Bonus intermission: 
Play the game under the hardest difficulty setting. When Cob asks Bobbin to remove his hood, you will be able to see what he looks like.
ISLAND  Look at leaf. Go to village and enter the Sanctuary tent. 
Go east all the way to the Loom. Listen to the elders and Hetchel. Get the Distaff. 
Spin the OPENING Draft on the egg.  Go west out of the tent and enterHetchel's tent. Look 
at Dye Pot. Learn DYEING Draft; dye cloth. Look at flask and learn EMPTYING Draft. Leave 
tent and go to graveyard. 
GRAVEYARD Loom at thorns. Look at grave for clue. Go back to woods and look at tree holes. 
Feed owl to learn NIGHT VISION Draft (you must look into 4 owl holes to get all 4 notes for 
the draft) 
VILLAGE Enter dark tent in front of Hetchel's  (only three of the tents can be entered) .  
Look at darkness 
and spin NIGHT VISION Draft.  Look at wheel and learn STRAW INTO GOLD Draft. 
TOP OF MOUNTAIN Look at sky and spin OPENING Draft. DOCKLook at clam and spin OPENING Draft.
 Jump into water and get on log. Go west all the way to the Waterspout. 
WATERSPOUT Look at the waterspout and learn TWISTING Draft.  Look at waterspout and spin 
UN-TWIST Draft  (reverse TWISTING Draft) .  Go all the way to the west. 
SHORE go to Shepards Guard, or east to Crystalgard.  Go north into woods,  where you meet 4 
shepards.  Learn UN-INVISIBILITY as they enter the scene.  
CRYSTALGARD Reach Crystalgard by following the trail. Look at workers in the Tower;  do this 
while you are outside at the foot of the Tower.  Spin INVISIBILITY on the workers at the 
top of the tower and enter the tower.  Enter Crystal elevatorand look at Crystal.   Walk to 
bell and look at it.  Look at sphere 3 times for clues.  Learn TERROR Draft from sphere 
when it shows the shepard guard.  
FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS Return to the bell and look at it.  Look at scythe and learn 
SHARPENING Draft.  Enter dome-shaped building and look at graves to get Goodmold to talk 
to you and part with some clues.  
CRYSTAL AND CHALICE Leave dome-shaped building and enter Hall of the Chalice.  Go to the 
Crystal andlook for more clues from Goodmold.  You can spin UN-EMPTYING Draft on Chalice  
if you wantto fill it.  Exit east and go back to shepard guards.  
SHEPARD'S HOUSELook at Lamb and get clues from girl.  Look at lamb again and laern HEALING 
Draft.  Leave house and go east.  Look at sheep and spin DYEING Draftso they change colour.
The Dragon will take you to its Lair.  
DRAGON'S LAIR Look at Dragon.  Look at gold.  Look at gold again and spin UN-STRAW TO GOLD, 
which turns gold to straw.  Look at Dragon.  Spin SLEEPING Draft.  Go north intocaves.  
CAVES These are just a very tiny maze.  Just walk around until you find the pool, which 
can't be reached directly from the entrance.  An effective method for reaching them is to 
go east and look at darknes.  Spin NIGHT VISION Draft ondarkness.  Go south and enter first 
cave.  Go south some more then west until youfall off the ledge.  
POOL Look at the pool and learn REFLECTION Draft.  Look at the pool and spin EMPTYING 
Draft.  Look at the sphere 3 times for clues.  Look at dry hole and spinUN-EMPTYING .  Go 
behind rock and leave cave to the northwest.  Look at steps.  Spin UN-TWISTING on steps.  
Follow steps.  
HALLS OF FORGE Look at boy andspin UN-SLEEPING.  Listen to clues.  After he falls asleep, 
look at him  (rusty) and spin REFLECTION on him.  Go east to forge.  
THE FORGE Enter forge.  Follow path to back, then to the right, then south and finally 
east.  After you are put in the room, look at the straw.  When Hetchel puts the Distaff 
under the door, get it and look at door.  Spin OPENING on door.  Exit and go down.  
THE SWORD Look at men talking.  Listen to conversation for clues.  Look at men again, then 
look at sword when the swordsmith quits hammering.  Spin TWISTING on the sword, which leads 
you to being captured and taken to the bishop's castle.   (no matter how long you wait, the 
swordsmith never finishes the sword.  The bishop gets more and more impatient.  You must 
TWIST the sword in a moment of quiet) .  
BISHOP'S CASTLE Listen, then look at the door.  Spin OPENING.  After bishop gets staff, 
listen to conversation and look at sphere 3 times for more clues.  Go outside and look at 
bishop again.  Get Distaff and go back outside, where creature pushes you into void.  
VOID Look at the hole that goes back to bishop's castle.  Spin HEALING .  Go west and enter 
hole.   (let torturer look under your hood)
BACK AT CASTLE Look at bones (rusty) .  Look at bones and spin HEALING (you can shut the 
holes in  the void but they must be done inside the void) .  Exit hole.  Look at hole and 
spin HEALING.  Go west to next hole.  
EnterSHEPARD'S MEADOW Look at shepards and spin HEALING on them.  Exit hole and spin 
HEALING on hole.  Go west to next hole.  Enter.  
CRYSTALGARD Look at good mold and spin HEALING on him (do this before he talks as he'll 
die) Listen to story and get more clues.  Exit hole.  Look at hole and spin HEALING.  Go 
west to next hole.  Listen to mother's story.  Go west to next hole.  Go east allthe way to 
the loom.  
LOOM Look at loom.  Look at loom again and learn SILENCE.  Look at hetchel and spin 
UN-SILENCE.  Look at loom again and learn SHAPING.  Look at the cooked swan and spin 
UN-SHAPING.  Look at loom again and learn UN-MAKING.  Look at Feather. Look at Loom and 
spin UN-MAKING on it.  Enter hole.  Look at self and spin TRANSCENDENCE.  
Tha's it  Hope you finish