Oddworld 2: Abe's Exoddus


::.... Abe's Exoddus ...::

::..... Walkthrough ....::

Table of Contents

I. Tunnel 1
II. Tunnel 2
III. Boiler Access 1
IV. Tunnel 3
V. Tunnel 4
VI. Tunnel 5
VII. Tunnel 6
IIX. Tunnel 7
IX. Boiler 2


Abe's Exoddus - Tunnel 1

On the first screen when you drop down, there is a barrel 
of bones in the foreground. You can climb down here (from 
a standing position). This bonus area is very challenging 
for a 1st level.

If you are just starting out but want to rescue all the 
mudokons, you can skip the Hidden area. Halfway through 
the level is another opportunity to do the Hidden area.

Tunnel 1 Hidden Area

Drop down from the first area. Go through the door. 
Immediately climb down to the screen below. Roll two 
spaces to the right so you are hiding behind the wall 
and the flying slig can't throw a grenade at you.

Say ALL YA FOLLOW ME. Then you need to wait for the 
flying slig to leave the screen. Roll or run to the 
left and stop before you roll/run over the electrical 
field. You need to stand up and say ALL YA WORK (so 
they'll stop and ignore you)

If you don't say ALL YA, then 2 of the 3 mudokons will 
follow you right into the electric field and die.

Press Start and select Quicksave to set a continue point. 
You can Quicksave ANYWHERE.

Now you need to wait for the flying slig to leave the 
screen (hide behind the wall) and then say HELLO 
FOLLOW ME and make sure you pull the lever so the mudokon 
gets through. Roll to the left and the mudokon will stop 
over the trapdoor. Tell the mudokon to WAIT. When the slig 
leaves the screen, roll to the right and pull the lever. 
The mudokon will safely be dropped down to the screen 
below. Repeat this for all 3 mudokons. I suggest 
Quicksaving after each one.

After you do this, walk over to the air vent next to the 
lever and press up to jump into it. You'll end up BELOW 
the three mudokons you just rescued. You need to say 
HELLO and FOLLOW ME to get them lined up under the wheels. 
After that, say ALL YA WORK and they will open the gate 
for you and you can rescue all 3. CHANT to rescue these guys. 

Now go to 2 screens to the left and simply CHANT to rescue 
all 9 mudokons here.

Go back to the right 2 screens and jump up into the air 
vent. Now make your way to the right and climb up and go 
back the way you came. Climb up and you will be back at 
the beginning of the level.


Tunnel 1 cont'd

You should be on the first screen where you start the game.

Go to the right, drop down and roll through a tunnel area. 
Go to the right and you have to stop in front of the 
explanation box and press UP. It explains different moods 
your mudokon friends get in.

Now climb up, jump to the left and then climb up to the 
next screen (on this screen is a mudokon next to two bombs 
and 2 mudokons working in the background). One screen to 
the left is a mudokon. Go left and say HELLO (L1-/) 
FOLLOW ME (L1-[]) to the mudokon, walk to the right and 
CHANT (L1-R1) to rescue your friend. This unlocks a door.

The next screen to the right there's a locked door and you 
turn a wheel to open it, but that releases water on the 
mudokon. Walk up to him and apologize for getting him wet 
by saying SORRY (L2-()).

Have him FOLLOW you to the right and CHANT to rescue him 
which opens the door.

To the right, you turn a wheel which releases laughing gas 
and the two mudokons there get totally stoned. You have to 
walk to the right two screens (They'll stumble and generally 
follow you) and then slap (Anger L1-(X)) each one once. If 
you slap one twice, apologize by saying SORRY (L2-()).

Tell them to follow you and they will line up underneath 
the wheels. Say ALL YA (L2-/) WORK (L1-())

Now have them follow you to the next screen and rescue 
them through the birdgate by chanting (L1 & R1).

Walk to the right and climb up the lift. There is an 
explanation on the left of how to Quiksave. Basically, 
press START on ANY screen at any time and select QuikSave. 
Now if you die, you continue from this point. Remember to 
periodically do a real MEMORY CARD SAVE when you want to quit.

Now continue up the lift. Walk to the right and there's a 
sleeping slig at the top. Keep going over to the right 
(You have to roll under two fans). Pull the green lever 
and go through the door to the top where there are two 
stoned mudokons. Walk one screen to the left. Slap em 
and have both of them follow you and tiptoe to the left. 
Line them up under the wheels and tell em to WAIT. 

Go through the door so you go to the lower platform. Pull 
the cord to unlock the door to the left. Now say ALL YA 
and FOLLOW ME and have all 4 mudokons follow you to the 
left. CHANT and rescue all 4.

DON'T go down where the purple arrow is pointing. If you 
drop down here, it closes two doors. This will prevent you 
from getting a mudokon and also prevents you from doing the 
Hidden level if you've put it off until now. If you've gone 
down where the purple arrow pointed, you can die somehow 
and you should go back to where you Quicksaved last.

Backtrack back to almost the beginning of the level until 
you see that a *second* slig has appeared. This slig is 
NOT on a screen with a RED EYE.

CHANT and take control of the slig. Remember L2-() is 
"Look Out!". You should yell this BEFORE you shoot the 
slig two screens to the right (). Otherwise you might 
kill your mudokon friend.

If you've killed a mudokon by mistake and can't find a 
way to die, hit START and select LOAD and hit [] to load 
your Quicksave.

LAST CHANCE to do the BONUS AREA two screens to the left.

Now go all the way back to the right and climb up the lift 
and go to the right, and through the doors and up and to 
the left and past the slig. Go down where the Purple arrow 
is. The slig on the right is gone but the slig you 
controlled on the left is BACK! :( Can we say game glitch?

Anyways, you will have to sneak around him in shadows and 
while he is off-screen, quickly say HELLO and FOLLOW ME to 
your friend and then WORK when he is in the shadows with you 
on the left side of the screen. Wait until he walks off to 
the left. While the slig is off-screen, say HELLO FOLLOW ME 
and wait for the slig to return. When the slig is as far to 
the RIGHT as he will go, walk off the left side of the screen 
and your mudokon friend will follow you. Remember to stop 
before you step on the bombs! In fact, you might want to 
deactivate the bombs first.

To the left a screen or two are two bombs. I would suggest 
you Quicksave first. You have to crouch down and hit [] to 
deactivate the bomb WHEN it blinks GREEN. Sit, watch and 
listen to the timing for a few seconds. As MacGyver would 
say, get comfortable with the bomb first. :)

You can even Quicksave after you deactivate the first bomb. 
Now you should be able to get 3 mudokons following you to 
the birdgate on the FAR left and CHANT to rescue em.

One screen to the right of the birdgate is a place where you 
can climb up. Notice there are little rocks and dust falling 
off the edge. It's very important you look for this in later 
levels. There are hidden entrances and not-so-obvious places 
you climb up and drop down that are revealed by this falling 
dust and rocks.

When you climb up here, there is an air vent to your left 
that is blocked by a wall. Climb up and then jump to the 
right and jump into the air vent hole.

Walk to the left. There is a Slig to the upper right. You 
can possess him by chanting. I haven't found a use for him 
other than to kill him by chanting again. Climb up to the 
screen above and jump to the left.

TUNNEL 1 EXIT - You'll notice an air vent hole here. 
Remember this area because you need to jump into this air 
vent to get to the end of Tunnel 1 (Always press UP to go 
into an air vent).

Walk to the left and drop down to where the Slig was before. 
Now walk to the left (seemingly through the wall) and you 
find a secret area. 

Using the teleporter you can rescue 4 mudokons. I don't 
think I need to explain this. Just keep walking to the 
right and using the teleporters to find mudokons. 

There's an air duct you can use as a shortcut back to the 
main area.

Now climb back up to TUNNEL 1 EXIT.


Jump into the air vent. It will take you to the end of Tunnel 1 
(cool video here). You walk to the right (sneak) and then 
drop down. There are 6 wheels. Now walk and tiptoe to the 
left past the slig and climb up to the next screen. You 
need to say ALL YA FOLLOW ME and get the 5 mudokons to 
all follow you down. Now tiptoe to the right past the slig 
and they will all tiptoe with you.

On the next screen are 5 wheels. Walk to the right and then 
will line up under the wheels. Say WORK.

These 5 mudokons carry over to tunnel 2 but don't count towards 
your 75 for the Tunnels.

Video where the 5 mudokons drink 99 bottles of 
Soulstorm Brew and get totally sick and drunk.


Tunnel 2

Jump across to the right. Now go down a tunnel that looks 
very similar to the tunnel in Tunnel 1.

THERE IS A SECRET AREA HERE. I'll call it Tunnel 2 Secret 1. 
It's in the lower right corner of this narrow tunnel area 
where you have to roll. You must press down from a standing 
position in the lower right corner where there is a piece of 
rock in the foreground.


Tunnel 2 Secret 1

The air vent here will take you to where you can rescue 5 
mudokons in the background. Say ALL YA FOLLOW ME and lead 
them to the right. CHANT to rescue them. Then jump across 
and go up into the air vent which takes you back to the 
beginning of the level. Go to the right, down through the 
tunnel, climb up, and roll to the right. Continue below.


Tunnel 2 cont'd

Roll over to the right and there is a flying slig. Hold down 
RIGHT and R1 so as soon as you are free of the tunnel. Make 
sure you jump over the hole and then let go of R1 a few steps 
away from the wall 2 screens over, you duck down and roll 
into the little tunnel.

Roll to the right and you will fall down 3 screens, land in 
a air vent, and then be thrown up and end up hanging onto 
a platform. Climb up and step to the right before a slig in 
the background can shoot you.


Instead of going up through the door, walk to the right, 
then run-jump to the left.

You miss the platform, fall down and into an air vent which 
tosses you back up to the new area.

Run to the left before you get shot.

Go UP through the door and run to the right where there are 
two sligs. As soon as you've got their attention, run back 
to the left and go up through the door so you're back in 
the foreground. CHANT to possess one. He'll get killed by 
the other slig. CHANT again to possess the other one and 
then kill him by CHANTing again.

Now go up through the door. There will be a slig below. 
Simply possess him by CHANTing. Have him walk to the left 
onto the mine. Now go down to the door below and go UP 
through it.

There will be a mudokon on your platform and two below. 
Say HELLO and FOLLOW ME and then walk off the platform so 
you're next to a birdgate and air vent. CHANT and rescue 
all 3. Now jump up through the air vent.

This will put you back to the door. Go UP through the door.

After a rippling video, you appear in a doorway safe from a 
flying slig.

NEW SECTION!! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

CHANT to possess the flying slig. Fly him up, kill the two 
sligs. Fly to the left and avoiding the drills, fly to the 
left and kill the slig on the left. In that room to the left 
of him are 4 mudokons.


Jump up into the air vent to the left. You fly up to a 
platform. You can now safely drop down from this platform 
since you killed the slig above.

Drop down and roll to the left. CHANT to rescue your 4 
mudokon friends. Now go back to the right.

Climb up and roll to the left. Your 5 drunk mudokon friends 
can't be helped yet. 

Instead, walk to the left and walk to the information device. 
Press UP and it will tell you that you can't rescue them yet. 
You must complete the Mudanchee and Mudomo Vaults first.

Go to the right (the air vent won't work until later) and 
climb up to the next screen. There is an entrance to the 
Boiler and a return entrance to Tunnel 2.


Boiler Access 1

Ok, lots and lots of dogs. This is actually really easy. 
Don't panic. Just keep walking to the right and climbing 
down the lifts. At the lowest point, a door closes behind 
you and on the next screen to the right is a lever you can 
pull that activates 3 electric fields.


Walk to the right and lure some of the dogs to drop down. 
Run back to the left and stand near the lever so you can 
pull it and fry the dogs. Repeat for the small dogs.

Turn the wheel which opens the door and closes the trapdoor 

Go UP through the door which takes you to Tunnel 3.


Tunnel 3

Jump up under the bag of rocks and pick up your 9 rocks [].

Walk to the right and then roll under the wall. It takes a 
few rocks to blow up the mines here. If necessary, go back 
and get more rocks. Walk to the purple arrow and duck down. 
Toss the rock to the right to blow up this mine. Stand up 
and stand a step to the right and face left, throw a rock 
while holding UP to get the mine on the left. Stand a step 
to the left of the purple arrow to get the mine to the 
upper right.

Jump up and pull both green levers to open the door.

Now roll to the right under the wall.


Tunnel 3 - Secret 1

Throw rocks across to blow up the mines. Now stand at the 
right edge of the left platform. Jump across and you should 
be hanging on the edge of the platform. Drop down. You can't 
just climb down here, you just jump from the left.

Climb down and go UP through the door. Walk to the left and 
jump into the air vent.

On this screen, you must pull the green lever and make a 
bridge for your mudokon friends. First, throw a rock to the 
left to blow up the mine. Now say HELLO FOLLOW ME and then 
WAIT (remember, these are blind mudokons) and get them to 
follow you to the right and stop them before they fall through 
the trapdoor and get killed by the grinders.

To get a mudokon to ignore you so you can tell another one to 
follow you, say WORK. To get a certain mudokon's attention, 
stand directly under him when you say HELLO.

Quiksave often

After you get all the mudokons to walk across the two trapdoors, 
they will walk over to the right screen. Get them through the 
3rd trapdoor (there are different ways to do this) by pulling 
the green lever. You can tell them to WAIT or whatever you need 
to do to do this.

Now just have all 3 mudokons follow you back to the left and 
drop them down the trapdoor on the left. Then pull the trapdoor 
handle and drop down there (you'll have to pull the handle and 
then run to the left).

RESIST the temptation to rescue them. First you need them. Get 
all 3 following you and walk to where the birdgate is. You can 
actually walk through the wall to the LEFT of the birdgate. 
Sneaky bastards!

Now you need all 3 mudokons to operate wheels while you operate 
a 4th. Fortunately, you can just say ALL YA FOLLOW ME and even 
the blind mudokons will stop in front of the wheels.

You might as well get all 3 mudokons to climb on the Lift. Climb 
up and rescue all 7 mudokons up there. That's it for tunnel 3. 
Climb back down the lift and then walk to the right and go UP 
through the door.

To return to the main area, jump into the air vent to the left.


Tunnel 3 cont'd
Climb up and then roll to the left. Go UP through the door.

Now you are in an area where you roll to the right and doors 
close behind you. Hopefully you have an extra rock. If not, 
you will have to run and jump to get a rock to blow up the mine.


Go to the right and use rocks to blow up all the mines. Be 
careful not to be too close to a mine that you're blowing up. 
Good rule of thumb is 6 steps away.

The next screen has 6 mines and a grinder that moves left to 
right. You will have to roll back and forth and throw rocks 
while avoiding the grinder and not being too close to the mine 
you're blowing up. Quiksave before attempting this.

If you need rocks, just go back to the left and jump up under 
the rock bag.

After you've gotten the 6 mines, you need to follow the grinder, 
stand up and climb up quickly. Then pull the lever to 
deactivate it.

Drop back down and then drop down to the screen below. Use 
more rocks to blow up the mines. You don't even have to get 
rid of all the minse on the next screen.

I suggest you bring at least 6 rocks with you when you leave 
as they come in handy in Tunnel 5. If necessary, throw your 
present rocks away and then get 9 more from the rock bag.


Tunnel 3 - Blind Mudokon zone

Stand to the right of the blind mudokon and say HELLO 
FOLLOW ME and pull the lever before he walks over the trapdoor. 
Now say WAIT. Now CHANT.

Either jump up into the air vent to get below.

Press UP to go through the door.


Tunnel 4

Roll under the grinder and pull the lever.

Roll to the right, stand up and pull the lever. DUCK DOWN as 
the grinder keeps moving for a stroke or two.

Roll to the right, stand up and pull the lever. DUCK DOWN as 
the 2 grinders keep moving for a stroke or two.


Climb up and pull the lever to open the door way back where 
the blind mudokon is working.

Now walk all the way back to the left to your blind mudokon 
friend. Say HELLO FOLLOW ME and stay close to him, walking 
just a couple steps in front of him. CHANT to rescue him. 
This is the only mudokon in Tunnel 4 as the sign states.

I've got 36 mudokons so far.

Tunnel 5

If you don't have a rock, you need to roll under the grinder, 
then jump over the mine, then roll under the 2nd grinder, then 
walk to the right and run-jump across the hole, climb up, and 
say HELLO FOLLOW ME and WAIT and WORK under the wheel to open 
the door which has a rock bag behind it.

If you already have a rock, throw a rock to blow up the mine. 
Now roll under the two grinders. Go to the right, climb up and 
walk to the left. Pull the two levers to deactivate the grinders. 
Say HELLO FOLLOW ME and your mudokon friend will walk to the 
right. CHANT to rescue him at the birdgate. This will activate 
the lift.

Now blow up the 3 mines (if you need rocks, use the instructions 
above to get some).

Go to the right and say HELLO FOLLOW ME and lead him to the 
left and then tell him to WAIT at the lift. Climb down the 
lift and CHANT to rescue your friend.


Tunnel 5 pt 2

Go to the left and UP through the door. Now look very careful 
at the MIDDLE of the screen and notice there are some rocks 
and debris falling. 

SECRET 1-You have to run-jump across (avoiding the grinder) 
to get into the secret entrance. Climb up and rescue the two 

Climb back down and drop down. Jump across avoiding the grinder. 
On the next screen, notice there are rocks and debris falling 
from what seems like INSIDE the rock face on the right.

SECRET 2- Roll to the left holding down R1 and quickly jump 
up. Now run-jump to the RIGHT and you will land *inside* the 
rock in a secret area. Climb up and you get to a small area 
with a pull-string that turns off a grinder later in the level.

Drop back down and run-jump to the right.

Roll under the wall. Drop down and roll under the 3 grinders. 
You'll need to run-jump to the left over the hole (until you 
activate the lift).

Walk to the left 2 screens. Climb up and walk to the left. 
Say ALL YA FOLLOW ME and lead them to the right and then 
down to the ground below. Pull the green lever which activates 
the grinder above and raises the lift to the left.

Climb down two screens. wait for the slig to leave the screen. 
Climb down to the bottom and say HELLO FOLLOW ME and when the 
mudokon is on the lift, climb up to the ledge with the pull-string. 
Pull the string to kill the slig. Climb down. Walk to the right, 
climb up, walk to the left, climb up to the screen above. Jump 
across and jump into the air duct.

Walk to the right and pull the lever to activate the lift earlier 
in the level. Walk back to the right and jump up into the air duct.

Climb down and walk to the right, drop down and walk to the left, 
climb up and say HELLO FOLLOW ME to have the mudokon still on the 
lift follow you to the right. Say WAIT. Now you have 3 mudokons on 
this screen waiting. Walk to the right. Climb the lift up and pull 
the 3 green levers to the right to turn off the 3 grinders.

Climb up and you need to run jump to the left and pull the 
pull-string to turn off all 3 grinders on this screen. If the 
grinder on the screen to the right is running, you forgot to do 
Secret 2 above. Now climb up and get all 3 mudokons following 
you down and to the left and stop them on the lift. Climb down 
the lift. Walk to the right and say HELLO FOLLOW ME to get the 
4th mudokon following you. Tell him to WAIT. Now get all 4 
mudokons following you to the left. Tell them all to WAIT. Now 
get all 7 mudokons following you to the right and over 3 screens 
to the birdgate (where there were 3 grinders) and CHANT to rescue 
them all.

Walk 3 screens to the left. Climb down the lift. Walk to the 
right 3 screens and take the exit to Tunnel 6.


Tunnel 6

Lots of motion detectors on this level. You can't be moving while 
the detector is sweeping near you. So SNEAK (R2) while walking and 
stop when the detector is about to sweep you.

Go to the right and sneak here. Drop down. Sneak/tiptoe to the right 
and don't wake the slig. Quiksave if you have to.

Sneak to the next screen to the right. Sneak past the motion 
detector and drop down.


Ok, all the mines in this area are on the same pattern.


Touch it with [] (square) when it's green. Sneak to the left and 
carefully sneak past the slig and two motion detectors.

Now you have 4 more bombs to defuse and a motion detector. You can't 
even move your hand to deactivate a bomb while the detector is in 
range. Once you get all the bombs deactivated, here's a hint: 
the motion detectors don't matter anymore!

Just hop in the mine car and roll to the right and then roll up the 
side of the wall, blowing up the bombs and wiping out sligs.

The mine car is hanging onto the ceiling. Carefully roll to the right 
and stay on the left side of the screen. Prepare to drop down [] and 
land on the slig here. Be careful, you kill your mudokon friends if you 
roll the minecar over them.

Get all 3 mudokons to follow you to safety to the right and CHANT to 
rescue them. Get back in the mine car [] and roll to the right and 
then drop down on the slig.


You need to run to the right, stop in front of the bomb, deactivate 
it, and then run back to the left before the slig shoots you or your 
mudokon friend. Then walk back onto the screen and say HELLO 
FOLLOW ME and run to the left. He will follow you to the left. Make 
sure you have him way to the left before you hop in the mine car so 
you don't kill him. Now hop in the mine car and roll to the right, 
killing the two sligs.

Sneak to the right, don't set off the motion detector, and deactivate 
the bomb. Sneak back to the left without setting off the motion 
detector. Now say ALL YA FOLLOW ME and walk to the left so they walk 
all the way to the left. Now hop in the minecar and roll to the right, 
killing the slig and rolling over the 3 bombs. If you've lost the 
mine car, you can do this area by sneaking all the way and not waking 
up the 2nd slig. Much more difficult though.

Now go back and lead your mudokon friends to the birdgate at the end. 
whew. 7 left. Now hop in the mine car and ride it up the wall where 
the birdgate is and to the left on the ceiling. Take it all the way 
up and to the right. 

Notice a platform on the left side of the screen. Climb up and roll 
to the left and drop down. Secret area. Go UP through the door here 
and rescue the 4 mudokons.

Go back to the left and go UP through the door and then climb up 
and to the right. Go to the right and sneak/tiptoe (R2).

say HELLO FOLLOW ME and get the first mudokon to follow you to the 
left. Make sure the minecar is to the RIGHT of the mudokon. I 
haven't tested it more than once, but you can go to the right with 
the 2 mudokons, bomb, and the slig and make a noise and the run to 
the left and then hop in the mine car and roll over the slig without 
killing a mudokon.

Now walk to the right and deactive the bomb and rescue all 3 
mudokons. That takes care of Tunnel 6!


Tunnel 7

You start this level in the background. Great fun!

Walk to the right, which makes noise. The slig will walk to the 
right. Wait until he is off screen and then run to the right and 
climb up to the platform. CHANT to possess the slig in the 

Once controlling him, use him to pull the green lever and then 
hold DOWN and shoot the slig in the foreground. BE CAREFUL you 
don't kill any mudokons. If you do, hit START and choose Load 
and hit [] to load your last Quiksave. Blow up this slig by 

Walk to the right and jump up into the air vent. Instead of going 
where you want, you go to a new area. Run to the right, pull the 
lever, and keep running to the right. Drop down to the right.

Drop down to the screen below. Run to the right, pull the lever, 
and keep running to the right. Jump up on the platform and 
teleport to the foreground. Walk to the left and get in the 
minecar. Roll to the left and keep going to the left and then 
down. Get out of the minecar and have the last 4 mudokons 
follow you to the left. Now go up through the door to Boiler 


Boiler Access 2

Walk to the left (on the UPPER platform). Run jump and climb up. 
Just keep climbing up and to the left. Try to hurry as a flying 
slig is chasing you. 

On the way up and on the way down, there are some places where 
you can hide in shadow from the flying slig.

Eventually you get to the top which has a green lever. Pull it 
and run back to the right. Run-jump over to the wheel. Turn the 
wheel for a few seconds and it cranks the boiler pressure up to 
30%. Jump to the left (it saves time to drop down) and then run 
to the right and run-jump across to the wheel and turn it. Jump 
back and down to the left and then run to the right and run-jump 
across and turn the last wheel. This starts a 14 second timer.

Drop down and run to the right. You will drop down 3 times but 
don't let off the RIGHT and R1 buttons until you get to the very 
last wall. Let off R1 and just push RIGHT and you will go under 
the wall and roll to the right.

FMV and then you move on to the Necrum.

Abe's Exoddus - Necrum

You fall and land in a air vent. Then you are thrown up and to the left onto a
platform. Walk left, jump down, and run-jump to get up to the next platform. Go

Jump down, then jump across to the next platform. Climb up to the next screen.
Jump across and climb up and to the left. Walk to the left and climb down. You
will drop down and then fly up to other platforms. Jump across and then jump
down. Use the information device (press UP) and then CHANT to open the birdgate.
Jump through it to get teleported.

Walk to the right and jump into (press UP) the air vent.

Walk to the right. and duck down and roll through the tunnel. You will drop
down. Drop down to the left and then walk to the left. Jump into the air vent.

Use the info device and then jump into the air vent.

Walk to the left and climb down the lift. Use the info device here. Climb back
up. Walk to the right.

Walk to the right and climb up. Walk to the right and use the info device.

Walk to the left and then walk to the right, rolling under the wall.

Drop down and use the info device. Drop down into the air vent below.

Now that you've read all the information, the door above the entry screen is
open. Go UP into the upper door.

Walk to the right and don't go in the birdgate yet. First, walk to the right and
use the info device.

Now walk back to the left and then to the right and use the birdgate. It takes
you to a new area.


Walk to the right and go UP through the door. FMV to a new area.

Climb up and to the right.

There are slugs (Slurgs) crawling around and Fleeches hanging from strings.

Climb down where you can and then at the bottom, make absolutely sure you don't
step on a Slurg. Wait if you have to and then Sneak (R2) when the ground is
clear of them. When all 6 have crawled to the left, walk to the right and climb
up and jump into the air vent.

Now up here, use the info device. Slap the lock and unlock the spirit. Climb up
and go Up into the doorway.

You are tranported to an area with tons of Slurgs and a Fleech hanging from a
string. You have to carefully walk around and pull the two levers without
pissing off the Fleech.

The Fleech will probably wake up but you have time to walk into the doorway and
press UP before he kills you. It takes 6 hits for him to kill you.

You are teleported to a new place.

Don't worry too much about waking the Fleechs or not. Just run and jump up to
the platforms and pull levers.

On the last of these screens, pull the 3 rings first (Sneak with R2) and then
sneak to the left, pull the green lever, and run jump up to the right and pull
the green lever, drop down and Up through the door before they hurt you too bad.

You enter a new area and the info device tells you about Invisibility.

Drop down to the right and it explains again how to stay invisible. Drop down
and slap open the lock. Now chant to gain invisibility. Jump up into the air
vent and then climb down to the left and climb down to the level below. Climb
down and then roll under wall and to the right. As your invisibility is fading,
run to the right and climb up on the right side, run-jump across to the left,
drop down and roll under the wall back into the room with the invisibility.
Chant again to become invisible. Climb up in the center area and you get to a
new door.

Go UP the new door. Go to the left and use the door. FMV to a new area. Jump
across to the left. To the left is a birdgate. CHANT to open it for you and jump
into it. Walk left. Jump up into the air vent. Now you're in the background.
Walk to the right and walk all the way to the right and use the info device.
Then walk to the left and jump into the air vent to the left.

You are thrown up in the air and into a couple vents and eventually land in a
new area. Walk to the left. Roll to the left to a secret area. Use the birdgate
to teleport. Walk right next to the gate and bunny hop into it. Don't run-jump
as you will wake the slig on the other side.

Secret area

Climb up and hold down R2 to sneak one step to the left. Jump over to the right
and pull the green lever.

Jump over to the left and you will grab onto the lower ledge. Climb up and Sneak
to the left and then roll under the wall. There is a Greeter (a metal
garbage-can like thing that talks like a Slig) projecting a motion detector.
There are 3 trapdoors opening and closing and 2 bombs and 2 depressed mudokons.

You need to climb up and learn the timing of the trapdoors and bombs and
deactivate them one at a time.

Walk to the upper left and pull the green lever.

Roll to the right and climb down.

While crouched, reactivate the bomb below and sit on the right side of it. When
the Greeter's motion detector is on you, press to the RIGHT and hold down until
you go to the next screen out of the way of the bomb exploding. Now roll back to
the left and the Greeter is gone.

You can rescue your friends now. The depressed mudokon at the top won't get back
to normal until the Greeter is gone. Now you can lead both to safety below.

Jump into the air vent.

End of Secret

Jump back into the air vent you just came out of and now you are in Scrabania!



Go to the right, roll under the wall, and climb to the top. Go UP through the
door. Walk to the right and the air vent is not active. Use the info device
(press UP). Walk to the right and pull the green lever. It activates the air
vent. Jump into the air vent.

You are now in a new area. Walk to the right. Possess the Scrab.

L1-/ to Shred power charge
[] Shred attack once Shred power is charged

Drop down and pull the loop. Fall down and pull the green lever. Walk to the
left. Slap the lock open and it will open a door.

You end up in the background with ravenous Feeches. Run to the left and
eventually you get to a air vent. Jump into the air vent and you end up in the

Slap the lock open. CHANT to become invisible. Walk to the right. Pull the green
lever. Walk to the right and pull the next green lever. Run back to the left as
your invisibility fades. Now come back and CHANT to become invisible again and
run to the right 2 screens, duck under a wall and roll for a few feet, stand up,
and run 2 more screens and run-jump and grab onto the ledge before you become
visible again. Climb up and go UP into the door.

Go to the right. Jump up into the air vent. Climb up and then climb up again,
Sneak to the left, turn around, and drop down. Sneak to the left and pull the
lever and quickly slap the lock open. CHANT to become invisible.
Climb up and run to the left. Climb up the platform to the left. CHANT to
possess the Scrab. L1-/ to build up his power and [] or O to use it. You've got
to kill the Fleech.

Release the Scrab.

Run-jump or walk back to the left (depending on where you are) and wait for the
invisibility power to be absorbed. Now you can use invisibility once, and you
can START using it later. Climb down and down and walk to the right and jump in
the air vent, which tosses you up to the top of a platform with an info device
on it.

CHANT to use the invisibility and drop down. Walk to the right and pull the
lever. Run-jump and climb up to the closed door. Now climb up and up to the next
screen. Slap open the lock up here which opens the door below. Go down and use
the door.

Use the info device. CHANT to possess a Scrab and walk him to the left to step
on the pressure plate on the RIGHT side of the door. Release him. Don't walk him
to the left side of the door.

Walk to the right and possess the Scrab over here. Walk him to the left, trigger
the pressure plate, and one will eat the other. Possess the Scrab that survived
and walk him to right, opening this pressure plate.

The Scrab that survived walks into the room. Possess it. Walk to the right and
trigger the pressure plate. Walk this Scrab all the way to the left, locking him
behind a wall.

Drop down and venture to the left, climbing up and run-jumping to the left to
slap open one lock. Now walk to the right, drop down, and walk to the right 2
screens. Climb up, slap open this lock, and escape the Fleech before he kills
you. Run to the left 2 screens and go UP into the door.

Walk to the left, climb up and go in the door. Walk to the left. Climb up and
walk to the left. CHANT to open the birdgate and jump through.

Use the info device. Walk to the right and jump into the air vent.