
Pause the game, and enter HULKHOGANWEARSYELLOWNICKERS (which is right!). Now you´re invincible.


WWF: In Your House FAQs
The Game
WWF In Your House is a wrestling game that is a mixture of MK style fighting
and goold old fashioned wresting. It uses a similar engine as WWF
Wrestlemania, but expands on the concept. For instance, each wrestler has
their own trademark "area" where they wrestle. (inside a ring of course).
Shawn's is a nightclub, Owen's is a house of cards, etc. Also, each wrestler
has their own "fatality" type pins. Now many of you who have played WWF
Wrestlemania, will remember that the Undertaker had a fatality. The original
plan was for all 8 wrestlers to have finishing moves, but once the WWF got
wind of it, they ordered Midway to not put anymore in. In WWF IYH, one
fatality I have seen is Shawn Micheals Heartbreak Hotel fatality. Now true
wrestling fans will remember that Shawn hosted an interview segment entitled
"Heartbreak Hotel" and in his fatality, the Heatbreak Hotel sign falls on the
opponent. Very cool.
So far, no tricks or fatalities have been uncovered. Hopefully a pallete or
color select is included in the game like WWF Wrestlemania's arcade
counterpart. Dont get me started as to why the home versions didnt
have this cool trick.
Another interesting addition to this fine game are the endings. Now we all
remember the lame endings of WWF Wrestlemania. "Congratulations you are the
new champion, blah blah, " and fireworks and that was it. They didnt even
include the arcade's personalized endings for each wrestler! Anyway, each
wrestler has about 5-10 seconds of full motion video which also plays the
wrestlers theme song. No midi-crap here folks, its all digitized and sounds
great. The video shows the wrestler performing moves (usually their finishers)
and also managers etc. I wont spoil the video for you, but trust me, its very
Any updates, additions, tricks, etc mail me at:
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Super Pins
Each wrestler has a super pin. To perform these, you must wait until the 2nd
round. Immediately after it says "PIN HIM" press the button one time to pin
your opponent, then do the super pin move.
Each wrestler has a taunt that can be performed once per match.
To do this press UP and BLOCK at the same time.
P = Punch
K = Kick
SP = Super Punch
SK = Super Kick
BLK = Block
Shawn Micheals
Real Name - Micheal Hickenbottom
Stats - 6'1 227 lbs
From - San Antonio TX
Location - Nightclub
Favorite Move - Superkick
Favorite Quote - "Kickin' it with the kliq!"
Spinning Forearm - Charge P
Flex Aura - D-DT-T-P
Hat Attack - T-T-P
Crucifix - T-T-SK
Rolling Seoul Butt - T-T-K
Russian Leg Sweep(headlock) - D-D-SP
DDT(headlock) - A-A-SP
Reversal - A-A-SP
Combo 1 (headlock) - T-T-K then tap P then tap SP then tap BLK+SP then SK
Super Pin - D-U-P-SK-SK-P
Real Name - Dustin Runnels
Stats - 6'6 260 lbs
From - Hollywood, CA
Location - Movie Theatre
Favorite Move - Curtain call
Favorite Quote - "Remember the name, Goldust"
Blinding Dust - Charge P
Kiss of Death - D-T-P
Clapper - T-T-P
Belly-to-Belly Suplex - T-T-SP
Suplex - A-A-P
Powerslam - A-T-P
Curtain Call(headlock) - D-D-SK
Jaw Breaker(headlock) - A-A-P
Reversal - A-A-P
Combo 1(headlock) - T-T-K then tap SK then tap P
Combo 2(headlock) - T-T-SK then tap K then tap SP then P
Super Pin - D-U-SK-D-U-SK
Real Name - Leon White
Stats - 6'5 458 lbs
From - The Rocky Mountains
Location - Looks like some sort of mine in the Rocky Mountains
Favorite Move - Vaderbomb
Favorite Quote - "Its Vadertime!"
Bull Charge - Charge P
Massive Roar - D-A-SK
Mask Attack - T-T-P
Choke Slam - U-U-SP
Power Slam - A-A-P
German Suplex - A-T-P
Belly-to-Belly Suplex - A-A-K (also in headlock)
Power Bomb(headlock) - T-T-SP
Vaderbomb (top rope) P
Moonsault (top rope) K
Combo 1(headlock) - T-T-K then tap P then tap SP, BLK+SP, SK
Combo 2(headlock) - T-T-SK then tap SP then P
Super Pin - D-U-K-K-K-K
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
Stats - 6'4 246 lbs
From - Greenwhich, CT
Location - A Mansion
Favorite move - The Pedigree
Favorite qoute - "Arrogance is truth"
Cane Swing - T-T-K
Cane Trip - D-D-K
Cane Block - A-A-BLK
Armbreaker - U-D-P
Suplex - A-A-K
Hiptoss - A-A-P
Bulldog - T-T-P
Butterfly Suplex(headlock) - A-A-SP
Pedigree(headlock) - T-T-SP
Reversal - A-A-SP
Reversal 2 - D-D-K
Combo 1(headlock) - T-T-SK then tap K then tap SK
Combo 2(headlock) - T-T-P then tap SP then SK
Super Pin - D-U-SP-SP-SP-SP
Owen Hart
Real Name - Owen Hart
Stats - 5'11 227 lbs
From - Calgery, Alberta, Candada
Location - House of cards (notice Owen's slammy in the background)
Favorite Move - Spinning wheel kick
Favorite Quote - "I am the King of Harts!"
Sceptor Smash - Charge P
Multi-card Attack - D-T-K
Giant Card Attack - T-T-SK
Northern Lights Suplex - A-T-SP
Suplex(headlock) - D-D-K
Double Hook Suplex(headlock) - D-D-P
Sharpshooter(opp on ground) - A-SK
Reversal - D-D-K
Elbow Drop - (top rope) P
Top Rope Drop Kick - (top rope) SK
Combo 1(headlock) - T-T-SP then tap SK then tap K then SK(22)
Combo 2(headlock) - T-T-K then tap SK then tap SP
Super Pin - D-U-P-P-K-K
Ahmed Johnson
Stats - 6'2 305 lbs
From - Pearl River, MS
Location - Gym
Favorite Move - Pearl River Plunge
Favorite Quote - "Be proud of who you are"
Jawbreaker - Charge P
Giant Attack - U-U-SK
Dragon Suplex - D-D-P (Also in Headlock)
Ground Hit - D-D-SP
Brain Buster - T-T-SK (Also in Headlock)
Powerslam - A-A-P
Powerslam 2(headlock) - D-D-K
Sidewalk Slam(headlock) - U-D-K
Pearl River Plunge(headlock) - A-A-SK
Spine Buster Combo(headlock) - T-T-P then tap SP then tap K then tap
SK, K(24)
Combo 2(headlock) - T-T-K then tap P then SP
Super Pin - D-U-P-SP-SK-K
Bret Hart
Real Name - Bret Hart
Stats - 6'1 234 lbs
From - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Location - It could either be a training center or Stu Hart's Dungeon,
notice the Owen Hart punching bag and Bret Hart posters in the
Favorite Move - Sharpshooter
Favorite Quote - "I am the best there is, the best there was and the
there ever will be!"
Glasses Flash - Charge SK
Eye Gouge - Charge P
Belt Hit - D-T-P
Powerslam - D-T-SP
Atomic Drop(headlock) - T-T-SP
Crucifix(headlock) - D-D-SK
Sharpshooter(opp on ground) T-A-SK
Combo 1(headlock) - T-T-SK then tap SP then K
Combo 2(headlock) - T-T-P then tap SP then SK
Super Pin - D-U-SP-D-U-SP
British Bulldog
Real Name - Dave Smith
Stats - 6'0 259 lbs
From - Manchester, England
Location - In front of Buckingham Palace
Favorite Move - Powerslam
Favorite Quote - "Its U.K. U.K. not U.S.A U.S.A."
Union Jack Attack - D-A-SP
Choke Chain - A-A-SK
Whip - D-A-P
Belly-to-Back Suplex - T-T-K
Atomic Drop - A-A-K
Back Drop - T-A-K
Running Powerslam - T-T-SK
Arm Drag - A-A-P
Arm Drag 2(headlock) - D-D-K
Vertical Suplex(headlock) - D-D-SK
Double Hook Suplex(headlock) - T-T-SP
Reversal - D-D-K
Running Powerslam Combo(headlock) - T-T-P then tap K, then P(18)
Super Pin - D-U-P-SK-SP-K
The Undertaker
Real Name - Mark Calloway
Stats - 6'10 328 lbs
From - Death Valley, CA
Location - Some sort of haunted house
Favorite Move - Tombstone
Favorite Quote - "Rest in piece"
Urn Smash - Charge P
Sliding Choke Slam - D-T-P
Bat Attack - D-A-SK
Spirit Stun - D-A-K
Spirit Pull - D-T-SK
Tombstone Smash - T-T-SK
Back Suplex - A-T-SP
Top Rope Legdrop - (top rope) K
Arm Drag(headlock) - D-D-K 
Tombstone(headlock) - D-D-SK
Reversal - D-D-K
Choke Slam Combo(headlock) - T-T-SK then tap K then tap P then SP
Tombstone Combo (headlock) - T-T-K then tap SK then tap SP
Super Pin - D-U-SK-SK-SP-SP
Ultimate Warrior
Real Name - Jim Hellwig
Stats - 6'2 280 lbs
From - Parts Unknown 
Location - A Desert (I assume where Jim Hellwig now lives)
Favorite Move - Flying shoulder block, big splash combination
Favorite Quote - "Always believe"
Short Arm Clothesline - Charge P
Flip Slam - T-T-SK
Power Slam - A-A-P
Lightning Bolt - U-D-P
Back Breaker - D-D-SK
Tassle Whip - U-D-SP
Belly-to-belly Suplex(headlock) - T-T-P
Scoop Slam(headlock) - D-D-K
Overhead Press(headlock) - D-D-P
Reversal - D-D-P
Combo 1(headlock) - T-T-SP then tap SK then tap K then P
Super Pin - D-U-P-P-P-K