Worlds of Ultima: Savage Empire - Walkthrough and FAQ

This document Copyright 2002 Alicia Belliveau

(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Maps copyright of Shrapnel Dragon

Version 2.0



Table Of Contents



1. Introduction     2. Starting The Game 

     3. Uniting the Tribes

     4. Secrets and FAQs



1. Introduction



Savage Empire is a spin-off of the popular Ultima series. 

You play The Avatar, who on a previous adventure, discovered 

a moonstone. Lord British, has asked you to uncover the 

stones secrets. You take the moonstone to your friend Prof. 

Rafkin's lab to have it analyzed. You meet a reporter, Jimmy 

Malone, while there. Unfortunately, something goes wrong, 

and the stone creates a gate, sending the lab, Rafkin, 

Jimmy, and you to a land called Eodon. You rescue Aiela, a 

princess of the nearby Kurak tribe from a pterodon, but are 

soon attacked by Darden, a member of a warring tribe. You 

lose consciousness...



2. Starting The Game



When you regain consciousness, you will find that you are in 

Intanya's hut. He will ask you a question to see if you have 

regained your memory yet. When he is done talking, ask him 

about Jimmy and Rafkin. He will tell you that Jimmy is in the 

Disquiqui village, and Rafkin is in the Yolaru village. If 

you want, ask him about Aiela and Darden as well. When you 

are done talking with him, his student Triolo will join you. 

Talk to Aloron, (the man by the fire) who is the chief of the 

Kuraks. He will ask you to rescue Aiela, who was kidnapped. 

Go through the village collecting any food that you want to 

take. Now you're ready to leave! Equip Triolo's bow, and the 

Avatar's knife. Now follow the path East. If you see a woman, 

talk to her. Her name is Sahree, and she'll tell you some 

stuff about Aiela and the Myrmidex. When you get to the fork 

in the road, follow it East. Sooner or later you will come 

upon another village. This is the Yolaru tribe. Go into the 

hut, directly across from the river and talk with the chief. 

Ask him about the 'schweitzer'. Now go the hut below the 

chiefs. Rafkin will be in here. Ask him to join. Talk to him 

about anything you want. Among other things, he'll give you 

hints as to where his lab is, where Jimmy is, information on 

most of the tribes, and how to make bombs and rifles. Search 

his hut for a rope, and a modern hammer.


Now to find Jimmy. For a quicker way to find him, go back 

towards the fork in the road. At about 30 paces before the 

fork, on the East road, stop. Head into the woods to your 

left. There will be a stone portal there. Save before you 

enter it. Now enter the bottom portal on the left. This will 

take you near the Disquiqui village. Go up, then East, then 

North at the fork. Cross the river. This is the Disquiqui 

village. Talk to Lerei. She's usually near the fire in the 

middle of the village. Ask her name and her job. She'll 

mention she has to guard a prisoner. Ask her about him. The 

prisoner, is Jimmy, who is in the first hut, when you enter 

the village. Open the door of his prison and he'll 

automatically join you. Talk to Guoblum, Chafblum and Lerei 

again for some funny scenes. :)


Again, take any food you want, and go back to the portal. Go 

into the portal directly above you. You are now close to the 

Barako village. Follow the left hand side down the river. 

When you can, jump the stones to the other side. Now either 

in the village or on the northern path, will be Shamuru. You 

met him when you first arrived. Ask him to join your party. 

Now that you have a good party, you can finally start on 

rescuing Aiela! If you talked to Aloron in the Kurak village, 

he'll have mentioned a mad warrior named Topuru who might 

know where the Urali tribe is. Topuru is on a small island 

northwest of Barako. So follow the West path out of the 

village. Follow to the edge of the water, have 4 characters 

each get a paddle, and use the raft to get to the island. 

Keep asking him questions, such as 'job' until he mentions 

the hidden tribe. He once knew where it was, but apparently 

Balakai the shaman on Barrab has stolen his mind and placed 

it in a rock. He wants you to retrieve it for him. Go to the 

teleport panel and going counter-clock wise, enter the 3rd 

portal. This leads to Barrab. Go down the log and up the 

stairs to the village. Balakai's hut is in the north part of 

the village. Talk to him about Topuru. He'll say you can use 

any blue stone, as he was lying to Topuru. Now, you'll need 

to go back to the teleport panel and through the Kurak/Yolaru 

one. Head towards the Kurak village and go down to the small 

hut right before it. Walk behind the hut and jump across the 



Save now in case you get lost. Go west for a while and 

then south when you can walk by the brush more easily. Go 

south to the river and then follow it. Go east, south, east 

and then south again. Now leave the river and head east. The 

lab should be somewhere in this general area. While you're 

here, pick up the fire extinguisher, a wire screen, a fire 

ax, a camera if you lost Jimmy's, any bottles of chemicals,

and a metal bucket. Go back to the Kurak village. Follow the 

path back to the portal. Enter it and go into the portal 

across from you. This is the Sakkhra tribe. Go inside the 

cave, use the metal hammer on one of the blue boulders and 

take a flake of the rock. Leave, go through the Barako portal 

and walk the path over to Topuru. Give him the rock and ask 

him about the hidden tribe again. If you gives you turtle 

bait, take it. He?ll say the cave to the Urali tribe is in 

the 2nd cave in the Eastern cliffs. Leave him, and using the 

portals, go to the Yolaru tribe. Go directly east from here. 

When you get to the cliffs, follow them southwards and enter 

the 2nd cave you see. Now from here on in, you?ll have to 

just guess on where to go. Try to head in an easterly 

direction as much as you can. When you exit the cave, head 

east. However, there?s a hungry T-Rex blocking your way at a 

certain point. There are two ways to get by him. Either use 

the turtle bait you got from Topuru to ride a turtle around 

him, or using one character at a time, very carefully walk by 

him. SAVE before you attempt any of this.


You are now in Urali lands. Right after the T-Rex, you?ll 

meet Wamap, the shaman. Talk to him as much as you can. 

Apparently, Darden came to power by stealing the statue 

Fabozz from it?s rightful place and hiding it in a cave. If 

you rescue the statue, no-one will follow Darden. The cave 

where Fabozz is held is north of the village. Beware the 

village though. The males are armed with poisonous darts and 

will attack you on sight. Use Triolo?s healing spell to get 

rid off the poison. (use the Aphazz totem with pinde.) Head 

north and enter the cave. Fabozz is held to the East. He 

needs light to go back to his rightful place. Torches aren?t 

strong enough, so use Jimmy?s camera. Fabozz will decree that 

Darden has no more power and Wamap is now chief of the Urali. 

Once you leave the cave, you won?t be attacked in the village 

anymore. Now to find Aiela. Ask any female in the village 

about her and Darden. Say you are an enemy of Darden. Follow 

her directions to the cave. She?ll be in the main cave. Talk 

to her, then open the cage door. Darden will appear. When he 

does kill him. Aiela will be in your group and you can tell 

her you love her. ^_^ Talk to her about the tribes and the 

myrmidex. She wants the tribes to unite against the myrmidex 

but the chiefs won?t listen to her and Sahree. She?ll ask you 

to help. You?ll have to ask all the chiefs for their help. 

Also, Aiela has a gem in her inventory, don?t lose it. Ask 

Wamap about uniting and go back to the valley of Eodon 

through the caves.



3. Uniting The Tribes



Now you?ll need to ask each chief to unite, and do them a 

favour. You can do these in just about any order you want, 

except you?ll have to rescue Aiela, before you can do the 

Nahautla one.



The Urali



Rescue the great statue Fabozz for them and Wamap will be 

happy you join your alliance. You?ve already done this so 

just ask him to unite. (as a side note, Jimmy will be taking 

notes on all the tribe leaders after this. Ask him about his 

notebook to see what he?s written.)



The Kurak



Rescue Aiela for Aloron. 



The Yolaru



Chief Apaton needs some convincing first. Tell him about the 

myrimdex and why it would be a good reason to unite the 

tribes. He agrees, but wants weapons for his tribe. He wants 

10 swords to be precise. Go south or use a panel to go the 

the stone city of Nahautla. Either steal, kill for, or buy 10 

swords and bring them to Apaton.



The Pindiro



Inara wants the fighting to stop, so she?ll join without 

asking for anything. Pretty easy huh?



The Barako



You?ll need a grenade for this assignment. (Ask Rafkin how to 

make them) The chieftess, Halawa has had her daughter 

kidnapped by the mountain gorillas to the north. Save the 

daughter Halisa and the Barakos will join you. Go west til 

the river where the raft and Topuru are. Follow the river 

north until you get to a cliff, then follow the cliff face. 

Eventually it will lead you to a shore line and a waterfall. 

There?s a cliff behind the waterfall that you can?t get to. 

Light a grenade and drop it to the right on the boulder 

above. That?ll block the waterfall and give you access to the 

cave. Go through it and to the south of the exit will be a 

gorilla and Halisa. Kill the gorilla and talk to Halisa. 

She?ll find her own way back from here. Ask Halawa to unite 

again, and now the answer will be yes.



The Disquiqui



My favourite one. ;) Talk to Chafblum about uniting. He and 

Larrifin decide that you?ll have to take 2 tests to prove 

your worth. The first is to take a drink of pulque. The 

second is to bell the T-Rex that is terrorizing their tribe. 

Get a spear, and the bottles of plachta you?re given. Use the 

plachta on a spear to create a spear of Shamap. Cross the 

river and leave the village. To the East slightly and then 

north is the T-Rex. Attack him with the spear and then use 

the bell on him. Leave, because the effect of the spear will 

wear off soon. Now you can ask Chafblum to unite.



The Jukari



Jumi, the new chief wants you to the recover the sacred hide. 

Go south, then follow the cliffs east. When you get caught by 

lava, use the fire extinguisher on it to allow you to cross. 

The cave will be there soon. Enter, get the hide and any 

emeralds you want to take.



The Haakur



The Haakur live in a series of caves, halfway between the 

Nahautla and the Jukari. Grugorr the chief lost his son Krukk 

in a spider cave. He wants you to retrieve Krukk?s shield for 

him. The cave is to the south of Haakur. You?ll need torches 

to burn the spiderwebs. Use torches to burn all the spider 

webs until you find the shield. Give it to Grugorr.



The Sakkhra



The chief here wants you to kill a T-Rex that is preventing 

their people from harvesting the fruit. Go to the big 

teleporter, but instead of using a panel, leave the area and 

walk straight up. North and slightly to the west will be 

vines. Climb up them to the cliff. Follow the north cliff 

line to the east. The cliffs will turn south and the T-Rex 

will be right under you. Use a grenade to dislodge the 

boulder to kill it. Drop the lit grenade to the right on the 

boulder. Go back to the Sakkhra.



The Barrab



Balakai wants you to fetch some medicine for his dying son 

Nakai. The roots of a plant on top of one of the mesas will 

cure him. You might need to have a digging stick for this. Go 

to the Barrab teleport panel and walk north to the next mesa. 

Follow the steps up the cliff. You?ll see a large tree 

blocking your way. Use either a grenade or attack it with a 

fire ax to make a bridge out of it. Keep going north and up 

stairs until you see a giant plant. Attack the tentacles and 

take the bulb that?s left. Give the bulb to Balakai.



The Nahuatla



This one is more complicated then the others. The leader of 

the Nahuatla is a fraud, and the real king is in exile. The 

true king Moctapotl is hiding in the Disquiqui tribe. Talk to 

him about uniting. He will tell you that the false king 

Huitlapacti has taken the throne with the help of 

Zipactriotl. They have magical shields that prevent any harm 

from coming to them. Moctapotl asks you to get his city back 

for him. Go to Nahuatla and talk with Zipactriotl. Before you 

can however, a parrot will interrupt you. Talk to it, and 

Rafkin will break in that the parrot is imitating an old 

colleague of his, Johann Spector. Zipactriotl turns out to be 

Spector from the same time period as you. It turns out  

Spector is as stuck here as you are. Spector found moonstones 

himself, and while experimenting on them, was teleported 

here. He got rid of the old king and picked a new one. Now he 

is searching for the source of the stones power. One is in 

the Myrmidex?s caves, the other, in the underground city of 

Kotl. He will resurrect the automatons in the lost city, and 

use them to control the Myrmidex. Then transport both 

Myrmidex and City back to Earth to gain power. Search the 

building until you find a small metal head. Leave and go find 

Spector?s assistant Fritz. He lives in a cave above the 

Barako and Pindaro tribes. Go to the Kurak/Yolaru panel. Go 

north across the bridges and then follow the path. At the 

first fork go west. The next two forks, take the north roads. 

When that path ends, keep going north, and then east at the 

cliff. You?ll run across Fritz in a cave. Ask him for the 

crystal brain. Now go to the Barrab plate and walk to the 

place where you got the orchid. Keep walking north and you?ll 

find a gem holder. Use Aiela?s gem in it. Go to the main 

teleporting plate. To the East is where the door opened. Make 

sure you have lots of healing supplies when you enter. Use 

the head on the statue and he?ll join your party and take the 

crystal brain. Ask him to open the doors for you. There?s 

more teleporting plates inside. Use the bottom middle one. 

Then walk 36E, 22S 2W, 3N, 2W, 5S, 9E, 4N, 2E, 2N, 1W, 2N, 

1E, 2N, 1W, 2N, 2W, 6S, 2W, 8N, 5E, 2N, 5W, 2N, 5E, 2N, 5W, 

11N, 5E, 2N, 7W, 3S, 2W, 3N, 2W, 3S, 2W, 3N, 5W, 2S, 2W and 

3N. Hopefully you?ll have stepped on a teleporter. Go 

southeast until you find a computer. Watch out for the 

robosauruses. When you find the panel, smash it. The statue 

is shut down, and Spector will come to talk to you and join 

your party. From the panel go north and across the lava 

bridge. Go north through the hall. Then west and you?ll be 

back at the plates. Before you leave, you need to get some 

black staves.  From the panels, go west. There should be a 

shield and a stave here. Get both and equip the Avatar with 

them. Follow the bottom wall south and get two more. Equip 

them on whomever you?d like. Leave and go talk to Moctapotl.



Drum Hill/Myrmidex Caves



Make sure you are healed and have plenty of reagents for 

Triolo?s spells. Take a tiger skin to Drum hill. It?s halfway 

between Yolaru and Nahuatla. Ask Tuomaxx to build you the 

biggest drum he can. After it?s built and all the tribes are 

united, use the drum. You?ll find yourself in the myrmidex 

caves. Now if you found a locator in the Kotl city, you can 

follow it to the queen Myrmidex. If not, you can use Shrapnel 

Dragon?s map of the caves at . Either way, 

use Triolo?s map spell if you get lost or confused. Kill the 

queen when you find her, and then the black moonstone behind 

her. Now sit back and enjoy the ending sequence. 



4. Secrets and FAQs



Q: Where is Denys?


Denys is in a cave to the Southeast of the Yolaru Tribe. Go 

about halfway between Yolaru and Drum Hill. Walk east until 

you come upon 2 caves. Enter the right one. He?ll paint 

portraits of your characters.


Q: Where is Pever?


Pever is right after the road leading from Nahuatla to 

Jukari. Have Aiela and Dokray in your party when you first 

talk to him.


Q: What do these dreams mean?


This is leveling up in Savage Empire. The animal you choose 

will determine what stat you will raise. Chasing the bear 

raises your strength, chasing the jaguar raises your 

dexterity, and chasing the monkey raises your intelligence.


Q: What people can join me?


Rafkin, Triolo, Shamuru, Dokray, Kyssta, Aiela, Ugyuk, Jimmy, 

Spector, and Yunapotli can all join. Ugyuk and Dokray won?t 

be in the same group together. And Yunapotli will only be in 

your party in one area. Rafkin is in the Yolaru tribe, Jimmy 

is in Disquiqui, Triolo will join you automatically, Aiela is 

in the Urali tribe, Dokray is in the Jukari tribe, Shamuru is 

either at the Barrab or Pindaro tribe, Ugyuk is in the Jukari 

tribe, and Kyssta is at the Sakkhra tribe. Spector and 

Yunapotli are both found in the underground cavern.


Q: Where do the panels lead?


The small ones all lead to a main panel. Going clockwise from 

the dark blue tile the panels lead you to: Kurak/Yolaru, 

Nahuatla, Jukari, Disquiqui, Barrab, Sakkhra, and Barako.


Q: How can I heal my party?


Intanya from Kurak, Balakai from Barrab, and Kunawo from 

Pindaro will all heal your party if asked. Sleeping if you 

have food in your inventory will heal your party. Using 

Triolo?s totem of Aphazz and pinde. Cloth bandages will heal 

one party member at a time.


Q: How do I make a grenade?


Ask Rafkin for instructions. You?ll need 5 units of 

potassium, sulphur, and charcoal to make the gunpowder. 

Potassium can be found in caves by using the crystal gardens. 

Use a wire screen on the sulphur pits to get sulphur. Get a 

branch from a tree and use it on a fire to get charcoal. You 

can also find most of these ingredients from the lab. For the 

fuse get flax from a yucca plant. Use a loom to make it into 

cloth. Use scissors or a knife to make it into strips. Get 

the metal bucket from the lab and collect some tar from it. 

Use the tar on the cloth strips. Now find a hard clay pot. Or 

dig clay from the river, and use a kiln to fire it. Use the 

strips on the pot and you?ll have a grenade.


Q: Where do I get more pinde/yopo/chocolatl?


Go to the Pindaro village. Have Triolo use a yucca plant to 

get flax for it. Kunawo the shaman will trade 5 flax for 1 



Q: What if I run out of food?


A: There are several ways to get food. One, take from the 

villages. There?s always food when you first arrive in a 

village, so make sure to raid it and stock up. Two, get a 

fishing pole and stand by a lake or river to fish. Three, 

kill mammals and skin them for their meat. Jaguars, sabre-

toothed tigers, sloths, and bears are all good sources of 

meat. Four, go to the Disquiqui village and use the corn 

stalks they have there. They never run out of corn.


Q: What are the best weapons?


A: Anything that?s modern or from the Nahuatla tribe will be 

your best bet. The few modern rifles you can get are good, 

but bullets are scare. They can also only be used by non-

natives. (You, Jimmy, Rafkin, and Spector.) Nahuatla swords 

are good for strong characters that won?t die quickly. 

Especially Ugyuk, Shamuru, you, and Kyssta. I prefer not to 

use weapons that need reloading each time, ie makeshift 

rifles, spears, or knives at long range. Give your weak 

characters rifles, bow and arrows, or boomarangs, and the 

others swords.


Q: Where is Seggalion?


The character from the Ultima games is near where Fritz 

lives. Go to Fritz?s cave and head west. Use a grenade to hit 

the tree and cross the cavern. He?ll have a small village 

here. There?s lots of rifle bullets and Myrmidex this way.


Q: I ran out of rifle bullets? Can I get some more?


You can find bullets at Rafkin?s lab in one of the crates, in 

Fritz?s cave, and at Seggalion?s hideout.


Q: Is there any money in this game?


Atlipacta in Nahuatla will sell you weapons, armour and 

arrows for emeralds. Trade parrot feathers to Paxaptamac in 

the building above her for emeralds.


Q: What do Triolo?s spells do?


Triolo?s spells each use a totem skull and a reagent.


              Chocolatl       Pinde         Yopo


Heluzz      Makes light     Makes map     Locate enemy


Aphazz      Charm enemies   Healing       Protection


Motazz      Summon animal   Curse enemy   Battle Frenzy


Q: How do I answer Intanya?s questions?


The answers are all found in the magazine, Ultimate 

Adventures, which comes with the game. 


Q: What expedition has returned? 

A: Wild River


Q: What kind of cover does Jimmy's notebook have? 

A: Weatherproof


Q: Who is shown on the cover of Ultimate Adventures magazine? 

A: Coatlicue


Q: In your dreams, what was it you lacked? 

A: Memory


Q: In your dreams you saw birds. What eyes did they have? 

A: Reptilian


Q: In your dreams, what did you think of as an old and 

trusted friend? 

A: Knife


Q: What does Professor Rafkin think the valley is akin to? 

A: Time Capsule


Q: What does Rafkin say happens frequently between tribes? 

A: Clashes


Q: What is the first tribe Rafkin discusses in his notes? 

A: Nahuatla