May Club for Windows 95/98: The Virtual Reality Dating Simulator


1. Legal

2. Version History

3. The Game

4. Characters

5. Walkthrough

6. Credits

7. Contacting




I've decided that since this ain't gonna earn me any money, you can use it in any way you like. 

You may copy it, burn it and if you're lucky enough, make money from it.





Well since is the first version I've made, we'll call it 1.0

1.0 - Everything you see here





In the year 2023, the "final" communication method became reality with the creation of the May 

Club VR system, a virtual world in which ever aspect of reality is recreated by computer 

control. You are Hajime Kudo, enjoying your last six weeks before you start your career as a 

"salaryman." You have from February 16 to March 31 to enjoy the May Club simulator, and find 

your destiny, if you can...

The screen above is what you'll see during game play. On the left edge of the screen is the 

current date and day of the week. Below that is the time-of-day indicator -- time is divided 

into three sections, morning, afternoon and evening. On the right edge of the screen is the 

card indicator, showing you how many more times you may access the May Club simulator. 

When you're at home in your room (the only other area accessible in the game outside of the May 

Club simulator), you have the option of sleeping (which advances you 1/3 a day) or going to the 

May Club office. In order to advance time (if, say, you have a date with Satomi on Sunday 

afternoon), use the "sleep" option frequently. 

In May Club, the story unfolds by selecting various commands from the command area. You can 

select between different on-screen commands by using the mouse, the arrow keys, or the numeric 

keypad. Pressing the left mouse button, the space bar, or the return key (the "execute" keys) 

selects the highlighted option. Pressing the right mouse button, the escape key, or the zero key

on the keypad (the "cancel" buttons) cancels the current action.

Note: Pressing the caps lock key makes messages scroll by at maximum speed. Also, you can move 

through the game quickly by holding the control key. Be careful, however, as you will not be

able to read the text flowing by.






Kirara generally can be found in the May Club simulator in the morning, most of the time. Watch 

what you say to her, and don't be too direct. Patience and dilligence needed to win the game

with Kirara.



Keiko generally shows up in May Field in the afternoon. Look for her in front of the station

most of the time, but she is sometimes in front of the May Club office. You need to meet her

at least eight times to win the game with her.



She patrols May Field randomly, so look for her anywhere, but from the second half of the game 

on. The ultimate moralist, she wouldn't possibly sleep with you if you've had sex with any of 

the other women in the game.



Rei only appears in the evenings, in front of the pachinko parlor. Don't overwhelm her with 

personal questions. Save your game often with her, since she can be a difficult character. She 

has two possible game endings.



Like Mikoto, Hiromi only appears in the second half of the game. A difficult character, you'll 

need to meet her eight times in order to win the game with her. She might be able to help you 

find Kazumi, if you're ever looking for her.



Starting from March 1, look for her in the alley. A hacker with many secrets, she'll reward you 

if you help her with an experiment she's got in mind. You can also finish the game with her.



She comes to May Field in the evening mostly, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays, and always in 

front of the station. If you have sex with her, you can sleep until April to win the game as 

long as you meet her the next day at least once.



You can meet Rieko twice between Feb. 27 and March 4. After the 6th, you can meet her once in 

the alley, then in the alley, and after that, you can meet her in the street if you choose to 

wait for her. You can then take her to the love hotel. If you've met her six times, and if three

days have passed since you had sex with any other character, you can meet Rieko again. Make sure

you don't miss your date in the real world.



Meet her from Feb. 20 to Feb. 24, and in the morning and afternoon of March 7. When you meet 

her, make a date to meet again on March 8. Don't be surprised at who shows up, though.






This isn't really a walkthrough, but more or less a list of dates and places that I met the 

girls. So it doesn't necessarily mean that you will meet these girls on these specific dates.


2/16 - Evening

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Meet Akiho for the first time


                 FIRST SCREEN - Meet Keiko for the first time


2/17 - Noon

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Meet with Keiko


2/18 - Noon

                 MAIN STREET - Meet Rei for the first time


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho


2/19 - Morning

                 MAIN STREET - Meet Kirara for the first time


                 MAIN STREET - Rei


2/20 - Morning

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Meet Misato for the first time


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Keiko


2/21 - Morning

                 RESIDENTIAL AREA - Kirara


                 MAIN STREET - Keiko


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho


2/22 - Noon

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Keiko


2/23 - Noon

                 MAIN STREET - Keiko


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho


2/24 - Noon

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Keiko


2/25 - Noon

                 MAIN STREET - Rei


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho


2/26 - Noon

                 MAIN STREET - Rei


2/27 - Morning

                 ALLEY - Kirara


                 MAIN STREET - Keiko

       Evening - Meet with Rieko for the first time


2/28 - Noon

        IN FRONT OF STATION - Keiko


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho


2/29 - Noon

                 MAIN STREET - Keiko


3/1  - Morning

                 MAIN STREET - Keiko


3/2  - Morning

                 MAIN STREET - Kirara


                 ALLEY - Kazumi

        IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho

        RESIDENTIAL AREA - Kirara


3/3  - Evening

                 ALLEY - Meet with Kazumi for the first time


3/4  - Noon

                 ALLEY - Rei


                 ALLEY - Kazumi


3/5  - Morning

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Kirara


                 MAIN STREET - Rei


                 ALLEY - Kazumi


3/6  - Evening

                 ALLEY - Kazumi


3/7  - Evening

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho


3/8  - Afternoon

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Meet with Satomi for the first time


                 ALLEY - Kazumi


3/9  - Evening

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Kirara


3/10 - Morning

                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Satomi


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Satomi


3/11 - Morning

                 RESIDENTIAL AREA - Kirara

                 MAIN STREET - Masuto

                 MAIN STREET - Rei


3/12 - Morning

                 RESIDENTIAL ARE - Kirara


                 IN FRONT OF STATION - Akiho


Haven't gone past the 3/12 yet, computer crashed and I haven't re-installed the game to play it

again. So hopefully someone will want to finish this off.



Info I've gathered from the girls

Keiko in Bar Tuesdays to Saturdays

Rei - Saturdays & Sundays in afternoon

Keiko - Weekdays in afternoon



March 8 Afternoon - Meet With Misato

March 9 Evening - Meet With Kirara At Station

March 11 Evening - Meet With Akiho

March 11 Evening - Meet With Kazumi

March 18 Morning - Meet With Kirara At Hotel





Milky House for making the game

Jast USA for providing the game

GameFAQ's for hosting this file





You may contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please use MAYCLUB WALKTRHOUGH as the subject, or else

I might delete it by accident, thinking it's spam mail.



This file was brought to you by Gioviola :)