Type during gameplay:

Deck me out:

Gives you all the weapon/armor upgrades

Every little thing she does:

Gives you all spell upgrades

Glittering prizes:

Increases your resources


Trees can be cut down with two chops

It is a good day to die:

Makes your units ultra-powerful 

Make it so:

Speeds up building and unit production

On screen:

Shows you the whole map

There can be only one:

Takes you to the campaign victory sequence

Unite the clans:

Win the scenario instantly

valdez:gain 5000 oil 

glittering prizes:lots of gold,wood,and oil 

netprof:lazers show in backround 

title:increases the speed of the units

Easter Eggs:

Ship Boom!:

Click many times on a "creature" and it will explode!.

Units Taunts:

All units make sounds when you select them, If you 

keep clicking on them severly they will make new 

sounds, which most of them are funny.

You must be playing in a level where everyhting 

is free and takes 1 second to build, including 

upgrades from blacksmiths, lumber mills, etc. When 

you go about upgrading the weapons, sheilds, etc. 

keep clicking the upgrade as fast as possible. 

This will trick the game and make it like you have 

done that upgrade over and over and it can get 

your armies to high levels.

Hint 1:

Always have manny gaurd towers for defense

against griffons/dragons. 

Hint 2:

If u wanna really beat someone, always keep you

footman/paladins in front fighting with archers 


Hint 3: In my gaming expierience, use griffons 

as  offense and ground units as defense.