The Elder Scrolls III:



          East Empire Company Walkthrough


=== 0.1 Copyright


This guide is (c) 2003 Jason Van Hoy ( eviltimmy[at]fastmail[dot]fm ). This

guide may not be displayed on any sites except,,

and; the use of this guide for any commercial purposes, or display

or storage on any site not given explicit permission to store it, is illegal.

You may keep a copy on your computer as long as the entire document stays

unmodified, and you may not distribute it in any manner to anyone without my

express written permission. Any use of this guide, in whole or in part,

without my written consent, is strictly illegal and a violation of

international copyright laws. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this

document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. While

this guide strives to be as accurate as possible, none of the information

contained herein is guaranteed to be accurate.


=== 0.2 About this guide


Welcome to my first ever walkthrough. I hope I've learned enough from looking

at other walkthroughs and experimenting with the style of this one to turn out

something that's not utter crap, but if it is, don't hesitate to tell me why.

I chose to write a guide on the East Empire Company because I love quests or

missions in any game where your work has a real effect on the world, and

throughout the missions for the Company, you'll see the colony go up around

you as you complete your tasks. There's also a fair few questions springing up

already about how to complete certain quests, and I've tried to answer all of

them in my walkthrough. Please note that this guide is exclusively about the

East Empire Company; it doesn't and won't cover side quests, loot, the main

quest of Bloodmoon, or general gameplay tips for Morrowind. If you want to

email me to thank me, point out a confusing part of my guide (that you got past

with a little luck or a little help), offer another solution to a quest, or

point out an error, then by all means, go ahead. However, if you're stuck on a

quest, read what I wrote, then read it again, then try it out, then read it once

more, and if it still doesn't make sense, then check the forums at

or, and if you're still stuck then, email me for help. 


=== 0.3 Version History


11 June 2003 - Version 1.0.2

 * Added fix for random problem with 1.13 - thanks PrincessKitten93!

 * Added easier solution for 1.2 - thanks MysticWeirdo!


9 June 2003 - Version 1.0.1

 * Added info about random locations for 1.12 - thanks kifreak!


8 June 2003 - Version 1.0

 * Original release


=== 0.4 Coming Soon


The only big thing I have planned is to go through all the quests again and

explore the alternative solutions or choices. Depending on how many emails I

get that require me to do something, this could be in a few days or a few

months, so bear with me.



1.0 Quests



=== 1.1 Getting Started

* Enemies: None

* Reward: Becoming a member of the East Empire Company.


Welcome to Solstheim, where the mead is hot and the women are cold. Yes, you

heard me right. This place is decidedly not warm, and guess what? You're going

to spend hours running all over it. The first thing to do is talk to Basks-in-

the-Sun, the Argonian just to your left. He's kind enough to tell you where to

find the people who'll get you started on your quest. You want to talk to

Carnius Magius at the Imperial Cult Shrine. To find him, head north to the 

Imperial Fort. Continue north across the courtyard, and you'll see a familiar

banner on the building. Go in, and continue forward and up the stairs. Magius 

is on the first landing, behind the (unlocked) door to the right. Talk to him

to get a background on the area and what you'll be doing, then about 'join the

East Empire Company'.



=== 1.2 Escort Service

* Enemies: Plague Wolves, Spriggans, Plague Bears (if you walk)

* Reward: None


Your first task is to take some new workers up to the future site of the East

Empire Company and bring them to Falco Galenus. Assuming you've played through

a fair bit of Morrowind, this shouldn't be very hard; I wouldn't advise playing

Bloodmoon with a new character. Talk to Carnius Magius about an 'assignment'.

After he gives you the information, head down to the docks. Talk to Gidar

Verothan. He'll ever-so-kindly let you take the lead, but he does mark your

destination on the map. You can walk in a pretty much straight line to Raven's

Rock, avoiding or killing the local fauna at your own discretion. You can also

talk to Basks-in-the-Sun at the docks to the south, and take a boat ride over

there; just walk north and slightly east from where you get dropped off. When

you get close to your destination, look for an Imperial in mostly Imperial

Plate; that's Falco Galenus. Let Verothan get close enough, and you'll get a

standard thank-you dialog box, and your journal will update.


=== 1.3 Ebony

* Enemies: Plague Wolves, Spriggans, Plague Bears

* Reward: 100 Gold, EEC Stock Certificate


Talk to Falco Galenus. He'll tell you that the East Empire Company needs to

have five pieces of ebony to show to investors to really get the project off

the ground. He'll hand you one, and tell you that there's more in the need four more pieces. If you look directly north of the area where

he's usually walking, you'll see a bunch of rocks. But, interspersed between

the stones are (you guessed it) piles of raw ebony. Take the five seconds to

walk there (you won't even be out of sight of Galenus), grab the raw ebony, and

walk back. If, for some reason, Galenus has wandered farther than usual, the

raw ebony's still easy to find. It's almost exactly between the tops of the two

squares indicating Raven's Rock on your world map. Take the ebony back to

Carnius Magius in the Imperial Cult Shrine for your reward. The Stock

Certificate, while fairly worthless now, will be very valuable as you advance

in this quest, so keep it around. It starts out worth 100 gold, but will be

worth thousands by the end of the quest. Talk to Magius about 'stock

certificate' to check the value of your current certificate or sell it.


=== 1.4 Hroldar the Strange

* Enemies: Hroldar

* Reward: 1000 Gold (if you don't kill him)


Talk to Carnius Magius again. He'll tell you that you need to wait for the

site to be built before he has any more work for you. This is a good

opportunity to explore; you've got three days before you can do anything. You

can just explore, loot some of the barrows and caves in the area, do side

quests, work on the main quest, or simply rest, but it'll take 3 days. You'll

get a new journal entry when you can return to Magius. He'll forward you to

Falco Galenus, who has an...interesting problem. Talk to him, and he'll tell

you about Hroldar the Strange. He's protesting the destruction of nature, and

holding up the construction at Raven Rock. First, you have to try and talk to

him, but this fails pretty quickly. Return to Galenus, and he'll tell you to

rough up Hroldar, but with only your fists. Knock him up a bit, but don't kill

him, otherwise you'll forefit your 1000 gold reward, and he'll get pissed at

you. Talk to Galenus, and he'll reward you (or not reward you) and send you

back to Carnius Magius to finish the quest. Again, you have to wait for your

next quest, so find something to keep yourself occupied.


=== 1.5 Shipping News

* Enemies: Draugr, Berzerkers, Bears

* Reward: 300 Gold; 3000 gold for a little extra work


Back to Carnius Magius. He asks you to check that a shipment has arrived in

good condition. When you talk to Falco Galenus back at Raven Rock, he tells you

the ship hasn't arrived and tells you to ask around the camp. You need to talk

to Gamin Girith the Dark Elf about 'seen anything'; he's a bit to the East, in

the group you escorted earlier, and is wearing a yellow-and-blue shirt and

brown pants. He'll tell you that he saw a light to the northwest. Report this

to Galenus, and he'll ask you to find the ship. It's shipwrecked on about the

westernmost point in Solstheim; just follow the coast northwards and it'll be

easy to find. There's a few draugr guarding the ship, so be prepared for a bit

of combat. Walk around into the water, and get on the boat. There's six Miner's

Picks weighing 20lbs each; one is in the cabin, while the other five are down

in the ship's hold.


Now, talk to Apronia Alfena and get her to walk back with you. She'll thank

you, and it'll increase your rep with Galenus. Talk to him to finish the first

part of your quest; talk to him again to sell him the picks for 500 gold each.

This means you can net 3000 gold, and all you had to do was take a little

stroll. You need to report back to Carnius Magus, but now there's boat

transporation available. Head a bit southeast of town and talk to Veresa Alver

(she's standing between two torches, shouldn't be hard to find). It's 6-7gp

assuming you don't have a horrible rep with her, so don't waste your time and

take the boat. Carnius Magius, being his usual cheerful self, gives you 300

gold and tells you to get out of his sight. By now, you know the drill...go

find something to do for a few days.


=== 1.6 Future of the Colony

* Enemies: None

* Reward: None


After three days have passed, go and see Falco Galenus (Carnius Magius will

just direct you to him). He's got some interesting things to say, and basically

asks you to side with him for the good of Raven Rock. Carnius Magius is a

bastard anyways, so you might as well. Talk about 'crossroads', then 'aiding

me' twice, and choose to help him. You're now working for Galenus.


=== 1.7 Time to Choose

* Enemies: None

* Reward: 300 Gold


Galenus now needs help with a choice...should they build a trader or a smithy?

It's really up to you, but most of the workers I talked to said they wanted a

trader (and he's got 10,000 gold, so if you've got high-ticket items, it's an

even better choice). Make your choice, confirm it with Galenus, then report

back to Magius in the Imperial Cult Shrine for your ever-so-hefty reward.


=== 1.8 O Captain My Captain

* Enemies: None

* Reward: 1000 Gold


Keep yourself busy for two days, and you'll get a new journal entry. Report to

Magius, and he'll acknowledge the report and brush you off. Head back to Raven

Rock and talk to Galenus. He'll tell you that Baro Egnatius, the captain of the

new supply ship, wants an obscene fee for transporting the ore. Take a wild

guess who gets to talk some sense into him. Head to the dock to the southwest,

and talk to him about 'extra payment'. After failing (yes, you will), go back

and talk to Galenus. He'll tell you to talk to Apronia Alfena, the Breton you

rescued from the wrecked ship. She's usually pacing around a bit to the west of

Galenus. A short chat later and you'll have Elberoth's saber, which you can use

to your advantage (sadly, it doesn't involve putting the pointy bit through

Baro Egnatius). Equip it and talk to Baro Egnatius, and he'll quickly change

his tune. Talk to Falco about 'extra payment' and he'll give you 1000 gold.


=== 1.9 Hail to the Thief

* Enemies: None

* Reward: 500 gold


Talk to Falco again, and he'll tell you that he suspects Uryn Maren of

stealing some ebony from the mines. He'll give you a key and ask you to check

it out. Maren's house is right next to you, just south of the mine. Enter his

house (no need to sneak, as nobody's home), and open the chest in his bedroom

to find...nothing. Falco still suspects him, though, and asks you to watch him

and see if he does anything suspicious. Head down into the mine. Maren is in

the first tunnel to the right. You only have to track him for a short distance,

as he follows the mine shaft down and takes the first right. Watch out,

however, at the big crossroads, as he turns around and looks for you. He'll

walk into the Storage Room and keep his back turned to you. Walk towards him,

and you should get a new journal entry as you do. Talk to Maren, and he'll

explain that Carnius put him up to it. Return to Falco, who will send you to

Carnius Magius. Talk to him about 'explanation', and he'll laugh and say that

it's his word against that of a thief. When you return, Falco will tell you

that Uryn Maren was found murdered soon after being locked up, and give you 500

gold. There's another three-day wait before your next quest.


=== 1.10 Mean Drunk

* Enemies: Seler Favelnim

* Reward: 1500 gold


Falco tells you that there's a problem in the bar (west side of Raven Rock);

an old Dunmer by the name of Seler Favelnim is attacking anyone who enters.

Before entering, his wife pleads with you not to hurt him, as he's just an old

man. When you approach him, he'll start a dialogue with you, then attack. As

he's only got his bare fists, you shouldn't have too much trouble with him. Let

him swing away, and he'll eventually talk to you again. Reason with him, don't

kill him, and he'll eventually give in. He'll thank you, his wife will thank

you, and Falco will thank you with 1500 gold.


=== 1.11 Breaking the Ice

* Enemies: Coventia Celata, possibly Dreugh

* Reward: 1000 gold, can have Stalhrim equipment made.


Finally, back to a real adventure...Falco will tell you that the miners broke

through to a burial chamber, and it's covered in ice they can't break through

(you may have seen the same thing if you've explored any of the barrows; it's

called Stalhrim). You're supposed to talk to Graring, a Nord who resides to the

northeast. On your world map, follow the river that separates the right side of

Solstheim from the left north, beyond the lake, and you'll see where it meets

another, much shorter river. The river delta there is where you'll find

Graring. When you arrive there, you'll see his hut and storage shed, and

Graring, along with two other Nords. However, they're not very talkative. Walk

to the rocks a bit to the East, and you'll see Coventina Celata. She's looking

to kill Graring, and that's a bad thing. Kill her, then talk to Graring again.

He'll give you an Ancient Nordic Pick Axe and tell you to chip off a piece and

bring it back to him. You can enter nearly any barrow to get this; the simplest

to explain one is Kelsedolk Barrow, a short walk directly south of the

SouthEast Storehouse at Raven Rock. Once you have a piece of Stalhrim, return

to Graring, and talk about 'Stalhrim'. He'll thank you, and tell you that Aenar

and Hidar (the other two Nords) will now make you  Stalhrim weapons and armor

if you provide the raw materials. Each piece will cost one piece of Stalhrim,

take two days to complete, and you can only have one piece being forged at any



=== 1.12 Reporting for Duty

* Enemies: None

* Reward: 1000 gold


Time to do a bit of running...Falco tells you that Carnius Magius needs to

have a report delivered within five hours. Hop on the boat to Fort Frostmoth,

and you'll find...he's not there! Talk to the man out in the hallway, and

he'll tell you that Magius went to one of three locations:


* Brodir Grove

Get back on the boat, and head east-northeast of Raven Rock. You'll see three

very large stones when you're there; head a short ways to the northeast and

you'll run into Carnius and a guard holding a torch.


* The shipwreck

If you don't remember the directions from earlier, get back on the boat, and

follow the west coast to the north until you reach the shipwreck. He shouldn't

be hard to spot.


* East of the rock arch

Head directly northwest from the north archway of Fort Frostmoth, and you

should run into Carnius Magius and his guard. It may be helpful to save at

Fort Frostmoth first and find exactly where he is, as it's hard to explain.


When you find him, mention the report and he'll be surprised that it made it

on time. Return to Falco for your reward.


=== 1.13 Sticks and Stones

* Enemies: Spriggans

* Reward: 2000 gold


Falco tells you that there have been a lot of Spriggan attacks lately, and

that they seem to be focusing on a grove at the east side of Raven Rock. Head

over there, and prepare to do battle with some glorified sticks. Remember, you

have to kill them three times before they stay dead. You'll get a journal entry

when you've wiped out enough of them.


-- A fix (courtesy of PrincessKitten93)

I know a lot of people have been having trouble with the Spriggans that should

be (and aren't) spawning on the east edge of the colony. You can enter the

following commands in the console (hit ~) to spawn the four Spriggans you have

to kill.

placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co1" 1,1,1

placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co2" 1,1,1

placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co3" 1,1,1

placeatpc "BM_spriggan_co4" 1,1,1

Kill them, get the journal entry, and proceed on.


Walk to the bar and talk to Unel Lloran, the Dunmer standing next to the fire.

He'll tell you that you need to find a way to attack the roots, as the trees

appear to have a sort of magical protection and can't be cut down. Head into

the mine, and talk to any of the workers about 'roots'. They'll mention a

tunnel that was blocked off by the roots, at the bottom of the mine. At almost

the bottom of the mine, you'll hit a 3-way crossing, where you'll find Gratian

 Caerellius pacing around. Take the passage to the north, then turn right

(east) and enter the Abandoned Mine Shaft. You'll get a journal entry about

the roots, so head back up and talk to Unel Lloran. Take him with you and show

him the roots, and he'll suggest that you get some bittergreen petals to

poison the water the roots are drinking from.


If you can cast Almsivi Intervention, you'll end up in Gnisis; otherwise, take

boat, silt strider, or whatever you prefer to get there. Enter the temple, and

take the second door on your left. Buy the petals from Zanmulk Sammalamus,

then return to Solstheim (the Gnisis silt strider will take you to Khuul, and

you can ride the boat from there). Reenter the mine at Raven Rock, and give

the petals to Unel Lloran. He'll ask you to inform Falco about what's been

done. Talk to him to finish the mission and get your reward.


=== 1.14 Guard Duty

* Enemies: None

* Reward: Help in mission 1.15


Falco, while impressed with your skill, realizes that you can't keep all of

Raven Rock safe on your own, so you're tasked with finding some guards to help

out. The first, Afer Flaccus, is in the back corner of the ground floor of the

bar. The second, Gratian Caerellius, is in the mines. Continue going down on

the main path and you'll find him eventually. Return to Falco, and he'll thank

you for a job well done. It'll take a few days to get them equipped and

trained, so go find something to keep yourself busy.


=== 1.15 Assassins

* Enemies: Nord assassins

* Reward: 1000 Gold, 10 Exclusive Restore Health potions, Ice Shield


Falco tells you about rumors of his impending assassination, and asks you to

stay close. You won't have to wait long before these rumors become clearly

true. Stick close to Falco, or you'll get a dialog box popping up, telling you

to stick close. The assassins shouldn't be too hard to see or kill, and you've

got the guards that you just recruited on your side. As long as you stay by his

side and off anyone who gets too close, you should be alright. Talk to him

after eliminating the assassins for your reward.


=== 1.16 Takedown

* Enemies: Plenty of Nords, Carnius Magius

* Reward: Factor of the East Empire Company, killing that smug bastard Magius


A shipment of silver longswords has been delivered to Fort Frostmoth, but

being the nasty old man that he is, Carnius Magius is withholding them from the

colony. Head to Fort Frostmoth, and you'll find Atrius outside Magius' office.

He'll give you three longswords, and you can now be on your way. When you

return, talk to Falco, and he'll tell you of a Skaal attack, and inform you

they're now holed up in the mines. There are ten Nords you have to take out

before the workers will be safe. The two miners are close to the door with the

roots; instead of turning right to enter the passage with the roots, continue

straight ahead. Once all ten are dead, the workers will thank you, but before

you return to Falco, check the body of Toralf for a note (he should be closest

to the two workers). He'll take the note and ask for a moment to read it; talk

to him again, and he'll ask you to confront Carnius about it. When you talk to

him at his office, he's more than a bit annoyed, and will attack you. Be sure

you let him strike the first blow, then kill him (he's got a Stalhrim mace, but

no armor...easy pickings). Return to Falco in Raven Rock to be named Factor of

the East Empire Company.


=== 1.17 Late Great Estate

* Enemies: None

* Reward: A new house for you, completion of East Empire Company quests


Falco tells you about one last thing to do...get a house built for yourself.

He directs you to Aldam Berendus, a Dunmer with a red mohawk just a short walk

to the east. There's three possible locations, each marked by a single torch

(one on the west side of the colony, one to the northeast near the entrance,

and one last torch to the southeast). The location is up to you, as the house

is exactly the same no matter which place you choose. Head out of town and do

something for three days, and you'll get a journal entry saying that your house

should be built. Head back and enjoy it. Note that your stock certificate is

worth 9000 gold now, so you might as well sell it now (Constans Atrius will

take it off your hands.


Congratulations, you've completed the quests for the East Empire Company!

There's still a lot of land to explore, and even a few sidequests in Raven

Rock, but those are best left for another guide.



2.0 Advancement



Favored skills: Speechcraft, Mercantile, Security, Long Blade, Medium Armor


Rank: Underling

Requirements: None

To advance: Talk to Carnius Magius about 'join the East Empire Company'


Rank: Clerk

Requirements: 30 Personality, 30 Willpower, one skill @ 10

To advance: Talk to Carnius Magius about 'promotion' after completing 1.3 Ebony


Rank: Steward

Requirements: 30 Personality, 30 Willpower, one skill @ 20

To advance: Talk to Carnius Magius about 'promotion' after completing 1.4

Hroldar the Strange


Rank: Fixer

Requirements: 30 Personality, 30 Willpower; one skill @ 30, two skills @ 5

To advance: Talk to Carnius Magius about 'promotion' after completing 1.5

Shipping News


Rank: Agent

Requirements: 30 Personality, 30 Willpower; one skill @ 40, two skills @ 10

To advance: Talk to Falco Galenus about 'promotion' after completing 1.7 Time

to Choose


Rank: Negotiator

Requirements: 31 Personality, 31 Willpower; one skill @ 50, two skills @ 15

To advance: Talk to Falco Galenus about 'promotion' after completing 1.8 O

Captain My Captain


Rank: Officer

Requirements: 32 Personality, 32 Willpower; one skill @ 60, two skills @ 20

To advance: Talk to Falco Galenus about 'promotion' after completing 1.9 Hail

to the Thief


Rank: Deputy

Requirements: 33 Personality, 33 Willpower; one skill @ 70, two skills @ 25

To advance: Talk to Falco Galenus about 'promotion' after completing 1.9 Hail

to the Thief


Rank: Factor

Requirements: 35 Personality, 35 Willpower; one skill @ 90, two skills @ 35

To advance: Talk to Falco Galenus after completing 1.16 Takedown