# - Medium level only 
* - Hard level only 
P - Primary Mission 
S - Secondary Mission 
B - Bonus Mission 
Battle I, Mission 1
Mission    P - Inspect Freighter Group Onece
           P - Inspect Transport Group Dayta
           S - Inspect Cort Group Yander
           S - Inspect Ctrn Group Taloos
          *B - Destroy 100% of Escort Shuttle group Tough 
          *B - Destroy Transport Glich 
Procedure  P - Inspect Freighter Onece 1-5, Rebels are in Onece 3
           P - Inspect Transport Dayta 1-2 immediately
           P - Help shooting down the shields of Onece 3
          *P - Destroy Shuttles Ravtin 1-3
          *B - Destroy TRN Glich 
          #P - Destroy Shuttles Roe 1-3
          #P - Destroy Shuttles Escro 1-3
           S - Inspect Cort Yander 1-3 
           S - Inspect Ctrns Taloons 1-2
          *B - Destroy E/S Tough 1-3 
Battle I, Mission 2
Mission    P - Platform XQ1 D-34 must survive
           P - Imperial Star Destroyer Hammer must arrive
           S - Inspect Shuttle Scutz
           B - Destroy Corellian Ubote 1-3
           B - Shuttle Scutz must be captured 
Procedure  P - Destroy Y-Wing Petdur      * Petdur 1-2    
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Gold 1-5
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Laire       * Laire 1-2 
           P - Destroy X-Wing Derk        * Derk 1-2 
           P - Destroy X-Wing Blue 1-3
           S - Inspect Shuttle Scutz
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Red 1-2
Battle I, Mission 3
Mission    P - Destroy Cargo Ferry Gallon
          #P - Destroy Cargo Ferry Romold
          #P - Destroy Cargo Ferry Kann  
           P - Destroy Cargo Ferry Wess  
           P - Destroy Transport Prince  
           P - Destroy Transport Dawn
           P - Destroy Transport Destion 
           P - Destroy Shuttle Xesre     
           P - Destroy Shuttle Dunns
           B - Inspect Transport Dawn 
          *B - Destroy 100% of B-Wing group Gold 
          *B - Destroy 100% of X-Wing group Red 
Procedure #P - First target Cargo Ferry Wess, 
               Order Wingman to attack by Shift-A
          #P - Destroy the other 3 Cargos with 4 torpedoes each
          *P - Destroy Cargo Ferry Gallon (4 torpedoes)
          *P - Destroy Cargo Ferry Wess 
          *P - Order Wingman to attack Y-Wings
           B - Inspect Transport Dawn
           P - Destroy the remaining vessels by laser fire
          *B - Destroy B-Wing Gold 1-3
          *B - Destroy X-Wing Red 1-3 
Battle I, Mission 4
Mission    P - Transport Sigma must finish docking
           P - Platform XQ1 D-34 must be captured
           P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Fogger must survive
           S - Inspect Container Transport Gopher
           B - Destroy at least one of Escort Shuttle group Claf
           B - Container Transport Gopher must be captured 
Procedure  S - Inspect Container Transport Gopher
           P - Destroy whatever you can, watch out especially for 
               Escort Shuttles, Y-Wings and Transports
           B - Destroy one of Escort Shuttle Group Olaf
Battle I, Mission 5
Mission    P - Destroy X-Wing Group Red 
           P - Destroy B-Wing Group Gold 
           P - Destroy A-Wing Group Blue 
           S - Inspect Container C Group C440  
           B - Destroy A-Wing Gold 1-5
           B - Destroy X-Wing Blue 1-5 
Procedure  S - Inspect Container C440 1-3 
           P - Destroy X-Wing Red 1-3              
           P - Destroy B-Wing Gold 1-2
           P - Destroy A-Wing Blue 1-2
               Watch out for all A-Wings and Transports, they are very nasty!
           B - Destroy A-Wing Gold 1-5 and X-Wing Blue 1-5
          *B - Destroy further groups of A-Wing Gold and X-Wing Blue, coming 
               in endless waves until the CRL Lulsla enters hyperspace
Battle I, Mission 6
Mission    P - Destroy Lt Calamari Cruiser
           S - Destroy Transport Group Starway
           S - Destroy Transport Group Gargon
           S - Disable Shuttle Derris ?
           B - 50% of Shuttle group Derris must be captured
           B - Destroy all Mines 
Procedure  P - Destroy Startfighters and as many Mines as you can, 
               but watch out for the secondary targets. The Calamari will 
               be destroyed by the Imperial Transports. 
           S - Intercept immediately after the transports left the Cruiser
           S - Disable Shuttles Derris 1-2
           S - Destroy Transports Starway 1-2
           S - Destroy Transports Gargon 1-2
           B - Destroy the remaining Mines, but be careful with the 
               "R?" Missile Mines
Battle II, Mission 1
Mission    P - Destroy 25% of all Dimok craft
           P - At least one of Modular Conveyor group Asbo must survive
           S - Inspect Modular Conveyor group Asbo
           B - Transport Epsilon 1 must have completed mission
           B - Transport Epsilon 2 must have completed mission
           B - Destroy Lt Calamari Cruiser Falaricae
           B - Modular Conveyor Asbo ? must be captured 
Procedure  S - Inspect Conveyor Asbo 1-3
           P - Destroy pink Y-Wings until mission is complete
Battle II, Mission 2 
Mission    P - Destroy 25% of Ripoblus craft
           P - Container C Lab Module ? must survive
           P - Platform XQ1 Youst must survive
           S - Inspect Container C Lab Module ?
           S - Inspect Platform XQ1 Youst
           B - Inspect Shuttle Toten
           B - Transport Epsilon 1 must have completed mission 
           B - Transport Epsilon 2 must have completed mission              
           B - Destroy Nebulon B-2 Frigate Dromon
           B - Container C Lab Module ? must be captured              
           B - Platform XQ1 Youst must be captured
Procedure  P - Destroy ATR Sabre with 3 torpedoes 
           S - Inspect Platform XQ1 Youst
           S - Inspect CN/C Lab Module 1-4 
           P - Destroy ATR Pike with 3 torpedoes
          #B - Reload with TUB CUV/L 11F5          * no reload in hard level 
           B - Destroy M/FRG Dromon
Battle II, Mission 3
Mission    P - Patrol Craft Glas must have finished docking
           B - Destroy Escort Shuttle Typhon 1-4 
           B - Shuttle Nazaar 1-2 must have completed mission 
Procedure  P - Destroy Y-Wing Able 1-4
           P - Destroy Shuttles Lambda 1-4         * 2 waves 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Baker 1-3
           P - Destroy Shuttles Sigma 1-2
           B - Destroy Escort Shuttle Typhon 1-4
Battle II, Mission 4
Mission    P - Transport Omega 1 must have completed mission
           P - Transport Omega 2 must have completed mission
           P - Shuttle Keydon must be boarded
           P - Shuttle Phantele must be boarded
           S - Inspect Cargo Ferry Glaive
           S - Inspect Cargo Ferry Godendag
           S - Inspect Modified Corvette Runka
           B - Inspect Nebulon B-2 Frigate Manus Ferre
           B - Inspect Nebulon B Frigate Shemsher
           B - Inspect Lt Calamari Cruiser Falaricae
Procedure  P - Disable Shuttle Keydon (pink)
           P - Disable Shuttle Phantele (blue)
           P - Protect Transports Omega 1-2, destroy
                  E/S Arabu 1-2    (2 torpedoes each)
                  E/S Berono 1-2   (2 torpedoes each)
          *       E/S Calitana 1-2 
          *       E/S Degio 1-2
                  Z-95 Adam 1-4
                  Z-95 Baker 1-4
           B - Inspect Nebulon B-2 Frigate Manus Ferre
           B - Inspect Nebulon B Frigate Shemsher
           B - Inspect Lt Calamari Cruiser Falaricae
           S - Inspect Cargo Ferry Glaive
           S - Inspect Cargo Ferry Godendag
           S - Inspect Modified Corvette Runka
Battle II, Mission 5
Mission    P - 75% of all TIE Advanceds must have completed mission
           P - Escort Carrier Tropsobor must have completed mission
           S - Inspect Shuttle Omlaut
           B - 100% of all Ripoblus craft must be destroyed
           B - 100% of TIE Advanced group AA must have completed mission 
           B - 100% of TIE Advanced group AB must have completed mission 
           B - 100% of TIE Advanced group AC must have completed mission 
           B - 100% of TIE Advanced group AD must have completed mission 
Procedure  P - Destroy all Y-Wings Bardok 1-2, Chubb 1-2, Givin 1-2, 
               Larkma 1-2, Farsi 1-2, Hurcha 1-2 
           S - Inspect Shuttle Omlaut
           B - Destroy CRL Ben Het, as soon as its shields are down
           B - Destroy all enemy vessels
Battle III, Mission 1
Mission    P - Victory Star Destroyer must survive
           P - Inspect 100% of Container A group THX-1136A
           P - Inspect 100% of Container D group THX-1137D
           P - Inspect 100% of Container B group THX-1138B
           P - Inspect 100% of Container D group THX-1139D
           P - Inspect 100% of Container D group THX-1140D
           S - Heavy Lifter Mule 1 must have completed mission
           S - Heavy Lifter Mule 2 must have completed mission
           S - Heavy Lifter Mule 3 must have completed mission
           S - Heavy Lifter Mule 4 must have completed mission
           S - Heavy Lifter Mule 5 must have completed mission
           B - Destroy Transport Scouter
Procedure  P - Inspect CN/A THX-1136A 1-2
           P - Inspect CN/A THX-1137D 1-2
           P - Inspect CN/A THX-1138B 1-2
           P - Inspect CN/A THX-1139D 1-3 
           P - Inspect CN/A THX-1140D 1-3
           P - Protect Heavy Lifters, watch Y-Wings
           B - Destroy Transport Scouter
Battle III, Mission 2
Mission    P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Leach
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Clavier 
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Grapler
           P - Destroy Container A group DLC11A 1-4 
           P - Destroy Container A group CRM908A 1-4 
           P - Destroy Container B group CG-78 1-2 
           S - Inspect Container A CRM908A ?
           B - Assault Transport Tiger must have finished docking
           B - Container A CRM908A ? must be boarded 
Procedure  P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Clavier 
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Grapler              
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Leach 
               (4 torpedoes each, finish off with lasers) 
           S - Inspect Container A CRM908A 1-4  
           P - Destroy Container A CRM908A 1-4 expect the one with rebels 
           P - Destroy Container A group DLC11A 1-4
           P - Destroy Container B group CG-78 1-2
           P - Destroy Container A CRM908A ? after boarding
Battle III, Mission 3 
Mission    P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived
           P - 100% of Cargo Ferry group Bakkun must have arrived
           P - 100% of Modified Corvette group Horvus must have arrived
           P - 100% of Modular Conveyor group Gorfan must have arrived 
           P - 100% of Freighter group Ravn must have arrived
           P - Victory Star Destroyer Stalwart must have arrived
           B - Destroy 100% of Shuttle group Escape 
Procedure  P - Destroy Z-95 Gold 1-3 (green), they have heavy torpedoes 
           P - Destroy B-Wing Blue 1-3 (green) 
          *P - Destroy B-Wing Red 1-3 (green), they have heavy torpedoes 
           P - Destroy X-Wing Red 1-3 (green), they have heavy torpedoes 
          *P - Destroy X-Wing Yellow 1-3 (green) 
           P - Destroy Z-95 Yellow 1-3 (green) 
           P - Destroy X-Wing Blue 1-3 (green) 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Gold 1-2 (pink) 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Red 1-2 (pink) 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Blue 1-2 (pink)
           B - When FRG Huntress is finished, destroy SHU Escape 1-2 
Battle III, Mission 4
Mission    P - Platform XQ3 NL-1 must have survived
           P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived
           P - Victory Star Destroyer Stalwart must have arrived
           S - Shuttle Shakker must be captured
           B - Inspect Shuttle Shakker 
Procedure  P - Destroy Y-Wing Blue 1-2
          *P - Destroy Y-Wing Gold 1-2 
           P - Destroy A-Wing Blue 1-2 
           P - Destroy X-Wing Red 1-3
           P - Destroy M/CRV Moori 1-2 (6 torpedoes or 2 heavy bombs each)
          *P - Destroy M/CRV Runeer 1-2
           B - Inspect Shuttle Shakker 
           S - Disable Shuttle Shakker
          *P - Destroy TRN Del 1-3 
           B - Protect Transport Soryi, it will capture the Shuttle Shakker
Battle III, Mission 5
Mission    P - Platform XQ3 NL-1 must have survived
           P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Ludwick must have survived
           P - Transport Sigma ? must have completed mission
           P - Transport Omega must have completed mission
           B - Destroy Shuttle Bliss 1-2              
           B - Destroy Shuttle Gamer 1-2
           B - Destroy Shuttle Noway 1-3 
Procedure  P - Protect Transport Sigma 1 or 2, carrying Vice Admiral Thrawn 
           P - Destroy A-Wing Red 1-3
           P - Destroy A-Wing Blue 1-3
           P - Destroy A-Wing Gold 1-3
           P - Destroy X-Wing Rec 1-2
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Blue 1-2
           P - Destroy X-Wing Gold 1-2 
           P - Protect Transport Omega, carrying Vice Admiral Thrawn
           B - Destroy Shuttle Bliss 1-2 (pink)
           B - Destroy Shuttle Gamer 1-2 (pink)
           B - Destroy Shuttle Noway 1-3 (pink)
Battle III, Mission 6
Mission    P - Platform XQ3 NL-1 must have survived
           P - Patrol Craft Ranger 1 must have survived 
           P - Patrol Craft Ranger 2 must have survived
           P - Victory Star Destroyer must have arrived
           S - Shuttle Electra must be captured
           B - Inspect Shuttle Electra 
          *B - Transport Shark must have finished docking 
Procedure  P - Destroy ATR Thunder 2 (6 torpedoes), it is after the Platform            
           B - Inspect Shuttle Electra
           S - Disable Shuttle Electra
           P - Destroy TRN Rover 1-3 (2 torpedoes each), 
               they are after the Rangers
           P - Destroy ATR Thunder 1, it is after the Platform 
           P - Destroy B-Wing Blue 1-3
          *P - Destroy ATR Taxel 1-2, they are after the Platform 
Battle IV, Mission 1
Mission    P - 50% of Cargo Ferry group Verack must have finished docking
           P - 50% of Cargo Ferry group Stimner must have finished docking
           P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must have survived
           S - Inspect 100% of Cargo Ferry group Verack
           S - Inspect 100% of Cargo Ferry group Stimner
           B - Inspect Corellian Corvette Charger 1
           B - Inspect Corellian Corvette Charger 2 
Procedure  S - Inspect Cargo Ferry Verack 1-2
           S - Inspect Cargo Ferry Stimner 1-2
           B - Inspect Corellian Corvette Charger 1
           B - Inspect Corellian Corvette Charger 2 
           P - Destroy CRV Charger 1 (6 torpedoes)
           P - Destroy CRV Charger 2 (2 torpedoes, then laser from behind) 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Red 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Gold 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Blue 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Yellow 1-3           * 2 waves 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Striker 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Scarlet 1-3
Battle IV, Mission 2 
Mission    P - Destroy Container B Junker
           P - Destroy Container A Hume
           P - Destroy Container A Workshop
           P - Destroy Container B Repo
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Petor
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Shotgun
           P - Destroy Transport Sunbird
           P - Destroy Shuttle Pamir 1
           P - Destroy Shuttle Pamir 2
           S - Destroy 100% of all Y-Wings
Procedure  P - First target Corellian Corvette Petor, 
               Order Wingmen to attack by Shift-A
           P - Destroy Corellian Corvette Shotgun (6 torpedoes) 
           P - Destroy Transport Sunbird
           P - Destroy Shuttles Pamir 1-2
           S - Destroy Y-Wings Red 1-2
           S - Destroy Y-Wings Blue 1-3
          *S - Destroy Y-Wings Gold 1-2 
           P - Destroy the remaining Containers
Battle IV, Mission 3 
Mission    P - Destroy 75% of all Y-Wings
           P - Modified Corvette Phoenix must have survived
           P - Transport Runner must have finished docking
           P - Shuttle Doyle must have finished docking
           P - Shuttle Sgidek must have finished docking
Procedure  P - Destroy Y-Wing Blue 1-2
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Red 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Gold 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Baker 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Yellow 1-2
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Grey 1-2             * Grey 1-4 
Battle IV, Mission 4 
Mission    P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must have survived
           P - Nebulon B Frigate Lendova must have survived
           P - Shuttle Fairfax must be boarded
           P - Shuttle Nexus must have completed mission
           P - Transport Ferry 1 must have completed mission
           P - Transport Ferry 2 must have completed mission
           P - Transport Ferry 3 must have completed mission
           P - Transport Ferry 4 must have completed mission
           S - Inspect Transport Ferry 1
           S - Inspect Transport Ferry 2
           S - Inspect Transport Ferry 3 
           S - Inspect Transport Ferry 4 
Procedure #P - Destroy CRV Phazer 1-2 (1 heavy bomb each)
          *P - Destroy CRV Phazer 3 1 and Phazer 4 1 (1 heavy bomb each) 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Gold 1-3
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Scarlet 1-2
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Red 1-2
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Yellow 1-3
           S - Inspect Transport Ferry 1-4
          *P - Reload with ATR Trident 
          *P - Destroy CRV Phazer 3 2 and Phazer 4 2 (1 heavy bomb each) 
Battle IV, Mission 5 
Mission    P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Shamus must have survived
           P - Nebulon B Frigate Xerxes must be destroyed
           B - Destroy Transport Tela 
Procedure  P - Destroy B-Wing Blue 1-2
          *P - Destroy Y-Wing Flash 1-3 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Red 1-2
           P - Destroy FRG Xerxes (2 heavy bombs)
           B - Destroy Transport Tela 
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Vite 1-2
           P - Destroy A-Wing Blue 1
           P - Destroy X-Wing Gold 1
Battle V, Mission 1 
Mission    S - Inspect Shuttle Lambda
           S - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Osprey must have arrived
           S - Inspect 100% of Container D group Chi
           S - Inspect 100% of Container D group Psi
           B - TIE Interceptor Gamma 2 must be destroyed
           B - TIE Interceptor Gamma 3 must be destroyed
           B - 100% of TIE Advanced group H-Alpha must be destroyed
           B - 100% of TIE Advanced group H-Delta must be destroyed
           B - 100% of TIE Bomber group H-Beta must be destroyed
           B - Shuttle Lambda must be destroyed
           B - 100% of Mine group Type 1A must be destroyed
           B - 100% of Mine group Type 1B must be destroyed
           B - 100% of Container D group Chi must be destroyed
           B - 100% of Container D group Psi must be destroyed
           B - 100% of X-Wing group Blue must be destroyed
           B - 100% of Y-Wing group Red must be destroyed 
Procedure  S - Request Reinforcements with Shift-S              
           S - Redirect all energy to engine
           S - Inspect CN/D Chi 1-2
           S - Inspect CN/D Psi 1-2
           S - Go to M/FRG Osprey 
           S - Inspect Shuttle Lambda, as soon as it arrives 
Battle V, Mission 2 
Mission    P - Destroy 100% of all Container Bs
           P - Destroy 100% of Container C group Pi
           P - Destroy 100% of Container E group Xi
           P - Destroy 100% of Container D group Psi
           P - Victory Star Destroyer Protector must have arrived 
           S - Inspect at least one of all Container Bs
           S - Inspect Platform XQ1 DS 5
           S - Inspect at least one of Container C group Pi
           S - Inspect at least one of Container E group Xi
           S - Inspect at least one of Container D group Psi
           B - Destroy B-Wing Red 1-3  
           B - Destroy 100% of Z-95 Headhunter group Wolf 
           B - Destroy Corellian Transport Cimigo 
           B - Destroy at least one of TIE Advanced group H-Alpha  
           B - Destroy at least one of A-Wing group Blue 
           B - Attack Victory Star Destroyer Protector 
Procedure  B - Destroy CORT Cimigo immediately:  
                 Redirect energy to engines (press 3 times "F9" key) 
                 Target CORT Cimigo (press 12 times "T" key)
                 Launch 9 Advanced Missiles (4 pairs and 1 single) 
           P - Destroy B-Wing Red 2  
           P - Destroy Z-95 Wolf 1-4 
           S - Inspect Platform XQ1 DS 5
           S - Inspect CN/B Chi 1-4
           S - Inspect CN/C Pi 1-2
           S - Inspect CN/E Xi 1-4
           S - Inspect CN/D Psi 1-2
           P - Destroy B-Wing Red 1 + 3 
           P - Destroy CN/B Chi 1-4
           P - Destroy CN/C Pi 1-2
           P - Destroy CN/E Xi 1-4
           P - Destroy CN/D Psi 1-2
           B - Destroy T/A H-Alpha 1 (1 Advanced Torpedo) 
           B - Destroy A-Wing Blue 1  
           B - Attack VSD Protector  
>---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Battle V, Mission 3 
Battle V, Mission 3 
Mission    P - Destroy 100% of Freighter group Karflo
           P - Destroy 100% of Modular Conveyor group Sorosuub
           P - Destroy Container Transport Morgath 1
           P - Destroy Container Transport Morgath 5
           P - Destroy 100% of Corellian Corvette group Sundog
           S - Inspect at least one of Freighter group Karflo
           S - Inspect at least one of Modular Conveyor group Sorosuub
           S - Inspect Container Transport Morgath 1
           S - Inspect Container Transport Morgath 5
           S - Inspect at least one of Corellian Corvette group Sundog
           B - Inspect at least one of Container E group Pi
           B - Victory Star Destroyer Protector must be attacked
           B - Destroy Heavy Lifter AAA Tow
           B - Destroy Heavy Lifter A1 Tow 
           B - Destroy Heavy Lifter A2 Tow 
           B - Destroy at least one of TIE Advanced group H-Alpha 
           B - Destroy at least one of TIE Advanced group H-Beta 
           B - Destroy at least one of TIE Advanced group H-Gamma 
           B - Destroy at least one of TIE Advanced group H-Delta 
           B - Destroy 100% of A-Wing group Blue
Procedure  S - Inspect FRT Karflo 1
           P - Destroy FRT Karflo 1-3
           S - Inspect CNVYR Sorosuub 1
           P - Destroy CNVYR Sorosuub 1-2
           S - Inspect Container Transport Morgath 1
           P - Destroy Container Transport Morgath 1
           S - Inspect Container Transport Morgath 5 
           P - Destroy Container Transport Morgath 5
           S - Inspect CRV Sundog 1
           P - Destroy CRV Sundog 1-2 (4 heavy rockets each)
Battle V, Mission 4 
Mission    P - Destroy 50% of all TIE Advanced
           S - Inspect at least one of Modified Corvette group Wurger
           S - Inspect Shuttle Toten
           B - Victory Star Destroyer Protector must be attacked
           B - Destroy Modified Corvette Wurger 1-2
           B - Shuttle Toten must have completed mission
           B - Destroy Cargo Ferry Badger 1
           B - Destroy Cargo Ferry Badger 2 
Procedure  P - Attack TIE Advanced
           B - Destroy Cargo Ferry Badger 1-2 
           S - Inspect Shuttle Toten, as soon as it appears, 
               Redirect all energy into the engine 
           S - Inspect M/CRV Wurger 1
           P - Keep on attacking TIE Advanced (there are 14 to kill) 
           P - Destroy M/CRV Wurger 1-2 
Battle V, Mission 5 
Mission    P - Destroy 100% of all Mines
           P - Platform XQ1 DS 5 must be disabled 
           P - Shuttle Toten must be disabled
           P - Transport Kolermigon must be disabled
           P - Corellian Transport Geddawai must be disabled
           S - Platform XQ1 DS 5 must be captured
           S - Inspect Shuttle Toten
           S - Inspect Transport Kolermigon
           S - Inspect Corellian Transport Geddawai
           B - Inspect Nebulon B Frigate Olinor
           B - Destroy Modified Corvette Wurger 1-2
           B - Destroy Shuttle Toten  
           B - Transport Kolermigon must be boarded
           B - Corellian Transport Geddawai must be captured 
Procedure  S - Inspect CORT Geddawai 
           P - Disable CORT Geddawai (2 Adv. Torp. to bring the shields down) 
           S - Inspect SHU Toten 
           P - Disable SHU Toten 
           S - Inspect TRN Kolermigon 
           P - Disable TRN Kolermigon 
           P - Destroy all Mines
           B - Inspect FRG Olinor 
           P - Destroy B-Wing Blue 1-3 
           B - Destroy M/CRV Wurger 1-2 (4 Advanced Torpedoes each), you 
               may reload with TUG CUV 8f1 
           B - Destroy Shuttle Toten 
Battle VI, Mission 1 
Mission    P - 100% of all TIE Defenders must have completed mission
           P - 100% of all Cargo Ferrys must have completed mission
           B - 100% of all Rebel craft must be destroyed 
Procedure  P - Destroy B-Wing Blue 1-3
           B - Destroy A-Wing Red 1-6
Battle VI, Mission 2 
Mission    P - 100% of all TIE Defenders must have completed mission
           P - Escort Carrier Hininbirg must have completed mission
           S - Inspect Corellian Corvette Mar Duun
           S - Inspect Corellian Corvette Vop Hui
           B - 100% of all Rebel craft must be destroyed 
Procedure  P - Destroy Y-Wing Blue 1-4 (1 Advanced Torpedo each) 
           S - Inspect Corellian Corvette Mar Duun
           S - Inspect Corellian Corvette Vop Hui
           B - Help destroying the Corvettes 
           P - Destroy A-Wing Gold 1-3
           P - Destroy X-Wing Red 1-8 
Battle VI, Mission 3 
Mission    P - Freighter Anterab must have completed mission
           P - Freighter Degathem must have completed mission
           S - Heavy Lifter V-3f14 must have completed mission
           S - At least one of B-Wing group Red must be boarded
           B - Destroy 100% of X-Wing group Blue
           B - Destroy 100% of A-Wing group Gold
Procedure  P - Order Wingmen to destroy X-Wing Blue 1-6 with Shift-A 
           S - Disable B-Wing Red 1 (1 Advanced Torpedo, then disable) 
           P - Destroy B-Wing Red 2-5
           P - Destroy ATR Storm Unit 1-2 (2 Advanced Torpedoes each)
           B - Help destroying X-Wing Blue 1-6
           P - Destroy A-Wing Gold 1-3
Battle VI, Mission 4 
Mission    P - Destroy 75% of all Z-95 Headhunters
           P - Platform XQ2 Pondut must be captured
           P - Disable Transport GEC U47
           P - Corellian Transport Lucky Day must be captured
           P - Disable Shuttle Kalree
           S - Disable at least one of Y-Wing group Blue
           S - Transport GEC U47 must be captured
           S - Shuttle Kalree must be captured
           B - Tug U-4f91 must have completed mission
           B - Tug U-4f92 must have completed mission 
           B - Tug U-4f93 must have completed mission 
           B - Tug U-4f94 must have completed mission 
           B - Tug U-14f1 must have completed mission
           B - Destroy 100% of A-Wing group Red
           B - Destroy Cargo Ferry Bujiboi 
Procedure  P - Destroy Z-95 Charlie 1-4
           P - Disable Transport GEC U47
           P - Disable Shuttle Kalree 
           P - Disable CORT Lucky Day (2 Advanced Torpedoes = shields down) 
           P - Destroy Z-95 Adam 1-4
           P - Destroy Z-95 Baker 1-4
          *P - Destroy Z-95 Delta 1-4 
           S - Disable Y-Wing Blue 1
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Blue 2-4 (1 Advanced Torpedo each) 
           P - Destroy A-Wing Red 1-2
           B - Destroy CARG Bujiboi (4 Advanced Torpedoes) 
Battle VII, Mission 1 
Before starting Battle VII you should practice the TIE Defender (Training
and Combat Chamber).
Mission    P - Interdictor Harpax must have survived
           P - Destroy 100% of Container B group HX
           P - Destroy 100% of Container E group HM
           P - Destroy 100% of Container C group Oxin
           P - Destroy 100% of Container D group C223
           P - 100% of Assault Transport group Gold must have arrived
           B - Destroy 100% of Heavy Lifter group Waq
           B - Destroy 100% of Cargo Ferry group Whell
Procedure *P - Destroy T/I H-Delta 1-2 
          *P - Destroy T/F H-Alpha 1-3
          *P - Destroy T/A H-Gamma 1-2 
           P - Destroy CN/B HX 1-2
           P - Destroy CN/E HM 1-2
           P - Destroy CN/C Oxin 1-2
           P - Destroy CN/D C223 1-2
           P - Dogfight with H-TIEs
           P - Attack Rebel Starfighters, when CRL Warhawk arrives (at 4:40), 
               Z-95 and X-Wing are attacking Interdictor Harpax 
               Target INT Harpax, then press A (Attacking Target) 
           P - Destroy Z-95 Red 1-2 
           P - Destroy Z-95 Gold 1-3 
           P - Destroy Z-95 Blue 1-2
           P - Destroy Z-95 Scarlet 1-3
           P - Destroy T/B H-Zeta 1-2
           P - Destroy X-Wing Gold 1-3, play with last one (new waves!)
               The mission is completed, when ATR Gold 1-3 arrive (at 14:28)
           B - Destroy Heavy Lifter group Waq 
           B - Destroy Cargo Ferry group Whell 
Battle VII, Mission 2 
Mission    P - Interdictor Harpax must have survived
           P - Destroy Nebulon B Frigate Akaga
           P - Imperial Star Destroyer Garrett must have arrived
           B - Destroy 100% of Y-Wing group Red
           B - Destroy 100% of Y-Wing group Gold
           B - Destroy 100% of Z-95 Headhunter group Blue 
           B - Destroy 100% of Z-95 Headhunter group Red 
           B - Destroy 100% of X-Wing group Gold 
Procedure  P - Attack FRG Akaga with 2 heavy bombs (release at Dist 1.0 - 1.7)
           P - Reload Bombs with Transport Goya (Shift-B), repeat attack
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Red 1-2
           P - Destroy Y-Wing Gold 1-2
           P - Destroy T/B H-Beta 1-2
           P - Destroy Z-95 Red 1-2
           P - Destroy Z-95 Blue 1-2
               Imperial Star Destroyer Garrett arrives at 5:31
           B - Destroy Y-Wing group Red
           B - Destroy Y-Wing group Gold
           B - Destroy Z-95 group Blue
           B - Destroy Z-95 group Red
           B - Destroy X-Wing group Gold
Battle VII, Mission 3 
Mission    P - Victory Star Destroyer Protector must be destroyed
           P - Lt Calamari Cruiser Warhawk must be destroyed
           P - Imperial Star Destroyer Garrett must have survived
           S - Destroy 100% of Modified Corvette group Arditi
           S - Destroy 100% of Modified Corvette group Falcon
           S - Destroy 100% of Modified Corvette group BaKaar
           S - Destroy 100% of Assault Transport group Upsilon
           B - Destroy 100% of all Rebel craft
           B - Interdictor Harpax must have completed mission 
Procedure  P - Attack CRL Warhawk with 6 Advanced Torpedoes
           P - Reload with Transport CUV 18f1 (Shift-B), repeat attack
           P - Attack VSD Protector (same procedure as CRL Warhawk, but in
               Hard level you only have one reload) 
          *P - Destroy M/CRV Triumph 1-2 
          *B - Destroy E/S Spitfire 1-2  
           S - Destroy M/CRV Arditi 1-3 (4 Advanced Torpedoes)
           S - Destroy M/CRV group Falcon 
           S - Destroy M/CRV group BaKaar
           S - Destroy Assault Transport group Upsilon
Battle VII, Mission 4 
Mission    P - TIE Defender Delta 6 (Darth Vader!) must complete mission
           P - Nebulon B-2 Frigate Osprey must have survived
           S - Destroy Interdictor Harpago
           B - Destroy 100% of all Assault Gunboats
           B - 50% of TIE Defender group Delta must have completed mission 
Procedure  B - Destroy GUN Z-Mu 1-4
           B - Destroy GUN Z-Nu 1-4
           B - Destroy GUN Z-Tau 1-4 
           P - As soon as Osprey arrives, launch 6 Advanced Torpedoes at 
               INT Harpago, target the Laser Turrets (Key "," until LASR TUR) 
          *B - Destroy T/B Z-Beta 1-3 
          *B - Destroy T/B Z-Gamma 1-3 
          *B - Destroy T/B Z-Theta 1-3 
           P - Reload with TUG CUV/L-1
           P - Destroy INT Harpago again with 6 Advanced Torpedoes
Battle VII, Mission 5 
Mission    P - Escort Shuttle Haven ? must be boarded
           P - Imperial Star Destroyer Vanguard must have survived
           P - Modified Corvette Mescue must have survived
Procedure  P - Order Wingmen to attack T/A group Z-Alpha (Shift-A) 
           P - Inspect E/S Haven 1-3
           P - Order Wingmen to ignore E/S Haven ? (Shift-I) 
           P - Disable E/S Haven ? (the one with the Emperor)
           P - Destroy the other 2 E/S Haven (1 Advanced Torpedo, then
               finish off with laser)
           P - Destroy E/S Hellcat 1-3 
           P - Destroy T/A Z-Alpha 1-3
           P - Destroy T/A Z-Beta 1-3
           P - Destroy T/A Z-Kappa 1-2 
           P - Destroy T/A Z-Delta 1-3