
First of all, if you have the original version, this walkthrough should still help you but as far as I know, there are many differences between the original version.

Welcome abord the Arcada, a ship in panic after being borded by the evil space pirates, the Sariens.

Walk left an click on the computer screen. You can try to use it but you don't know what you need to know...yet. Leave the computer screen and walk around in the room that you are in until a dying scientist staggers in (If this doesn't work ga one screen left and then go back and continue to walk right, then he should come in). Use the computer screen and get the cartridge he told you. Walk to the left, you see an elevator, but don't use it yet. Walk left again and click the hand icon on the body to search it. Walk right and use the elevator then go into the open doorway. Look around, WOW! the Sariens really trashed the place, but they left a perfectly good magnetic widget on the broken Star generator, pick it up. Now go right until you see a yellow and black elevator, use it. You are now in a room (Kinda looks like an engine room), there are two ways to do this, you can turn up the speed and stay near the bottom of the screen and go right FAST, or hide behinde the joystick (Make sure you can't see any part of you), if you don't do this the Sariens will kill you. Look by the door for two buttons, look at them, push open bay doors. Put the keycard in the slot next to the door to open it. Look in the closet on the left wall, Ah a space suit, better put it on. Look in the drawer (Also on the left wall) and pick up the gadget. Open the door and go into the docking bay. Get in the escape pod, and put on your seatbelt. Press the power button, the use the joystick.

When clear of the Arcada, use the autonav button (If you press the button marked "This Button Not To Be Pressed At Any Time, SAVE YOUR GAME FIRST). What an escape pod, great navigation, huh? Well unbuckle your seatbelt and get out. Pick up the survival kit (Inside the door of the pod), and the piece of glass on the ground. Walk to the right, and then go down, you may see a plant like substance growing, you can pick up some, but you don't have to now. Go down again, then right until you see the tail of the skeleton, and begin to walk on the skeleton (Two things 1: You have to walk ON TOP OF the skeleton, and 2:Don't worry if a Sarien Spider Droid appears, but you want to keep your distance because sometimes Roger Will trip and the droid may have a chance to get him). If you get thirsty you can open your survival kit, then click the dehydrated water on Roger, then you won't be thirty. Continue walking along on the skeleton until you see a plaque, then try to walk towards it. After a trip down the elevator, click on the stalagmite, and if you did not click on the plant earlier, you have to click on the purple goop that was holding the prebroken tip on. Walk over one screen, and click the plant or the sticky goop (Which are actually the same thing) on the grate (You must walk close to first to get the grate monster near the top). Walk along the wall past the grate, the drop the stalagmite tip in the little steaming geyser. Walk up and use the glass from the pod on the laser.

Continue to walk up until you see something dripping from the ceiling, turn up the speed and walk through (SAVE FIRST). Turn on the gadget (Click the hand on it in your inventory) walk continue to walk to the right. Oh great, you have to KILL a MONSTER, well walk to the right until you see the tail of the skeleton, the walk up until you see the skull of the skeleton and walk into it. Hurry and click the walk icon on the rock (3/4's of the way up the screen, near the left. Wow, that Spider Droid really did a job on old Orat huh? Well the strange face guy said you need proof, so pick up the little orat part in the middle of the cave. Work your way back to where the face thingy was, and when you get there, use the Orat part on the face. When you get the chance use the cartridge on the computer in the upper right hand corner of the screen, then click on the skimmer. When you reach Ulence flats, a strange alien will try to buy your skimmer, tell him NO, and walk into the bar (Don't forget to use the hand icon on the skimmer dashboard to take the keys!!!). Use the widget on the slot machine and win about 250$, and then leave the bar. The strange alien should try to buy you skimmer from you again, if his offer includes a jet pack, TAKE IT (Also if you see a little furry guy telling you to follow him behind the bar to see some transportation don't follow him unless you want to be mugged). Walk over to Tiny's Used Spaceships, here you can walk up and buy the ship at the top of the screen, or you can buy the blue one on the screen you are in, if you do this it will save you money because it malfunctions and you will get a "70$ Discount" but it seam's Tiny hasn't done math in a while so you get more of a discount. Make sure you do eventually buy the space ship in the upper right of the Ulence Flats.

Make your way back into the bar and win all the money you can off of the slot machine, then sit down at the bar, and use the coupon, and buy beers and drink them until you hear two guys talking, and remember what sector they said. Leave the bar and go into "Droids 'B' Us" and but the droid called the "NAV-201" and get in you new, used, spaceship. Go to the sector that you overheard in the bar, when your droid tells you that you should turn back tell him NO. Get out of your spaceship, click the hand on the little wheel near the bay door, and fly in. Hurry and stand next to the door, but not in front of it, when the garbagebot comes in to pick up the broken jet pack, hurry up and go through the door. There are two ways to do this also, if you did open the survival kit to get the dehydrated water, click the hand on the chest to move it, then use the Xenon Army Knife on the vent, then go right and up until you see another vent and click the hand on it, OR if you DIDN'T open the survival kit, click the hand icon on the trunk, then click the Xenon Army Knife on the trunk and get in it, either way. Get in the giant washer and watch Roger spin.

Cool, new duds, walk right, and use the elevator to the left, then on the new floor, walk to the right. Talk to the really big guy, he wants some ID huh? well show him the card that you have in your pocket. Remember the code he tells you, you will need it. Walk left two times and use the elevator go right until you are in the room with all the guns. Save your game, then give the robot your ID card, and while he is gone, click the hand on the door in the counter (The part that flips up) and pick up one smoke bomb, walk out and close the door in the counter, then get your gun from the robot. Walk to the right, use the smoke bomb on the big guard guy, and continue to walk right. At some point you will trip, and the garbagebot will take your helmet, you can't avoid it, so if you see any Sariens use your gun on them (This is not really as hard as it sounds). Make your way back to where that big guard was (Shooting everyone on the way) and search the body of the guard, then click the remote on the star generator, Which will deactivate the force field. Enter the destruct code and walk right until you see an elevator, then use it. Use the elevator next to the one that you came down in. Use the escape pod, and watch the ending.