Mechwarrior 3 Expansion Pack: Pirate?s Moon


                Unofficial Strategy Guide and FAQ


                  by Kasey Chang (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


                    released December 4, 2001



0    Introduction



0.1   A word from the author


A quick browse through the shows that there is no

MW3:PM FAQ, so here?s my version.


This is a FAQ, NOT a manual. You won't learn how to play the game

with this document, and I'm NOT about to add it to ease the life

of software pirates.


This USG only covers the PC version since that's the only version

that I have.


Some of you may recognize my name as the editor for the XCOM and

XCOM2: TFTD FAQ's, among others.


This USG/FAQ covers the Pirate?s Moon Expansion pack. There?s a

separate USG about the main game.



0.2   Terms of Distribution


This document is copyrighted by Kuo-Sheng "Kasey" Chang (c) 2000-

2001, all rights reserved excepted as noted above in the

disclaimer section.


This document is available FREE of charge subjected to the

following conditions:


1) This notice and author's name must accompany all copies of

this document: "Mechwarrior 3: Pirate?s Moon Unofficial Strategy

Guide and FAQ" is copyrighted (c) 2000-2001 by Kasey K.S. Chang,

all rights reserved except as noted in the disclaimer."


2) This document must NOT be modified in any form or manner

without prior permission of the author with the following

exception: if you wish to convert this document to a different

file format or archive format, with no change to the content,

then no permission is needed.


2a) In case you can?t read, that means TXT only. No banners, no

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3) No charge other than "reasonable" compensation should charged

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this guide, drop me a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


4) If you used material from this, PLEASE ACKNOWLEDGE the source,

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5) The author hereby grants all games-related websites the right

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Sidenote: The above conditions are known as a statutory contract.

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you don?t follow them, then you did not meet the statutory

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copyright. This section was added for any websites that don?t

seem to understand this.


For the gamers: You are under NO obligation to send me ANY

compensation.  However, I do ask for a VOLUNTARY contribution of

one (1) US Dollar if you live in the United States, and if you

believe this guide helped your game. If you choose to do so,

please make your US$1.00 check or $1.00 worth of US stamps to

"Kuo-Sheng Chang", and send it to "2220 Turk Blvd. #6, San

Francisco, CA 94118 USA".


If you don't live in the US, please send me some local stamps. I

collect stamps too.



0.3    Distribution


This USG should be available at Gamefaqs

( and other major PC game websites (such

as,, etc.).


To webmasters who wish to archive this FAQ on their website,

please read the terms of distribution in section 0.2. It says

exactly what it says.



0.4    Other Notes


There is no warranty for this unofficial strategy guide. After

all, it depends on YOU the player.  All I can do is offer some



To ALL readers: if you actually DO have a question about this

USG, chances are it?s already answered, but you are NOT reading

the latest version. The latest version of the FAQ is at So please look there first. Otherwise, PLEASE let

me know if there's a confusing or missing remark... If you find a

question about this game that is not covered in the USG, e-mail

it to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  I'll try to answer it and include it

in the next update.



0.5    The Author


I am just a game player who decided to write my own FAQs when the

ones I find don?t cover what I want to see.  Lots of people like

what I did, so I kept doing it.


Previously, I've written Unofficial Strategy Guides (USGs) for

XCOM, XCOM2:TFTD, Wing Commander 3, Wing Commander 4, Fade to

Black, Spycraft, 688(I) Hunter/Killer. Mechwarrior 3, MW3

Expansion Pack, and Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed,

Mechwarrior 4, Mechwarrior 4: Black Knight, and many, many

others... Look for them on


Most of them should be on, the biggest FAQ site

around. You can also find some of them on my KC Game Nexus

website at


If you need to write me, send e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (Any spam

will be reported to respective authorities).



0.6   Disclaimer / Copyright Information


Mechwarrior is copyrighted by FASA, licensed to MicroProse.


Mechwarrior 3 and Mechwarrior 3 was created by Zipper Interactive

for MicroProse / Hasbro.


This USG is not endorsed or authorized by FASA, MicroProse, or



The information compiled in this USG has been gathered

independently through the author?s efforts. The Prima MW3:PM

"fasttrack" guide was used to verify information accuracy, but it

covers only half of the missions.



0.7   Spoiler Warning


The USG contains spoilers about all MW3:PM missions. Only get

enough help to get past the hump, so you don?t spoil the sense of




0.8   The Most Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Can you send me Pirate?s Moon?

A: No. (You can bid on one of the copies on eBay)


Q: Can you send me the manual (or portions thereof)?

A: Why?


Q: Can you tell me how to play the game?

A: Read the manual.


Q: What?s the latest version?

A: V1.0.11.5, the original released version. No patch for the

expansion pack.


Q: How do I tell what version I have?

A: At the Pirate?s Moon main menu, look in the lower right



Q: Why can?t I get any repairs done at the MFB?

A: Did you order the MFBs to deploy? You must deploy them every

time you want to do repairs, even if the MFB?s have not moved.


Q: How do I get past mission X?

A: Read the walkthrough


Q: Which mech is the best?

A: Depends on your playing style. My personal favorite is Mad Cat

(a.k.a. Timberwolf). Though I also like my Atlas with 4 ER PPC?s

and lots of heatsinks.


Q: Which weapon is the best?

A: Depends on your playing style. I?m partial to ER LLAS (and X-

PULSE L later).


Q: Why can?t I add any more armor?

A: Each mech has an armor limit. You can see the limit by looking

at the point allocation. If all the areas have the max points

allocated, you can?t add any more armor.


Q: What?s the difference among the difficulty levels?

A: Accuracy/skill of the enemies, and the amount of salvage you



Q: Where are the cheat codes?

A: This is a STRATEGY guide, not a cheat guide.


Q: Why do I get a note about incompatible heatsinks?

A: You can only have one type of heatsink per mech, no mix-and-

match. Remove all existing heatsinks before adding new ones.



0.9   Release History


21-OCT-2000         Initial release


08-JAN-2001         Added several tips on beating the "Survive!"

                    mission, some grammar fixes


04-DEC-2001         More notes on the final mission, updated

                    terms and conditions




1    What?s new in the expansion pack



1.1   Install


Expansion pack can be installed separately. It will read your MW3

CD to confirm ownership. Otherwise the two are separate games

completely and can be installed into separate directories.


The version number is "MW3 Pirate?s Moon" (lower right

of the main menu).



1.2   Increased difficulty


The missions are much harder. You start in smaller, inferior

mechs and fight more enemies than ever before. There?s also more

timed missions where you can?t afford to repair every step of the




1.3   Mission additions


Pirate?s Moon introduces "night" missions (where you turn on your

"shoulder lights"). Guess Inner Sphere mechs don?t have thermal

views (even though they?re available in MW2).



1.4   More weapons


PM also introduces more weapons, though most are just minor

variations on the existing stuff, and it actually makes things

worse as you have MORE weapons and ammo to track. Instead of one

type of machine gun, you now get THREE! (each with different



You also get light gauss rifle (again, with its own ammo), Medium

Range Missiles (MRM, in 20, 30, or 40 packs), Thunderbolt

Missiles (T-BOLT), plus Heavy Lasers and X-Pulse Lasers (S, M,

L). There?s also the microlaser (half the size of small laser).



1.5   More Terrains


Additional terrain types. You now get two "deep chasms",

ridgeland (the map with a lot of deep water), and the Madre

crater. These four maps used in the expansion pack are now

available in the multiplayer and the instant action games. You

either find the land bridge that allows you to walk over (some

are actually fragile!) or trust your jumpjets.



1.6   More mechs


Atlas, Awesome, and several other mechs have been added.



1.7   More control over lancemates


See your README file for details on the new lancemate commands.

You can now send lancemates to a location without physically

being there yourself.




2    Tactics and Tips for the Expansion Pack


Please refer to the MW3 USG for notes on tactics, mech design

notes, salvage management, etc.



2.1   Notes on "night" missions


The night missions have very low visibility, which causes several

problems. You can?t see where you?re going (or need to go). When

you do see the enemy mech, you may not get precise enough to

shoot, and turning on the lights does make you a better target.

You also may not see the hill between you and the target, thus

wasting shots.


You?ll need to trust your cursor extensively, and rely more on

the map rather than the radar to keep you safe. Use the lights

only sparingly in enemy presence.



2.2   Notes on the new weapons



2.2.1     Light and Heavy Machine Guns


Point-blank weapons, they don?t do enough damage unless you have

large groups of them. Don?t bother. You get far more flexibility

with a good set of MLAS and heatsinks instead.



2.2.2     Light Gauss Rifle


Not worth the trouble unless a regular one won?t fit no matter

what. A clan version of the regular gauss rifle is not that much




2.2.3     Medium Range Missiles (MRMs)


Good compromise between the LRM and the SRM, the huge number in

one salvo will overwhelm most AMSs. On the other hand, the

launcher is quite heavy, and it?s unguided. I?d rather fit two

Clan LRM launchers if I have the ammo. You get longer range, less

tonnage, and guided munitions.



2.2.4     Thunderbolt Missiles


Being AMS proof makes them quite useful, except for the slow

firing rate and heavy launchers. However, they do a LOT of

damage, so they are worth considering.



2.2.5     Heavy Lasers and X-Pulse Lasers


The extra heat generated may or may not be worth the extra

damage. Use them where there?s plenty of water around.



2.2.6     Microlaser


I personally never use the small laser. Why would you use

something even smaller? You?d be much better off adding armor or

speed or ammo or AMS.



2.3   Notes on the new mechs



2.3.1     Atlas


The quintessential assault mech, it?s big enough and roomy enough

to accommodate wide variety of mods. Put enough missiles and

cannons backed by a good laser battery.


One possible killer config: 4 PPCs, backed up by 25 double

heatsinks. Add some AMSs. Yes, it?ll fit if you use clan double

heatsinks. Fire two PPC shots every 2.5 seconds. If you aim

carefully, should kill just about anything. If you aim for the

head, you may even score knockouts (critical shot to the head).



2.3.2     Awesome


Fit in 2 ACs and 2 PPCs and it can be very deadly. Default config

of 3 PPCs is too heat intensive.


When you?re fighting Awesomes, they?re usually equipped with a 

T-BOLT launcher. You?ll need to kill them ASAP because your AMS

can?t shoot down T-BOLT missiles. .



2.3.3     Centurion


A very famous Inner Sphere design, Centurion is a bit light for

heavy fighting, but it?s very well balanced.  Use half AC and

half laser config, and alternate the group firing.



2.3.4     Clint IIc


Technically a scout mech, the heavy armament on it can be VERY

surprising to an unwary foe, esp. the PPC config. They can stay

far away from you and chew you up. In the rest of the USG it?ll

only be referred to as Clint.



2.3.5     Masakari


Smaller cousin of the 100-ton Daishi, the default config has a

lot of PPC?s. Brave the PPC fire and go for the legs. The Clan

name is "Warhawk".



2.3.6     Ryoken


Ryoken is a very flexible medium mech with wide variety of

configs. Think of it as a light Vulture. Primary config features

a lot of lasers.



2.4   New Lancemate Commands


Those of you who don?t pay attention to the README file should do

so with Pirate?s Moon. You?ll notice that you can now tell

lancemates to go to specific spots on the map, and attack/defend

spots. This is very useful as you don?t need to run to the spots

physically to issue specific orders.


You will use this feature a lot esp. in the defense missions,

when you need to be on a specific side or direction, for example.

Remember to use this feature, since I assume that you will be

using it!




3    Expansion Campaign Walkthrough


Expansion mission sees your group transferred to this "Pirate?s

Moon" to baby-sit some miners... How hard can it be?



3.1   Mission 1


Patrol the area, protect Corona base and the camp at Point Able.


You start in a Centurion. Epona Rei is in a Puma, though you

could switch her to an Owens.  There?s no big difference. Use a

limb chopper config, as you?ll be doing quite a bit of mid-range



Enemies include: Thor, Clint, and 2 Shadow Cats.


Walk out the camp to the south to take a quick look at the Rim

Collective camp at Point Able. They reported a pirate Thor

beating the heck out of them, and heading north toward you. Meet

the Thor about half way, and defeat it. Kill it quickly, since

its autocannon can hurt you.


A Clint also attacks the Rim Collective Camp. Take care of it.


As soon as the Clint dies, the main camp comes under attack by

two Shadow Cats. Run back, kill the Shadow Cats and you win.



3.2   Mission 2


Scout the enemy. Cross the chasm with jumpjets at Point Able,

take out two comm centers at Point Baker and Charlie, avoid the

suspected pirate camp at Point Dog.


You may have salvaged one or more of the mechs from the previous

battle. Use them. Add max number of jumpjets you can. You?ll need

some long-range weapons, but most fighting will be mid-range.

Speed is needed if you plan to avoid confrontation at the end.


Enemies include: Clint, Turret, Puma, Clint, 2 Cauldron-Borns, 

3 Bulldogs


You walk toward Point Able. As you stop at the edge of the abyss,

a Clint pesters you from across the divide. When you hurt it a

bit, it runs to Point Baker to the south. If you?re a good shot

you can kill it right there. Summon the MFB to point Able and

repair now.


Once you?re repaired, jumpjet across the chasm. You should have

range to spare. Once you?ve landed, walk inland a little, then

wait for your lancemate to jump over. Then head toward Point

Baker slowly.


On the way to Point Able you will run into a laser turret, and a

Puma (and that earlier Clint if you didn?t kill it). Take care of

them. Then take out the antenna at Point Baker. Go back to Point

Able, jump across, get repaired.


Jet across again, then head south from Able, stay as far away

from Point Dog as possible. The pirate base at Point Dog has two

Cauldron-Borns. They will chase you if you get too close. Hug the

"coast" and approach Point Charlie from the east. There are a

couple Bulldog tanks there. Take them out. A Clint may also

challenge you here, kill it. Then take out the antenna.


The two Cauldron-Borns from Point Dog will come out and chase

you. Run full speed back to Point Able and jet over. Once you do,

you win regardless of what happens, though if you want the kills

you can try to take out those two Cauldron-Borns.



3.3   Mission 3


Protect a convoy, hold off the pirate assault on Point Able, take

out the pirate base at Point Baker, and make your way over to

Point Charlie.


Terrain has a lot of water, so use it. Add more heatsinks and

energy weapons like PPC?s, large lasers, etc. You should have

salvaged an Avatar by now, use it. Leave the Centurion to Epona.


Enemies include: 1 LRM turret, 2 Avatars, Bushwacker, Ryoken, 

2 LLAS turrets, 1 LLAS turret, 3 Elementals, 2 Bulldogs, 

1 Centurion, 2 Clints


You start in the water, around the bend from Point Able. Start

moving toward Point Able at 90% speed. When you see the LRM

turret, send Epona after it, while you continue toward Point

Able. Aim straight at it.


When you get there (it?s an island), the enemies are coming from

the east, so park yourself on the east-side of the island, just

in the water. The 2 Avatars should be attacking (go for leg shots

again), then the Bushwacker and the Ryoken follow. Take them all

out, and try not to lose any limbs in the process. You WILL have

to order Epona to take on an enemy or two as you can?t do this

fast enough all by yourself. Also take out that LLAS turret ASAP

as it?s hitting you DURING the battle. Once you?ve cleared the

area, the base is saved.  Deploy the MFB?s to MFB 2, and repair



Continue toward Point Baker. You should kill the laser turrets

that you see ASAP. As you almost got onto the island that is

Point Baker, you?ll see the 2 Bulldogs. When you kill them,

Centurion should wake up. Back up into the water, and take it out

from long range. After that, 3 Elementals will jump off from the

mesa behind Point Baker and approach. Take them out. Once that?s

done, shoot the trucks you see at Point Baker, and you?ve

completed the second primary objective.


You should now notice two Clints moving away to your left. Run

into the water, stop, and start shooting at them to force them to

attack you. The Clints are fast so they will charge right up to

you, but you should be able to take care of them without major

damage, as their armor?s really thin. Once that?s done, go to

Point Charlie. Arrive, and the mission?s done.



3.4   Mission 4


The convoy has been ambushed. You must save the convoy, then

escort the convoy to Point Dog, the dropship.


Tough mission, the convoy won?t wait so there?s sort of a time

limit. Speed is essential, as are fast kills.


This mission has the same terrain as mission 3, with lots of

water to help you cool down. Optimize your weapons toward energy

weapons. Keep using the Avatar if you got it.


Enemies include (may be incomplete) Ryoken, Clint, Centurion,

Avatar, 2 turrets, 2 Strikers, Centurion, Thor.


You get the call to save the convoy. As you approach, Werewolf

(the escort in an Avatar) was destroyed (this is scripted, you

can?t save him). He?s under attack by the first four mechs. As

long as at least ONE truck survives, you?re still good. Take out

those four mechs quickly (it?ll be a tough fight). Try to stay in

the water. Order Epona to attack the closest enemy.


Unfortunately, you can?t rest after this. The convoy will

continue toward Point Dog as soon as the last mech is destroyed,

so you have to get in front of it. Fortunately it doesn?t move

very fast. If you go all out (100% throttle), you should have no

problem staying in front of the convoy, esp. if you cut across

the water. Take out any turrets you see from long range.


As you get close to Point Charlie, the convoy will stop before

crossing, give you the chance to take out the enemies there

first. You?ll have to take out a few turrets here and there.


A Centurion and 2 Strikers are at Point Charlie. Take them out,

and a Thor will pop up. Take out the Thor, and you win when the

truck(s) arrive at Point Dog.



3.5   Mission 5


You?re assaulting the pirate base, the one you bypassed last

time. You?re getting a little help (3 Strikers), and Alan Matilla

finally joined up.


Take the heaviest mechs you got except the Atlas (too heavy).

Remember jumpjets. Killing turrets will require a bit of moving

around. Somehow those turrets are "shielded". They can hit you,

but you can?t hit them except from certain angles. Move around

and go after them, or use LRM?s and rely on the splash damage.


Enemies include: Centurion, Masakari, turret, 2 Strikers, Atlas,

Supernova, Mad Cat, T-Bolt turret.


Order the MFB?s to MFB 1. Go toward Point Able at full speed. As

you jet across a Centurion and a Masakari will try to take out

the bridge.  Take them out first. When 3 Strikers drive over, you

got the secondary objective met. You will get just enough time to

get one mech fixed now as the MFB arrive.


Lead the team toward Point Baker, following the Strikers. A

turret will be in your way. Take it out.


When you get close to Point Baker, you?ll see two enemy Strikers

approaching from southeast. Take them out.


By this time, the friendly Strikers should be marching on the

enemy camp... And its defender rumbles out... an Atlas?!?! Take it

out ASAP. Go for the legs...  The turrets will hit you in the

meanwhile. Take them out when you can. After that, a Supernova

will join the party. Take it out too.


Once that?s done, only two defenders are between you and the

pirate camp: a T-Bolt turret, and Suzy Ryan herself in a Mad Cat.

You can order the MFB?s to MFB 4, and repair first. When all

mechs are repaired, order everybody in, and take them out. Then

watch your teammates take out the camp, and you win.



3.6   Mission 6


Suzy Ryan is still around somewhere... But looks like you have

taken the wind out of the pirates? sails. You?ll be chasing the

pirate convoy with their cache of Germanium toward an old landing

field. They may be beaten, but they?re not broken.


You probably salvaged the Atlas from last time. Refit it and

bring it along. There?ll be a lot of enemies and you need the

firepower, along with your heaviest mechs.


Enemies include: 4 Clints, 1 gunship, 4 Elementals, 2 Clints,

LLAS turret, 2 Atlas.


 As you approach the land bridge at Point Able, 4 Clints will

snipe at you from long range or jumpjet over and try to hit you

from behind. They all carry PPC?s, and you?ll be hit a LOT. Feel

free to duel with them at long range, or run across the bridge,

braving the fire, then take out all of them. You can deploy the

MFB?s there and return for repairs if you need to. A transport 

re-configured as a gunship will make passes at you. Blow it out 

of the sky when you can.


If you do use the Atlas, don?t walk across the bridge. Use the

jumpjet and fly over. The weight may collapse the bridge.


When you took out all 4 Clints, repair all mechs at MFB 2, next

to the abandoned Pirate base. Then start heading north.


When the 4 Elementals power up, start backing up, and take care

of them with the lancemates? help. Repair now if needed.


As you continue toward Point Baker, 2 Clints and a LLAS turret

will engage you. Take care of them. You may have to maneuver a

bit to hit the turret. Repair again if needed.


Now the final fight... Two Pirate Atlas is guarding their trucks

with the Germanium ores. Destroy them, and you win the mission.

Send your lancemates in, then go in behind them and chop off the




3.7   Mission 7


The situation is messy... The different factions seem to be

fighting each other and pirates. Things never stay quiet, do

they? Just some patrols...


You?ll need the heaviest mechs you can get on this one. Speed is

not important. Add maximum amount of armor, esp. on yourself. Add

at least one AMS, if not more.


Enemies include... 2 Awesome and a Masakari, Atlas and Mad Cat,

Supernova, Masakari, Awesome, Centurion, Masakari, and finally,

Atlas and Centurion.


Yep, sudden reversal of fortune for you. As you start toward

Point Able, you talk about having the pirates on the run... And

suddenly FIVE heavy mechs power up in front of you! The two

Awesomes and the Masakari attack ASAP. Take out the Awesomes

first, as they carry T-Bolt missiles. The Masakaris carry LRMs

too, but AMS can stop LRMs. Once those three are gone, deploy

MFBs and repair all mechs.


The Mad Cat and the Atlas are at Point Able, guarding it. They

won?t come out unless you?re really close.  Approach them slowly.

Find a good spot where you can snipe at them using energy

weapons, while they don?t shoot back. Kill both. Ignore the

dropship that is landing. That?s just scenery. You can?t damage

it, and it won?t hit you.


Once the enemies are gone, it?s time to head toward Point Baker.

However, don?t head there directly, as the chasm is in the way.

Instead, head southwest (heading 215). Start slowly, leave the

MFBs at Point Able. At about midway down the map, a Supernova

will challenge you. Stop, and kill it. Continue and a Masaraki

will challenge you. Stop and kill it. Head east to MFB2, then

summon MFBs there, and repair all mechs. Next comes the tough

part... Taking back Point Baker.


Head all the way south until Point Baker is directly east. Then

head east slowly. The other pirate lance will attack: Awesome,

Masakari, and Centurion. Somehow, they all concentrate on you!

Start backing up. Let your lancemates take some of the heat. When

you took them all out, repair all mechs at MFB 2.


Now only two mechs stand in your way to Point Baker... Approach

Baker slowly. You?ll see the Atlas. Take it out from long range.

Get a little closer, and do the same to the Centurion that pops

up, and you?ve survived this mission.



3.8   Mission 8


Suzy Ryan seems to be directing the assault. You?ll need to

escort a convoy toward Point Baker, passing through lots of enemy

presence... The best way to protect the convoy is get way in front

of it. The convoy trucks have to go via bridges, while you can

bypass them, staying in water to keep your cool.


If you got the Atlas, use it. You?ll need the heaviest mechs you



Enemies include: 2 turrets, Sunder and Vulture, 2 turrets, Orion

and Atlas, 2 Bushwackers and Vulture.


As you start, 2 turrets will be nearby. A lance of Sunder and

Vulture will attack ASAP. With three against one it should be

easy. Wipe them out quickly, and then get in front of the convoy

by going at full speed.


At Point Able, you?ll run into 2 turrets, plus Orion and Atlas.

The turrets you can take out from long range. Orion and Atlas

should go down with leg chopping... Then continue forward... When 

you get close to Point Baker, three mechs appear from UNDERWATER!

(voiceover says a dropship dropped them off)... New lance consists

of two Bushwackers and a Vulture. The friendly turrets will

engage them. Get into the water yourself and blast them to

pieces. The convoy will just have to fend for itself for now.


After you take care of all the enemies, the primary objective has

been met... You can stop now, or you can repair now and wipe out

the pirate base at Point Able. In fact, you can just send a

lancemate over there and take care of the targets there. After

that, you win.



3.9   Mission 9


Looks like some of the pirates are not pirates after all. Some

Lyrans are trying to stir up trouble and use the pretext to take

over Veil from the consortium. It?ll be ugly... Survive the

assault, and hopefully there are enough people left to fight the

real pirates...


Dominic finally joins the team. The script says Atlas, but he

actually shows up in an Awesome.


You?ll need again heavy mechs, the heaviest you got. Use medium

range weapons, since you need to kill the enemy mechs FAST before

they destroy your base. Keep some long range weapons though.


You start next to the base, facing south. Use the map and assign

two mechs to the EAST-side of the base, a little south of the PPC

turret, while you lead the other lancemate to the WEST-side of

the base, and line up next to the PPC turret there. The reason

you want to be on the west-side is you need to salvage some heavy

mech for the next round. Your lancemates go for body blows, not

leg shots, thus they don?t produce salvage. With good shooting,

you can salvage one or more of the Sunders.


From the west, 2 (3?) Sunders and an Avatar charge your position.

A few seconds later, a Puma and a Centurion charge in from the

EAST side. If you did not station mechs on the east, they?ll take

out the base while you try to take care of the western assault.

With help, you should have no problem taking out all attackers.

Repair all mechs.


When you?re ready, it?s time to take the fight to the enemy.

Approach Point Able slowly. Take out the two turrets when you see

them. Two Ryokens will challenge you. Kill them. Then Avatar will

try to stop you. Kill it, destroy the base, and you?ve taken care

of the traitors.



3.10  Mission 10


Now it?s Suzy Ryan?s turn... The real pirates have used the battle

to sneak into position at two different camps around the crater,

and they?re attacking.


You need LONG range weapons on this. Suzy?s forces love PPC?s and

X-PULSE L?s. This time, take a 70-tonner. A Mad Cat would be

ideal, but a Thor or Avatar would do. It?ll need a top speed of

at least 75 kph. And this time, you?re NOT leading from the



When the mission starts, it?ll be a bad fight... 1 Shadow Cat, 

2 Vultures, and 2 Ryoken (note: the count is not exact) will charge

your position from the southeast and southwest. They are after

your mechs and you personally. Just position your forces just

outside the base in the direction of the two nav points, and you

should intercept them. Try not to lose any limbs off of any of

your mechs. Kill all enemy mechs.


When that?s done, repair all mechs. Check the objective, and

you?ll notice that "protect Point Able" is not complete yet. That

should be a hint to leave a guard at Point Able. Leave the

lightest mech as a guard. Remember to assign guard order!


Lead the other two lancemates toward Point Able (the closer enemy

camp). Take out the two turrets guarding it, and 2 Ryokens should

wake up. Take them out from long range if you want to. Otherwise

just send your lancemates in, one on each. When they?re gone, two

Shadow Cats will take their place. Take them out, and you get

Point Able to yourself. Your lancemates will take out the



Ryan will chit-chat on the radio... It?s clear she?s at Point Baker

camp. Deploy MFBs to MFB 2, and repair all mechs. When complete,

head south (the guard stays at Point Start!)


Now head south from MFB2, and you?ll get to Point Baker... Take out

the two turrets, and two Ryokens will show up. Take them out, and

Suzy?s personal lance is out to get you... 2 Mad Cats and Suzy

herself in an Atlas.


However, there?s a catch. One of the Mad Cats is piloted by

Scourge, Suzy?s lieutenant, and he?s out to attack the base at

Point Start. Assign your two lancemates to Ryan and the other Mad

Cat. You must kill Scourge?s mech ASAP, even if you have to

ignore the other mechs. Assign the guard to attack it as well.

Your lancemates can take care of themselves. When Scourge is

gone, come back and help out. Take out all enemy mechs, destroy

the camp at Point Baker, and you win.


Note: in my latest attempt, I was able to take out Suzy?s Atlas

with a headshot. I had assigned a Sunder and an Awesome to take

out Scourge, while the other Sunder took out the other Mad Cat.

It?s three against one. Slowed by a leg shot, Scourge didn?t last





4     Expansion Pirate Campaign Walkthrough


The pirate missions in Pirate?s Moon are roughly the "other side"

of the story in the expansion pack. You?re part of the Suzy

Ryan?s ragtag crew, taking care of business.


In Pirate missions, you do NOT get salvage, nor MFB inventory

management. You CAN change your mech?s loadout, but the inventory

is limited. Your available mech will change from mission to

mission, so the customizations may be for naught in the next

mission. On the other hand, this also means you don?t have to

worry about losing the mechs.


You also get a new set of MFB?s per mission, so it?s not

necessary to protect the MFBs in the Pirate missions.


Pirate missions should be treated like guerilla warfare: hit them

where they hurt, while avoiding frontal assaults. This means you

should almost NEVER take the nav points the order they?re given.

That?s good way to run into more enemies than you absolutely need

to, and more chance at getting shot at.


Pirate missions are QUITE hard, so don?t be surprised to retry

missions several times, even on the easy level.



4.1   Mission 1


Take out the Rim Collective camp generator isn?t hard, it?s just

a little tedious, esp. if you avoid the enemies instead of

following the nav points in a slugging match.


Your best bet is probably 2 Thors and a Centurion. Load up on

long range weapons, while cram in at least two AMS per mech. Lots

of enemies seem to carry missiles. Your mech should have at least

one LLAS for sniping. And finally, you?ll need jumpjets on all



Enemies include: 2 AC turrets, Avatar, 2 AC turrets, 2 Strikers,

2 Centurions, Orion, AC turret, Centurion, 2 Bulldogs, Puma.

(Not necessarily in this order.)


You have two choices: go northeast to the bridge and engage in

slugging match, or go east and jump across, bypassing most of the

defense. I recommend going east, jump across that narrow point,

then go north.


You?ll hit the Rim Collective camp, with AC turret, Centurion, 

2 Bulldogs, and a Puma. Use the hill for cover and snipe them all

out of existence. If enemy charges you, back up and let your

lancemates take care of them. Clear the area.


If you need repairs, jumpjet back to the other side and deploy

the MFB?s there. Jumpjet back when you?re done.


Now approach Point Able slowly. Snipe the 2 AC turrets, then take

out the Avatar that comes to investigate, but don?t get closer.

That?ll trigger more enemies. You want to stay as far from Point

Baker as you can. Jump back to the other side if you need



Now look at the terrain about Point Baker. There?s a hill nearby

that you can use to hide and snipe at the enemy camp, which

contains 2 AC turrets, 2 Strikers, and 2 Centurions. If the mechs

chase you, lead it back to your lancemates and kill them with

lancemates? help. Take out the rest of the defenders.


Get a little closer, and Orion will show up. Take it out. Now you

can destroy the dome at Point Baker.


Finally, make your way to Point Charlie, (head across the bridge

is fine) and you win the mission.



4.2   Mission 2


Ambush Sinclair... Teach him a lesson he won?t forget! Then wipeout

the two bases.


The trick is bring all lasers, and fight UNDERWATER. Lasers work

fine underwater, but missiles, cannons, and PPC?s don?t.


Equip your heaviest mechs with lots of lasers. Should be 2 Thors

and a Cauldron-Born. Heat should not be a problem since you?ll be

HEAD DEEP in water. Yep, completely submerged if you can arrange

it. You can fit 1 ER LLAS and 1 L-PULSE at least. Add an Ultra 20

for out-of-water use. The other Thor needs a different setup as

there?s not enough LLAS to go around. Try MRM10?s and more



Start by heading south, which takes you deep. Then stay in the

deep channel and start running toward the ambush point.


When you see an Owens, take it out from underwater. You may not

see it clearly, but just shoot when the cursor turns yellow.

You?ll take it out in no time, and it won?t be able to shoot

back. In fact, you can just emerge above water. It?ll be confused

and just sit there.


Get to the bridge, and stay near it. When the Sinclair?s Mad Cat

come along, take it out from underwater. If you need to, get out

of the water and chase him down. Get back into water ASAP.


When Sinclair?s gone, take out his lancemates, include Epona (in

an Awesome) and Alan (in Sunder). Sunder should follow pretty

closely, but it?ll stay on land. Epona... May or may not follow

immediately. Sometimes she just falls into water and becomes a

sitting duck.


Once the command lance is gone, deploy MFB at original location.

Then go back and repair all mechs. Then it?s time to start



Approach Point Able slowly. Take out any turrets you see. Then

it?s just a Shadow Cat and some Strikers in your way. Wipe them

out, and you got Point Able.


Approach Point Baker slowly. It?s another Shadow Cat and 

2 Bulldogs, with a few turrets. You can take care of them easily.


That?s it for the objectives. If you REALLY want to try, you can

TRY Point Charlie, but it?s NOT required. There are TWO Atlas at

Point Charlie armed with LRM?s and Gauss Rifles. They are VERY

dangerous. I?d recommend you leave Point Charlie to the good




4.3   Mission 3


Hijack the Germanium convoy, then take out the enemy base.


You?ll still need the largest mechs on this one... Keep the Vulture

to yourself, as you?ll again be the sniper with the LRMs and the

LLASs. Load up on more AMSs and armor. Dump the jumpjets. If you

find the pulse lasers a bit hard to handle, I replace them with

ER PPC?s and ER MLAS?s, and use the saved weight for more



Start by heading south-southwest toward the convoy. You take out

the turrets, while your lancemates will take out the Bulldogs

when you get close enough, then all of you take out the Orion

rear-guard. Now run behind the ridge, as Blackhawk and Avatar

will come to "rescue" the convoy. When the enemy mechs crests the

ridge, order a full-out attack and take them out.


Deploy the MFBs and start repairing. You?re likely the most

damaged. If so, set your lancemates to guard, while you repair. A

Cauldron-born may come attacking, take it out. Repair all mechs.


When ready, approach Point Baker from the south, and snipe out

all the turrets. Approach Point Baker again, and you?ll run into

2 Sunders and an Awesome, the last guards at the base. One Sunder

will charge you, while the other two will just keep cruising back

and forth if you don?t approach any closer. Take out the one that

charge you first. Send your two lancemates after it. The other

two enemy mechs will split off and "patrol" nearby. Use the hill

for cover as they have quite a few missiles. Stand up, take a

shot, then crouch so the missiles hit the hill. Repeat when

ready. Take them out, and you win.



4.4   Mission 4


Protecting your bases will require a LOT of running around. And I

really mean it. Fortunately, you only need to save ONE of the two

antennas (either Baker or Charlie).


You will need a LOT of top speed on this one. Take the heavier

mechs, but you?ll need speed, speed, and more speed. Dump weapons

and upgrade engines until all of your mechs can do about 81 kph.

You?ll also need AMSs, as you?ll run into quite a few missiles.

Load up on medium-range weapons with some LLAS. You will need to

kill enemies quickly. Give lancemates ER LLAS or ER PPC?s, with

some LRMs, maybe a cannon.


Start running toward Point Able at full speed. When you get

there, you?ll see 4 Strikers escorted by an Awesome. Send your

lancemates to attack the Awesome while you pick off the Strikers.

When the Strikers are gone, help your lancemates take out the



Now leave ONE lancemate (preferably someone relatively undamaged

and over 60 tons) to guard the spot. Start running south to

protect the Point Baker. As you leave, you should see a Champion

coming across, send the guard to attack it. Continue toward Baker

with your other lancemate.


As you head south, you?ll run into two Centurions heading for the

base at Point Baker from the east. Intercept them and kill them

QUICKLY. There?s no time to dawdle. Kill one quickly, then send

your lancemate to attack the other one. Again, top speed run

toward Point Charlie. Your lancemates will join up when they



During the run toward Charlie, check if the guard you left is

done (use the command map, it will tell you their position even

if they are out of radar range). If so, send him to Point Charlie

immediately. You can do this as soon as he reports the kill over

the radio. Issue the DEFEND order to the guard, as you approach

Point Charlie. However, most likely, the enemy forces will have

destroyed the antenna with LRM?s before you got there. The

chances are slim, even with fast mechs, to protect Charlie. If

Charlie is destroyed, call the guard to join on you.


Now run for Point Dog. Your lancemate sent to take out the

Centurion at Baker should be done and rejoining. Deploy MFBs to

the point nearest Point Dog (should be just north of it) on your

way there and see if you can repair one mech before the final

attack force arrives.


Last attack force is a Bushwacker and an Awesome approaching from

the northeast. Take them out, and you win the mission.



4.5   Mission 5


Protect your base at Baker, then take out the enemies at Able.


Take the heaviest mech for yourself (Supernova), assign heavy

mechs to your lancemates. Add max jumpjets to all mechs. Add some

engine upgrades, as you?ll need to run a little (but not as much

as that previous mission), depending on which route you take.


Leave one mech to guard the spot you?re at. Two Clints will

attack your spot if you choose the flying route, and you may lose

one or more of the MFBs. It?s not that important though. You only

need two more mechs to join you to defend the base. Then you need

to decide the route: flying, or running.


You can use the flying route: Start toward Point Baker directly,

using jumpjets cross the chasm. To do this, you?ll need to

increase your speed to 65+ kph. You?ll have to land on the island

in the middle, then make a second jump to get across, but you

should make it. Your lancemates will follow, but don?t be too

surprised if one or more of them don?t make it.


Or you can use the running route. Cross the chasm at Point Able

(in this case you don?t need the guard), then make a mad dash

toward Point Baker. It?s a longer way, and unless you have really

fast mechs you may not beat the attack force there. You?ll run

into two Clints to the south. Let your lancemates take them. Keep

going. As you go past Point Able, your lancemates should take out

the defenders and the contents.


You have less than 4 minutes before the attackers arrive. Get to

just south of Point Baker. A Mad Cat and two Ryokens approach

point Baker from the south. If they?re past you, shoot them in

the back to force them to turn toward you. Your lancemates will

hopefully join up soon after and help take them out.


When they are gone, a Bushwacker and 2 Clints will attack from

the east. Take them out, and your base is safe. Repair now if you

want. If Point Able is already destroyed, you win!


If Point Able is still standing, then it?s time to attack.

Approach Point Able, take out the Striker and Bulldog, wipe out

the buildings, and you win!



4.6   Mission 6


Defend your base, attack enemy base, again...


Take the heaviest mechs you got, take a Sunder for yourself.

Speed is not a big problem, but you may need it to chase down

some light mechs. Take long range weapons for your lancemates,

like LRM racks, PPCs, and LLAS. Your mech needs a good group of

medium range weapons.


You start in the middle of a battle. Two Orions are attacking.

Send one lancemate on each, while you take one of the enemies.

Your other lancemate will shoot at the closest enemy.


When the Orions go down, a pair of Sunders will lumber in from

the east. Take out the Sunders quickly, as two Pumas will attack

from the south in about a minute. If you?re not done yet, let

your lancemates worry about the Sunders while you chase down the

Pumas. If they run past you, chase them into the base and shoot

them in the back. A few shots and they?re history, and that?s

almost all the attackers.


Deploy the MFB now and try to get some repairs done. An Orion

should attack in another minute or two. Order your least damaged

mechs to take it out, join the fight when you can. That?s all the

attackers. Repair all mechs.


Once all mechs are fixed, it?s time to attack the enemy. Head

toward Point Able slowly and take out the Sunder in your way.

Destroy the enemy camp, and you win.



4.7   Mission 7


You?re defending the Germanium deposits... The other guys will try

to rush you... If they make it past you, you lose!


You need assault mechs. This is the hardest mission in the Pirate

Campaign, and it?s not surprising you?ll repeat this one many

times (took me about 10 attempts at first), even at the lowest

difficulty level. Your lancemate will need some heavy firepower,

like LLASs, ER PPCs, etc. You should have the "limb chopper"

package ready: MLAS and some LLAS, with a lot of double

heatsinks. Fit as many in as you can. Group lasers in groups of 

2 or 3. Add some AMS would help, as you?ll see a lot of LRMs.


My winning combo is Supernova with 2 ER LLAS, 6 MLAS in 2 groups,

and 2 ER MLAS. Add AMS and Clan double heatsinks. Deuce gets

Sunder with Ultra 20 (and lots of ammo), 2 ER PPC?s, and a Clan

LRM 15 launcher with two tons of ammo. Fit in maximum armor, and

don?t use any endo-steel or FF armor as you need the slots.

Consider using regular instead of XL engines so save critical

slots to fit in more weapons and heatsinks. You should have

PLENTY of Clan double heatsinks.


You start in a depression, where your MFBs and the Germanium

cache are. Turn right until you see the end of the crater. Send

your lancemate just a little beyond that. Go just a little beyond

her. Do NOT deploy the MFBs, as they?ll die. However, it doesn?t

really matter that much since you?ll get a new set next mission

any way.


The first attackers are an Orion and a Champion, attacking from

southwest, followed by another Orion from southeast. The

southeastern Orion is the real threat. The other two just walks

back and forth. If you have positioned Deuce correctly, she

should start shooting. Help along with your lasers. You should be

able to take out all three with no problems. Take a break. It?ll

be less than a minute before the next group attacks. Not really

enough to get some repairs done though.


Next group includes two Clints attacking from the south, followed

by a Centurion from the east. Centurion is the main threat. If

you had deployed the MFB?s, the LRMs from the Centurion will

destroy one of the MFB?s. Sit in place, then shoot at it as it

approaches. Hit it enough times and it?ll turn to engage you. A

couple more hits and it?s history. Let your lancemate handle the

Clints. They wouldn?t last very long under her PPC?s and

missiles, and they don?t really go after your Germanium any way.


A lance of two Awesomes should now be approaching from the

southwest. However, they just walk back and forth. They are the

bait, trying to sneak the Centurion through the other side. Let

your lancemate snipe at them as they walk back and forth. You

just wait for the Centurion that is the final threat to your

Germanium cache... When it comes, stay still, crouch, and keep

hitting it until it goes down. Your AMS should take out some of

the LRM it launches. Kill it, and your Germanium is safe, really.

Your lancemate likely have taken out one of the Awesomes by now,

and you should be pretty beaten up. Deploy the MFB, and repair

yourself. Help Deuce take out that last Awesome. You win!



4.8   Mission 8


This battle required good execution, but otherwise is quite

possible to protect BOTH bases. After that, wipe out the enemy



Let your lancemates have the heaviest mechs. You need to take a

70-ton mech as you?ll need to run really fast. Mad Cat would be

ideal, but Thor would do as well. There?s a lot of water, so feel

free to take a lot of lasers and heatsinks. You?ll need some LLAS

to take out the turrets, and a group of MLAS to remove limbs. One

possibility is a Mad Cat with 3 PPCs and some MLAS.


Start by running at full speed toward Point Baker, while assign

all lancemates to defend a point JUST west of Point Able. Use the

map command mode to do so.


When you get to Point Baker, two Centurions should be attacking

from the northwest. Get between them and Point Baker, and take

them out quickly. You?ll get semi-beat up, but that will have to

wait. Head back toward Point Able, while deploy the MFBs at the

point near Point Baker. There are no more enemies there.


Now run back toward Point Able where your lancemates are trying

to hold off 2 Mad Cats and an Awesome. They may have taken them

down already. If not, get in there and help. When the enemy mechs

are gone, you?re safe for now. Repair all mechs at Point Baker.

Don?t be surprised if one or more of your lancemates got stuck

near or under a bridge. Somehow the AI can?t negotiate bridges

over water once they fell off.


Now it?s time to take out Point Charlie. Move north along the

path, and take out the turrets when you see them. Continue

approach, and you?ll see the Masakari and Daishi guarding Point

Charlie. Approach obliquely to get your lancemates in range, and

do a long range weapon duel. You should win easily. Watch your

lancemates take out the base at Point Charlie, and you win!



4.9   Mission 9


Slow deliberate assault, take out both enemy outposts and Able

and Baker.


This is a slow meat grinder mission. Preserving your mech and

sniping at enemy from long range is crucial. If you lose lots of

weapons from your mech (i.e. lose arm(s)), you may as well start



You?ll probably want to keep the Daishi for yourself. Get a pair

of PPCs or LLASs and a group of MLAS. Give lancemates long range

weapons, like LRMs, ER PPCs, LLASs, etc.


Remember to repair whenever you can, even when there?s still an

enemy mech walking around. Your lancemates can take care of the

enemy while you repair, or vice versa.


Start by deploying the MFB?s immediately. Then lead your lance

out of the "hole". Two Cauldron-borns will charge in. Take them

out from where you stand. Mad Cat will follow. Take it out too.

Now is a good time to repair all mechs.


Approach Point Able slowly, and you should see Atlas and Mad Cat

in the distance. Play peek-a-boo using the nearby hills and take

them out from long range. Remember to let your lancemates take

some of the damage. Repair when needed.


After all mechs are repaired, continue approach Point Able. Take

out the AC turret and Vulture, the last defenders. Then walk

close enough so your lancemates take out the base. Repair all

mechs now.


Slowly approach Point Baker. You?ll see 2 AC turrets, so take

them out from long range. Avatar should show up, take it out.

(This is a good time to do battlefield repair, as your lancemates

can hold their own.) When that?s gone, Awesome, then Thor

approaches. When they?re all gone, go through Point Baker. Let

your lancemates take out the camp, and you win the mission.



4.10  Mission 10


The big enchilada... Take over the entire crater by destroying all



Keep the Atlas for yourself. Give yourself a pair of LLAS or pair

of PPC?s, and a battery of MLAS. Add a good cannon like gauss

rifle or Ultra 20 as backup. Deuce gets the Daishi. Trey and

Blade gets the Mad Cats. They should get the usual long-range

weapon mix. Add as many AMSs as available.


Everybody wants to attack you. If you stay still, you?ll get

really beaten up, and there may be no MFB?s left by the time

you?re done. Don?t do it. Run for Point Able immediately.


First, send MFB?s to the point just north of Point Able (MFB1),

while send all lancemates to "attack Point Able" (use the map

command mode). Then run after them. By this time enemies should

be attacking from the north. Just keep running.


Your lance will probably run into Clint and Ryoken at Point Able.

The MFBs will have to fend for themselves now. As long as you?re

nearby they won?t hit the MFB (you are a bigger threat). Take

them out. Then send your lancemates to guard just north of the

MFB point. Start repairing the most damaged mech now then repair

all mechs.


Annihilator just patrols to the northwest. Ignore it. A Mad Cat

and a Masakari will attack from north, take them out. If you did

not deploy the guards they may hit one of the MFB?s. Once you

destroy these two, you may get an ERRORNEOUS message of

congratulations about the all bases being secure. Ignore it. The

ONLY completion that counts is the F12 screen. If it still says

"In Progress", you?re not done yet.


Make sure all mechs are repaired. It?s time to hunt. Approach

Point Charlie slowly, take out that Annihilator that you left

earlier. There should only be a few turrets and a few Bulldogs

defending the base now. Kill them, and you got the base to

yourself.  Call MFB in and repair now.


Continue toward Point Dog. Two turrets, 2 Mad Cats, and 4

Strikers defend it. Take out the turrets first from long range.

Snipe the Mad Cats, or order your lancemates to charge, you

following them. With four mechs shooting they shouldn?t last too

long. Once you take them all out, the base is yours. Repair now.


Approach Point Baker slowly, and you should only see a Clint, a

Ryoken, and some turrets. Take it out, and you got the base, and

all enemies are gone.


Stop at Point Baker. Use the map to send one lancemate to each of

the other three nav points. Usually, you may want to head for

Point Able yourself, as your lancemates don?t navigate very well

across those toxic pools. Send Deuce in the Daishi to Baker (it?s

the closest). The two further ones get one Mad Cat each. When

they arrive at the respective nav points, and you as well, you

got the whole crater to yourself (okay, you and Suzy Ryan), and

you win the pirate campaign.




5    And the finale: bonus mission (Survive!)


You get a bonus mission when you finish both campaigns.


This bonus mission is absolutely the LAMEST mission I?ve ever

seen. It?s nearly impossible. Those of you who are Trekkers, this

is Mechwarrior 3?s "Kobayashi Maru".


You can configure an Atlas, Annihilator, or Masaraki. There are

no jumpjets in the inventory. You start in the middle of a little

island. There?s no way you can get off. Then all your teammates

and your enemies come to kill you... They come in all sizes of

mechs. Clint, Clint, Ryoken, Shadow Cat (Epona), Thor (Alan),

Supernova (Scourge)... With my best effort, I killed five mechs,

and got killed by Scourge in the Supernova. I?ve been told that

Suzy Ryan will be there in a Mad Cat as the seventh and final



I?ve received 3 e-mails on how this mission can be beat. Two

suggests LRMs and T-Bolts, plus some good solid long-range

weapons, like ER LLAS and ER PPC. The smaller mechs are hard to

hit with the long-range weapons, so you need some hefty guided

weapons to take them down. The other weapons for used for

precision strikes to take off specific body parts. If targeting

computer is available, get it.


Another suggestion from Brian Schwarting was an Annihilator or

Atlas with 4 ER PPCs and LOTS of double heatsinks. Put them in a

single group in chain fire mode, then shoot one at a time. Think

of it as a PPC gatling gun. Go for the legs, and remember to lead

the target.


Try to move to the middle of the island, though I guess it

doesn?t really matter. Crouch down if the legs start to take



The Clints are not that dangerous. They die easily, esp. if you

have a good LRM battery. Fire 40 LRMs at the same time and you?ll

cook each one in no time in combo with the PPCs or lasers.


The Thor is not dangerous. It may hit you a few times with SRMs,

but it?ll just walk back off the edge and kill itself. Same for

the Clints if they do manage to jet over.


It?s Ryoken and Shadow Cat that plink you to death from a

distance. They run around a LOT. You will need the LRMs and/or 

T-bolts to slow them down and kill them.


Then it?s a matter of killing the Supernova quickly. Group launch

all your missiles and slam it down. Rotate a little to avoid its



Then it?s a matter of killing Suzy Ryan in her Mad Cat. Her large

lasers can do you some serious damage, so be careful.


There are no cinematics or anything else after this, just the

ending credits. (Duh!)





Disable Heat Death:
To disable heat death (not exploding when you overheat) do the following. Take a mech that overheats by shuting down or explodes when perfoming an alpha strike. As soon as you do the alpha strike, quickly use your coolant by pressing the F key. You should recieve a message that says, "Heat death disabled."

Easier Salvage:
To salvage enemy mechs easier all you have to do is to shoot off one of the enemy mech's legs. An easy way to do this a group a lot of medium pulse lasers together and fire them at one leg. NOTE: This trick doesn't always work, but it does increase your chances for salvage.

Video Select:
To view any of the videos from Mech Warrior 3, open "My Computer". Then right-click on the Mech Warrior 3 CD, then click on open. Then go into the video folder. Just double click on the video you wish to view.