Medal of Honor Allied Assault Cheat Codes

In order to activate the cheat codes you need to create a shortcut from the MOHAA executable (.exe) icon.

The default location is C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\.

Right click on the short cut and click on the Properties tab.

Delete the existing target line and replace it with the following?

"c:\program files\ea games\mohaa\mohaa.exe" +set developer 1 +set thereisnomonkey 1 +set cheats 1 +set ui_console 1

Start the game by clicking on the shortcut icon.
Once you're in the lobby 
click on the Advanced options menu in the stack of radios on your left.
Turn on the Console option.

Press the "~" key to bring down the console and you're ready to go!

Here are the cheats:
wuss - Gives player all weapons
dog - God Mode
fullheald - Heal player
notarget - Removes target
noclip - No clipping
listinventory - List of the player's inventory
tele x y z - Teleport to location
coord - Prints out current location and angles
health - set current health
kill - Kills the player
giveweapon weapons/''weapon_name''.tik - Gives the player the specified weapon
toggle cg_3rd_person
maplist - brings up a list of all levels,
click on the one you want to play 

Multiplayer cheats at the bottom of Walkthrough.


Medal of Honor Allied Assault Walkthrough from Mission 1: Lighting the Torch.
By Micheal Mullen
This guide reveals some spoilers to the first mission of the game.
Within the first mission,

there are four sub-missions? this guide represents a walkthrough of these sub-missions.

In order to track all your objectives,
use the "TAB" key.
Sub Mission 1: Rangers Lead The Way,
November 7,
Get into the Algerian coastal village of Arzew and clean out the German troops.


 Objective: Infiltrate the German occupied village

Objective: Check the door

Objective: Man the MG42 mounted machine gun

Objective: Continue on your mission 

 On the road to Arzew,
your two transport caravans are stopped at a checkpoint.

The Germans discover something going on and the driver of the truck shoots the guard before being shot himself.

Get out of the truck and help your squadron into the town.

After backing the effort,
you'll be instructed to check a large door in one of the courtyards.

Upon discovering that the door is locked,
several German troops will begin shooting you and your mates near the door.

Make an effort to take out the enemy manning the MG42 mounted machine gun opposite the door you checked.

Once the building is cleared,
you'll need to run to the building,
enter an open doorway and go up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs is a large mounted gun.
Press "E" to operate the gun.

Use your mouse to aim and your fire button to fire the weapon as 
you'll come under fire from several German troops on the roofs across from you.

Now that you've cleared the area,
one of the remaining squadron members tells you to get moving.

Go down the stairs and back to the large doors across from the building.
As you move to open them,

get ready for a few soldiers on the offensive.

Take them down,
head down the path through the doors and through a gate to your right and you'll complete sub mission 1.



Sub Mission 2: The Rescue Mission,
North Africa.

Your entire squadron has been wiped out by the ambushes at Arzew and that leaves only you to complete the mission.

Rescue Major Jack Grillo from interrogation and keep him alive.

He knows the village and it's surroundings and will serve as a great guide to complete the mission.


 Objective: Find and rescue the SAS agent.

Objective: Follow the SAS agent.

Objective: Steal explosives from the fortress.

Objective: Use explosives to escape.

Objective: Use explosives to destroy Flak 88.

Move through the gate down the path.
Several enemy soldiers will start shooting down from the right.

Make sure you use the walls for cover.
Move down the path and through a gate to the right.

After the second gate,
you'll be able to see Grillo's head in one of the second story windows in the building to your left.

There's a sniper to the southwest that you may want to take out before entering the building where Grillo is being held.

Inside the open doorway of the building are several German soldiers.
Switch to grenade (5) and toss a grenade in to take out some of the soldiers.

Make sure you switch back to another weapon immediately after tossing the grenade so you can target any survivors.

Move into the building and quickly up the stairs.

There will be a soldier or two waiting for you on the second floor,
eliminate them.

Jack's holding cell is located at the back of the room.
Use the "E" key to open the cell and rescue Jack.

 Jack's a quick guy so you'll have to tail him closely.
Follow him out of the cell; grab the SING machine gun from the desk 
where Jack acquires the same weapon and head down the stairs.

Make sure you take out enemies quickly,
if Jack dies,
you fail.
Once out on the paths,

Jack will get a first aid pack from the building on the left (there's one for you as well,
should you need it).

Jack will talk about getting the explosives and will run down a hallway.
There will be several soldiers down the hall,

make sure you get them early (TIP: head shots take down many soldiers in one shot).

don't shoot Jack even though he tends to walk into your target path.

Jack will lead you into a big courtyard with spotlights.
After telling you to avoid detection,
you'll need to follow him to cross the courtyard without detection.
Once you get across from where you entered the courtyard,
you'll notice a glowing red block in front of the south gate,
you'll return here during the next sub mission.
At the end of the courtyard near the wall is a bulkhead that will get you into the fortress.
Once inside the fortress,
stick close to Jack to protect him from several ambushes.
Check out the rooms in the hallway,
Jack will grab a passport from one of the rooms after you find it.
Follow Jack up the stairs to get some first aid and some German soldiers and back down two flights of stairs to the basement.
At the bottom of the stairs,
get ready for a heavy ambush after you enter the doorway.
With all the German's down,
Jack will lead you to the other side of the basement where the explosives are,
use your "E" key to pick them up.
Follow Jack,
he's fast so keep up.

Continue to follow Jack back to the south gate,
avoiding the spotlights.
Move up to the glowing red block in front of the south gate and set the explosive charge with the "E" key.
Back up to avoid the explosion and watch the fireworks.

Behind the gate is a courtyard with some well-trained soldiers.
Clear them out and move to the Flak 88 cannons to the back of the courtyard 
(watch your back; there are some soldiers that may still be there).
Jack will instruct you to set the explosive on the Flak to the left while he sets charges to the one on the right.
After the explosion,
meet Grillo at the gate to move onto the next sub mission.



Sub Mission 3: Sabotage at the Motorpool,
North Africa.

Destroying the Flak 88s eased up on the threat to the sea bound Allied forces and 
saving Grillo from interrogation helped keep vital Allied information from German intelligence.
Now you'll have to immobilize German forces by disabling transport trucks and tanks.


 Objective: Disable Opel trucks (3)

Objective: Bomb Tanks (4)

Objective: Bomb munitions cache

Objective: Exfiltrate the facility


Once you get into this sub mission,
move ahead and turn right into the first hanger.
Watch out for snipers.
Head to the front of the closest truck and click the "E" key when you see the red wire under the hood.
This will disable the truck (2 trucks remaining).
Move over to the other truck in the hanger and do the same thing (1 truck remaining).
As you're ready to exit the first hanger,
the doorway to the second hanger is almost immediately across from you.
You have a solder or mechanic to take out as you're getting into the hanger.
Disable the truck (0 remaining,
objective complete).

 Exit hanger two.
Watch out for the powerful gunner and spotlight to the North.
Enter the open hanger to the west and get behind the tank.
Press your "E" key to set a charge at the back of the tank (when all the charges are set,
they'll all activate),
where the glowing red block is.
Move back out into the courtyard and move North towards the second tank.
By this time,
you'll come under heavy fire.
Take out all gunners before setting second charge (2 remaining).

Move on into the hanger at your right and expect opposition as you enter.
To your right is the munitions cache.
Run over there and set a charge on the red glowing area by hitting the "E" key.
Head on through the door behind you,
you'll be able to see the third tank.
As you move to the third tank,
expect opposition.
Set the tank charge (1 remaining).
move into the courtyard while avoiding spotlight detection.
You'll notice that the fourth and final tank is in the center of the big courtyard,
surrounded by two spotlights.
To avoid a quick death,
kill the spotlight operators (one per tower) before you proceed.
Move to the tank and set the final charge,
(0 remaining,
objective complete).
After doing this,
turn around and enter the security/guard building to the northeast behind the chain link fence.
Expect heavy opposition inside the building.

Once you've cleared the building,
open the door at the back of the last room to encounter more enemy forces and another spotlight gunner.
Take out any soldiers on the ground and the spotlight gunner before proceeding.
Move through the doorway and only the loading dock.
If you've cleared the courtyard,
you can safely get off the dock and meet Jack in a jeep to head off to your next sub mission.



Sub Mission 4: Lighting the Torch,
North Africa.

Your final target is a radar tracking station built into the side of a cliff.
Destroying the radar will render the German coastal batteries useless.


 Objective: Destroy the aircraft

Objective: Destroy all communications equipment

Objective: Make your way to the lighthouse

Objective: Signal the fleet with the lighthouse beacon


To begin,
Jack will be driving a Jeep as you operate the .30 cal machine gun on its back.
Eliminate all soldiers in the valley on the way to the airfield.
Once you near the airfield,
a truck will ride up behind you with several gun-totting troops.
Take out the troops and truck before they shoot you.

 On the airfield,
there are several hangers with Stuka dive-bombers and numerous barrels of fuel.
Destroy them all.
While Jack will make several rounds of the airstrip,
there will be no shortage of angry German soldiers.
At one point,
a Stuka will be making its way down the strip to take off.
Damage it as much as possible before it takes off,
it will come back to try and take you out from the air.
If you've caused a lot of damage already,
it will be easy to blast out of the sky.
Once all the planes have been destroyed,
Jack will pull up next to a doorway that leads to the communications facility.

Go down the stairs of the communications facility,
at the bottom of the stairs and to the left is a door that leads to the communications room.
Of course,
it comes complete with Germans.
Eliminate both with any weapon you have.
Once complete,
run across the hall to get a first aid pack (the door to the right in the main hall) 
and the second right door has some SING ammo,
you'll need it.
At the third right is a smaller hallway with more Germans.
Once you get down the hall,
you'll find two rooms with rifle ammo and grenades (hint: jump to get the grenades).
The last doorway on the left is a bathroom with one German occupant.
After taking out the German,
turn around and head down the hall.
The room at the end of the hall has a pair of binoculars on the bench,
they could prove useful.
Return to the main hallway and continue down to the elevator.
Use the "E" key to press the elevator button to descend one floor.
Expect a firefight at the bottom.
The room will be packed with Germans and has an opening to 
a lower second level where several soldiers are prone to tossing up grenades...
watch out.

Once you think you've cleared the lower and upper floors,
take the elevator down one more level.
Take out any other soldiers and get onto the road to the lighthouse.
Expect opposition on the road.
Use the binoculars (the "7" key) to look ahead at what's to come.
Use the first smaller tower to help take out additional soldiers.
You'll have to take out the lighthouse sniper from the ground or when you get up to the top of the lighthouse.

Enter the tunnel to your right and head up the stairs.
At the top of the stairs will be a red level,
pull it with the "E" key to start the beacon.
Once the beacon starts,
head outside and you'll see a transport truck filled with Germans coming up the road.
From your high vantage point,
try to take out as many as you can...
you'll have to deal with them when you climb down the stairs again.
After eliminating the Germans,
leave the tunnel and you'll soon see Jack driving a Jeep...
run over to the Jeep to complete mission 1.

Congratulations you've completed Mission 1.
Sit back,
stretch and get ready for more action in Mission 2.


Medal of Honor Allied Assault Walkthrough from Mission 2: Scuttling the U-529.

This guide reveals some spoilers to the second mission of the game.
Within the second mission,
there are three sub-missions? this guide represents a walkthrough of these sub-missions.
In order to track all your objectives,
use the "TAB" key.



Sub Mission 1: Secret documents of the Kriegmarine - Trondheim,
February 12,

Infiltrate the well-guarded complex and steal the secret documents.


 Objective: Enter the complex with the assistance of Major Grillo

Objective: Steal the research documents (4)

Objective: Enter the main facility


 In the distance lies a somewhat large,
well-guarded complex.
Major Grillo is already inside and he's awaiting your arrival before unlocking the gate to let you in.
Use your sniper rifle to pick-off the two guards at the front of the gate and approach the gate with caution.
Once Grillo spots you,
he will make his way down the stairs to unlock the gate.
During this process,
a guard that you need to eliminate kills him.
If you're hurting for health,
make your way up to the room where Grillo came from to pick up a canteen of health.

Slowly make your way around to the opposite end of the complex,
picking-off any enemies in the distance.
Be careful,
there's a dog or two loose and they're hard to hit with the sniper rifle when coming at you.
At the far side of the complex you'll find an entryway to a building holding the four research documents you're there to steal.
Carefully make your way through this building going room-to-room stealing the documents.
Once you have the fourth document,
head back out to the complex's courtyard.

Outside the building,
use your sniper rifle to take out several long distance soldiers.
After the area is secure,
you'll come to a sloped driveway with a few enemies at the bottom.
If you have the health,
go at them straight on.
If not,
head up to the cliff to use your sniper rifle to eliminate them.
You'll also have the opportunity to use the mounted machine gun to mow these guys down from the cliff.
Once these soldiers are dead,
climb the ladder behind them to enter a room with several health canteens.
Work your way across the yard to the only door available.
Inside are several soldiers; some will attack with grenades,
and some with guns.
Lure them out if possible,
and charge the rest with a hail of bullets.
Once in this building,
you're on your way to locating the U-529 and a Nazi uniform disguise.



Sub Mission 2: Scuttling the U-529 - Trondheim,
February 12,

Find your way onto the German U-529 to plant explosives.


 Objective: Find a disguise

Objective: Destroy the NAXOS prototype

Objective: Enter the second U-Boat

Objective: Plant the bombs

Objective: Escape the U-529

Objective: Eliminate the opposition and escape

Objective: Exfiltrate


Immediately after opening the door,
you'll see a Nazi uniform and some papers on the locker room bench.
Pick them both up and press the "Q" key to holster your weapon.
It's imperative that you put the weapon away.
If the Germans see you holding one,
it's all over.

Now that you're disguised,
and your papers at hand,
you'll need to find your way into the room with the NAXOS.
If you're stopped along the way,
and you will be,
use the "7" key to show your papers.
Soldiers with red armbands will ask for your papers.
You'll find the NAXOS in a room filled with 3 Nazi scientists,
all are armed.
Prior to opening the door,
ready your Model H-D (silencer),
step in and put a single shot into the upper torso of each man.
If necessary,
use multiple shots to put them down.
The NAXOS is sitting on a nearby table and a single shot will destroy it.
Before leaving the room,
remember to holster your weapon by hitting the "Q" key.

Now that the NAXOS has been destroyed,
you need to make your way to the U-529 that you need to destroy.
To do so,
you'll need new papers to gain access to the higher security area.
You'll find these papers up in a room across from one of the U-529 bays.
once you touch the papers,
you'll be discovered,
and will need to use firepower to gain access to the U-Boat.

After you enter the U-529,
clear out all soldiers before planting the explosives in the aft and stern of the ship.
Once planted,
kill any opposing soldiers on the boat,
get up the ladder and get away from the sub.
You only have 60 seconds to jump ship and escape the explosion.

Once you're out of the U-529,
kill any approaching enemies and make your way back to the top of the docking bay and head towards the open door.

A barrage of attacks from the opposition will come next.
Once you kill all the enemies in this area,
find the doorway leading to the exit near the last U-Boat dock.
Once through the doorway,
you'll need to kill a few more soldiers and find a room with the ladder,
this is your way out.
Before climbing up and into the vent,
be sure to check the same room for some extra health.
Climb the ladder to exit.



Sub Mission 3: Escape From Trondheim - Trondheim,
February 12,

Make your way to the train depot on the Northern side of the facility


 Objective: Exfiltrate the base

Objective: Meet up with allies at train station


Once you're in the vent,
you'll need to find your way through the maze,
killing a couple of rats (soldiers) along the way.
The vent dumps you into an abandoned office.
Save your game here since this facility is littered with more German Soldiers.
Carefully make your way down the long hallway.
Near the end and to your left you'll find a stairway,
take it.
Use caution here as more soldiers are making their way up to kill you.
At the bottom of the stairway,
head towards the double doors,
this is your way out.
Opening the doors takes you to a repair garage filled with Nazis.
Careful here,
there may be a soldier or two hiding behind some crates and in the mechanics pit.
Before leaving through the other doorway,
check that mechanics pit for a health canteen and extra Stiehlandgranates,
and then head for the train.

 The door at the end of the hallway takes you to the train depot.
There are crates scattered about the snow-covered ground and the German soldiers are everywhere.
You'll be spotted by a couple,
so take them down and try to stay low.
One thing to note here,
you only have 60 seconds to board the train.
If you fail,
the train leaves without you and the mission ends.
Your comrades on the train provide some cover,
but not much,
so ready your Stiehlandgranate.
In front and to your left,
German soldiers are filtering out of their base.
There's also a sniper on the roof that you'll want to take out.
In a crouched position (which makes you a smaller target),
make your way to the train while throwing Stiehlandgranate's at the soldiers.
This will send them running and with any luck kill a few.
Jump onto the ladder to board the train.
Congratulations on completing mission 2,
now that you've secured the allied entrance,
the attack is about to commence.
Your next mission is to storm Omaha Beach.


Medal of Honor Allied Assault Walkthrough from Mission 3: Operation Overlord.

This guide reveals some spoilers to the third mission of the game.
Within the third mission,
there are three sub-missions? this guide represents a walkthrough of these sub-missions.
In order to track all your objectives,
use the "TAB" key.



Sub Mission 1: Omaha Beach: The Landing - Normandy France,
June 6,

Now that you've cleared the way for the allied assault on axis forces,
it's time to storm the beaches of Normandy.
Your goal is simple,
get across the beach and to the axis bunker alive.
No matter what setting you choose,
getting across the Omaha beach is no simple task.


 Objective: Get to the shingle

Objective: Meet up with the captain

Objective: Get the bagalores

Objective: Bring bagalores to shingle

Objective: Follow captain to the bunker

Objective: Get to the trench

Objective: Infiltrate the bunker

Objective: Clear out the bunker

Objective: Eliminate the M42 machine guns


 Storming Omaha is a straightforward mission.
As soon as your Higgins boat opens its door,
run up the beach,
get cover immediately behind a hedgehog (the X-like structures),
and the log ramps (the triangle-like structures),
and crouch.
From here,
you'll have to stand up,
run to the next protective structure and crouch behind it quickly in order to survive the beach.
Plan your strategy and take your time to see what your next move will be.
You WILL be shot quite a few times.
Make sure that you find the medic about halfway up the beach to keep your health up.

Once past the hedgehog,
you'll come up to a small hill (the shingle) covered with barbed wire 
where you'll need to once again crouch and find the captain.
Once you do,
he'll tell you that you need to obtain bagalores (explosives) in order to proceed.
The baglores are behind you to your right (glowing red).
Note: Depending on which level of difficulty you're playing at,
there may be some additional health beside the bagalores.
Quickly stand up,
grab them and then run back to the shingle and duck for cover.
Give the bagalores to the captain and he'll yell,
"Fire in the hole!" Once a hole has been blown through the shingle,
you'll need to quickly head to the protective wall of the bunker.

Now the captain will order two solders to get through a minefield with several gunners high above.
The two soldiers won't make it but their mistakes help you figure out where not to step.
Head into the first crater and pick up the sniper rifle.
Remember to crouch for protection and try using the gun's zoom to take out the gunners above.
There are several ways to make it across to the trench and you will die a few times before getting there.
After making it through the minefield,
you'll jump down and into the trenches.
Watch out for a powerful gunner coming up when you least expect him.

You'll encounter several firefights as you climb the first and second ladders.
Now follow the hallways to the gunners.
Kill them all and make sure that you kill the other gunners in the other bunker in the distance with several long distance shots.
As you take out the second tower of gunners,
Nazi forces will storm in from the back of the bunker.
Get ready for them by manning the hallway machine gun.
Once you've completed your objectives and head out the back door.



Sub Mission 2: Battle in the Bocaje - Normandy France,
June 7,


 Objective: Search the house

Objective: Defend the back of the house

Objective: Locate any Flak 88's guarding road

Objective: Find a radio near the silo to call in an airstrike on the Flak 88

Objective: Destroy the anti-aircraft gun so air support can return

Objective: Call in an airstrike on second Flak 88

Objective: Bypass the roadblock


Head into the house in front of you and take out any Nazi soldiers inside.
Watch your back,
there are a few sneaky ones.
Ascend the stairs to find more soldiers and rescue a few Allied soldiers.
As you're talking to them,
they'll be shot through the window.
Descend the stairs and go to the back of the house to defend your position.
To get all of the soldiers,
you'll need to move around between the two rooms at the back of the house.

Once you've killed all your opponents,
head to the front of the house to use the big MG42 machine gun to take out any approaching Nazis.
When no more troops come down the road,
head out of the house and down to the area with the dead soldiers.
Take a right and pick up any ammo on the way down the road.
Expect firefights from several trigger-happy soldiers.
You'll approach a burned out tank.
If you continue going straight down the road,
you'll see the first Flak 88 cannon.
run down the other road (directly across from the tank).

At the end of the road are a few houses (occupied,
of course) and you'll need to be careful as there will be soldiers to your left,
on your upcoming right and an additional sniper from the silo (tower) in the distance 
(about 45 degrees from the road beyond the gate).
Move through the stable house to the right and into the backyard.
There are several health packs and ammo in the stables.
If you didn't take out the sniper in the silo,
you'll have a tough time getting across the backyard.
there are several soldiers hidden in the bushes.
They're hard to find so you'll need to sweep them out with machine gun fire.
Continue to walk to the silo.
You'll find the radio on the road behind the silo.
You'll find the radio on the road behind the silo.
you'll notice that more soldiers are coming in to get you.
Head back to the road,
take out the enemy and go back to the burned out tank.
Head over to the front of the tank and hit your "7" key to activate your binoculars,
focus in on the Flak and fire.
This will command air support to take that gun out!

Move towards the now destroyed gun and turn left.
You'll come to a field with a large structure covered in netting.
Beyond that and to the right is the anti-aircraft gun.
Destroy that gun and head over to the MG42 across from the AA gun to take out a few oncoming troops.
Once they're gone,
head down the road again and destroy the second Flak 88.
Now head down the road again and enter the bypass,
watch out though,
there's a guarded bunker to your right.



Sub Mission 3: Nebelwerfer Hunt - Normandy France,
June 7,


 Objective: Locate and destroy Nebelwerfers (4 remaining)


You'll find a Panzerschrek (rocket launcher) on the ground through the bypass immediately starting this sub-mission.
Pick it up; you'll need it to take out a halftrack that you'll soon come across.
As you leave the vehicle in ruins,
you'll meet up with some soldiers that will tell you about the new weapons that the Germans have set up down the road.
Move down the road and into the burned-out city.
Expect fire from the house to the right,
an ambush from the left and several other wandering soldiers.
Making your way down the main road,
enter the house on the right.
You'll need to use your Panzerschrek to take out an upcoming tank (20% damage each shot,
so don't miss).
Once you fire,
run back to the front of the house to avoid shots from the tank.
Do this until the tank is destroyed.

Move back to the main road and take out the remaining troops as you head down the road.
The last building on your left has an opening in the back that leads to the chapel.
Nearing the chapel,
you'll take on sniper fire from the chapel and several foot troops that will be coming through the graveyard.
Crouch behind the headstones for cover and take out any enemies.
The chapel entrance is on the other side of the chapel,
expect a few Germans to try and take you down.
Clear them out and take a left to go down the road.

You'll come to a large open area with two bunkers and plenty of opposing fire.
It's here you'll find the 4 Nebelwerfers.
You need to work your way left finding a pothole to bunker down in.
From here you can use your sniper rifle to take out as many enemies as possible.
Once you feel safe,
keep moving left to plant the first explosive watching out for soldiers coming out of the nearby bunker.
Now start moving to your right towards the remaining 3 Nebelwerfers.
Be careful though,
there are plenty of enemies here,
above and below ground.
Once you plant the remaining 3 explosives,
you're on your way to completing this tough mission!

type in the console when you are in a multiplayer game:
cmd dog
cmd noclip
cmd wuss
cmd spawn models/weapons/bar.tik
cmd spawn models/weapons/bazooka.tik	
cmd spawn models/weapons/colt45.tik
cmd spawn models/weapons/enfield.tik
cmd spawn models/weapons/FG42.tik
cmd spawn models/weapons/G43.tik
cmd spawn models/weapons/kar98.tik
cmd spawn models/weapons/m1_garand.tik
cmd spawn models/weapons/steilhandgranate.tik
cmd spawn models/static/windmill.tik
cmd spawn models/static/parachute_actors.tik
cmd spawn models/static/bmw_destroyed.tik cmd spawn models/static/dead_paratrooper,tik
cmd spawn models/static/german_lantern.tik cmd spawn models/vehicles/opeltruck.tik cmd spawn models/vehicles/tigertank.tik cmd spawn models/vehicles/jeep.tik cmd spawn models/vehicles/gmc_truck.tik cmd spawn models/vehicles/stuka_wing_d2.tik cmd spawn models/vehicles/stuka_wing_d.tik cmd spawn models/vehicles/fockwulffly.tik cmd spawn models/statweapons/P_flak88.tik cmd spawn models/statweapons/P_nebelwerfer.tik
cmd spawn models/statweapons/P_granatwerfer_base.tik
cmd spawn models/projectiles/granatwerferproj.tik
cmd spawn models/projectiles/M2FGrenade.tik cmd spawn models/projectiles/steilhandgranate.tik
cmd spawn models/projectiles/nebelwerferproj.tik
cmd spawn models/projectiles/RDG-1_Smoke_grenade.tik
cmd spawn models/miscobj/radio_military.tik cmd spawn models/lights/lightbulb_caged_green.tik
cmd spawn models/items/health_barrel.tik cmd spawn models/items/stickybomb.tik cmd spawn models/human/soviet_corporal.tik cmd spawn models/human/heads.tik cmd spawn models/human/new_generic_human.tik
cmd spawn models/human/brit-beret.tik
cmd spawn models/human/german_wehrmact_officer.tik
cmd spawn models/human/german_wehrmact_soldier.tik
cmd spawn models/furniture/bunkerchair.tik cmd spawn models/furniture/bunkerchair_d.tik
cmd spawn models/furniture/bunkerchairstool.tik
cmd spawn models/emitters/t2l4_fire.tik
cmd spawn models/emitters/waterRing.tik
cmd spawn models/emitters/waterWake.tik
cmd spawn models/emitters/maltaSmoke.tik cmd spawn models/emitters/debris_smoke.tik cmd spawn models/emitters/CE53_snow.tik cmd spawn models/emitters/CE53_DIRT.tik cmd spawn models/emitters/CE53_concrete.tik cmd spawn models/animate/fx_explosion_mine_brown.tik
cmd spawn models/animate/Paratrooper_billboard.tik
cmd spawn models/ammo/grenade_pin.tik
cmd spawn models/ammo/stuka_bomb.tik
 - Herman Wilken