunner, make your way around 
behind him, flip the switch, and then hop in the gun.  Have fun mowing 
down the troopers that come at you.  Once they're dead, head into the 
room they came from.  Here, there is a crystal inside a large machine.  
Move over to the red control area on the left, and hit the buttons.  
The machine will go haywire, shooting lasers everywhere.  You'll have 
to duck, and crouchwalk all the way around the machine.  You want to 
make it through the hole it blasted in one of the doors.  Once you're 
through there, head down the stairs and look to your right.  There's a 
computer cluster behind a locked glass door, but you don't have the key 
yet.  Head left towards the door at the end.  Be careful here.  Inside 
the next room are two dead officers, one with the security key you need 
for that glass door.  However, they're dead because of some weird 
electrical radiation that has flooded the room.  Make sure you have some 
health before you go'll have to zip in, snag the key and get 
back out again.  As long as you're quick, the radiation won't finish 
you off.  go back to the glass door, unlock it and check out the console.  
Kyle remarks that it controls droids...hehe, now for some fun.  As soon 
as you press the button, your view is shifted to a tiny droid you now 
have control over.  move forward and out into the room.  As the droid, 
you can safely go into the radiation room.  Scurry over to the small 
little droid door, and hit the button.  go inside, and head right, into 
a small blue crawlspace.  At the end is a room that has another little 
droid button on the wall in the corner.  Move down the ramp on the left 
and hit it.  That radiation room is now safe.  Press spacebar to switch 
back to your normal view, and head inside the room.  Go left and around, 
you'll find a door.  It leads to a room with a bunch of crystals and 
stormtroopers.  Don't worry about falling in the blue water...the slots 
aren't wide enough.  Make your way through the room, and exit through 
the thin door.  You'll see the beginning of a walkway, and a shield 
regenerator.  Use it if needed, and then proceed down the curved hallway 
to the end of the level. 
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 3 (artus_mine)
Don't Fall In
            Proceed through the canyon passage until you can see the 
buildings with the spotlights.  Kyle says it'd be a good idea to avoid that's what you'll do.  Drop down and circle around to the 
left, and make your way underneath the lights.  Walk on the ledge at the 
base of the tower, go inside the door, and then flip the switch to turn 
off the lights.  Move back out, then jump up and get to the octagonal 
platform that is right in front of the pipes that extend over the green 
river.  Hop down, and you'll see the three pipes stretching up to your 
right explode when you get close to them.  Continue straight, and jump up 
from pipe to pipe, until you reach the top.  (the pipes will continue to 
explode and break as you go up, but don't worry).  Once at the top, get 
on to the metal walkway, move around to the left, and go up the stairs.  
Walk through the door and kill the four or five troopers, and the officer 
on the second level as well.  The ramp to your left has a lift on either 
side of it...take one up so you can grab the security key from the 
officer.  Drop down and unlock the door at the bottom of the ramp.  
You've now inflitrated the mine, completing one of your objectives.
            Fill up with the two regen units you find, and proceed to the 
next room.  Once you get rid of the three officers, get both the 
security key and the supply key, and then open the door to your left.  
Four troopers are waiting for you on the other side; fry em and then 
head down on the lift.  the first secret is on your way down...make sure 
at the top, you're facing the room you just came from.  As the lift 
moves down, crouch and get ready to move forward.  About halfway down 
you'll see a small crawlspace...sneak in there and move toward the end. 
 A panel will lift up, revealing a belt of thermal detonators.  In front 
of you is a small hole that leads down to a much larger room.  3 
troopers are right below you, talking about an intruder =).  Drop a few 
grenades on them, then turn around and head to the lift again.  Press 
the button near the edge to turn it on again, then hop on and ride it 
down to that big room.  Get rid of the remaining troopers, retrieve the 
shield booster from the supply crate by the door, and go over to the 
door in the far left corner.  The hallway it leads to has a lift at the 
end, but as soon as you get there, it speeds up out of your reach.  It 
comes back down with four troopers on it, so be ready.  Ride the lift up 
and you will see a hallway the branches out in many directions. 
The Crossroads
            Head just a bit to the left and stop in the middle of the 
hallways.  I'll refer to this as the "crossroads" in the future.  Head 
back up by the lift and go past it, through the next door you find.  This 
new room is seemlingly empty, but after a few seconds, large panels on 
both side of the room will lift up, exposing about 12 troopers.  Once 
you've finished them off, you can raid the room for a bunch of items.  
Move over by the windows and go out through the door onto the walkway.  
Go all the way to the end of it, up the stairs and into the new hallway.  
Stop at the first intersection and look're now on the other 
side of the crossroads.  There will be some troopers camped out near 
where you first came up on the lift.  Get rid of them, but continue in 
the same corridor, the that leads straight from the catwalk.  You will 
pass a checkpoint, and then come to a door.  Stop for a second and 
listen to the two troopers talking.  Run in and kill the troopers and 
the officers, grabbing the supply key on the way.  Take a moment to 
look at the layout of the room.  At the far end there are doors on each 
side...these lead out to a platform where you can't do much.  Go to the 
end and use the shield regenerator if you need to, but then go right 
back out of the room the way you came.  Make your way through the 
hallway, and take a left to get to the crossroads.  
Up on the Tram
            Once at the crossroads, head left, into the rocky corridor with 
the supply crate at the end.  There's a health canister inside.  You'll 
encounter a new enemy at this point, but they're not any harder to take 
care of than the stormtroopers.  Keep moving along to the end of the 
passage, where you'll see a cargo door above your head, a shelf with 
rifles to the right, and a sloped rock on the ledge, leading up to the 
door.  Take a second to check out what happens.  The door will blink 
red a few times, and then it opens up, letting a mining tram through.  
It closes, then repeats the process.  You want to climb up on the rock, 
wait for the door to open, and then jump on top of the tram when it comes 
through.  This part is a little difficult, it may take a few tries.  Once 
you're on top, ride it around the corner and jump off to the left, where 
you'll see small area leading to a dark green passage.  Crawl in, and get 
ready to deal with some really annoying bugs with big teeth.  I suggest 
using your stun baton on them so you don't waste all your ammo.  Proceed 
through the passage; it doesn't matter which way you go, both directions 
lead to the same place.  At the end, you'll see a couple dead miners and 
a piece of mining equipment.  Hit the switch on the back, and it will 
drill through the wall for you.  Be careful, it leads to a small duct 
area with two holes overlooking a pit of lava.  The drilling machine 
fell through the first hole...move to the second, break the grate, and 
wait for the next mining tram to come by.  Its path leads right 
underneath the hole, so jump down on top when you see it.  While you're 
waiting, you can kill most of the enemies in the room below.  Once 
you're on the tram, jump off when it gets close enough to the walkway. 
Voyage to the Mine Computer
            Go in the door to the left to stock up on ammo, and continue 
through the next door to find the supply shelf with ammo/healthkit.  
At the end of the walkway, take the lift down to the first level and 
finish off whatever enemies are left.  Move around the lava pit to the 
door on the other side.  In this new room, you'll have to jump up on the 
large compactor that is smashing up and down.  Kill the troopers, and fill 
up your shields with the generator at the end of the walkway on the right.  
Move over to the left and go through the door.  This brings you out on a 
ledge overlooking a big room with a number of officers and troopers 
below.  Use a bunch of detonators to nuke them before you take the lift 
to get down.  Take the supply key from the officer and open the crate 
located to the right of the huge computer.  Right next to the crate is 
the console it and you'll be shown a small cutscene.
            The mine is now exploding around you...go to the door in the far 
corner of the room, through the hallway and the next door.  You will now 
be in the main room with the catwalk above you.  go straight ahead, the 
same way you went the first time...through the door, up the lift, and 
turn right down the hallway (the crossroads are now blocked by a pile of 
rocks).  Kill the two enemies and continue to the end of the hallway, and 
you'll wind up in the room that had the first big trooper ambush.  
There's a few more here again, so get rid of them quickly and go up the 
ramp to the left and through the door.  A tram is sitting on the track 
in front of you...use the supply shelf on the wall if you need it, and 
then ride to the next level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 4 (artus_detention)
Escape! (continued)
            You're not out of the mine quite yet.  The track in front of you 
has been destroyed, so kill the troopers and then slide down the support 
beam that has fallen on the left side.  Climb up on to the walkway, and a 
large piece of the structure will collapse right beside you, creating a 
slope to hop up.  It takes a few jumps, but it is possible.  Kill the 
trooper on top if he's not dead already, then flip the red button.  Drop 
back down the slope, and enter the door underneath.  Kill the lone 
trooper, and try to get the rest that are shooting from behind the 
windows, as you progress down the hallway.  Once you are all the way to 
the left end, the locked door on the other end will open, letting in 
three more troopers.  As usual, dispense with the whoop-ass and continue 
through.  There is a lift in front of you, a supply shelf to the right, 
and a long hallway around to the left, where those troopers were hiding 
before.  Walk around that way, filling up on energy and shields from the 
regen units, and hit the button at the end.  This unlocks the door 
directly to your left, on the other side of the wall (you'll see the 
lights turn green).  You can take the lift up, but there isn't much 
there.  Go back out to the original hallway and through the door you 
just unlocked.  This lets you into a large room with ringed platforms 
extending up for several levels.
Up, Up, and Away
            This next section is fairly simple to explain, although it may 
be more difficult to actually get through.  Run around to the left on the 
ground floor, killing whatever troopers you find, and go in the first door 
you see.  This leads to the stairs up to the first ring platform.  Go up, 
out on to the ring, and kill the troopers.  Do this again the same way, 
moving up to the second and third rings (at each higher platform, you'll 
run into more enemies than the one before, make sure you watch your ammo 
and health).  On the final platform, take the stairs up to a new room.  
It will have a few officers to get rid of, and some random supply shelves.  
On the immediate left is one of the many security monitors in the base...
check it out to see some of the poor imprisoned miners.  Time to let them 
out...over in the right corner is the button you need to push.  You'll see 
a small cutscene showing all of the miners escaping from that large 
structure in the ring room.  Before you leave this room, make sure you hit 
the other switch underneath the display with the fan on it.  once you 
press it, the fan starts spinning...this will come into play later.  Go 
back down the set of stairs you came up, and instead of going left (out 
on to the platform), go right through the other large cargo door.  Around 
the corner there is a ceiling turret, take care of it and then go straight 
through the door.  This room has ammo and shield regen units, and when 
you're done, move along back out into the hallway, where you can see a 
prisoner waiting for you.  He describes the situation, and give you some 
new goals.  Follow him out into the large hangar.
Mmmmm, TIE Fighters
            Keep following him towards the little skirmish in the hangar bay, 
and help out the other prisoners if necessary.  You should see a lift 
nearby; take it up to the platform.  Go through the door at the end, and 
kill the three troopers standing guard.  Walk through the next door, and 
you will be on a short walkway above a set of stairs.  Turn right, shoot 
open the grate, and jump over to climb inside.  Crawl through to the end, 
take the lift up to the next passageway, and follow it to the opening.  
Here you will see a fan at the bottom of a large shaft.  There is also 
an open grate close to the end of the shaft as well.  Jump down, and the 
air currents will slow your fall.  Guide yourself over on top of the 
grate, and go through.  Once out of the passageway, turn left and walk 
around to find a breakable grate along the wall.  Shoot it open to find 
a secret area.  Continue around until you see those little bug creatures 
scampering into another passageway.  Follow them, zapping them with your 
stun baton when necessary.  At the end of the passage, jump out and you 
will be in an area similar to the one you encountered in the last level; 
dark, green, and full of bugs.  This, too, has a couple diverging 
paths....however, the best method is to just switch on your light 
goggles, and run through, avoiding the bugs entirely.  If you're not 
sure about which way to go, always pick the path leading upward.  It may 
seem to go on forever, but you'll eventually come to an opening, where
 you'll hear the troopers having their own problems with the bugs =).  
Head out and kill whoever is left.  Once you've collected the goodies 
in this room, head out the door and deal with the four stormtroopers.
Follow the Leader
            You should now be faced with two doors.  Take the one on the left 
first.  It leads to a small hallway with a locked door straight ahead, 
and another door on the left.  Go in this left door, flip the switch on 
the console which unlocks that door.  Go back out, but DON'T go down the 
ramp.  Head back through the door you came in, into the small room where 
you have the two choices of doors.  Now go through the right door.  
Circle around to the right until you see a shield regen unit on the far 
wall.  Go over to it, but you'll probably have to kill the troopers that 
swarm in first.  After they're done with, charge your shields and stand 
with your back to the unit.  Head straight down towards the red area in 
the room, where you'll see stairs and an unlocked door.  There's an 
officer in the next room; don't kill him or you'll fail the mission!  
You'll take him hostage so he can lead you to the next area.  You'll 
have to get behind him, and he walks very slowly, so be patient.  Once 
you both get to the big stairway, make sure there aren't any lingering 
troopers.  If they accidentally shoot him, you'll have to start over 
again.  At the top of the stairs he will open the door for you, letting 
in a trooper trying to get away from those damn bugs.  They'll get him, 
and then go after you two...don't let them chomp the officer!  You still 
need him.  After the bugs are dead he'll lead you into the next room.  
After walking a little bit, he'll turn on you and pull out a gun.  Yes, 
NOW you can kill him...along with the five other troopers that just 
rushed in.  Go through the door on the right, and over to the lift.  
Drop some bombs on the two enemies below, then head down.  In the next 
room will be some more troopers and a whole bunch of black suits in 
display cases.  Head left for the ammo regen, and right for the shield 
regen.  Move to the end of the room, shoot out the large grate, and 
crawl through the passage on the right, and on to the next level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 5 (artus_topside)
Save the Prisoners
            You'll see a short cutscene showing the escaped prisoners pinned 
down by enemy fire, and Kyle popping out of the tube.  As soon as you 
start playing, you'll see an AT-ST heading straight for you!  Head 
immediately to your left and go through into the windowed room with the 
trooper and the officer.  Kill them, grab his supply key, then hit the 
switch to activate the big lift outside.  Run out and get on the lift...
if you're quick, you won't take too much damage from that AT-ST.  At the 
top, run around and hop in the turret gun.  Swing around and blast the 
AT-ST from above, and then turn back around to help protect the 
prisoners.  Shoot the troopers along the top ledge first...if you don't 
do this quickly, too many prisoners will die and you'll fail the mission.  
Once the troopers on the ledge are finished, there will be a few more 
shooting you from the ground.  Another AT-AT will emerge from behind a 
large door, but you can hold it in place and just waste it with the 
turret.  After you're done, the prisoners will thank you, and you'll 
get a message from Jan.  You now have an additional task, disabling 
the ion cannons.
Ion Cannons
            Head up the ramp to the green door, and grab the shield booster 
from the crate inside.  Go back out, and take the big lift down to the 
ground level again.  Go around to the left and you'll see the big 
cannons, if you hadn't noticed before.  Run along the canyon floor 
towards the end, taking care of the troopers as you go.  Once you get 
close, a 3rd AT-ST will come out.  You don't have a gun to protect you 
this time, so you can run all the way back to the one you just used, if 
you really feel like it.  After the AT-ST is destroyed, go to the end of 
the canyon, into the bay where it came out.  There is a small door on the 
right side.  Take the small lift inside the next room up to the platform, 
go out the next door and you'll be by the ledge where you had mowed down 
all those troopers.  Run to the right, along that ledge, and at the end 
you'll find a secret behind the breakable grate.  Head back over by the 
door you came out, and continue on toward the ion cannons.  There is 
another turret gun close by, but it won't do any damage to them.  When 
you get to the first one, check out the octagonal walkway around it.  
See the energy fluctations?  every time the cannon fires, there is an 
energy discharge that spreads through the walkway.  If you're standing 
on it while it's charged, you're toast.  Time it so you can run over to 
the pipes behind the're safe here.  Then time your run again 
to get off the rest of the platform.  Progress forward and do the same 
thing for the next cannon.  
            Once you're past the 2nd one, go past the turret gun and through 
the door straight ahead.  Waste the troopers and grab the health 
canisters, then go through the left door.  There's another trooper and 
a ceiling turret here.  Dispatch them and head through the door on the 
right.  You will now be on a ledge above a large cargo bay.  Be careful 
in proceeding to the next doorway...there is a tripmine placed very low 
on the ground.  Throw a detonator in and continue onward.  You should 
see the small lift on the walkway.  If you go past it, into the next 
room, you'll find a shield regen unit.  Stock up, then go back out and 
down the lift.  On this next level will be a few troopers, and a large 
lift in the corner.  Take the large lift down to the bottom floor, kill 
the enemies, and grab the officer's security key.  head through the door 
for another small battle, grab the supply key, then go through the 
locked door.  After getting rid of the two officers in this room, go over 
and press the control panel.  This shuts down the ion cannon shields, but 
you'll still have to go back and destroy them, as Jan will tell you.  
Backtrack through the rooms, out into the cargo bay, up the two lifts, 
around the ledge, and through the doors that lead you back outside.  Now 
you can hop in the turret gun and waste the ion cannons. 
Getting back to the Raven's claw
            Go back inside, and get to the ledge in the cargo bay.  Go 
around all the way to the other side, where you'll find a door that is 
now unlocked.  Kill the troopers, and watch out for the ceiling turret 
as you go through.  Head through the next two doors, but watch out again 
for tripmines.  You'll be able to see your ship through a window, and 
then hear Jan calling for help.  Use your detonators on the tripwire 
blocking the door, as well as the three other ones out in the hallway.  
Stock up on ammo with the regen unit, then head outside and up the stairs.  
You'll see a cutscene of Jan being captured, and you'll get your first 
meeting with the Dark Jedi Desann.  Once the scene is over you have to 
fight him.  Actually, you don't even need to do anything.  Stand still, 
and he'll bat you around a few times.  After locking you in the force 
grip, just before all your health gives out, he stops and you'll see 
another cutscene, and witness Jan's murder!  After this there are a 
few more scenes to watch...Kyle, engulfed in rage, goes to the Valley 
of the Jedi to obtain the power of the Force (with Desann secretly 
following him), and also voyages back to the Jedi School to retrieve 
his light saber.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 6 (yavin_temple)
Go See the Master
            There isn't too much to do at this point.  Kyle has arrived at 
the Jedi temple, in order to get his light saber back.  A droid 
instructs you that Luke Skywalker is waiting for go find him.  
Head over to the left near the middle of the room, and go up.  Both 
doors you encounter here are locked, so take the next lift up.  If you 
want, walk through the door and go on to a glass walkway that leads to 
three jedi practice rooms.  Its neat to watch for a while. When you're 
done, go back to where the second lift brought you up, and now take the 
third lift.  Walk around and out towards the stone hallway, and enter 
the next room through the giant doors.  There will be a long cutscene 
between Kyle and Luke, explaining the trials you'll have to go through 
to get your light saber back, as well as some background information 
about Desann.
            You now have to search for your saber.  Find your way back to 
the lift, ride it down and then take the next one down too.  You'll see 
that one of the previously locked doors is now open.  Go through it, 
out into the ruins, and over to the left under a large doorway.  Follow 
the walkway leading down to a new area.  Look to the end of the area, 
where there is a statue that resembles a whale's tail.  You need to head 
into that dark hole in the wall next to the statue.  Turn on your light 
goggles, and head down the hole.  That's it for this level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 7 (yavin_trial)
Force Powers Gained, Force Push Rank 1, Force Pull Rank 1, Force Speed Rank 1, Force Jump Rank 1
Force Push
            This is where you will begin the trials to familiarize yourself 
with force powers, and eventually regain your light saber.  Head through 
the door to your left, where you'll find the first power: force push.  
Continue through the next door, and you'll encounter the first trial.  
There are a number of tiles on the floor, with two symbols on each of 
them.  There are also large panels on the walls.  Using force push, flip 
around each of the wall panels (whenever you can exert a force power on 
an object, your target reticle will have a blue swirl around it).  Now 
that you can see all the symbols on the wall, move their corresponding 
floor tablets so the correct icon lines up with the arrows at either 
end of the room.  Once you have moved all of the tablets into the right 
position, the exit door will open.
Force Pull
            Continue down the hallway and find the second power: force pull.  
Move into the large room with the pool of water.  Kyle remarks that he 
sees where to go, but is not sure how to get there.  To make it up to that 
door near the top, head left and check out the wall.  There are ledges 
that you can pull out using the force pull.  (Note: whenever you need to 
use a particular force power, you need to either use the hotkey assigned 
to it, or you may cycle through your available powers, just like with 
your weapons.  Also, pay attention to your blue force meter in the bottom 
right corner of the screen.  It will run out if you continually use force 
powers, and you will need to stop and let it regenerate).  Once you have 
pulled out all of the ledges and made it up to the door, do not go through 
just yet.  to the right of the door, along the wall, are more ledges.  
Pull these out and hop on to another ledge for the secret area.  You will 
need to use the force pull to pick up the two goodies.  Now proceed back 
down to the door, and go through to the next power.
Force Speed
            Pick up the force speed item, and then proceed forward toward the 
crack in the far wall.  Drop down into the small hole.  you will go out 
into a corridor with a small block on the floor next to one of the doors.  
Step on it, then go in the next room.  You will see a very large tablet 
on the ground.  Face the door and step on it.  You will see four doors 
open in succession, all the way down the corridor.  Turn on force speed 
and run to the end.  You'll see a small cage on a pedestal, but it will 
rise up before you can reach it.  Walk up the ramp to find the final 
power: force jump.
Force Jump
            Move outside the door, and you will be in the room where you 
first started the trials.  You can now jump up on the gold colored ruins 
to your right, in order to get up to that second level.  (Force Jump 
does not need to be turned on or off; it is always active.  However, it 
drains energy like the other powers).  once you're on the second level, 
go through the center door, down the ramp through the next one, into a 
room with a wooden bridge and a metal gate at the end.  Switch to Force 
Pull, and target each of the four statue heads on the wall.  They will 
start flowing water, causing the bridge to float up, and the gate to 
rise.  Quickly switch to Force Speed, and run to the end.  If you crouch 
while you jump underneath the gate, you should be fine.  Looking down the 
stairs in the next section, the door appears to be broken.  However, the 
wall to the right has a crack in it.  Use Force Push to break through, 
then drop down in the hole.  Follow the passageway around to a tall room.  
Turn left and notice the small block underneath the first U shaped 
structure.  Use Force Push to drop the big U down.  It is now within 
jumping distance.  Do the same thing to the net 2 U's, allowing you to 
reach the top of the room.  Go through the door and head left.  You will 
see a large floor block similar to the one you used for the Force Speed 
trial.  Go around behind it and face the opening at the other end of the 
corridor.  Turn on Force Speed, then run towards the opening, stepping on 
the block as you go.  The block activates a moving platform that you need 
to reach the next door.  It may take a few tries, but there is definitely 
enough time to make the jump up to the next door.  You will now head 
forward into the light saber room
Light Saber
            Your saber is in a cage at the top of the tall obelisk structure. 
 Move around it until you can see the four pegs on one side.  Use Force 
Push on each of these to bring the cage down to eye level.  Turn around 
and notice the ramp leading down.  There is a small area above this 
ramp...go over and stand on the small ledge.  You will see that it moves 
down when you stand on it, and also causes the cage holding your saber 
to rise up.  Once you're at the bottom of the ramp, if you try to run up 
and grab it, you'll be much to slow.  Hop back on the pedestal, and get 
ready to use a combination of Force powers.  Have Force Speed selected 
while you ride down.  As soon as you can run, turn it on and head toward 
the saber.  While you're moving forward, switch to Force Pull.  You can 
make it just in time to use your Force Pull to yank the saber from 
underneath the cage.  It can be a bitch, but keep trying and you'll get 
it.  Once you have the saber, check out your data pad for additional 
force abilites.  You now have level one defense, offense, and throwing 
ability.  Go to the door on the right side of the ramp.  Throw your 
saber (alt fire) to cut the ropes holding up the two large rocks.  You 
will encounter one final door with a new type of locking mechanism.  
Just slash it with your saber and continue forward.  You will see a 
cutscene between Kyle and Luke.  He gives you some tips on pursuing 
Desann - Reelo Buruk, the owner of the ship Desann was using.  Luke 
also warns Kyle of the dangers of wielding the force with anger, and 
the responsibility of protecting the location of the Valley of the Jedi. 
 You will now proceed to Nar Shadaa to pursue Buruk in the hope of 
tracking down clues.  
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 8 (ns_streets)
Force Powers Gained - None
Bartenders and "Garbages"
            Welcome to the world of honkin' big levels.  Yeah that's right, 
I said honkin'.  You start out with no weapons drawn, and you're unable 
to use any force powers.  This is to stay inconspicuous.  Head out 
straight and then over to the left. go through the rusty red door to get 
into the bar.  After being searched by the two green guys, walk over to 
the center area to talk to the bartender, and sit through a little 
cutscene.  He sets off an alarm that alerts a bunch of guys to come after you can whip out your saber and have some fun.  After killing 
all the guys, go back to the door where you came in just to get your 
bearings.  With your back to the door, the bar should be in front of you, 
and there is a doorway leading to a room in the far left corner.  Go in 
there, and you will notice that one of the cabinets along the wall can be 
moved using Force Push.  This reveals a secret, with some health canisters 
and ammo.  Grab the stuff and then head up the ramp to an office 
overlooking the bar area.  Climb up the stairs and hit the switch.  This 
lifts the security shield that was hiding the bartender.  Go back down 
into the main area, walk behind the bar, and hit the red switch on the 
column in the center.  you will see a cutscene showing Kyle interrogating 
the bartender, and he tells you to follow the garbage collectors.  Move 
to the entrance door again, with your back to it.  Look to the right, 
and you'll see a ramp leading upward.  Follow it all the way to a 
different area of the bar's second floor.  Go out the door that's 
directly above where you came in.  I suggest that here you should switch 
to the DXR-6 disruptor probably have picked it up by now.  
It will be invaluable in this level, because of it's scope and powerful 
charged beam.
Outside, aka Sniper Heaven
            Walk forward slowly, just enough so that the door opens.  Use 
the scope (alt fire) to zoom in on the cow head guy in front of you across 
the way, and zap him.  To your immediate left, out on the ledge, is a 
greenhead.  Kill him, and then look slightly up and to the right.  Far 
across on the building across the way, you will see three windows.  Snipe 
in close and take out the two greenheads there.  Still by the doorway, 
look to your immediate right to see a cowhead up on a different ledge...
same deal.....snipe 'n zap.  Move out on your ledge to the right, towards 
the higher ledge where you just shot the cow head.  Walk carefully 
forward, scanning that same ledge, until you can see another greenhead 
waiting; snipe!  Head back to the left, past the door you just came out 
of, and continue on the ledge around the corner.  Kill the few guys that 
are there, and make your way across to the door on the other side 
(underneath the 3 windows where you sniped the greenheads).  go through, 
but don't  take the lift up to the second level just yet.  Look up 
through the two holes in the floor...there should ba a cowhead peering 
down through each of them.  Lob some grenades up at them, and then take 
the lift up.  Here you'll find a few different enemies, and some goodies 
on the floor.  From here, you can either go towards the doorway, where a 
large crate is blocking your path, or head through the huge hole in the 
wall, where you'll find a few health canisters.  Both ways actually lead 
out to the same ledge, so it doesn't matter what order you explore in.  
To get out on the ledge through the doorway, use Force Push to move the will knock a greenhead off the edge.  Once you move out on 
this ledge, you'll notice a greenhead is firing at you from way across 
the gap, a few levels up.  Move back into the room, use the walls for 
cover, and snipe him.  Go back out on the platform, and jump to the 
balcony to the left.
A Few Good Snipers...
            Go down to the bottom of the ramp and hide in the dark corner, 
slashing anyone that comes by.  Peak out and across the way to snipe 
anymore greenheads that may have popped up.  Go up the ramp, all the 
way to the top, and enter the door.  in this small room will be another 
door, and a lift.  You can grab a health canister by going through the 
door and straight down the ramp into a small area with a window.  Kill 
the guys, and head right back up the ramp.  Now take the lift.  Walk 
through the short hallway, but don't go back out into the open yet.  Do 
you see the detonators on the little bridge?  They explode when you get 
near them.  Inch forward enough so you set them off, then look down to 
your left.  On a far away ledge is yet another greenhead.  Snipe his ass, 
then jump over the broken section of the walkway to the larger structure.  
Look way up to one of the highest levels and you should see one final 
greenhead...take care of him, and you shouldn't have to worry about being 
sniped anymore!  Now you need to get inside this big structure.  However, 
the door is locked.  That's ok...stand on the steps by the door, and take 
a few jumps to get up on the roof.  It's a bit tricky, but possible.  
Break the glass and drop through, then push the blue button.  You'll see 
a diagram showing a walkway just extended to the structure...go out the 
door, and you'll see it on the side.
More Fun Outside
            Walk over the new plank, down the hallway and on the right, 
you'll see a lift, but no button. Go through the next door and around 
the corner to the boxes.  You must use Force Pull and Push to get the box 
onto a large switch, which brings down the lift for you.  Get on the lift, 
look back at the box you just moved, and use Force Push again to move it 
off of the switch.  Up you go, and then move through the corridor and out 
onto an open area with a switch on the right wall.  Pressing it will make 
a ramp drop right behind you.  Move up the ramp all the way to the top, 
but down go around the corner to the right.  Sneak forward along the right 
wall, and peer to your left.  Take out the sniper on the far ledge.  Now, 
sneak along the left wall, peering around to the right to take out 2 
snipers.  You really have to zoom in to see both of them.  Now it's safe 
to continue up the thin ramp.  It leads you up on a roof, with three 
skylight windows and a greenhead.  Drop through any window and kill the 
enemies inside.  If you look to the right out the window in this room, 
you should see three guys firing at you from a hovercraft.  Kill them 
all and it will start moving.  There is only one open door out of this 
room; take it and ride the lift up.  Go out the door at the top, but 
don't go out yet.  Kill the cowhead in front of you, but try to stay 
hidden.  Peek around to the right and snipe the greenhead across the gap.  
The Secret Up Top
Now you can continue along your ledge.  Follow it around, and be careful 
of the cowhead in the middle.  He will blow up a middle portion of the 
walkway, but you can still jump it.  Hop over, then run straight to the 
wall and stop.  Notice the sloped part of the building to your left?  
Climb up all the way to the top, then jump up to the high platform.  
You'll find a secret stash of goodies up there.  Go back down, retrace 
your steps to the lift and get back into the room where you sniped the 
guys in the hovercraft.  
Get Your Feet Dirty
            Break the window on the right and jump out.  From here you can 
make your way over to the hovercraft and jump on.  Leap off to the right 
where you see the lift switch, then ride it up.  Be very careful of the 
glass walkway in front of you.  It can break, and its wired with a 
detonator.  After it explodes, make your way to the other side, and walk 
forward to see a pool of water with arcs of electricity.  Avoid this for 
now, and look left at the barrel in the corner.  Shoot it, and it will 
blow out the wall.  Go through the hole, and then shoot the sparking 
electrical pipes to burn them out.  The pipes by the water will no longer 
be sparking either.  Go back out, and use Force Pull on the walkway to 
extend it.  Go forward, and then jump up to the ledge on your left.  Kill 
the enemy and then throw the switch that the robot is working on.  If you 
look down over the edge, you'll see a long mechanical arm with yellow and 
black hazard stripes on it.  Jump down, and Kyle makes a comment about the 
garbage haulers in front of you.  Use Force Pull to bring the 2nd arm 
towards you.  Jump to it, and then go down into the garbage hauler.  
Switch to Force Push as it starts moving.  It will slow down as you com 
to a red and green light on the right side.  Use Push on the light to 
change it to blue.  You'll keep moving and come up on a 2nd light.  Do 
the same thing, and then the hauler will carry you on to the next level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 9 (ns_hideout)
Force Powers Gained - Force Jump Rank 2
Investigating the 1st Dumpster
            As soon as the level starts, look up to your left and you'll see 
three tubes on the wall.  Jump up to these before the garbage hauler 
moves any further.  From these tubes it's a short jump up to the first 
secret area, where there are regen units for ammo and shields.  Hop down 
from here, grabbing the health canister on the way.  Continue making your 
way down until you get to the area with the black droid standing in the 
corner.  Move past the droid and through the door, into the large garbage 
processing room.  Turn right and follow the wall of the room.  Walk into 
the first open door you come to (should be around the corner on the 
right).  Shoot the explodable crate to break a hole in the wall, exposing 
a secret area with a couple greenheads, a health canister, and an ammo 
regen unit.  Now go back out into the big room, and continue along the 
right wall.  Go through the next door, and you'll see a large glass 
panel, and some crates stacked up.  Turn left and go to the edge of the 
room.  Use Force Pull to move the crate, then jump over it and crouch 
through the passageway.  Kill the greenhead on your left, then continue 
right until you hit a large dumpster.  This dumpster is hiding the way 
to the next area of the level.  Notice that you can use Force Push on it, 
but there's something blocking it from the other side...another dumpster!  
You'll have to go around and move the obstruction.  Make a mental note of 
this location, and then go back out to the main room. 
Jumping Puzzles/The Second Dumpster
            Examine each of the four huge garbage compactors.  One of them 
will have a chute on the side that is not blocked by a dumpster.  Jump 
up inside it, and you'll see a small door on the opposite side, inside 
the machine.  Wait for the crusher to raise up, then run across and 
through the door.  Turn to your right, pick up the battery and then 
proceed through the next door.  You will now be in a seemingly bottomless 
room stacked with hundreds of crates.  Time for a short jumping puzzle...
look over to the left and check out the other doorway on the ledge.  this 
is where you want to end up.  Now, go to the end of your ledge, and drop 
down to the box right below.  Look to the left, and jump to the stack of 
green/brown boxes.  Turn, and jump on the stack of boxes with the white 
cross.  From here, you should be able to jump to the other white cross 
boxes that are against the wall.  Turn right, and jump down to the boxes 
where the health canister is sitting.  Now, look up between the two tall 
stacks of boxes and you should be able to see the ledge where you need 
to end up.  Jump up in between the two tall stacks, then jump up three 
more times and you should be right under the ledge.  A box on the end 
is blocking your way up...use Force Pull and it will fly off.  Jump up 
and proceed through the door.  Walk around the corridor, up the ramp, 
and out across the platform stretching over the box room.  The doorway 
on the other side leads to a downward ramp.  At the bottom is a short 
passageway with a dumpster along the left area.  Force Pull 
have now made room to push that first dumpster.  
Back through the Garbage Room
            Go back to the bottomless box room, go across the walkway and 
then just drop down to your left (this is where you came in).  Make 
your way back up through the garbage machine, and then find the room 
with the big glass window again.  Hop over the crate again, and crouch 
to get back to the dumpster.  You can now push it, and it will reveal 
an opening on the right.  Don't step on the conveyor belt, just move to 
the left side of it.  Walk forward until you can see a switch through 
the window.  Use Force Push, and it will open the door.  Jump over, kill 
the greenhead, and then go down the hallway.  Walk all the way until 
the next open area, where you'll find three holes in the floor above you, 
with cowheads dropping grenades.  Take them out and continue onward.  In 
the next hallway you'll pass by three greenheads shooting you from behind 
security posts.  It's pretty easy to snipe all three.  Go up the ramp with 
the cowhead at the top and head right.  You'll pass by a small ledge 
overlooking a room with boxes to your right, and a ramp the continues 
upward in front of you.  Don't drop down yet.  Continue up the ramp a 
few steps, and on the right wall will be a breakable grate.  Shoot it and 
climb straight to the bars at the end.  Below will be a greenhead and an 
explodable container that blows out a wall.  Once you've done this, climb 
out of the crawlspace and jump down into the room with the boxes.  There 
are a couple enemies here, and some goodies as well.  Go through the door 
and you'll see you're in the area where the first secret was, but to your 
immediate left is the hole that the container just made.  Continue 
through the next door, and Kyle will remark that Reelo seems to have a 
lot of firepower for just a bunch of garbage.  You can either go down a 
ramp to your left, or use your saber to open the locked door on the 
right.  The door just leads out to the big garbage room again, so take 
the ramp.  
            Through the door will be two large cargo doors.  The one on the 
left opens, and you can go through, past the two blue holding cells, and 
then watch a cutscene between Kyle and Lando Calrissian.  He explains a 
little more of the story, and asks for your help.  Go back the way you 
came, out the big door and up the ramp.  Ignore the door with the saber 
lock, and go through the right door to get back to the exploded wall you 
came through.  Take the door to your right back into the box room, hop 
up and go up to the top of the ramp.  The door there leads out to the 
walkway above the big garbage room. Make your way through the enemies 
to the windowed seurity station in the corner.  A lift will take you 
down, and then you can go inside and check out the "secuity eye".  It 
prompts you for a password, Kyle says the one that Lando told him, and 
the door opens.  Up the short stairs is a lift.  Take it up to the next 
area and continue through this new hallway.  The end of it looks like a 
dead end, but its actually another lift that takes you down to a set of 
bars and a few enemies on the other side.  Use your saber to get through 
the bars, and kill the enemies.  On the left will be a corridor with 
moving ceiling turrets.  At the end are a few guys blocking a red and 
green switch.  Use Force Push to hit it, but don't go through the door 
yet.  Go down the other leg of the corridor to kill the six greenheads, 
and continue to the end of the passage to find an ammo regen unit.  Now, 
go back and find the door that you just opened.  Through there is a room 
with a health canister and a shield regen unit.  Colect what you need 
and then go through the next door.  
Showdown with Buruk?  Think Again
            You'll see a cutscene of Kyle meeting Reelo Buruk.  
Unfortunately you don't get to fight him yet.  After the scene, five 
turrets above you will activate, and six or seven enemies will come out 
of a door to your right.  Once you're done with them, greenheads will 
run out of the doors in the front of the room.  Kill them and go up the 
ramp behind either door; they both lead to Reelo's office.  There is a 
button at his desk...use Force Push to open a secret area behind you.  
Move forward and hit the red button on the console in front of the window.  
You see a quick cutscene of Lando escaping, and the floor out in the main 
room will open, exposing a lift.  Go down the ramp and ride it down.  
Take the door out of this room to meet up with Lando.  Watch the cutscene, 
then follow him out to the end of the level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 10 (ns_starpad)
Force Powers Gained - Force Speed Rank 2, Mind Trick Rank 1
Searching for the Control Center
            Go out into the room, kill the cowhead then follow Lando to the 
lift.  At the top, keep following him until you get to the window 
overlooking his ship.  He'll stay there, and will tell Kyle to find the 
flight control center and open the hangar roof doors.  Go back down the 
corridor and take the lift to the room you first entered.  The door on 
your right will be open. Go through the hallway and out into the room 
with the big pit.  Kill the few enemies here and continue onward.  
You'll have to use your light goggles to get through this room.  The 
exit leads you outside, where you'll be spending most of your time.  
Head over to the walkway far ahead of you, on the left.  Snipe the 
greenhead, and then proceed down the walkway, taking the door at the 
end, on your right.  Clear out the next room and continue around the 
corridor until you reach a door at the end, across from a window.  Sneak 
a look up out the window; there is a greenhead waiting to zap you.  Go 
through the door and out on to a new walkway.  Kill the cowhead in front 
of you and then look up to the left at the turrets shooting you.  Take 
them out and then jump up to them.  There are a number of guys in this 
room.  Grab the two health canisters and continue through the left 
hallway.  This will lead you to a juncture with a door in front, to the 
left, and to the right.  Go straight, kill the greenhead and hit the 
button.  Lando radios in to say he now has access to the starpad.  Head 
out of the room, and with your back facing the corridor you came from, 
take the door on the right.  Go down the ramp and check out the large 
building in front of you, on the other walkway (the one with the two 
large pipes leading into it).  This is the hangar.  Move around the 
walkways, following the hangar perimeter all the way around until you 
can go in the big entrance.  You'll meet up with Lando, and then fend 
off a large attack.  Lando tells you to hold them off while he tries to 
start the ship.  Once they're all dead, join Lando inside the ship and 
he'll give you two objectives; fix the fuel lines to the ship, and find 
the controls for the roof doors.
Open Sesame
            First, look around the hangar.  On the left and right side of the 
ship, next to the walls, are two breakable floor grates.  One is very 
obvious, the other is covered by a crate.  Take the one with the crate 
first.  Use Force Push to move it, and then break the grate and crawl 
down.  At the end of the passageway, look up and you'll see another grate 
above your head.  Break through and jump up to kill the enemies in this 
room.  There are five switches here; hit them all, and Lando radios you 
to say one of the doors has opened.  Crawl back out through the passageway 
and into the hangar, then run across to the other side.  Break the floor 
grate by the red fuel tanks, climb through and you'll get to a room 
exactly like the one before.  Kill the guys and hit the five switches to 
open the other roof door.  Climb back through the passageway and go out 
into the hangar again.
Fill 'er Up
            Look at the two fuel hoses connected to the ship.  There is an 
icon on each block...a yellow one for the blue hose, and a blue one for 
the red hose.  Study these icons, and then head outside the hangar.  
Remember when you first saw the hangar from the outside, and there were 
those two big pipes leading into it?  That's where you need to go now.  
Take the walkway around the hangar's perimeter (either way will get you 
there).  You should see the large fuel tank right by the hangar, and it 
has two panels on top.  Jump up on the pipes and change the two icons on 
the display until they match the ones you just saw by the hoses.  once 
you get them set, Lando lets you know that the ship is set.  Jump down 
from the fuel tank and follow the walkway back to the hangar entrance.  
Go back up in the ship to Lando, where you'll see a cutscene of Reelo 
and his thugs starting to fire on the ship.  Lando tells you to use the 
gun to take them out.  The button for it is on the wall to your left.  
It's pretty easy to finish them off, and once you're done, the ship can 
take off. Watch the cutscene and you're off to level 11.  
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 11 (bespin_undercity)
Force Powers Gained - Force Heal Rank 1, Force Push Rank 2, Force Pull Rank 2
Out of the Frying Pan...
            You begin at the bottom of a long shaft, with four breakable 
grates around the outside.  You need to break one of the grates and 
climb in to a large lift, but be careful.  The lift goes up and down by 
itself, and as its coming down to your level, it creates large gusts of 
air that blow out of those grate openings.  If you wait for the lift 
while crouching right in fron of the hole, you'll get blown off into 
oblivion.  Wait on either side, listen for the sound of the lift coming, 
and you will have plenty of time to avoid the wind and still make it on 
the lift.  Once at the top, kill the guys and head for the door.  It will 
only open when the lift is all the way at the top (you'll see the light 
over the door change from orange to white).  Go through and yuo'll see 
two diverging corridors.  They will both lead to the same room at the end, 
but the corridor on the left has an additional area.  Kill the enemies 
advancing toward you, take the left corridor, and ride the lift that's 
around the corner.  It takes you up to a small hangar with a red shuttle 
and a bunch of guys.  Jump up onto each of the cockpits on the shuttle, 
and then hop over to the small ledges on each side for some goodies.  
Once you're done, take the lift back down and go in the door around to 
your left.  This room has some more enemies, and a small gnome-type guy 
at a console.  Don't fool with him just yet.  Over in the right corner of 
the room is a lift.  Take it up and you'll find another small hangar, 
just like the one you were in before.  Kill the guys, jump up for the 
goodies, and head back down to the room with the gnome guy.  
...and into the Fire
            You can use the Mind Trick on the gnome guy to get him to push 
the button on the console, or just kill him and push it yourself =).  
Notice that hitting the button will open the door to that room with the 
flames, but it does not stay open for long.  wait until the flames stop, 
hit the button, and then use Force Speed to run through.  Use your saber 
to open the lock and get out before the flames come back. Go up the lift 
and you'll find a shield regen unit at the top.  Peek around each corner 
of the door to snipe the greenheads waiting outside.  Now walk through 
and check out the shaft.  You'll notice that every so often, a red 
forcefield appears inside the ring.  You have to walk across this...if 
you try to walk around the ring, you'll get fried.  Use Force Speed, 
and run straight across the next time the field turns on.  Ride the 
little lift up to the next ring, and then use Force Speed again to go 
across.  Keep doing this until you reach the top level.  Wait for the 
field to turn on at the top, then run over to the door on the left.  
Through here is a health canister and another lift.  Go up, use the 
shield regen unit if needed, and head out to the next room.
Peter Pan
            Dispatch the few guys in here, and look around.  There are three 
tubes in the wall that have breakable grates in front of them.  Smash 
the one to the left of the door, walk in and you'll be blown up to the 
next level.  Once on the platform, you'll see gusts of air to your right.  
Walk forward and you'll be lifted up to the next platform.  Repeat this 
until you get all the way to the top, killing the guys on the platforms 
as you go.  At the top, you'll see a small cutscene, where you'll meet a 
Reborn jedi for the first time.  He'll jump over and start to attack you.  
A bit of strategy advice here: whenever fighting a jedi, you pretty much 
have to use your saber.  However, switch to Force Speed and use it while 
fighting.  You'll be able to avoid their attacks and finish them quite 
easily.  Once the Reborn jedi is killed, ride the little gust of air over 
to the platform where the jedi came from.  Kill the greenheads, fill up 
on the ammo regen unit, and proceed down the hallway.  You'll find a door 
at the end, with a shield regen unit next to it.  Through the door there 
is another Reborn Jedi waiting.  Use the technique described before, and 
go up the stairs and out the door.  Waste the three greenheads, and check 
out the droid behind the glass panel.  Push the orange button to let him 
out.  Follow the droid on to the lift, and you'll move on to the next 
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 12 (bespin_streets)
Force Powers Gained - Force Grip Rank 1
Droid Babysitting
            Head straight from the lift and jump onto the ledge with the two 
health canisters.  Open the door, but don't go through...there's a few 
tripmines inside.  Destroy them with a detonator and proceed through.  
Kill the enemy, and pick up a new gun, the imperial heavy repeater. Flip 
the orange switch on the console (hard to see at has a small 
triangle on it).  This lowers the lift outside that the droid is waiting 
by.  hurry back out to the droid, and follow him out the door, and get 
ready for a hard part.  You have to make your way down a long hallway 
filled with tripmines, but you have to set them off first so they don't 
hurt the droid.  to make things worse, you have a whole mess of guys 
shooting at you from the right.  To make this part MUCH easier, switch 
to your newly found imperial repeater, and use the alt-fire on both the 
enemies to your right, as well as the tripmines.  It's powerful enough 
to kill an enemy in one shot, and you can take out the tripmines from 
far enough away so that neither you or the droid take any damage.  Go 
through the door at the end, into a room with 2 TIE fighters and a bunch 
of enemies.  Remember, you still have to protect the droid.  While 
you're wasting the guys, the droid will make its way over to a switch on 
the wall, next to a door.  This opens a secret area.  The droid will 
retire back into a little compartment, while you can fill up using the 
ammo regen unit inside.  Walk back out when you're done, and take the 
other door out of the TIE room.
            This new room has a bunch of gray storage units and two doors.  
A bunch of enemies will come out of the door on the left side, and after 
killing them, you should move over to the right and go through the door 
with the saber-lock.  You will now be in a large area with two red 
shuttlepod craft.  go through the door on your left, kill the guys in 
this room, then go back out into the bay to finish off the rest.  As 
soon as you make our way to the door at the other end, a Reborn jedi 
will jump down and attack.  After you kill him, the door next to you 
will be unlocked.  Go through and listen to a short conversation with 
one of the friendly city security officers.  Proceed through the next 
Help from the locals
            Going through the door, you'll pass a checkpoint, and move out 
on to a street.  Kill the various enemies while moving down the street 
to your left.  Turn left again by the red craft, and head down the 
street to help the security officers who are pinned down by an enemy in 
a turret gun.  Kill the gunner and hop in if you can, and finish off the 
remaining forces.  Head through the door on the left, into a large bay 
with a lift on the far wall.  The security officers will remain in the 
bay, shooting up at the enemies on the ledge.  Take the lift up, and go 
around the ledge to the right.  Take a left where the ledge forks, and 
then left again. Continue on, moving back above the street you were just 
fighting on. You should come to a door at the end of the ledge.  Inside, 
there is a door to your immediate left, with a lounge that has a shield 
regen unit.  Use it, then go back out into the room and take the other 
door, leading to a hallway.  The room at the end of the hallway will 
have a door on the left with a saber-lock, and a door on the right 
which leads out to another ledge.  Open the saber lock to let out 2 
security officials, then go through the other door.  You'll have to 
wade through a bunch of enemies on this ledge, making your way around 
until you are looking over a large black pit.  There should be a lift 
at the end of your ledge, on the left.  Take it down, walk around the 
pit to the lift on the other side.  Take it up, then get over to the 
door on this new ledge.  Wipe out the guys in the room, and press the 
orange switch on the wall.  This opens the large cargo door right by 
the pit.  Go back down the lift and through the big doorway.
Washington Monument
            In this new area, you should see two statues that look like the 
washington monument.  A Reborn jedi is waiting behind each of them.  Get 
ready to use your Force Speed again, and waste 'em.  After this, walk up 
the ramp and take the lift to your right.  Move around the ledge and get 
ready to cross the bridge.  Walk slowly...after you get to a certain 
point, a bunch of tripmines will activate and enemies will appear on the 
other side.  Use detonators or the alt-fire on the repeator to set them 
off, and then proceed over the bridge.  Go around the ledge to the right 
and look down.  There will be two greenheads waiting, and a small pool 
of water along the wall.  Jump down into the water to break your fall, 
kill the 2 guys, and proceed through the door.  Walk slowly down this 
hallway and be ready to snipe a greenhead that is waiting up on a high 
ledge over to the right.  Continue down the hallway until you reach the 
door at the end.  Be ready for a couple greenheads and some old 
friends...four stormtroopers.  The small room across from the stairs has 
an ammo regen unit, and the other small room has a shield regen unit.  
Go through the door and stand on the lift.  You'll hear a stormtrooper 
leaving some of the greenheads behind.  Go up the lift, and clear the 
room at the top.  To your right is a door with a lock, and straight ahead 
is a door leading outside to a landing bay.  Go out this door and be 
ready to deal with a Reborn jedi and two imperial officers.  Once 
they're all dead, snag the officer's key and go back through the locked 
door, on to level 13.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 12 (bespin_platform)
Force Powers Gained - Force Lightning Rank 1, Lightsaber Defense Rank 2
Alt-Fire Their Asses
            After walking a few steps forward, a Reborn jedi will drop down 
on top of you.  Do the usual routine...speed and slash, then move to the 
door at the end.  You will see a bunch of stormtroopers further down in 
the room, and two tripmines blocking your path.  There are two doors 
along the left wall, and two along the right.  Notice that the ones on 
the right have a lock by them.  use the repeater's alt fire on the mines, 
and then go in the room to your immediate left.  Kill the two troopers 
and the officer, and grab some ammo on the shelf.  Return out into the 
hallway, and kill the troopers in the large area.  You'll pick up a new 
weapon here.  You'll see a lift to the right, a door in front of you, 
and one on the left as well.  These both lead to the same area, so just 
take the one straight ahead.  You will see a whole bunch of tripmines 
blocking your path up ahead.  One well placed energy charge from the 
repeater's alt-fire will clear them all out.  Destroy the floor-mounted 
turret here as well.  Continue around the corner and snipe the floor 
turret at the far end of the hallway. 
C3P0 and R2-D2!
            Now go through the door to your right.  You'll encounter a number
 of troopers here.  Grab the two health canisters on top of the yellow 
crates, then head under the stairs to hear c3Po and R2-D2 make a few funny 
comments.  Go up the stairs and take the ledge around to the left and 
through the door.  in this room, kill the imperial officer and take his 
security key.  Go out of the room with your two favorite droids =) take a 
left, and go back to the area with the lift and the 2 doors.  Go on the 
lift, but don't push the button yet.  Look up, and you'll see two tripmines.  
Snipe them, and then ride up.  In the next hallway there are four 
stormtroopers.  Waste them and continue along to the end.  A hover droid 
will break through the ceiling...take care of it with a saber throw.  
Unlock the door, and get ready for a Reborn jedi on the other side.  Kill 
him and the troopers in this room, then look out the window.  If you zoom 
in, you can see Desann's apprentice, that little bitch that killed Jan!  
Hit the orange switch, head out of the room into the hallway again, and 
kill the troopers that have appeared.  Take the lift down (the button is 
next to the door, if you need to bring it back up), and get ready for a 
whole mess of troopers.  AFter they're dead, head through the right door, 
past C3P0's room, to the door with the six green lights along the bottom.  
Go through the door and you'll see a cutscene between the apprentice and 
Kyle.  She explains how Desann followed him to the Valley of the Jedi, 
and has been converting his troops into the Reborn jedi you've been 
fighting.  After the scene is over, you must get to fight her.
Strategy for Apprentice
            She uses a what should you do?  That's right, go 
back to the trusty Force Speed + lightsaber combo.  There is a health 
canister in one of the tunnels on the lower level if you need it.  She 
will take a considerable number more hits to defeat, and she uses some 
new moves that the Reborn could not do.  You will likely experience the 
Force Grip, which slowly drains your health.  If she does this to you, 
switch to your Force Push to break her hold.  Other than that, just keep 
using Force Speed to avoid her attacks, and get some hits in of your own.  
She will fall after you defeat her, but does not die.  Another cutscene 
will start, with Kyle using Force Grip to hold her over the black pit.  
She breaks down and explains that Jan is not dead!  They are holding her 
on an asteroid base in the Lenico belt.  Kyle spares her life, and takes 
the hauler to the base.  On the way he tells Lando to let Luke know about 
Desann's invasion of the valley.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 13 (cairn_bay)
Force Powers Gained - Lightsaber Throw Rank 2, Lightsaber Offense - Fast 
NOTE: This is the first time your saber offense level is upgraded.  
Until now, you've only had the medium style to use.  to switch to a 
different saber style, push the default "L" key.  The half-circle bar 
on you hud will change color.  Basically, this new style is good for 
light attacks but endless combos.
Reborn Attack!
            You start off in a large bay, next to the hauler.  Get ready, 
because there are troopers patrolling close by.  Kill the four that 
attack you, and make sure to get the four more up on the walk way.  
There are two rooms on the side of the bay, each with various supplies a
nd a door in the corner.  Go in the room on the left, and through the 
door.  This next small section will have a door around the corner, and 
another up a short ramp, by the security monitor on the wall.  go up to 
this door, and you'll hear two troopers talking about all the trouble 
you caused way back on kejim post =).  Don't go through this door yet.  
Go through the other one around the corner.  You'll see Luke drop down 
and slash a trooper.  He and Kyle have a small cutscene together, while 
walking out into the next large bay.  There will be a sudden attack, so 
be prepared for some troopers and four Reborn jedi.  After you're done, 
Luke tells you to continue searching for the Doomgiver, the ship Jan's 
being held on.  
Hard to Breathe?
            This new bay is laid out almost exactly like the one you started came up through the small room on the right during the cutscene.  
Face the walkway, and go into the door on the left.  you'll go up 
through a long corridor, encountering a few troopers along the way.  At 
the top is a room with a few officers and troopers.  Kill them, grab the 
key, and then look at the panel by the window.  One of the buttons has a 
different it, and watch one of the best moments in the 
game: a security forcefield deactivating and a whole cargo bay full of 
stormtroopers screaming as they fly out into space.  Turn around and use 
the shield regen unit, open the supply crate and pick up a portable 
sentry unit, then press the other two switches on both side of the wall.  
These turn on the lifts in the big bay you just emptied out =).  Move 
back down the hallway, across the cargo bay full of crates, and through 
the opposite door.  There will be a few troopers waiting for you as you 
go along.  Once through the door, you will be in the same small section 
where you heard the troopers making remarks about the kejim incident.  
Go through the door by the display, and you will be in the large bay you 
just saw through the window.  This is the central area that all three 
similar bays connect to; you can see the three humongous doors leading 
to them.  Take out the troopers on the top of each lift, then take the 
one on the right.  The control room at the top has four officers and 
two more sure to get the supply key.  Hit the dark red 
panel first...this lights up a section, and if you look down in the bay, 
one of the doors now has white lights instead of red ones.  If you cycle 
through this panel, you'll see the lights for each bay change color.  
All you're doing here is effectively unlocking one bay.  Make sure the 
bay on the right is unlocked, then move to the panel at the other end of 
the room.  This will open whichever door has been unlocked by the first your case, the right one.  You will see a few troops inside, 
standing around a large white ship.  The large doors don't stay open for 
very long, so take the lift down and run through.
Playing in the Vents
            Take care of the guys in around the ship and the ones above you.  
In the room to the left there is a supply crate with a shield booster.  
Now, go out to the ship and jump up on the cockpit.  From here you can 
jump on the platform above you.  Both doors up here are locked, but 
that's ok.  Look up and blast the breakable grate covering the vent, 
and jump in.  Walk ahead and turn right at the first intersection.  
There should be a blue forcefield on the floor.  Push the switch on the 
wall to turn it off, and drop down.  Kill the Reborn jedi ahead of you, 
and then walk forward and to the right, down a long passage.  Turn left 
at the end, and deactivate this second floor forcefield.  Drop down, and 
with your back to the blue panel, take the hallway on your right.  This 
leads to another forcefield.  Drop down and you will see yet another one 
blocking a breakable grate.  Drop down through the grate and handle the 
troopers and officers, picking up another key in the process.  This new 
room will have two windowed security booths on each side.  The one on the 
left also has a forcefield type switch around the corner...make sure it's 
red, as this will deactivate the three ceiling turrets in the next room.  
Go down the ramp and through the door you just opened.  
Fun with Turbolifts
            This room has a number of turbolift doors, and only one of them 
is open.  Fill up on the ammo regen unit to your left, and then go to 
the far end of the room for a supply crate containing a seeker drone.  
When you're done, hop in the open turbolift shaft.  You'll be able to 
see a red tunnel with a breakable grate above your head.  Jump up 
through, and notice that there is an active turbolift moving up and 
down.  Wait for the lift to pass by, and then jump on top.  One floor 
above the vent you crawled out of, there is a green-lit area for you 
to jump to.  This leads to another shaft.  Jump on the lift here, and 
then look for an open doorway while you're riding.  It's tricky to 
balance on, but move forward on to the ledge of this doorway, and then 
jump across to the other shaft.  Walk through to one more shaft, where 
you'll see a turbolift with a broken roof, drop down inside.  Wait until 
it gets to the bottom, then walk into the door for the next level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 15 (cairn_assembly)
Force Powers Gained - Mind Trick Rank 2, Force Grip Rank 2
Mind Trick, anyone?
            As you walk out of the shaft, you'll be immediately greeted with 
turrets and a bunch of troopers.  I recommend taking out the turrets 
first with saber throws.  Now, notice that the only door out of this 
room is locked.  Look through the security booth window, and mind trick 
the officer.  He'll walk over and open the door.  Move to the next door, 
and go out into the observation room.  Kill the two officers and the 
troopers, and go up the lift on your right.  In the control room at the 
top, kill the guards, use the shield regen unit if needed, and hit the 
button on the console array.  ride the lift back down, and go through 
the door up the small ramp.  Take this lift down and go out into the 
maintenance area.  Clear out the troops, and hop up on the tall stack 
of boxes.  From here you'll be able to get to the first platform on 
the structure in the middle. Jump on the second platform, and look at 
the ledge on one side of the room.  See the breakable grate? Hop on 
the rail that is closest to the ledge, and get over to through the 
grate.  inside this small room, you need to destroy the four electric 
generators.  This causes a bunch of explosions back in the bay, and will 
blow up a cargo door at the bottom.  Make your way back down through this 
door, and into the next room.
Hot Feet
            Clear out the five or six troops here, then go up the walkway to 
the door on the right.  Take out the enemies in this control room, and 
then check out the security camera display on the left.  Cycle through 
and you'll see Admiral Fyaar talking to a Reborn Jedi.  Continue out of 
this room, down the short hallway to another area, where you're greeted 
by more troopers and a floor turret.  After you finish them, take the 
door on the left, at the bottom of the ramp.  There is an electric field 
covering the entire floor in this next room.  I found it best to snipe 
all the enemies you can see, and then jump from box to box without any 
distractions.  Make your way around the large vessel in the middle of 
the room, and then jump inside the open section.  Take the lift up to 
the top level, then climb outside one of the windows where you'll be 
able to drop down on the walkway.  Walk around and use the ammo regen 
unit.  If you stand on top of this, you can jump up on top of the 
security booth, and open the supply crate for another seeker drone.  
Go inside the booth, press the two red buttons, then rde the lift back 
down to the floor.  you can now safely walk across the floor and go 
through a cargo bay door.  Kill the three troopers in here, and advance 
to the next bay.  
Good God, Peacock Robots!
            Same situation here, more troopers to deal with, as well as a 
turret.  Go up the walkway on the right and into the next room.  You will 
be blocked by six tripmines.  Detonate them, walk through, and you'll 
hear the admiral radioing the station, wondering where all of his troops 
went =).  Continue through to the right, and down the lift.  Go to the 
supply shelf if you need to, and then out the door.  You'll go out into 
another large bay, where two Reborn Jedi are waiting.  Take care of them 
and move through the cargo doors to the left.  in the next room, two 
giant robots will explode out of some crates...I call them peacock robots, 
because well, the have long legs and parts that resemble a feather plume.  
Whatever.  They might take a while to beat.  When you're done, go up the 
walkway on the right, through the door, and face another Reborn Jedi.  
Proceed through the door and walk toward the lift.  Before you go up, 
listen and you'll hear an officer berating one of the rookie troopers.  
Go up and clear the next area, and open the supply crate for a portable 
assault sentry.  Move to the ramp and out the doorway on the left.  The 
next area has a couple troopers and a bunch of officers...make sure you 
grab two supply keys.  Hit the red switch at the end, then head back out 
of the room to face a Reborn Jedi.  Go down the lift, out the door and 
into the room where you faced the two robots.  Another Reborn Jedi is 
waiting.  Slice through him, go through the cargo doors to the next bay 
where you'll greet two more Rebon Jedi.  go forward toward the assault 
ship, and then take care of the AT-ST.  Go past the ship to the left, 
through the giant doors.  In this next room you have to kill six 
troopers and 2 floor turrets.  Climb up the stairs at the end and raid 
the supply shelves, and then drop down underneath the stairs, where 
there are a whole bunch of tripmines.  There are regen units on each end 
of this section.  Set off the mines, get to the middle of the passage, 
and then drop down in the hole to finish the level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 16 (cairn_reactor)
Force Powers Gained - None
Beams o' Death
            You'll see a Reborn Jedi in front of you.  Start shooting him, 
and he'll advance toward you, probably getting zapped by one of the green 
energy beams.  Walk forward, avoiding the beams, until the passage stops.  
You'll need to go right down the next section, and through a door on the 
left.  However, to get around the beam firing in the passage, use Force 
Speed as soon as there is a gap.  At the end of the next hallway is a 
Reborn jedi.  Finish him, and then look at the next section of the 
passage.  You need to do the opposite of what you just did...use Force 
Speed again, but head left and turn right into the passage.  A Reborn 
Jedi will pop out once you turn the corner.  To navigate past these next 
beams, shoot each of the pink crystals.  The one in the middle will blast 
a hole in the wall.  Move over to it, but be careful, there's another 
beam in this hallway with a slower cycle.  Force Speed-run to the right, 
and halfway down there is a small section on the right with a dead jedi 
and two health kits.  Continue down the long hallway you were just in, 
hang a right at the end, and then take another right, into a small room 
with four beams firing outward.  Hit the red switch, and all the lasers 
will stop.  Head back down the passage you came from, to the hole that 
you climbed through.  To do this, face your back to the switch, and head 
down the passage that has a left turn.  Take this left, make one more 
left turn, and you'll be in the long hallway again.  Right when you're 
by the hole, another Reborn Jedi will drop from the ceiling.  When he's 
dead, hop up on the pipes where he dropped from.  Continue hopping up 
the pipes, and move out into a room with a central shaft and thin 
platforms fanning out from it.  You need to hop up from one to the other, 
but there are lasers shooting above each one.  Time your jumps, and once 
you're at the top, one of the planks will have a door above it.  Move 
through and kill the four guards, then progress forward into the energy 
core shaft.  
Heh heh, Shaft
            This is an extremely long room, with three walkways on each side; 
a top, middle, and bottom one.  Go right, and drop down to the middle 
walkway, using the pipes.  Walk through to the next section of the shaft, 
and drop down on the pipes to make your way across to the left side.  
Jump on the middle walkway to continue through.  There is a supply shelf 
and three troops on the ground in the next small section...don't drop down 
unless you really have to; it's a pain to get back up.  Again, walk across 
the pipes to the right side of the shaft, and jump up on the small ledge 
on the passageway.  Go around this short little tunnel and back out to 
the shaft.  Again, the pipes are your friends...walk across to the left 
side again and jump up to a similiar passage.  Wait here a moment and 
listen to the troopers bitching about the Reborn.  Walk around, waste 'em, 
and look into the final section of the shaft.  At the end, there are 
three security areas with troopers behind them.  Don't worry, you'll be 
able to locate them because they'll be shooting at you out of the window 
slots.  Snipe them, and then look out at the station to closest to you, 
by the wall.  See the two curved pipes underneath it?  Jump down and 
then head on up to them.  Hop up into the hole above your head, and kill 
any troopers you might have missed.
Shaft part 2
            Head out the door, and onto the next platform, where you'll see 
more of the shaft.  Kill the guys here, then jump down on it.  You can 
walk on the shaft itself, but those large rotating blades are 
electrified.  Make your way forward, and halfway through you'll fight a 
Reborn Jedi.  At the end, you'll have to kill four troopers and three 
floor turrets.  Hop up on the ledge they were on, and continue through 
the next two doors into the next area.  Kill the big robot, and snipe 
the four troopers shooting you from above.  Look to your left...there 
is a supply crate.  Go to the right, kill the guards and take the lift 
down to kill the officer and grab his key.  If you want the portable 
assault sentry that's back in that crate, don't push the button here 
yet.  Go back up the lift and grab the sentry, then come back down for 
the button.  The platform you're on will begin moving around the wall.  
Get ready for a tricky part.  After you get part way around, two 
troopers with rocketlaunchers begin shooting, destroying the large clamps 
your cart is riding on!  It would best best to hop out of it now...
they'll blow it up anyway.  Run along the left ledge in the middle of 
each clamp, making short hops between them.  Get around to the end, and 
you'll be able to take out one of the troops who has a launcher.  ride 
the lift up and take out the three troopers here.  Go out the door and 
across the small bridge, where you can kill the other trooper that was 
shooting rockets.  Once you get to the door, go around either side of 
this wide ledge to get some goodies.  Head back to the door and go 
through to the next area.
Fun with Lifts
            In here you will see two small lifts on either side that move 
down, and a larger one on the opposite end that goes up.  Go around and 
take the lift that goes up.  Kill the four officers on this level and hit 
the red button.  notice that there is a locked door.  Take the large lift 
back down, then ride one of the smaller lifts to the lower level.  Clear 
the area, scope out the supply crate if you want, then ride the larger 
lift here down to another area.  Kill the Reborn Jedi and the four 
officers, and make sure to grab the security key.  Take the lifts all 
the way back up to the top level; you can now unlock that door.  Kill 
the three guards on the bridge, then through the door and on to level 17.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 17 (cairn_dock1)
Force Powers Gained - Force Pull Rank 3, Force Push Rank 3
Black-Armored Badasses
            Walk through into the room filled with crates.  Ahead of you is 
a locked door, to the left is a cargo door, and to the right, a normal 
door.  Through the cargo door there are a number of rooms leading to 
stockpiles of supplies.  No enemies, no secrets, and no switches - just 
supplies.  i won't go into any detail there...just go in if you need to, 
and get back to the crate room.  Go through the only other door, and 
you'll see a room with four display cases holding some cool black armor.  
Proceed down the stairs, through the door, and into a large area with a 
bunch of platforms.  Here you will meet a new type of that 
has lightsaber resistant armor, doh!  They are faster than the other 
Reborn Jedi, and can also use Force Grip.  You'll have to beat two of 
them...My advice is to stick with the patented force speed/saber slash 
combo.  When they're dead, some troopers will come out on the clear 
platform across the room.  Waste them and climb up the stairs, kill the 
officer and take his security key.  Backtrack all the way to the crate 
room, and unlock that last door.  Proceed through until the room with 
the blue consoles.  Hit the switch, and Kyle will remark that he sees 
too many troops to fight'll have to use stealth.
Sneak Sneak Sneak
            Ride down the lift to your right, go down the ramp and through 
the door leading out into the large area.  Now, follow these instructions 
exactly and you won't have any problems with alarms.  Go to your left 
and peek out from behind the boxes.  There will be a trooper very close 
to you.  Mind trick him and run to the left corner of the room.  From 
here you can jump up on to the sloped ledge.  Look up the ledge, and see 
the one trooper standing guard, and another patrolling the bridge above.  
Mind trick them both (yes you can reach from here), and then follow the 
ledge up and stop at the top corner, behind the trooper.  Mind trick both 
of them again, and use your rifle to vaporize the one in front of you.  
Next, keep mind tricking the one on the bridge, until he reaches to the 
end of the bridge closest to you and stops.  Vaporize him too.  Now, creep 
forward and mind trick all of the troops on the ground, and then make your 
way under the bridge.  From the other side, you should be able to jump up 
on top.  Now, look over to your left, and drop down to the roof of the 
building below.  You should see a breakable grate here, smash it and drop 
in.  You will land on a ledge between an officer and an alarm panel.  
Kill him before he can reach it, and then shoot the troops below.  It's ok 
if they saw you, because none of the troops outside this room are alerted.  
Hop to the walkway across the room, stand at the blue panel and look out 
the window.  The switch in front of you will turn off those green pulsing 
electric towers.  You'll have to use Force Speed to make it through in 
time.  Flip the switch, hurry out the crawlspace to your left, and jump 
toward the green towers.  Turn on Force Speed, go to the left of the 
towers, and run along the gap in between them.  At the end will be a few 
stairs leading to three officers by a console.  It's ok if they see you, 
just kill them before they run away to any alarms.  Make sure to get the 
key as well.  Now move along to the small passageway on the right.  
You'll move towards another large area where a whole platform of 
troopers will be rising up to your level.  It's ok if they see you.. the 
alarm panel in this area is being worked on by a droid.  Kill the 
troopers and the officer, and go over to the corner by the two doors.  
Notice you need a key for one of them, but you didn't find a key on that 
last officer.  Well, go look out by the ammo regen unit, and the key is 
sitting on a small crate next to the console.  Yes, that huge oddly 
shaped object is a key.  I have no idea why the scale is so off...perhaps 
so people wouldn't miss it.  I assumed it was just a tool or something, 
and spent a half hour trying to find it somewhere else.  
Sneaking x 2
            Moving on...go back to the door and unlock it.  Take the lift up, 
and check out the blue console on your left.  When you push it, notice 
that the big cargo lift out in the main area is retracted.  Continue down 
the stairs, through the door, and up the other stairs to a new console.  
See all the troopers?  Hit the switch and they're not a problem anymore.  
Continue through the next door, take the lift down and walk across the 
area you just cleared out.  At the far end is an open door...don't run 
through it too fast; there are electric pipes on the other side.  
Navigate around them and go out to the next area.  A large electrical 
field is between you and the next door, with some troopers and an officer 
next to it.  Mind trick all of them, then move to the other end of the 
walkway on your side.  Hop up on the pipes, moving over the top of the 
big generator, and then drop down on the other side, using more pipes.  
Take out the officer first, and then the troopers...they'll be too busy 
shooting to try for the alarm.  Go through the door, around some more 
electrical pipes, and then on to the next room.  
One last Sneak, for old time's sake
            Stop as soon as you get out of the pipe room.  Look up and to 
the right.  There is a breakable grate on a high ledge.  Jump up and 
break it for a secret.  Now drop down, but do not go through the door.  
To the left of the door, above a short column, is a hole leading to the 
other side.  Jump up and crawl through.  The room on the other side is 
full of officers, but as long as you hug the ledge and stay crouched, 
they won't see you.  Move all the way left, to the end of the ledge, and 
look down.  See the three officers talking to each other?  These are the 
only ones you'll have to deal with.  Look across the room, and make sure 
you see the door.  This next part can be a bit tricky, so I'll make some 
bullet points to make sure you get through ok.
            - Go to the switch on your ledge, and have your mind trick and 
            light goggles ready (the switch kills the lights)
            - Hit the switch, then run over on top of the 3 officers and 
            mind trick all three
            - Jump down, walk directly across the room to the door, turn 
            around and mind trick the three officers again
            - It will now be safe to open the door
            You must do those steps EXTREMELY quickly, otherwise the mind 
trick effect will wear off and the officers will notice you.  Once 
through the door, you'll be right at another door.  Most likely you'll 
be able to hear a Reborn Jedi on the other side.  Go through, but kill 
the two officers next to him first.  If you don't they'll scurry away 
through the boxes to hit the alarm.  After killing eveyone, jump over 
all the boxes and get to the end of the room.  Go through the door, up 
the lift, and out on to the walkway.  The large structure next to you is 
actually the top of the Doomgiver ship.  Follow the platform around to 
the bridge, and you'll see the door is locked.  Move around to the other 
side to find the open door.  Once you're in, you'll see a cutscene to 
end the level.
Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast
Walkthrough for Level 18 (doom_comm)
Force Powers Gained - Force Jump Rank 3, Mind Trick Rank 3, Force Lightning Rank 2
Make It So
            This level starts off with a video showing Kyle on the bridge, 
speaking to Luke.  He'll learn the new objective; search for the 
communications array, and radio Rogue Squadron so they can come destroy 
the ship.  Easy enough =).  Drop down to the room below; don't bother 
with any of the consoles, they don't do anything.  A whole bunch of 
troopers will rush in, and there are about 14 total that you'll have to 
kill.  outside of this room on either side of the door, are ammo supply 
shelves.  Stock up, then follow the hallway around and take the lift 
down to the next level.  More troopers and two ceiling turrets are here.  
i'd suggest waiting by the lift, let the troopers come to you, and then 
peek around and snipe each of the turrets.  Go down the few stairs and 
hit the red switch.  Turn around and face the troopers and the officers 
coming through the door, and make sure to pick up the key.  Continue 
through and explore the rooms on your left and right for more goodies, 
then head straight to the next lift.  A Reborn Jedi will be waiting as 
you open the door; this should be old hat by now...speed and slash him.  
At the bottom of this next lift is a room with a sole officer.  Kill him 
and get the key, then proceed down the ramp.  You once again have a door 
on either side, and locked door to the front.  The right and left doors 
lead to more small goodie rooms, and they both have breakable panels in 
the ceiling, leading up to small corridors.  The room on the right leads 
up to an area with some medical hover drones and a secret supply crate 
at the end.  however, you don't have the key for this yet.  The room on 
the left has a similar area, also with medical drones, but it has a floor 
grate that drops you into the next area.
Getting Loopy in the Vents 
            Take the left room first, jump up and deal with the drones.  As 
with most of the flying drones in the game, you can take these guys out 
with one saber throw.  Try to avoid their attacks, because your view will 
turn all funky if you get hit.  Walk around until you find the grate that 
drops you into the next room (don't worry about getting lost, it's the 
only way out).  This room contains one guard at a console, and a several 
droids behind forcefields.  Once down, kill the guard and take his key for 
that secret crate.  You can now open the door to get back to the room you 
were just in, allowing quick access into the goodie room and up into the 
ceiling again for that secret.  Once you've got it, head back to the droid 
room.  Pushing the red button on the console will give you control of one 
of those droids.  Move back into the other room, up the ramp, and go 
through the small forcefield on the left.  Move down to this new room, 
and activate the button that the black droid is standing in front of (you 
may need to wait a few seconds for the droid to move out of your way).  
That button opens the locked door in the right goodie room.  Switch back 
to Kyle and then proceed to through the goodie room, and kill the troopers 
that have now been alerted to your presense.  At the end of this room, take 
the lift down, and then stop for a minute.  Go forward, and examine the 
yellow door ahead of you, and the other yellow door down the stairs.  You 
are in the loading room for a tram station...once you bring the trams down, 
you'll be able to go through the doors.  Go out the other door and prepare 
for some peacock robot action.  Actually, all you need to do for the two of 
them is use Force Push to throw them out into the pit.  Go up on the 
walkway and deal with the ceiling turrets, and then turn your attention to 
the platform with the row of vertical pipes.  Walk around it and break the 
glass to drop to a new area.  You should hear some more hoverdrones coming, 
so get your saber ready.  Proceed all the way down to the end and take the 
lift up.  This new room has a few easy guards, knock them down and continue 
ahead to the tram control room.  Press the four red buttons by the window, 
and you'll see the four trams come down the track.  See what I meant before 
about using the yellow doors to get to them? Good.  now do it.  Go out the 
right door from the control room, on to the walkway.  You'll see that 
unfortunately, the trams have come loaded with stormtroopers.  Have fun 
pushing them into the pit, and then make your way down to the room on the 
right, and enter the tram at the top of the stairs.  Push the button to 
get it down the track.
Rubik's Cube
            At the end, go out and head left, to deal with a whole slew of 
floor turrets and troopers.  Kill the officer to get his key, then unlock 
the security door and go through.  Congrats, you've found the comm array.  
Dispense with the rest of the turrets and troopers in here, then go around 
to the large red display.  Press it, and discover it's offline.  Drat.  
Time for a major jumping puzzle.  Take the door to your right, down the 
stairs, and out into a giant room.  The "green" control room will be right 
in front of you.  Go forward and check the display...notice that's offline
 as well, and a bunch of characters are cycling through the screen.  
Notice that the symbol you need (as displayed in your objectives) is one 
of them.  OK, you'll have to find a way to get this console working first. 
Note that there are three codes you need to set (red, green, and blue), 
and there are three small control rooms in this large area (again, a red 
one, green one, and blue one).  Hmm, more of that pesky coincidence stuff.  
Go down the stairs to the left of the green control room, and ride the 
lift down.  Holllly crap.  I bet you can tell this is going to be fun.  
There is a separate control cube for each code in each color, and for 
some reason they're set up in the most inaccessible way possible.  You 
need to find the consoles with the codes that match the ones from your 
objectives, and turn 'em on.  Then you can activate the three colored 
control booths in the room above you, and finally, use the array.  Ack.
            Let's analyze the layout of the cubes first.  They're set up in a 
3x3x3 box, with 9 red cubes on top, 9 greens in the middle, and 9 blues 
on the bottom.  Hopefully this will be apparent to you.  Now, looking at 
the large room vertically, each column of cubes contains the same icon.  
(i.e. the red cube in front of you has the diamond code w/ the line 
through it...the green cube directly below will have the same code, and 
the blue cube below that has the same code as well).  See where I'm 
going with this?  Consult the three diagrams below to get the location 
of each code:
     Red Level              Green Level             Blue Level
    ___ ___ ___             ___ ___ ___              ___ ___ ___
   |   |   |   |            |   |   |   |            |   |   |   |
   |___|___|___|            |___|___|___|            |___|_X_|___|   
   |   |   |   |            |   |   |   |            |   |   |   |
   |___|___|___|            |___|___|___|            |___|___|___|
   |   |   |   |            |   |   |   |            |   |   |   |
   |_X_|___|___|           |___|___|_X_|           |___|___|___|
       |___|<< (ed.) FAQ!! this publish us letting for KyleKatrn to Thanx ----------------------------------------------------------