The City of Lost Children walk-through

Part One: The Receipt Hut Break-in

Pieuvre, the Siamese twin orphanage mistress, forces Miette to rob 
the Cashier?s Hut or she?ll get thrown in the cellar. Miette
must get the key from Pelade, Pieuvre?s lowly assistant, and then 
get the policeman away from guarding the Hut.

In the classroom, ask Pieuvre about the key to the Cashier?s Hut. - 
Pick up the bag of marbles on the shelf, in the back of the
classroom. - Pick up the sponge at the blackboard.

Outside the classroom (courtyard), ask Pelade about the key to the 
Cashier? s Hut.
- Pick up the bone near the garbage cans.
- Pick up 2 bottles at the top of the stairs.

Head outside the courtyard, down the stairs.
- Pick up a brush
- Pick up a bottle on the second landing in the middle of the stairs 

Go to the entrance of the pier. On the right side, there are some 
brown packages the Miette can step on. Walk on these to get
the metal bar, then walk back onto the pier.

Go to the lighthouse at the end of the pier. Throw the metal bar 
into the fuse box (to the left of the door). After the movie
sequence, run to the right side of the lighthouse, and bend down 
behind the spools. The watchman will come by to check, so
stay down and make sure you are barely visible. You will see a 
movie sequence of the watchman fixing the lighthouse.

Go to the Receipt hut and open the door with the key. When you 
are inside, switch on the light, on the right. Open the cash
register and jam it with the brush or bone to deactivate the electric 
safe. Pick up the cash and get out of the hut.

Part Two: The Loan Shark?s House

Now Miette must go to the loan shark?s house and steal the 
jewels. To do this, Miette must make Pelade fall asleep and steal
his key to gain access to the downtown area. There are two 
solutions to getting Pelade?s key. 

Leave the classroom. In the courtyard, go to the door just to the 
right of the classroom door. Trade the marbles for the bottle
of sleeping potion. Search the bottom cupboards for: a piece of 
cheese, a slice of cake, a drumstick.

Solution 1
Go and visit the Drunk guy under the footbridge. Talk to him 
about the wine. Give him the cheese, cake, and chicken one at a
time. After giving him a piece of food, fill up a bottle with his 
wine, then give him another piece of food, and repeat this process
until you have 3 bottles of wine. Go back to where Pelade is sitting 
and give him the wine. All of it. He? ll pass out.

Solution 2
Give the sleeping potion to Pelade. He?ll pass out.

Lower the basket on the left side and get the sausage and the door 
handle. Go up the stairs and use the door handle on the
door. Open the door and go inside. Turn on the light switch, next 
to the door. Get the key from under Pelade?s mattress. Go
down the stairs and give the dog either the sausage or the bone. 
Use the key on the door just to the left of the dog house.

Downtown, head down the stairs and to the right. Keep heading 
right until you find the worker fixing his truck. Stand right
behind him so you can see the pliers (they will appear in a box in 
the upper right of the screen). When he bends down to fix his
engine, grab the pliers. Go to the bell hanging on the wall behind 
the worker. Use the pliers on the bell to get the bell. After this,
you can get rid of the pliers. Head back toward where you came 
from and go past the stairs you first descended. Go near the
Cyclops. Use the bell on the stair railing just to the left of the 
Cyclops. When the Cyclops falls in the water, go up the stairs. 

In the Loan Shark?s house, go to the table with the miniature 
model of a safe and pick it up. Place this model on the scale near
the real safe. When the safe opens, grab the jewel.

Part Three: Release of the Children

In the Diver?s cave, go behind the boxes near the periscope and 
get the piece of wood. Now go over to the two switches on
the wall and place the piece of wood on a lowered switch. You 
may have to lower one to do this. Then lower the other switch
so they are both in the down position. Go over to the diver and get 
the key near the green bottle on the shelf. Unlock the door
and leave.

Walk down until you reach a crane. Get the lighter from behind 
the crane. Go up the stairs, down the stairs, and around to the
bar courtyard. Climb up the boxes and head to the right side of the 
courtyard, the dark shaded corner, and get the candle.
Take the candle and place it on the table near the rope. Light the 
candle and go hide behind the door. 

Miette must now find a map and a compass for One

Go and see the sailor who is painting his boat. If he is not on the 
right side, leave the screen and come back again. When he is
on the right, grab the paint brush and dip it into the paint. Walk 
to the Cyclops, who is guarding the pier, and paint his eyepiece.
Go and talk to the fisherman at the end of the pier. Go back to the 
sailor and go upstairs. At the corner of the footbridge, grab
the tin can in the window sill. Give the tin can to the fisherman 
and he will tell you where to get a map. 

Go back up the stairs where you found the tin. Walk around to the 
tattooist. Unscrew the board near his head and grab the
map. Go toward the left of the tattoo shop and find the atomizer 
near the gate. Go back to the pier where One is waiting. Give
him the map and grab the stick at the end of the pier.

Go back to the top of the pier and head into the far left corner 
where Marcello is. Use the stick on the fleas to knock them
down. Then play the music box to get the fleas to kill Marcello 
(bye bye Marcello). Take his Compass/Watch and give it to

Movie sequence of children being rescued.

The End

If Miette is Caught:

The Harbor?s storage

If you get caught by the watchman, you get thrown into the 
storage with the tramp. To escape, climb on the two boxes on the 
left side of the door. Activate the circuit breaker, then climb
the stairs and activate the switch on the left of the door. Exit the 
storage and go down the stairs.

Orphanage Cellar

If you stay too long in the classroom or in the courtyard, Pellade 
throws Miette in the cellar. There are three solutions to get out:
1) The door is open
2) Close the box cover and climb out the window
3) Pick up a rusty hook in the alcove to pull the door locker and 
get out If Miette is put in the cellar more than three times,the
Game is Over