During gameplay press CTRL+X to bring up the console. Enter the following codes 
followed and press ENTER:
NOTE: Entering a correct cheat code will cause the console to close. Hold SHIFT 
down while pressing ENTER after entering a cheat code and console will remain open.
Cheat Code:             Effect: 
weaknesspays            Add $1000 Simoleons 
fightthepower           Remove Power Requirements 
howdryiam               Remove Water Requirements 
you don't deserve it    Unlock All Rewards 
whattimeizit #          Set Time to # 
whererufrom #           Change Name of City to # 
hellomynameis (name)    Change Your Name to (name) 
sizeof #                Magnify to # 
tastyzots Toggle        Cell Warnings 
recorder                Start Recorder 
stopwatch               Toggle Clock 
1. To display the ' character, press ", then press [Backspace] 
Information in this section was contributed by Zac Watson and Storm [FoT]. 
Reactivate God mode:
To reenter God mode after you have created your City, hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] + [Shift] and click the "God Mode" button. The tools will not be the post-establishment tools, but will revert back to pre-city tools. They will remain that way as long as you stay in God mode, otherwise they go back to normal.
Start game as usual. During gameplay press CTRL+X to go to console, 
then enter the following cheats followed by ENTER: 
WeaknessPays - Get More Simoleons 
FightThePower - Remove Power Requierements 
HowDryIAm - Remove Water Requierements 
You don't deserve it - Unlock All Rewards 
Stopwatch - Toggle Clock 
WhatTimeIzIt - Set Daytime To 
WhereRUFrom - Change The Name Of The City 
HelloMyNameIs - Change Your Name 
SizeOf - Magnify To 
TastyZots - Toggle Cell Warnings 
Zoneria - ? 
DollyLlama - ? 
Barstuck - ? 
WatchMeMove - ? 
FPS - ? 
RP - ? 
Flora - ? 
RenderProp - ? 
TerrainQuery - ? 
RenderProp - ? 
Effect - ? 
GOL - ? (Green Plasma Effect On Map) 
Recorder - Start Recorder 
NOTE: Entering invalid cheat codes will make the console and text 
remain indiferent, whereas entering a valid cheat code 
will close the console. 
Hold SHIFT down while pressing ENTER after entering 
a cheat code and console will remain open.