While playing, press "Enter", then type any of the phrases below. 

glittering prizes -- 10000 Gold, 5000 Lumber and Oil 

valdez -- 5000 Oil 

spycob -- 5000 Oil 

deck me out -- Upgrade everything 

every little thing she does -- Upgrade mages all the way! 

tigerlily X -- Warp to level X, where X is the 

               level (orc12, human3, etc.) 

it is a good day to die -- God Mode 

unite the clans -- Level skip 

noglues -- Disable magical traps 

make it so -- Fast build 

hatchet -- Two chops to harvest lumber 

there can be only one -- Quick ending 

showpath -- Reveals map, not in multiplayer 

on screen -- Reveals map, works with multiplayer 

ucla -- Displays "Go Bruins" on screen 

day -- Displays "fief" on screen 

netprof -- Displays network performance 

fastdemo -- Demo start faster 

you pitiful worm -- Instant defeat 

never a winner -- Removes victory sequence and lets you continue playing 

allowsync -- Allows surrender in multiplayer games 

title -- Enable or disable cheat codes during multiplayer games


If you click on a sheep (or other animal) enough

times it will explode.

Building Transport:

Put 6 skeletons on a transport and let them run

out of energy there. The next 6 things built by

you or anyone else will get cloned on the 

transport (this includes buildings). Then you 

can disembark them just like you would guys and

the buildings will be instantly built (they may

be built on top of each other).

While you are in a custom game, build sappers to blow 

up their farms, but don't let them come close after 

eachother, because they will blow eachother up. 

Train a mage or deathknight and research blizzard or 

death and decay. Sneak into their base (or run into-) 

and use the spell on the peons'gold route. (The way between 

the town hall and the gold mine) They will have to build new 

peons, wich gives you time to build a army. 

Research healing for the paladins. This is the strongest magic i

n warcraft. 

Army: First line = paladins with healing 

Second line = archers with longbowupgrades 

third line = balista's 

Hint: let your katapults atack ground. 

Placing your long range atack units in 'corners' will help.