Cheat mode (multi-player):
Type one of the following codes, then press [Backspace] to activate the corresponding cheat function. The word "Okay" will appear to confirm correct code entry.

Blood mode
Super back flips1
Super jumps
Drop bags of wheat
Weapon crates contain secret weapons
Kamikaze worms now suicide bombers
Sheep and sheep weapons in crate

1. Press [Backspace] two times to perform a backflip.
2. All worms may only be killed by drowning. 

Information in this section was contributed by Druss. 


All weapons:
Enter TEAM17MicroProse or IAmACompletepoof I got no idea as a team name to get all weapons. 
Information in this section was contributed by Alexander Carlstrom and virus haha. 

Original Worms terrain:
Enter OSSETT as a password. 

Oil barrels instead of mines:
Select cavern mode and enter OnDeadlyGround as a password. 

Bazooka paratrooper:
Press [F1] when parachuting over the enemy. Your worm will automatically aim and shoot a bazooka. 

Slow game:
Press S while the game is displaying a response. 




Hint: Easy mortar kills:
This method may be used to easily kill a worm with 100 health. When playing in open terrain, jump right onto a worm with no obstacles above it. Then, fire a mortar straight up and jump away. The mortar will deal at least 100 points of damage. 
Information in this section was contributed by Tohkh. 

Hint: Easy cluster bomb kills:
Jump right onto a worm and dump a cluster bomb right on top of his head (climb on top and fire it upwards, you do not have to charge up). The worm will blow up. It does not work all the time, but it is useful in the caverns. Time the cluster bomb to 5 to allow you to run to avoid damage. This trick should yield about180 points of damage when it used properly.
Information in this section was contributed by Tohkh. 

Hint: Soundtrack:
Place the game disc in an audio CD player and play tracks three to thirteen to hear music from the game.

By sometimes i breathe 
   I.   Frequently Asked Questions
  II.   Walkthrough 
 III.   Weapons
  IV.   Strategies
   V.   Tips/Hints 
  VI.   Cheats
 VII.  Legal Stuff
VIII.   Credits
This is my first FAQ. I hope it'll help the newbies out there that play Worms 2. 
I know this FAQ isn't perfect. Since there is so much crap in this FAQ, I 
suggest you press Ctrl+F to find what you need.
I. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why did you buy worms 2?  
A: It was cheap. I had some money. I love this game. I hate the original Wroms 
and I also hate Worms Armageddon. Liero was cool though.
Q: Did you actually spend the time to play through single-player?
A: Yea, I know. I'm a loser.
Q: When do you play online?
A: I play on the UK server sometimes during some weekends. My handle is 
sometimesibreath(the e wouldn't fit).
Q: I get my %$# kicked all the time online. What should I do?
A: Read the strategies, and tips/hints section.
Q: Why isn't this game more popular? 
A: I'm trying to figure out the same question. My friends never even heard of 
Q: Do you play any other games?
A: Yes. Yes I do. I love all sorts of games. Worms 2 is just my favorite 
strategic game.
Q: Do you have a website?
A: ..sadly yes.
Q: Is there a way to contact you?
A: I don't use e-mail because I'm lazy. Message me using AIM. My handle is 
II. Walkthrough
-I completed the game without any cheats and I suggest you do the same. 
-I bet you can go through most of these missions by yourself but I 
created this section just in case you get stuck on the harder missions. 
-The difficulty levels range from 1 to 5. 1 Being very easy and 5 being       
very hard.
- I'm probably not going to reveal much about the first 20 or so missions, 
because they aren't hard, and there's not much to talk about. 
Mission 1: Difficulty: 1
What can I say? Attack. You can't lose, unless by force.
Mission 2: Difficulty: 1
Know how to aim(Great advice hunh?).
Mission 3: Difficulty: 1
Just wait for the crates to drop, and then take them one by one.
Mission 4: Difficulty: 1
Use the Homing Missile when you get it. Try to knock the blue into the mines.
Mission 5: Difficulty: 1
One shot, one kill. Just don't miss more than the computer.  
Mission 6: Difficulty: 1
USA! Use the shotgun and just take turns shooting back at each other until you 
Mission 7: Difficulty: 1
Collect then destroy. Use the Ninja Rope, and repeat swing to pick up multiple 
Mission 8: Difficulty: 2
Use the force or the Shotgun either way; you should win. 
Mission 9: Difficulty: 1
It's left side vs right side. Repeat swing to the other side and Dynamite them 
Mission 10: Difficulty: 2
This is an aiming map. You shouldn't have trouble. If you do, just teleport on a 
worm, shoot next to it. It'll hurt you but it'll hurt the blue more.
Mission 11: Difficulty: 1
Try to knock the blue into the mines, or out of the water.
Mission 12: Difficulty: 1
By now, you should know what do. There are more opponents than before.
Mission 13: Difficulty: 2
This is the Worms 2 stage, and an unlucky number. The mission is simple though. 
Just collect a crate, and blast a worm. 
Mission 14: Difficulty: 2
This mission really isn't hard. If you really need it, wait for the air strikes 
to come in.
Mission 15: Difficulty: 2
Use a bazooka to knock the one on the very left first out of bounds. Then, do 
the same on the very right. You are set for this mission. The rest is simple. 
Mission 16: Difficulty: 2
This mission isn't hard, but you do need to aim correctly. Use the Shotgun.
Mission 17: Difficulty: 2
This is Team 17, the Micro Prose level. There should be 3 blue close together. 
Take your time to gather the crates, and kill them all.
Mission 18: Difficulty: 2
Use your Ninja Rope to collect all the crates and screw the blue team. It's not 
hard, but I did fail once, on accident.
Mission 19: Difficulty: 3
Use your shotgun only. Your first worm can move forward and drop straight down, 
next to the blue worm. Knock the blue worm into the water and try to kill 
another blue worm. I don't remember what I did next, but I do remember this 
mission wasn't really hard.
Mission 20: Difficulty: 2
No land, no weapons, but you do have 6 Ninja Ropes. That's more than enough. 
Don't repeat swing unless you are good at it. You'll just end up falling into 
the water.
Mission 21: Difficulty: 2
You'll lose 2 worms in the beginning. This mission is easy as long as you are 
secluded. Save your air strikes for the worms at the top later.
Mission 22: Difficulty: 1
There's infinite Ninja Rope. The teams are fair. Get your worms off the girders 
and shotgun the blue into the water. 
Mission 23: Difficulty: 2
You can't select your worm, but you have powerful weapons at your disposal. Just 
attack with your most powerful weapons.   
Mission 24: Difficulty: 1 
There's infinite Ninja Rope. Your worms have more health. This is too easy. Just 
knock every blue worm into the water.
Mission 25: Difficulty: 5  
This mission is very frustrating and requires good aim. You start out 
with 6 worms vs. 8. It's your turn first so you're in luck, but you're not 
allowed to select which worm to use first. It automatically starts you off 
with the worm on the right. Attacking the worm below you is an alternative,
but I suggest you fire a bazooka with max power above you. If you get lucky,
the force will knock the worm over one of your worms and into another blue 
worm. Those 2 will fall into a little pit. There should be 3 blue worms at
the bottom of the pit, including the one that was there before. When it's 
your turn, use your closest worm and try to sink those three in 2 rounds. 
The other 5 worms are up to you. Aiming is crucial here. If you get lucky,
like me, you'll win. 
Mission 26: Difficulty: 3 
This is the first mission where you're not allowed to move. At least 
you are allowed to select your worm this time. This makes all 
strategies useless and makes aiming important. I suggest you use the 
right most worm first and knock the blue into the water. You'll take 
some damage for this, but it's worth it. Use your left most worm to 
knock the 2 blue into the water. This may take a few tries. The rest of 
the blues shouldn't be so hard. After awhile, you get the banana bomb, 
which will make the mission a lot easier.
Mission 27: Difficulty: 4
Ya, another no land map. You are outnumbered 8 to 7 so make every shot 
count. Don't even think about using the handgun or uzi. Teleport is 
useless because the computer has great aim.
Mission 28: Difficulty: 3
You're not allowed to move or select your worm in this mission. Try to 
sink the 3 blue at the top left first with grenades. When you are using 
the worm at the very right, aim straight up and fire the bazooka at 
max. It'll knock the blue into the water. A blue worm might teleport 
next to a barrel. Use this to your advantage. Just shoot the barrel 
next to him and the acid will eat away his 100 health. Spend the next 
few rounds aiming and firing at the computer. If you are having 
trouble, then a good strategy is to teleport on top of a blue worm. 
It'll give you defense against other blue worms, and since the one 
below you can't move, you can drop a grenade. It'll hurt you, but it'll 
hurt the computer more.
Mission 29: Difficulty: 2
You are outnumbered 8 to 5, but this mission is easy because of all the 
weapons you start out with. You can't select your worm, but you can use 
the more powerful weapons as opposed to the computer's bazooka only 
threat. When sudden death looms, teleport one of your worms as high as 
you can to easily beat the computer. Watch the as the blue dies and the 
water rise.
Mission 30: Difficulty: 2
This mission is a little easier than 29 because you get infinite ninja 
rope, and more time. Just make sure you move all your worms at the 
bottom up, because sudden death will raise the water after every turn.
Mission 31: Difficulty: 5
You are outnumbered 8 to 5. Everybody on your team has 1 health, and 
everybody on the blue team has 50 health, and did I mention that you 
are on another no land map? This mission is difficult, very difficult. 
With your first worm, try to hit the one above you so it will bounce 
off a barrel and land knock another blue worm into the water. To beat 
this mission, shoot the barrel with the shotgun, and it should take out 
another 2 blue ones with it. Make sure you check the wind, and aim the 
shotgun perfectly. Teleport on top of a blue worm, and snipe all the 
other blue worms with your shotgun. The computer will skip their turns 
because they don't make sacrifices.  
Mission 32: Difficulty: 3
The beginning should result to 4 worms falling into the water. 
Hilarious. This is another one of those maps where you have to know how 
to aim. Try to knock all the blue worms close together because 
sudden death will come in after a few turns. This will lower all the 
worms' health to 1.
Mission 33: Difficulty: 3
This map is cool! You are greatly outnumbered, but use the better weapons to 
your advantage. 
Mission 34: Difficulty: 4
Your first roperz game, sort of. You get about 15 seconds to do your stuff. If 
you know how to repeat swing, then you'll do fine.
Mission 35: Difficulty: 3
Whoa, the Statue of Liberty. Not really much of an explanation here. Just grab 
the crates when you can. By now, you should be able to grab at least 3 crates in 
one turn.
Mission 36: Difficulty: 1
2 vs 6. It's not as hard as you think it is. Infinite Ninja Rope makes it easy. 
You could easily knock the most left two blue out.
Mission 37: Difficulty: 3
Yeah, you remember this map. This mission has the same idea, different story. 
You get 2 worms this time. Collect what you can and blow the blue into the 
Mission 38: Difficulty: 2
It's a cave, with infinite Ninja Rope. What more do you need? Use your first 
worm to knock out the 2 blue. Just make sure you are not close to the water.
Mission 39: Difficulty: 3
No land again! Just use the shotgun, and don't miss! Try teleporting on top of a 
blue worm. You'll be safe, and when it's your turn again, use the Hand Gun to 
knock him off.
Mission 40: Difficulty: 3
It's sudden death already? Kill the 2 blue worms to the left with 1 shot. After 
that, you'll be in the lead with 1 worm. Just don't miss.
Mission 41: Difficulty: 2
USA! There's a quick sudden death. Just kill the 3 middle ones with a Dynamite, 
and you are set.
Mission 42: Difficulty: 4
Oh, websites. There are a lot of blue worms. Don't waste your Ninja Rope on the 
first couple of turns. Wait till a few crates come, then gather them all up. Try 
to kill all of the blue at the top first. 
Mission 43: Difficulty: 2 
2 vs 8. This mission is actually very easy. Just Ninja Rope to the top, and 
knock the blue down. The water will rise every turn, and all 8 will die.
Mission 44: Difficulty: 5
This mission is hard. It's sudden death with everybody having 1 health. Use the 
your worm on the right and aim straight up. Shoot the barrel. It should kill the 
2 above you, you, and the one below you. Sure, you made a sacrifice, but you 
also took down 3 blue worms with you. The next couple of worms shouldn't be a 
problem. Try to shoot the barrel and kill 2 worms at once.
Mission 45: Difficulty: 3
This mission is surprisingly easy considering it being the last mission. Just 
don't miss. I admit that I failed a couple times. Then I learned a secret that 
saved my life. USE A RULER. It gave me a straight aim, and it made the game a 
lot easier. 
III. Weapons
-I listed all of the weapons.
-All of these weapons are set on the default damage.
-I rated them from 1(very useless) to 5(very useful).
-Air Strike: Usefulness: 3
It's great during sudden death, but overall, it's weak. 
-Banana Bomb: Usefulness: 5
The Banana Bomb inflicts great damage. Each banana also inflicts 75 damage. If 
you know what you are doing, then this is a great weapon.
-Bazooka: Usefulness: 3
This is your basic weapon. If you can aim this, than this is a good weapon. 
Stick to the dropping grenades and running if you can't aim.
-Baseball Bat: Usefulness: 5
This is the best weapon to knock a worm high into the air and into the water.
-Blow Torch: Usefulness: 2
It's a lot more useful than the Drill, but that's not saying much. It's a great 
way to hide from Air Strikes and such.
-Bungee: Usefulness: 2
Use this when you know the wind is too strong for the Parachute. 
-Cloned Sheep: Usefulness: 4
This secret weapon is the same as the Mad Cow, except these babies jump, and you 
can control the time of the explosion.
-Cluster Bomb: Usefulness: 2
Each cluster does 30 damage, but there are only 2 clusters. I think the grenade 
is a better choice.
-Concrete Donkey: Usefulness: 3
This secret weapon is instant kill. If you find it, I suggest that you don't sue 
it because it's very cheap. It falls from the sky and makes a path straight 
down, while taking the worms with it.
-Dragon Ball: Usefulness: 3
Dragon Ball is like Fire Punch, except this weapon is used for range, not 
-Drill: Usefulness: 1
Drilling a hole straight down for defense doesn't seem like a bad idea. But when 
the opponent drops a grenade down there, you are screwed. Going down is also a 
bad idea, because when sudden death comes, you'll want to get to higher grounds.
-Dynamite: Usefulness: 4
Dynamite is an alternative to the grenade. This does 75 damage, and it's radius 
is a lot larger.
-Fire Punch: Usefulness: 3
Fire Punch does about 30 damage, so it's bad to use it as a offensive weapon. 
It's best used to knock people over a small hill, and into the water.
-Girder: Usefulness: 2
Great for defense, but can also be considered cheap. It's not a bad idea to 
place girders around a worm to protect or to annoy.
-Grenade: Usefulness: 3
This weapon is used by the most skilled people(the Roperz). It does 50 damage, 
and it's just a basic weapon.
-Handgun: Usefulness: 1
Think of the Uzi, except this fires 5 times, and it's very weak. 
-Holy Hand Grenade: Usefulness: 5
This weapon makes a huge explosion. Think of the dynamite, except this kills. 
This is best use in the center of a group of worms. The explosion will blast the 
worms off screen.
-Homing Cluster Bomb: Usefulness: 4
There is one tactic I listed that makes this weapon useful. Never use this one 
in caves.
-Homing Missile: Usefulness: 3
This is for people that can't aim the Bazooka. It's a bad idea to use this in 
caves because it has to take time to arm itself. The damage is also the same as 
the Bazooka.
-Homing Air strike: Usefulness: 4
Each missile does about 30 damage. It's like the Air Strike, but this homes in 
on the opponent. I don't use this as a last resort.
-Kamikaze: Usefulness: 1
The path of the Kamikaze does only 30 damage. The finale does 50 damage. Sure, 
it goes through landscape, but I find this weapon useless. The damage is just 
too weak. I think having a worm left with 1 health is still a lot better than 
using Kamikaze.
-Mad Cows: Usefulness: 4
It's dynamite that runs. It also does up to 75 damage. 1 cow isn't very 
affective but when you release a few, they can blow their way through tunnels 
until they reach the target. Just remember: The slightest obstacle can blow up 
the cow and mess up the whole operation.
-MB Bomb: Usefulness: 3
I don't remember what this secret weapon does. 
-Mike's Carpet Bomb: Usefulness: 3
It's the sheep strike, except with more craziness. This secret weapon will more 
than likely go wherever it wants to go and land on one of your worms.
-Mine: Usefulness: 3
The mine isn't really used for defense. It does 50 damage max(like the grenade). 
The only difference is gives you more time to run away than the grenade.
-Priceless Mining Vase: Usefulness: 4
Each fragment of this explosion can cause up to 75damage. I usually use this 
when there is one worm at the bottom and there are a few above him. I drop the 
vase, and Ninja Rope away.
-Minigun: Usefulness: 3
It's an Uzi, except with more firepower, and spread. I still think shotguns are 
a lot better. I use this when a worm is trapped in a corner.
-Mortar: Usefulness: 4
Most people don't use this weapon because they don't know how to use it. Each 
cluster of the Mortar does 30 damage. Read the strategy about the Mortar and 
Rope I listed in the section below.
-Napalm Strike: Usefulness: 4
I like to save Napalm Strike for last. When sudden death brings all the worms' 
health down to 1, using this is an easy win. The wind affects this weapon, but 
not as much as the Postal Strike.
-Ninja Rope: Usefulness: 5
This is what makes Worms so fun. If you know how to use the Ninja Rope well, you 
can defeat anybody. 
-Nuclear Bomb: Usefulness: 2
Use this when there is a worm at the very bottom of the screen. I'll use this 
secret weapon if I could find it.
-Old Woman: Usefulness: 3
The Old Woman could cause up to 75 damage. Use it on worms that are trapped in a 
confined area. I use it from a distance sometimes. Just remember the Old Woman 
blows up in about 5 seconds so measure the distance it'll take if you have time. 
-Parachute: Usefulness: 3
Use the parachute to get from a really high place to the bottom. I use this if I 
want to save some Ninja Rope for later.
-Patsy's Magic Bullet: Usefulness: 4
It's a Homing Missile, except better in every way. It's very easy to use, and it 
can be considered cheap. The only problem is finding one in a crate.
-Petrol Bomb: Usefulness: 3 
This weapon is great if you don't have any types air strike left and every body 
on the other team has low health. I use this to burn the ground underneath a 
worm until they slip into the water.
-Homing Pigeon: Usefulness: 4
The Pigeon does up to 75 points of damage. It's a lot easier to use than the 
Homing Missile and it does more damage. I save this weapon until I really need 
-Postal Strike: Usefulness: 4
Wind affects this weapon a lot. This is a great way to attack close targets. I 
suggest that you save this weapon for later use.
-Prod: Usefulness: 2
Prod is a great way to humiliate someone. It can actually be better than Dragon 
Ball or Fire Punch sometimes, when you don't want to hit the worm over the pit 
instead of into it. 
-Salvation Army: Usefulness: 3
I dislike this weapon because the tambourines are random. I may use this if I 
don't have any Bananas in my stock, and if I could find any.
-Super Banana Bomb: Usefulness: 5
This is the most powerful weapon you have(that's not a secret weapon). It can do 
up to 350 damage if you know what you are doing. 
-Sheep: Usefulness: 2
Sheep could do up to 75 damage. I prefer using the dynamite instead. If you can 
time the Sheep well, then Sheep can be useful. Just be careful or sheep may jump 
back at you or get stuck.
-Sheep Strike: Usefulness: 3
I like the other air strikes better because this one is so random. It bounces 
everywhere, so it could also hit your own worms.
-Shotgun: Usefulness: 5
This is the best weapon under F3. It only does 25 damage, but you get two shots. 
This is best used for knocking worms into the water.
-Skip Go: Usefulness: 1
You have to use it in single-player, but using it online is stupid. 
-Super Sheep: Usefulness: 5
This can do up to 75 damage. It's very useful if you know how to control it 
-Surrender: Usefulness: 1
Total disgrace. Don't even think about using this.  
-Teleport: Usefulness: 3
I use teleport on single-player all the time, but it's practically useless 
online. Most people stick with the Ninja Rope.
-Uzi: Usefulness: 2
Using this is a great way to knock someone into the water. I still prefer the 
shotgun over this anytime.
IV. Strategies
-I listed some strategies and how to do them.
-I rated them from 1(very useless) to 5(very useful).
-Mortar and Rope: Usefulness: 4
Ninja rope straight up, above your opponent. Make sure you are about 1 
cm above your opponent. Tap the spacebar with the mortar equipped. Then 
pull up as fast as you can on your ninja rope. The mortar will explode, 
and all four pellets should hit the opponent. This tactic isn't hard to 
master, and it causes heavy damage. If all four pellets hit, it can 
cause 100+ damage. I suggest using this every time, unless you are short 
on ninja ropes. This will not work if opponent is on a hill.
-Mine Bat: Usefulness: 1
Walk up to a dud land mine. Hit the mine with a bat to your opponent. The max 
damage this will do is 50. This is a way to humiliate someone or show off your 
skills. I still prefer to save the bat and use it to knock someone into the 
-Cluster Head: Usefulness: 2
Jump right on top of a worm and fire a cluster bomb straight up(not charged). 
This doesn't work all the time, but it is useful in caves or worms near the 
water. If done properly, you could kill a worm. I don't think it's that useful, 
but it can be use for a nice show.
-Ninja Rope Pushing: Usefulness: 3
Aim the Ninja Rope above the opponent. Swing back and forth a little. When at 
the right time, press space, and you could knock the opponent into the water. 
This is very useful if you don't want to waste a turn. Timing is a little 
difficult here and this may take your own life. It's risky, but it's worth it if 
you have the time. 
-Bazooka Paratrooper: Usefulness: 1
Just press F1 when you are parachuting over the enemy. Your worm will shoot at 
the enemy at a 45 degree angle. I rarely use the parachute to find this tactic 
useful anyways. If you do use it, it uses up your turn, and then the enemy would 
have a perfect chance to get back at you.
-Ninja Rope Aimer: Usefulness: 3
Just use the Ninja Rope and fire. Then switch to the shotgun, uzi, or handgun. 
Fire the weapon it should go to the designated target. This is useful only if 
you are using those weapons. Make sure the Ninja Rope doesn't connect or else 
you'll was a whole ninja rope.  
V. Tips/Hints
-Here are some tips/hints that will help you in the future.
-Learn how to use the super sheep. This weapon can determine a win or a 
loss. Controlling it may be difficult, so practice. You can also pick up 
crates with your super sheep, but don't do it if you know that your 
skills aren't fine enough.
-Always look at the wind direction to determine where you need to aim. 
Watch how the computer aims.
-To repeat swing, press space while one a rope dangling in the air, and 
press space again. This takes practice, but it's very useful. It's gets 
you to places a lot faster than jumping.
-To back jump, press Enter twice very fast. This is useful to hop on 
something instead of jumping way over it, and falling into the water.
-You can place the game disc in an audio CD player and play the tracks 3 to 13 
to listen to the music from the game. Very extremely, incredibly, useful.
-Press (S) while in replay to watch it in slow motion. Useful if you want to 
watch the exact moment the pain occurs.
-In the section above, I told you how to use the Ninja Rope aimer. But what if 
you don't have the Ninja Rope? ? Ancient secret: USE A RULER. Use anything 
that's straight, a pencil, pen, etc? It gives you a straight aim that you could 
use in single-player and multi-player. Sure, you look stupid, and people might 
laugh at you, but you'll be the one laughing once you win.
VI. Cheats
-I don't support cheating online, so I don't play Worms Armageddon.
-Some of these cheats I actually encourage, because they are fun to fool 
around with.
-Type one of the following codes, and then press [backspace] to activate the 
cheat. The word "Okay" will appear to confirm correct entry. This only works in 
Code                   Description
**redblood**           The worms bleed when they get hit.
**backflip**           It's about 5x higher than a backjump.
**highjump**           Jump really high.
**sheepheaven**        Everything in crates are converted to sheep weapons.
**supershopper**       Weapons crates that drop are superweapons.
**godmode**            You can't die, unless you fall into the water.
**suicidebomber**      Kamikaze is replaced by a huge explosion.
-Enter (OSSETT) as a password and you could get the old terrains from the 
original worms.
-Enter (OnDeadlyGround) to replace all the mines with barrels.
-Level Passwords
 1 ONCEUPONA                           2 TIMETHEREWERE
 5 ANNOYEDAND                       6 DECIDEDTO  
 7 GOTOARMSIN                       8 ORDERTOWIPE
 9 OUTTHEIR                        10 VICIOUSENEMY
11 COUNTERPARTS                    12 THEYDEVELOPED
13 SOMEREALLY                      14 COOLWEAPONSSUCH
17 THEYTRAINED                     18 ALLNIGHTAND
21 PROFICIENT                      22 INTHEIRWORMLY
23 WAYSSOMETIME                    24 THEYWOULDSHOOT
25 GRANNIESJUST                    26 FORFUNANDLAUGH
27 ABOUTITINTHE                    28 EVENINGTIME
39 WESUPPOSETHAT                   40 YOUAREREALLY
41 EXPECTINGTO                     42 SEEAWONDERFUL
VII. Legal Stuff
This FAQ is Copyrighted by the International Copyright Law.
Copyrighted 2002. The Webmasters and people may NOT alter this in any way. 
This may not be converted to HTML, Java, Javascript, ASP, PHP, .Doc, .Rtf, or 
ANYTHING. This is to be preserved in its original state, and any altering 
of it will follow immediate action.
Known sites that carry this FAQ
VIII. Credits
I want to thank 
-Me, and myself, and I.
-All the people that contributed(nobody).
-Team 17
-Micro Prose
..that's about it.