In order to activate the cheat codes you need to create a shortcut from the MOHAA executable (.exe) icon. The default location is C:Program FilesEA GAMESMOHAA. Right click on the shortcut and click on the Properties tab. Add this to the existing target line:


+set developer 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1 +set ui_console 1


Start the game by clicking on the shortcut icon. Click on the Advanced options menu in the stack of radios on your left. Turn on the Console option.
After enabling the codes, start the game and press "~" to bring up the console, 
then type any of the codes listed below: 
NOTE: These cheat codes have been disabled in the v1.1 patch.
Code                                       Effect  
dog                                        God Mode 
fullheal                                   Full Health 
wuss All                                   Weapons & Ammo 
noclip                                     No Clipping 
                                           (Go Through Walls) 
notarget                                   Invisibility 
tele x y z                                 Teleport to Location X Y Z 
coord Show                                 Current Location 
listinventory                              List Inventory 
gameversion                                Show Game Version 
toggle cg_3rd_person                       3rd Person View 
giveweapon weapons/''weapon_name''.tik     Give Weapon (See List) 
maplist                                    Generate List of Maps 
map [map name]                             Warp to Level (See List)