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                     Ultima 7: Part Two, The Serpent Isle
                           The Complete Guidebook

                              October 16, 2000
                                 Version 1.4

                    Written by:  Dan Simpson 
                         Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

                                Email Policy:
         If you are going to email me about this game, please put
         Serpent Isle as the subject.  Or Ultima 7 Part 2.  Also please
         realize that I am not hiding cheats or any other information,
         i.e. everything I know about Serpent Isle is in this guide.

         If you see any mistakes, or have anything that you want to add
         please email me!  I will, of course, give you full credit for
         your addition, and be eternally grateful to you.

.--------------------========= N  O  T  E  S =========-------------------------.
|                             ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                  |
| The most recent version of this FAQ can be found at:                         |
|    http://www.gamefaqs.com/                                                  |
|                                                                              |
| If you are a webmaster and wish to post this on your web page, please email  |
| me first.  And if you do post this FAQ on your site, please make an attempt  |
| to keep it up to date.  There is nothing worse than getting emails from      |
| people who saw an old version asking about things that are already in the    |
| newer versions.  Well, maybe there are worse things, but it IS annoying!     |
|                                                                              |
| This FAQ looks best in Courier New at about 9 points.                        |
|                                                                              |
| This Document is Copyright 1999 by Dan Simpson                               |
| Ultima 7: Part Two The Serpent Isle is Copyright 1994 by Origin Systems      |
|                                                                              |
| I am not affiliated with Origin, Electronic Arts, or anyone who had anything |
| to do with the creation of this game.  This FAQ may be posted on any site so |
| long as NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting  |
| it.  You may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.             |

What's New in 1.4:
    Added a trick to keep items from the World of Dreams from Geoff Bateman.
    Other small format related changes.

  For a complete Version History, check out the Final Words Section at the end
  of the FAQ.

Table of Contents:

  i.    Introduction
  ii.   Items
  iii.  Spells
  iv.   Companions
  v.    Trainers
  vi.   General Strategies


  1.    Arrival, "I got this hourglass used from the Time Lord."
  2.    Monitor, "Does EVERYONE want to kill me?"
  3.    Fawn, "Yes... Everyone wants to kill you!"
  4.    Sleeping Bull, "Wouldn't you rather get 99999 Monetari than 1 gold bar?"
  5.    Moonshade, "Rotoluncia's Miracle Diet!"
  6.    Mad Mage, "Yesssss, Master!"
  7.    Monk Isle, "The Bells!"
  8.    Moonshade Spells and Such, "Est Nudi!"
  9.    Mountains of Freedom
  10.   Moonshade and a Mirror
  11.   Furnace, "101 ways to fry an Avatar"
  12.   Goblins! "The brand new multi-million dollar musical!"
  13.   The Realm of Dreams
  14.   Great Northern Forest
  15.   Shamino's Castle
  16.   To the North!
  17.   The Gwani
  18.   Vasculio and Skullcrusher
  19.   Batlin, Spinebreaker, and the Banes
  20.   Gwenno Returns! Sorta...
  21.   Discipline and Gwenno
  22.   Soul Prisms, Banes and Such
  23.   Serpent Treasures
  24.   White Dragon Castle and the Banes
  25.   Isle of Crypts and the Chaos Serpent
  26.   Sunrise Isle and Endgame


  A.    Silver Seed Walkthrough
  B.    Serpent Path Map
  C.    Money Conversions (and Exchangers)
  D.    Secrets and Cheats
  E.    Monsters and NPC's
  F.    Keyboard Commands
  G.    Online Resources

Final Words...

| i. Introduction                                                              |

  Eighteen Months have passed since the destruction of the Black Gate and the
  dismantling of the Fellowship.  A recently discovered scroll reveals that the
  Guardian isn't through with Britannia yet, he plans to destroy it from the
  Serpent Isle.  To prevent the destruction of the land that bears his name, 
  Lord British sends the trusted Avatar through the Serpent Pillars to the land 
  of The Serpent's Isle.

  Ultima 7 Part Two: The Serpents Isle (U7:SI) was built on almost the exact 
  same engine as The Black Gate, and therefore there are few differences in how 
  to play the game.  There are a few differences however.

  New in U7:SI:
    Paper Doll Inventory - you put on an armor, it will show it on you
    Vaguely Non-Linear gameplay

  Changed in U7:SI:
    More keyboard commands - very useful, they are outlined in "F. Keyboard
                             Commands" in the Appendix
    Cannot talk to people in different rooms - you could in U7, but not now
    Companions don't care if you steal
    Three new types of Money - Monetari, Filari, and Guilders
    Less companions to join party
    Less towns to explore
    More dungeons to explore
    Different Races of Avatar - you no longer have to be just white!

  You're probably wondering, "What is Serpent Isle, and how does it relate to 
  the rest of the Ultima Series?"  Well I'm glad you asked.  Serpent Isle, or 
  New Sosaria was founded by dissidents who didn't like Lord British's rule, 
  this would have happened after Ultima 3, and before Ultima 4.  However this 
  land has even more history than that spanning all the way back to Ultima 1!  
  In Ultima 1 the land that was to become Serpent Isle was called the "Land of 
  Danger and Despair".  The "Land of Danger and Despair" featured a castle for 
  Shamino, which we visit in U7:SI; Gorlab Village, which becomes very important 
  in the game; and a couple of dungeons called Skullcrusher and Spinebreaker, 
  both of which make appearances in SI.  Know also that the names of the 3 
  cities comes directly from Ultima 3, Fawn - Fawn, Moon - Moonshade, 
  Montor - Monitor.

  SI Chronology: (Spoilers!)

    Lands of Danger and Despair - Ultima 1
    Gorlab disappears, becomes a swamp
    Ophidians settle here
    Exodus steals the Great Earth Serpent starting the War of Imbalance 
      - Ultima 3
    Balance Hierophant killed
    War of Imbalance ends with the death of the Chaos Serpent
    Ophidians die out
    Settlers arrive from Old Sosaria - between Ultima 3 and 4
    Lord Blackthorn finds his way to Monk Isle - Ultima 5
    You arrive to set things straight - Ultima 7, the Serpent Isle

  Also U7:SI, unlike the Black Gate, has no discernable sub-plots or sidequests.
  This means that everything in the game relates to the Main Plot in some 
  fashion.  I really missed all the Subplots, I thought that those were what 
  made U7 such a well made game.  However, the main plot in U7:SI is much larger 
  with many more layers.

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