So, you're stuck in Perfect Assassin..... Well, who isn't?
Here are some of the more common problems people find in the Perfect Assassin gameplay explained as extracts from the programmers' walkthrough. 
If your problem is not detailed here (we dont want to give the Whole game away on the web!), try emailing our technical support, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or contacting us at the address at the bottom of the page.


Colour coded lock (cusp, red light district)
Approach the doolan standing in the centre of the courtyard. Ask him where Karanni is. Ask him again meekly, then aggressively. He will refer to the threatening presence of the two pra'min. It becomes clear that you will get nowhere without a fight. Save the game, then select your most powerful ammo and kill the two pra'min and then the doolan. Use the pillars near the gate for cover if necessary. Try entering the door (opposite the gate); you will find it secured by a colour coded lock (click on the lock). There is no obvious solution to the code in the courtyard. Return to Smoo- Chee and ask what the colour code is. He will admit to having it taped to an ampoule of kirith. Ask aggressively for the ampoule and he will give it to you. Save your game. Examine the object in your inventory and you will notice a colour wheel taped to the base of the ampoule. This includes some of the colours on the door lock, plus magenta. The magenta section shows where the sequence starts (it doesn't appear on the keypad). Note down the sequence of colours (moving clockwise), save your game, and then enter them into the keypad 
The colours are... 

red, orange, yellow, light green, pale blue, dark blue, brown.

The Warehouse, shrinking device keypad.
The shrinking device keypad is in alpha numerics but the instructions are in pra'minese so Charon needs to get the instructions translated. If he goes back to the transporter room he will find a poster on the wall. The poster is a set of rules in pra'minese and the pra'minese numbering system is used. If the player matches the pra'minese numbers on the poster to the numbers on the instructions he will come up with the Alpha Numeric equivalent. 
The code is..... 


Jungle Streets, intercom password.

Charon should go and find the intercom outside the Jakari youth club. Finding this will allow him to ask characters about both the intercom and the password. 
If Charon seeks out the Jakari called Trub-ble waiting by the tree he will learn the password but will also learn that he can't say it as he doesn't have tentacles. If Charon asks 'where is the intercom' agressively Trub-ble will take him there. Once by the intercom Charon simply asks the Jakari about the password again and the intercom will automatically open the door. 
Once in the youth hostel get the registration card from under the green monitor towards the back of the room. Take it and give it to B'Urrt who is through the door at the far end of the room. Once B'Urrt has it he will send it by D:mail (Duck Mail) through the official channels. 
If Charon now goes upstairs and talks to the Archivist about the Gatekeeper he will be told to go and meet him by the gate and he will be let through. 
Go back to the locked gate and the gatekeeper should come and unlock it allowing the level to be completed. 


Militia Bridge, how to cross it

Charon enters a room with a screen on either side and a door at each end. The door he came through is locked - he must go forward. The other door leads to a large water filled room with guards on platforms. Walking into this room will alert the guards. The exit is on the other side of the moat. There is a switch on the wall next to the exit door but shooting it has no effect. 
Return to the previous room and look at the first screen. This video monitor shows the water room and the operation of an extending bridge. There are two bars, set at zero, and the word "kirith", pointing down to the keypad below the monitor. Entering "kirith" on the keypad has no effect. Look at the other monitor which is a Kar-Net terminal. Looking up kirith shows its chemical formula K2THO; enter this into the keypad and then look at the monitor. One of the bars will have filled up, and a new word will have appeared: "militia". 
Look up "militia" on Kar-Net and it will mention "Rhino" squad. This is the second keyword: enter it in the same way as the first. Look at the monitor again. Both bars will now be full and the bridge extended across the moat. 
Enter the bridge room again. Shoot the switch on the opposite wall and the bridge will extend, allowing Charon to cross. Either walk across, or better still, walk onto the bridge and shoot the switch again to be carried across by the retracting bridge. Shoot the guards (optional at this stage) and open the door. 


Militia cell block, Jakhari freedom fighter release code.

There is a jakhari freedom fighter in a cell. Speak to him. He has overheard your conversation and offers to help in return for his freedom. To open the cell you need to enter a code in the keypad next to the cell. If you talk to the Jakhari he says that he was arrested right after Karanni. Look on the Karnet information console under Kirith /Obesity. There is information about the Karanni with a prison photograph which contains his prisoner number. Add 1 to the first segment of the number (the prisoner was next to enter after Karanni) and go back and enter it into the keypad. 
The number is.... 



Getting into the morgue.
Carry on down the corridor to find the morgue. To get the code you need to Review the Ethereal Cortex. One section has a sequence with Karanni dying - you will notice the picture on the wall behind the Karanni's vat of Kirith is the missing picture from the wall of the morgue. Type in the code shown on the picture and the door will open. 



And Finally.......
Quite a few members of our team here at Grolier are called Ian. When the developers at Synthetic Dimensions were writing the game, they put the following power-up in specially for them! 

Behind the keypad to open the militia bridge is some secret energy. 
If the player types 'IAN' into the keypad (after opening the door) it will twist round revealing the energy.