Traitors Gate


Note dates of births and deaths. These figure

prominently in some passwords.

Traitors Gate Walkthrough:

Extra Mission Briefing:
This is an extremely detailed walkthrough. Because of the nonlinear nature of the game, it won't necessarily guide you by the quickest route. What it will do is ensure you experience nearly everything that Daydream Software created for your enjoyment. Traitors Gate is a totally logical real-time RPG/adventure/puzzle game. So long as you approach it in as realistic a manner as possible you won't go far wrong. You should always keep your brief in mind: "Get in, do the switch and get out without leaving a trace." This becomes quite important later on. While there is a real-time limit of about 12 hours, this is more than ample to complete all the tasks and puzzles necessary. The possible exception might be the sewers. It's the only unmapped part of the game, and you will definitely need one for down there. I've created one that you can find here. If you would prefer to draw your own map, I suggest that once you enter the sewers, save your game and make your map saving into a separate slot as you go in order to conserve the real-time factor. The whole layout down there is totally logical and, while time-consuming, it can be mapped relatively painlessly. When you are happy that you've mapped the whole sewer area, you can resume your mission from the main saved game file. Use your camera often. It's one of the most useful items you have in your Inventory. There are no ridiculous or illogical puzzles here. Everything has a purpose and all puzzles can be solved from in-game clues. So long as you give yourself ample time, the whole experience should prove to be thoroughly enjoyable. Okay, Raven, pull your Armani designer Angora hat down to your eyebrows, it's time to move out.

Zulu 18.30 White Tower--Ground Floor--Broom Cupboard.

Press GPS on your Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).
Enter your code name: RAVEN.

Turn around and pull out the brown cardboard box on the second shelf from the floor. GET the can of WD40 spray. GET the yellow flash lamp. You can take the automatic gas lighter, but you don't need it and, like most items, once it goes into your Inventory, you can't ever put it back where it came from. Leave the broom cupboard.

White Tower--Ground Floor--First Room.

You can close the cupboard door but in fact all the doors during the mission self-close. Go forward to the roped off area. Open the workmen's yellow trunk (by left clicking on it). GET the bolt cutters (half obscured in shadow). Leave the hammer, you won't need it. Go to the room beneath the stairs. Note the locked gate. Beside it is some oxy-acetylene equipment. Don't be tempted to use the automatic gas lighter to get it working and cut the gate open. Doing this will stop you achieving the best (and correct) mission ending. For now, just make a mental note ;o) Return to the broom cupboard and go through the door beside it.

White Tower--Ground Floor--Second Room.

Explore the area and find the Well. USE the bolt cutters on the padlock (left mouse click-and-hold, drag the item from your Inventory to where you want to use it). Go down the Well. Don't worry about the bolt cutters. At the bottom of the Well, USE the yellow flash lamp (drag it into the middle of your screen and let go, it will light). Dive below the water.

Tower of London Sewers--Well Exit/Entrance.

Neither the compass or the map in your PDA are now working. You will definitely need a map, but first you must find the back pack, left for you by the SEALS unit, containing your specialised equipment and the fake regalia (G on my map). It also contains a handy sewer key for unlocking the numerous gates down here (in a pinch you can use your Picklock on them). Directions Used in this Walkthrough:

F is Forward to the next node stop.
(L) is Turn Left on the Spot.
(R) is Turn Right on the Spot.

We need to go to the Locked Sluice Gate (a black star on my map): From the Well (Entrance Point) travel F, F, F, F, (L), F, F, (R), F, F, F, F, F, F. The gate is alarmed. Above it is a small green box. USE your Multi-tool. Select the bottom right standard screwdriver to undo the screw. USE a square of chewing gum between the contacts to stop the alarm from sounding. Go to the box on the wall and press the green button. Go beyond the gate to the next stop, (R). GET the back pack full of goodies. Check your user manual to read about all the items you've got. At this point, save your game and make your own map or use mine. In future I shall just indicate where in the Sewers you need to be. Take your time when mapping and be thorough. It will save you a lot of time in the long run. If you do make your own map, the main points of reference and things you must find are these: These are things you've already located: The Well and your Entrance Point (Represented as W on my map). This is the boiler room you entered by. You will need it again. Locked Sluice Gate (a black star on my map). Backpack full of goodies (G on my map).

You must now locate these:

Moat Exit (1 on my map).
Beauchamp Exit (2 on my map).
Devereux Exit (3 on my map).
Hospital Exit (4 on my map).
Wakefield Exit (5 on my map).
Air Vent Exit (AV on my map).

Two Metal Surveillance Equipment Boxes (B on my map). A False Wall built in light Cream brick (F on my map). White Tagged Pipes (asterisks on my map), these serve as handy reference points during your journey. On my map I've even indicated which side of the wall they will appear on. ;o) For orientation and recognition purposes you should definitely save your game, then leave by each of the exits and explore a little. In this way you will discover which exits are attached to which buildings. In some cases you can leave by one exit and return by another. You will also discover just how well Daydream have put the game together! :o) Some fun and useful routes to take:

Moat Exit (1 on my map).
You surface next to the moat. It's not deep so make your way clockwise around the building. You will soon locate the actual Traitors Gate. Good to know when planning your getaway. Keep going. Leave the moat and cross the grass. Go through the tunnel. Turn right and up the steps. It's safe to go through the door.

Byward Tower--Store Room.

Use the spiral steps (left of entrance) to the corridor with two doors you cannot open and a window, which you can. Open it. You can see a tower with a brown oblong window and a ledge below. Save your game here if you forgot before leaving the sewer. USE your crossbow. USE your Grapple. Fire just above the roof of the top tower. When you get it right USE your rope-lift. Watch as you reach the tower, drop down to the ledge and enter the window.

Queens Tower--Top Tower Room.

Explore. Go down the spiral stairs. Go right (not left), to the circular room. Exploring this area further will unwind some nice bits so I suggest you stop, and continue mapping the sewer!

Beauchamp Exit (2 on my map).

You surface in a garden. Watch out for the soldier and Beefeater. Go quickly through the nearby door. You can do the same thing in reverse if you need to. You are in a room with a central display cabinet. To the left of the entrance is some ancient graffiti. Explore the whole area, including the passage beyond the unlocked barred gate. Keep going. Beyond the door is Devereux Tower. Go through. Close by are some spiral steps. Don't use them. Explore the service area, then use the other exit into a grassy courtyard. If you go down the steps, keep going forward and down the other steps, you will reach a locked entrance to the Waterloo Block. If you go down the first steps and turn right instead of going forward, you will soon reach the Devereux Exit (3 on my map).

Devereux Exit (3 on my map).

You surface in a grassy courtyard. Ahead and down the steps is the locked entrance to the Waterloo Block. To the left of the Sewer Exit and up the steps is Devereux Tower. Through the door is a service area that houses gas cylinders etc. Close by are some spiral steps. Don't use them. To the left is another door. Go down the passage until you get to the unlocked barred gate. Beyond is Beauchamp Tower. Explore the room. Note the central display cabinet and some ancient graffiti near the two exits. Save your game before carefully opening the heavy wooden door. Note the soldier and the Beefeater at the top of the steps. You can leave this way but must immediately turn left to avoid detection. You are in a small garden and in front of you is the Beauchamp Exit (2 on my map).

Hospital Exit (4 on my map).

Save your game before using the Exit. From the Sewer Exit, in front of you is the main door into the Old Hospital Block. Take a look ... but be very careful! ;o) Also from the Sewer Exit, turn around. There are some spiral steps to explore.

Wakefield Exit (5 on my map).

Save your game before using the Exit. You surface into a small dungeon-style room. The door leads to some spiral stairs. On the first level up is a room with a throne and a roaring fire. On the second level you could cross the parapet to Lanthorn Tower, but you may prefer to reload your last save at this point. If you want to continue, however, go through Lanthorn Tower, cross the parapet to Salt Tower, use the other exit to reach the Old Hospital Block. Use the door opposite the static display and go down the steps. Along the corridor is the Hospital Exit (4 on my map).

On the Borrow.
With mapping out of the way, you must liberate some useful goodies that will help you gain access to security areas without alarm bells going off. Make your way to the Air Vent. It looks like a small grid window set into a left side wall (AV on my map). Climb out onto the ledge. Save your game. Above you are two windows. You want the bow window to the right. USE your Crossbow. USE the Grapple and shoot a line to just above the bay so that the grapple hooks over the bay. USE the Rope Lift to get to the window. Going up!

Queens House--First Room.

You are in the Governor's Quarters. GET the Jade Bookmark Key (it has three prongs). You could GET the Mahjong piece but you won't need it. Explore by going through the door opposite the window. Go up the stairs (not down). Open the door in front of you. Go to the table with two drawers at the far side of the room. From the right-hand drawer, GET the card with Chinese number characters. You need nothing from the left-hand drawer. Leave and go to the locked room next door. USE your green Keycode Analyser Card on the slot in the code unit. USE your Decoder (item 8 in your user manual). You will notice the computer is working out the pass code for you. This takes some time. It will eventually decide on 1418. Punch the number into the unit and enter the room. Explore a bit and locate the closed flat cabinet to the right of the far window. Open it and GET the Bronze Key (back right). GET the yellow cylinder with a notch in it (back left). You don't need to get anything else but if you GET the parchment, you can experiment with your camera. Once it's in your Inventory, bring the parchment up on the main screen. Switch on your camera and when the green camera marks show, take a picture of the parchment. This picture is automatically relayed by e-mail to ORPHIA at the Pentagon where a team of experts are standing by to analyse photographs and such for you. After about a minute you will be alerted to an e-mail reply. Someone will have kindly translated the parchment for you. It is wise to do this with all documents you find as well as display boards and panels and a number of other things. Take no notice of any snide remarks from ORPHIA if they tell you not to waste their time. You're the one on the ground and know what you need answers to, so they are wasting your time by not properly analysing what you need in the first place :o) Next, go to the picture just right of the flat cabinet. It looks like a group of five medallions. Home in on the three embossed English Roses just below.

1. Press the top left one.
2. Press the Top right one.
3. Press the Bottom one. You will hear a "click."

Move right, to the portrait of Guy Fawkes. Press the tiny lever that has appeared to the left of his portrait (at this point I said "Wow!"). Rotate the wheel pointers until all three are pointing at the Harps. USE the Bronze Key. GET the Computer Disk (middle shelf, centre). GET all of the keys: Two slim oblong keys with smooth sides. A small base metal key with an oval loop. A small stainless key with a round loop. A small stainless key with an oval loop. Especially important is the Red handled key sitting in the black box. GET the Crabb & Sons Door Codes card (nice "in" joke there for those people who have played Safecracker, Daydream's previous RPG). You do not need the Beefeater Gin (more appropriate and humorous than Gordon's would have been) or the gun. Go left into the end room.

Anne Boleyn's Bedroom (That She Never Slept In).

Find the locked trunk. USE the smallish stainless key with the oval loop from next door.

Chinese Box Puzzle.

USE the Jade Bookmark Key to unlock the number mechanism. The code required has six digits. Look at (and photograph) the portrait just left of the wardrobe. ORPHIA will eventually tell you that the portrait is of Anne Boleyn, painted for her execution. The date given is 4th May 1536. This gives you the code for the Chinese Box as 451536. Historical Footnote: ORPHIA suggests a corrected date of execution as 1539. They themselves are pretty headless, as Anne Boleyn was in fact beheaded on Tower Green on 19th May 1536. No matter. The code you want is 451536. USE the card with Chinese number characters as a guide to the shapes. GET the White Security Pass with green crest and blue square on it. GET the Code for the Main Vault Doors: 7241 (both items are important). You don't need to get the Pin Code Generator (it looks like a blue calculator) as we will use another one. If you do get this one, remember that it is numbered 7G-00001. The one we will use is 7G-00003. Go back down to the room you came in by. You can't open the door on the lower landing with any of the keys (and remember not to go right down stairs).

Queens House--First Room.

Touch the ornate clock to the right of the window. For fun, explore this whole area. If you followed my sewer mapping suggestion you will recognise your surroundings. Return to the first room and leave by the door opposite. Out of the window and through the gate and immediately stop. Save your game.

Raleigh's Walk.

(L) You will see a soldier on patrol. You need to temporarily immobilise him. USE your Crossbow. USE the Ice-Darts (select one by clicking near the tip). When the soldier walks to the right and stands still, aim very carefully at the back of his neck and fire. If you miss, reload and try again. When you succeed, turn around, close the gate and photograph the information board. It contains a clue you will need later. Then go to the door at the end of the walk and (R). Save your game. Opposite you will see some windows. One is darker than the rest. USE your Crossbow. USE the Grapple and shoot a line at the centre of the darkened window. You will automatically USE the Rope-lift.

St. Thomas's Tower.

Explore the area and photograph the display panels if you would like to know more about the early building. Then, from the window you came in by, go left. Find the trunk containing Sir Walter Raleigh's artifacts. Again, all four sheets contain real historical background. You can photograph them if you like but it's not necessary for completing the game. Turn left and go up the spiral steps. Through the two doors.

Wakefield Tower--Throne Room.

USE your Picklock on the trunk to the right of the throne. Jiggle it a lot in a circular motion! When it's open, touch the top right screw holding the tapestry. GET the Latin Map. Look into the trunk. GET the Ring-Pull Handle. Look at the map. No need to grab a Latin Dictionary. Photograph the map and make the lazy bums at ORPHIA earn their salary ;o) Leave by the other exit. For orientation purposes, open the gate and go down the steps into the small room at the bottom. We're not going this way, but note that this room is the Wakefield Exit from the Sewer (5 on my map). Return upstairs and keep going to the top. Walk across the rampart and into ...

Lanthorn Tower.

In here, play the regular tourist and take some photographs. Be sure to photograph the Recreation panel. ;o) Pass through the tower and use the other exit. Walk across the rampart and into ...

Salt Tower.

Again, take photographs. To the right of the other exit is a special panel with a hole in it. USE your Multi-tool and the upper cross-head screwdriver to take off the protective Perspex cover. USE the yellow cylinder with a notch in it. GET the parchment. Yes, you guessed ... photograph it and wait for your reply. Meanwhile, leave by the other exit, up the steps (note the sound of your namesake--Ravens), and into the far building. You are in ...

The Old Hospital Block--Top Floor.

Enjoy the static display and look around a bit. You should now have received a reply from the Pentagon. Unfortunately, Henry VIII's walking stick and the secret passage are located in the White Tower (where your mission began). Remember this. It will prove useful later. For now, you should exit by the door opposite the display (once through, it self-locks so you can't get back). Use it now. Down to the bottom.

The Old Hospital Block--Ground Floor.

Go through the door close to the Sewer Exit (L). Save your game. You must do this bit carefully. Go to the end of the corridor and turn left. You need to GET the Ring of Keys off the Guard's lap. Once you've got the keys, remain totally still (don't turn around or he'll wake up). Don't move a muscle until he stops making noises and settles back into a deep sleep. Now turn around. USE the Ring of Keys on the end door.

Red Room.

You can turn the hi-fi off if you like but it will stop anyway after a short burst. Go into the green room (an office) next door.

Green Office.

You can either USE your Key-Card analyser Card and your decoder to crack the code (this one takes forever), or you can USE The Crabb & Son Door Codes Sheet and select each code in turn ... or I can tell you that the code is 8733. Go into the next room. Note the metal boxes on the right-hand wall. Go to the far end of the room and press the red arrow on the cylinder. Nifty eh?

Hospital Secret Computer Room.

GET the computer Disk (to the right of the mouse mat). If you run the computer up it will call for a code that you don't presently have. Return to the Green Office. Explore a bit and go to the far door. USE your Key-Code analyser card (or you can use the White Security Pass with Blue Crest and writing on it that you found in the Chinese Box), and the second door code on the Crabb & Son card. The code is 2341.

Security Boss's Office.

Explore the place. In particular, pick up the picture of his kid fishing (sweet). Touch his camera ... Pin Code 9910 (Much Sweeter!). Press the green switch on the "Gadget" situated to the right of the pen and paper. USE the Pin Code 9910. You have 3 options: 1. Memos. (You already have all the important information). 2. Telephone numbers. (I dare you to ring Buck Palace!). 3. Appointments. (12/3. You now know today's date). Use the green switch to turn off the "Gadget." Now, here comes the best part in here: Stand facing the Book Case. Third shelf down, touch the first book left in the right half.

Secret Safe Room.

USE your Audio-sensor on the safe. USE it in conjunction with the audio box (see item 13 in your manual). Basically, the Audio-sensor acts like a stethoscope picking up weak sounds. Look for maximum disturbances on the scale. If you can't figure it out, the code you want is 314. Watch the maximum disturbances as you do it. From 10, move the dial forward to 3, backward to 1, forward to 4, pull the handle. GET the T-shaped turn-key (with triangular slot). GET the Super-User Password (CRISTVS card). GET the Devereux Computer: Super-User = Sir Walter's birth and death. GET the Super-User Password (Elenor's Brother the Chess Master). GET the instruction card on how to use the Pin Code Generator. GET the Pin Code Generator (like a blue calculator, this is the one numbered 79-00003 (we'll call it 0003 for short) and the one that we will use). Unfortunately you can't GET the Bear. Return to ...

The Hospital Secret Computer Room.

On this occasion I will go through this procedure step by step: USE the computer. It is calling for a four-digit KEY. First off, USE the blue Pin Code Generator numbered 0003 (Drag it onto the main screen) and use your mouse to punch in the Security Boss's pin number 9910 (Enter). The Pin Code Generator is now asking for a CODE. Punch in the randomly generated four-digit Computer CODE (Enter). This generates the KEY code. Using your own KEYBOARD, type in this KEY (Enter). The computer is now calling for the Super-User Code (7 digits). Your answer lies with the obliterated word on the Super-User Password (CRISTVS card). Clearly this is ancient wall graffiti. We need to find and photograph it. While we are on the move we will also prepare your escape route for after the regalia switch. We'll do that bit first, then find the graffiti. For now, all you can do is close down the computer. Return to ...

Tower of London Sewers (CD4)

Hospital Exit/Entrance (4 on my map) and make your way back to the Well (Entrance Point on my map).

White Tower--Ground Floor--Second Room.

Return to the ...

White Tower--Ground Floor--First Room

Where renovations are taking place. Go back under the stairs to the locked barred gate you noted. USE the small base metal key with the oval loop that you liberated from the ornate safe behind the portrait of Guy Fawkes. Use the spiral stairs and ignore the alarmed gate. Keep climbing. Now, there are two floors of exhibits here. Have fun exploring the whole area. Take photos if you like. Be sure to notice the animation showing the building of the White Tower. After a good look round, meet me in the Chapel.

White Tower--Chapel.

Ah, there you are! Now we'll prepare your escape route for after the switch. With the altar in front of you, walk between the pillars on the right, until you are just behind the altar. GET the only Candlestick without a candle (you stop just to the right of it). Continue walking around behind the altar. Emerge slowly and watch for the Beefeater. Follow him. You will lose him in the next room but keep going forward, then turn right at the wall and keep going forward until a small door appears to your left. Go up to the next floor. USE the left door. Go to the first opening right (where the cannon is). Move down the room and stand in front of the silver rod attached to the right-hand wall. You've found King Henry VIII's Walking Stick. USE the Candlestick on the bracket. Now, aren't you glad we're doing the scenic route? USE the wooden steps down.

Tower of London Sewers--But Where?

Use the yellow flash lamp. Break anything? Of course not, you're a big tough Marine . Follow the secret passage. After going forward twice you'll see to your left a wall made of bright cream bricks. Ignore it for now. Keep going forward (six more times). Go up the spiral steps. USE the WD40 Spray on the bolt. Open both doors ... clever eh? You are actually inside the Waterloo Block, which houses the regalia. Explore the ground floor (to get your bearings for later). Don't go up the stairs. Find the lift along the corridor but again, don't go up in it. Return the way you came ... erm ... and whatever you do, leave this secret door unlocked! That's your escape route sorted. Use the yellow flash lamp in the passage and return to the light cream bricks. Save your game. USE your Limpet Mine on the wall and switch it on. You must immediately get as far away from the mine as possible, or pay the price. There is a 40-second delay on the timer. It doesn't matter whether you escape back the way you just came or go right, toward the wooden steps. After the explosion, examine the damage. I think this counts as one big oops! All that noise, not to mention the mess and what about your briefing: "Get in and get out without leaving any evidence." :o) Go through the hole. There are no prizes for guessing where you are. Now to find the graffiti in order to hack into the Hospital computer. Make your way to the ...

Beauchamp Exit (2 on my map) (CD2).

You surface in a garden. Watch out for the soldier and Beefeater. Quickly go through the nearby door. There to your left is the ancient graffiti. Photograph it and while you are waiting for ORPHIA to reply, start making your way back to the Old Hospital Block. You can either return the way you came via the Beauchamp Exit or, more interestingly, you can explore this whole area, particularly the long passage beyond the unlocked barred gate. Keep going. Beyond the door is Devereux Tower. Go through. Close by are spiral steps going up. Don't use them. Explore the service area, then use the other exit into a grassy courtyard. Go down the steps, keep going forward and down the other steps. You reach a locked entrance to the Waterloo Block. Remember this, you'll need it later. Return up the steps and instead of going back into Devereux Tower, find the Devereux Exit (3 on my map), set into the grass. It's in line with, but just left of, the tower door. Somewhere along the way ORPHIA will have informed you that the top line of graffiti in your photograph is EXTREMA. It has the necessary seven letters for the Super-User code too!

Tower of London Sewers--Devereux Exit/Entrance (3 on my map).

This is a bit of a trek, I'm afraid (as everything is being done in real-time), but we now need to go back to the Hospital Exit (4 on my map).

Old Hospital Block Exit--Ground Floor (4 on my map).

Go through the door in front of you and return to ...

The Hospital Secret Computer Room.

The door code is 8733. Understanding the Security Arrangements. USE the computer. USE the blue Pin Code Generator numbered 0003. Enter pin number 9910 (Enter). Punch in the randomly generated four-digit Computer CODE (Enter). This generates the KEY code. Type in the KEY on your keyboard (Enter). Type in the Super-User Code (7 digits) EXTREMA. Start by looking at the lower heading DOOR CODES. The information is split into two sections, Devereux (spelled Deveraux here) and Hospital. These are both security centres. The Deveraux diagram shows that the entrance/exit door is governed by two codes. Entering is 0042. Leaving is 2400 (the exact reverse). Pointing to a nearby box is the code 0936. This box is inside the security centre. The Hospital diagram shows a plan of the ground floor along with the two door codes you already have. 8733 gets you into this room and 2341 gets you into the Security Boss's Office. Now go to Systems. It is split into three sections: System 1, System 2, and System 3 At first this may appear extremely complex and confusing.

System 1.

Note the two red circles. The left one is Devereux, the right one is Hospital. The six boxed graphics down the side logically represent the different forms of security arrangements: Box 1: Telephone Links. All pretty obvious, but notice that both centres are linked. Box 2: Movement Sensor. Any movement within the protected area will automatically trigger an alarm. Note the cluster of six green squares in the middle. These are the regalia Vaults. Box 3: Body Heat Sensor. Pretty obvious. Box 4: Pressure Pads. Step on these and ring that bell! Box 5: Alarmed Doors. Totally obvious. Box 6: Video Surveillance. This is the most vital and interesting at this point. The two purple squares are Surveillance Equipment boxes. They are the nerve centres for the video cameras. It is vital that you tamper with them. Remember the boxes on the wall next door? They are one of your targets.

System 2.

Flick through the options. You are looking at the overall security arrangements for the whole Tower Complex.

System 3.

This is specific to the Regalia. In particular, note the new red spot. This is another security centre close to the actual regalia Vaults. Close down the computer, then save your game into a file called something like "Computer" or "Security System." You can then re-check security codes and arrangements again really easily if you need to without coming back here every five minutes. Go to the next room. Touch the left Surveillance Equipment Box. There are 7 video camera sockets with 1 Link V/C on the right. USE your Scart-adapter by dragging it from your Inventory and placing it on each of the sockets in turn. From your PDA, switch on the Video Equipment (item 12 in your user manual). See what you've got. Repeat the Scart-adapter dragging process for each socket. Sockets 1-5 show external video surveillance. Sockets 6-7 show a blank screen. Your DLU (Digital Loop Unit) (See your user manual for explanation) will fit into the Link V/C, but don't leave it there. Open the right-hand Surveillance Equipment Box. Sockets 1-2 and 6-7 show a blank screen. Sockets 3-5 show internal video surveillance of the external office of the Devereux security centre. This is where you need your safe window of 60 seconds. Socket 4 shows the spiral stairs you will arrive up. Place one of your (two) Digital Loop Units in the Link V/C and remember to switch it on! Exit the box. Your next objective is obvious: Time to get inside the Devereux security centre. Make your way by the sewers to ... No! I'll show you a nice little scenic route Easter egg instead!

Tower of London Sewers--Hospital Exit/Entrance.

Make your way to the ...

Wakefield Exit (5 on my map) (CD2).

Your surroundings will be immediately recognisable. For orientation purposes, face the door. To the left of the door a ball and chain are hanging from a hook. Next is a corner, defined by a wooden support beam. On another hook, to the left of that is a set of leg restraints. Follow the line of that wall to the floor. The bottom centre brick has a metal peg sticking out of it. USE the Ring-Pull Handle on the peg.

Secret Easter Egg Passage (CD3).

USE the yellow flash lamp and explore. Find the Cubby Hole and two items for your Inventory. For fun, get ORPHIA to decipher them for you! :o) Continue to the end of the passage. Up the steps (twice), but before you push the stone with the bolts you may want to save your game into something like "Secret Passage" so that you can easily visit here again. Now push the stone. You will recognise where you are! The reason for saving your game was because you unfortunately can't enter the passage from this end. With the game saved, you can return along the passage and see how you get back out at the other end.

Devereux Tower Security Centre--Quick Briefing:

We need to get into the security centre without being seen. Barring the timer on the Limpet mine, this part is the only critically timed piece of the whole mission. It involves locating the oxygen store (just past the main security room door). Beware: this room is also under surveillance! You need to close off the oxygen supply to the inner control room, filling the system with the Isoflurane knock-out gas (you have it in your Inventory) and then enter the inner control room. You will need to wear your gas mask at all times to achieve this. Remember that because you have activated your DLU, you can remain stationary in video camera view for a maximum of 60 seconds before the alarm will go off. USE your compass (item 16 in your user manual) and flick the switch toward the bottom. This will activate the DLU tracking unit and will sound a useful warning in good time for when you should temporarily move to a new location. Watch and listen to it now a couple of times, as it does its stuff. It is vital to work relatively quickly and when the DLU tracker sounds, leave what you are doing and go to a different location. USE your gas mask (drag it from your Inventory to the centre of the screen). Now, just before you go, it's a good idea to bring the gas cylinder round in your Inventory so that it's ready to grab when the time comes. Prepare all this and save your game. Okay, Raven, Let's Do It! Up the spiral steps. Straight ahead. Ignore the locked door in front of you. Turn around. Go to the end of the room, passing the inner security control on your right (you will have time to pause and see the guard working). Locate the oxygen store (second door on the right). It's red and has a "No Naked Flame" notice on it. You may want to save your game here. With an eye and ear on your DLU tracker, enter the oxygen store. Quickly note the five oxygen cylinders to your right. Go to the machine at the far end of the room. Inspecting the machine you will see it's split into five sections, one for each of the oxygen cylinders. There is nothing tricky here, the left-most controls operate the leftmost oxygen bottle and so forth. At this point you may need to run for cover from the surveillance system. Leave the room. Wait a few seconds, then return. Close to the bottom of the machine are the AUTO/MANUAL/OFF switches. TURN OFF all of the switches except the one in the middle. Turn this to MANUAL. With the middle switch at MANUAL, repeatedly press the middle gold disk/escape valve above it until it stops hissing oxygen and the needle in the gauge above the valve plunges to zero (you have just cleared the pipe of oxygen). That's the machine set. At this point run for cover again. Leave the room. If you didn't get caught on camera, save your game. Wait a few seconds, then return. Stand in front of the MIDDLE oxygen cylinder. USE the GAS cylinder from your Inventory and fix the lead to the middle oxygen cylinder (click on the oxygen cylinder neck). Turn the red tap of the GAS bottle fully on (two clicks). Immediately the pressure on the gas gauge should drop to zero. If it doesn't, quickly move back to the far machine. Hit the MANUAL button again, pump out the oxygen and this time stay with it. Attach the gas to the oxygen cylinder and strike the red button. As soon as the gas gauge drops to zero you are safe. You will know when you've got it right, but just to be sure, look through the inner office window. The guard will be unconscious so you won't be able to see him. :o) Well done!

Inner Control Room.

USE the White Security Pass with green crest and blue square on it on the code unit. Key in the pass code 0042. You can now turn off the DLU tracker (but leave your gas mask on). Explore the room. At the back of the green computer file log you will find another Pin Code Generator number 7G-00002. If you use it you will need the pin number (hidden below the cooking stove, inside the lid of the coffee tin) 5723. Deactivating the Security System. Save your game before you start. USE the computer. USE the blue Pin Code Generator numbered 0003. Enter pin number 9910 (Enter). Punch in the randomly generated four-digit Computer CODE (Enter). This generates the KEY code. Type in the KEY on your keyboard (Enter). Now you require the Super-User Code (8 digits). This refers to the note you found in the Security Boss's private safe about Sir Walter's birth and death. Remember the photograph you took of the board on Raleigh's Walk? Sir Walter Raleigh's birth and death dates are 1552-1618. Your Super-User Code is 15521618 (Enter). You get the SYSTEMS and DOOR CODES Screen. The DOOR CODES are the same as the Hospital Computer so go to ... Systems This is similar to the Hospital system, only this time you can activate and deactivate each part of the system by clicking on the (A) ACTIVATE or (DA) DEACTIVATE at bottom right. Go through all three systems and DEACTIVATE as much as you can. If you get them wrong you'll soon know! Here's the correct set up:

1 Deactivate
 1 Deactivate
 1 Deactivate
2 Deactivate
 2 Deactivate
 2 Deactivate
3 Deactivate
 3 Deactivate
 3 Deactivate
4 Deactivate
 4 Deactivate
 4 Deactivate
5 Deactivate
 5 Deactivate
 5 Deactivate
6 Deactivate

Leaving number 6 on System 3 Activated should remind you that the two purple squares are Surveillance Equipment Boxes. So far you've only tampered with one. If you did your job thoroughly when mapping the sewers, you will have found a pair of boxes, similar to the ones in the Hospital, down there. They are marked B on my map. We'll go there next, but first ... While exploring here you will have found the locked cabinet. This is the box from the Hospital diagram that we have the code for (0936). Unfortunately, we need the key, so ... Go to the guard's body and GET the slim oblong key with one wavy side from his trouser pocket. USE the key on the locked cabinet. The combination lock is calling for a three-digit code. The one you've got has four ... so just leave off the zero. The code is 936. Touch the large gold bar. GET the Blue handled key. It matches the Red handled key you found earlier and judging from the box there's a third one to complete the set. USE the White Security Pass with green crest and blue square on it on the door code unit. Key in the pass code 2400. Go down the stairs before you remove your gas mask. (CD4) Tower of London Sewers--Devereux Exit/Entrance (3 on my map). Go round the corner to the Surveillance Equipment Boxes (B on my map). Touch the right Surveillance Equipment Box. The procedure is exactly the same as the Hospital box. Again there are seven video camera sockets with one Link V/C on the right. USE your Scart-adapter by dragging it from your Inventory and placing it on each of the sockets in turn. From your PDA, switch on the Video Equipment (item 12 in your user manual). Sockets 1-2 and 6-7 show a blank screen. Sockets 3-5--You will now recognise the external office of the Devereux security centre. Socket 4 shows the spiral steps you've just come down. Open the left Surveillance Equipment Box. Sockets 1-4 show internal video surveillance of both the close and immediate vicinity of the Vaults containing the regalia. Sockets 5-7 show a blank screen. Place your second Digital Loop Unit in the Link V/C and remember to switch it on! Exit the box. Return to the Devereux Exit (CD3). Cross the grass. Down the steps to the locked door. USE the Ring of Keys you lifted off the Hospital Guard's lap. Welcome to the ...

Wakefield Tower Gift Shop!

Explore. Unfortunately you can't grab a few toffees or a souvenir teacloth, but do look for the notice that says "SAFECRACKER on sale here". It's standing on the cash register counter! Another nice "in" joke! You have the code for the newly installed Vault door, courtesy of Crabb & Son. It is 7241.

Wakefield Tower--Ground Floor--Tourist Entrance.

Go through to the second Vault door. It has the same code: 7214.

Wakefield Tower--Ground Floor--Tourist Queueing Area.

Follow the obvious route and go through the next door where you should recognise your surroundings. USE the lift. USE the slim flat oblong key in the round grey slot. Press LV and go to ...

Wakefield Tower--Lower Vault.

Turn left out of the lift. Enter the Small Closet. Look inside the Garrouds & Garrouds Box. GET the two notes. Only one of them is important: "Access Codes to Holding Boxes In Vault = The Total Sum of ..." Go down the corridor as far as the big plant ... You obviously can't go that way. Turn around. Now, what is it about game developers these days? Have you noticed, every game you play has a toilet/bathroom/john/common man's throne room? So guess what we do now? That's it--open the door on your left.

Wakefield Tower--Throne Room.

Go left and open the sliding door. You'll get the point in just a moment. Find the bleach box (top left) and touch it. Now MOVE the bleach box and OPEN the air vent shutter. :o) It's time to save your game. While it looks a bit tricky and you need a steady hand, this next bit is perfectly possible. I did it, Raven, so can you! :o) USE the crossbow. USE the Ice-darts (select them close to the tip--amazingly they haven't melted yet). Give the unsuspecting guard a pain in the neck. Yep, aim for that tiny pink bit that turns green in the crossbow sight! Come on ... we've got this far. You can do it. :o) In your moment of triumph, as you turn round to get down, enjoy the Anthrex Toilet Paper joke!

The Security Goldfish Bowl.

Press the green button to enter. To the right of the unconscious guard are some video surveillance screens. Close in on the area in front of them. PRESS the yellow button marked DOOR. PRESS the other yellow button just left of it. GET the key with the yellow handle. Wow! You've collected The Full Set! Leave the office and go to the round Vault door. Save your game (as you only get one stab at this). USE the White Security Pass with green crest and blue square on it in the obvious slot. Do not touch the key inside the panel. You won't need it. USE the matched handled keys in their respective colour-coded slots. Red and Blue in the panel, Yellow in the door. USE the Key-turn Device from your Inventory and put it directly OVER the yellow key. Touch the Key-turn Device. It will click about nine times, then start to "bleep." While it is bleeping, touch either the Red or Blue key. Just inside the barrel, to the right and up high, is a toggle switch that opens the barred gates. Press it once. You have now entered the final phase of your mission. Proceed until you need to turn left a bit. Move one more stop and turn around. You may care to save your game at this point, just in case. Approach the pale oblong, which is a ...

Computer Terminal.

USE one of the computer disks (one works, one doesn't). The Super-User code you need here has 10 digits. It's the one involving Elenor's Brother the Chess Master. While you were in Lanthorn Tower, I suggested you photograph the display with the heading Recreation. In this you will have discovered that King Alphonso X was a brilliant chess player. Using your keyboard, punch in: ALPHONSO X(Enter) That is: ALPHONSO(space)X(Enter). On the screen are two options:


Go into DOORS. Press to OPEN the gates. Press LOG. In here are details of all the key holders with security clearance to open these gates. On the bottom right corner of each entry is a trash can. Click on any one of the cans to dump the entry in the trash! Such power! Now, step into the Lion's Den. As you enter the Regalia Vault area, the doors close, firmly trapping you inside ... don't panic. There is a unit between the first and second Vault. Look at it but leave it alone. I can tell you that, again, there are no "tricks" in here. Vault 1 is on the left, Vault 5 at far right. Look again at the important note you found in the Garrouds & Garrouds Box inside the small closet next to the lift.

"Access Codes to Holding Boxes In Vault = The Total Sum of ..."

To save you a lot of time I'll tell you that the missing word is GEMS. Now, when I say GEMS, I mean sparkling GEMS, I don't mean PEARLS as well (believe me, I found that out the hard way!) You know from your original briefing which Vault holds which target items: The Sovereign's Sceptre and the Sovereign's Orb are in Vault 2. There is nothing else in there with them. The Imperial State Crown sits alone in Vault 5. It's simply a case of accessing the information in your PDA (under Jewels History) and counting up the total of gems in each Vault. Then add zeros to the front of your number to make five digits. For those who can't be bothered with all that arithmetic: Vault 2 code is: 00795 Take the real Sovereign's Sceptre and Orb into your left Inventory. Replace them with the replica items from your right Inventory. Vault 5 code is: 02901 Take the real Imperial State Crown into your left Inventory. Replace it with the replica from your right Inventory. Out of interest, so that you can look at the rest of the regalia (and also see what a smashing job Daydream made of it), the other Vault codes are: Vault 1 code is: 00443 (St. Edward's Crown is my personal favourite!) Vault 3 code is: 00164 Vault 4 code is: 06408 (don't count the three rock crystals). Vault 6 (situated further along the corridor to the right), has the code: 06118 You can examine each piece but remember not to keep these items in your Inventory or your mission won't end properly. With the real regalia tucked safely in your left Inventory, turn and face the doors. They are very dark but right in the centre is a security pass mounted on a broad upright strut. Sweep your cursor over the area until you get the forward arrow (then click). You may need to turn a little but close by is an oblong frame. Click on it. After the doors have closed, return to the ... Computer Terminal. USE the computer disk again. Use your keyboard and punch in: ALPHONSO(space)X(Enter). Press LOG. You'll probably gain great pleasure as you trash the red entry! Have a quick look inside Vault 6 if you like (code: 06118). Then return to the lift. Remember the rocker switch for the tube Vault is now high up on your left. Inside the lift press 1.

The Waterloo Block--Ground Floor.

Turn LEFT and go through the door at the far end. Turn RIGHT and go through the door into the book room. Locate the secret exit toward the end on the right. Go through both doors. Here Is One I Prepared Earlier! USE the yellow flash lamp. There is no need to bolt the door. It happens automatically. Return to the hole in the False Wall. There are just a couple of bits we need to clear up before we go to Traitors Gate. You don't need to worry about returning all the extra items you have liberated along the way. However, there's the matter of two DLUs to collect and a security system, currently in tatters. We need to tackle these in the reverse order to setting them up: 1. GET the DLU in the Sewer (B on my map). 2. Return the security system to normal (Exit 3 on my map). 3. GET the DLU from the Old Hospital Block (Exit 4 on my map). Getting the DLU in the Sewer. At this point you can either trudge through the sewer until you get to the Surveillance Equipment Boxes, or you can go to the Wakefield Exit (5 on my map) and reuse the Secret Easter Egg Passage, dive into the Sewer at Devereux Exit (3 on my map) and go to B on my map. GET your DLU from the box on the left. Returning the Security System to Normal. Surface from the Sewer at Devereux Exit (3 on my map). Remember to wear your gas mask when you go upstairs.

Inner Control Office.

USE the White Security Pass with green crest and blue square on it on the code unit. Key in the pass code 0042. Reactivating the Security System. Save your game before you start. USE the computer. USE the blue Pin Code Generator numbered 0003. Enter pin number 9910 (Enter). Punch in the randomly generated four-digit Computer CODE (Enter). This generates the KEY code. Type in the KEY on your keyboard (Enter). Punch in the Super-User Code: 15521618 (Enter). At the SYSTEMS and DOOR CODES Screen choose:


Go through all three systems and ACTIVATE all the systems you changed by pressing (A) at the bottom right of the screen. Ensure that none of the screens show the DEACTIVATED banner. When you are happy with all three systems, close the computer. Remember at this point that the active surveillance system will only allow you the 60-second safe window. USE the White Security Pass with green crest and blue square on it on the door code unit. Key in the pass code 2400. While you could return the Oxygen System to AUTO, you don't need to. It won't affect the correct outcome of your mission. Go down the stairs before you remove your gas mask. Getting the DLU from the Old Hospital Block. It's a long trek, I'm afraid (no nice diversions this time). Return to the Hospital Exit (4 on my map). Make your way past the sleeping guard and back to the room with the Surveillance Equipment Boxes. The door code is: 8733. GET your DLU from the box on the right. All you need to do now is ... Return to the Sewer (CD4) And wade your way around to the Moat Exit (1 on my map). No need to change your CD here when you climb out of the sewer. Well, you've almost finished so this is where I'll leave you. Between us you've done extremely well. Congratulations!

Be careful of the soldier on the bridge to your left.

You're well used to water by now so wade into the moat, it's not deep, and follow the building around clockwise. You'll soon know when you've reached Traitors Gate.