Cheat mode:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "hitman2.ini" file in the game folder. Add the line "EnableCheats 1" (case-sensitive) to the bottom of the file. Type one of the following case-sensitive codes during game play to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: Do not type the codes too quickly or they will not be recognized. 

Toggle God mode (US keyboard)
Toggle God mode (European keyboard)
All weapons and items 
Full ammunition
Refill health
Toggle slow motion enemy death
Toggle bomb mode
Enable punching
Toggle lethal mode
Toggle gravity
All guns act as nail guns 
Toggle megastrength weapons


Level select:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "hitman2.ini" file in the game folder. Locate the "DefaultScene=AllLevels/logos.gms" entry and change it to "DefaultScene=AllLevels/levelmenu.gms". All levels will be marked as completed and a level selection menu will be unlocked.


Cheat mode (beta version):
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "hitman2.ini" file in the game folder. Add the line "enableconsole 1" at the bottom of the file. Press ~ during game play, then enter one of the following codes at the console window to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

Toggle God mode
 god <0 or 1> 
Toggle debug mode
 ipdebug <0 or 1> 
Unlimited ammunition
All weapons
Toggle Invisibility
 invisible <0 or 1> 

Information in this section was contributed by Adi. 


Hint: Silenced ballers gun:
Successfully complete a level with a "Silenced Assassin" rank.
Information in this section was contributed by Jeff Keefer. 

Hint: Sawed-off shotgun:
Successfully complete a level with a "Silenced Assassin" rank twice.
Information in this section was contributed by Jeff Keefer. 

Hint: Anathema: Easy Silenced Assassin rank:
At the start, wait for the guard at the side door of the gates to urinate then sneak in. Run straight to the cellar steps then sneak up to the kitchen. Save the game at this point. Check your map and wait for the Don to enter his bedroom. When he does, the guard outside his room should leave and go to another room. Quickly get up there. You can take the Don out with the silenced 9mm. Aim at his head. Take his keys and jump off the balcony to the yard. Save the game at this point. Hurry to the pool and wait until the coast is clear. Next, enter the side door to the house and run to the kitchen. Sneak down to the basement, making sure that the cook does not see you. Go to the only room in the basement where 47 will say that Victorio is not there. From here, check your map and wait until the guard urinates again. Then, run to the tool shed/car garage. Once there, get the sniper rifle. Wait until he is done urinating and leaves to chat with his the guard at the kitchen steps. Run out the door and make for a clean get away through the front gates where you first saw the postman enter.

You begin this level with a 9mm Pistol SD, Fiber Wire, Anesthetic and the Ballers. When you start, ignore the mail man and just go to the side door. Stand outside, but to the right of the door so the guard that comes out does not spot you.. When he goes out, he will take urinate. Get under stealth and sneak up to him slowly and quietly. Use the Anesthetic on him. Take his clothing and hand gun. Equip your 9mm SD and put it in your holster.. Get the body and drag it just inside the door, or the guard that walks outside will spot him. You have to make sure that no one is alerted or killed besides the target throughout this entire level. Once you drop the body, walk casually all the way to the back of the yard (on the right side of the house). Avoid getting too close to the guards because they might shoot you. As you reach the back of the yard, open your map and see where the Don and driver are located. If they are walking towards the back to urinate, run in quickly, take a left as you walk in the door, and climb the ladder without getting spotted. As soon as you get on the roof, run to the office and enter the first door you encounter. The Don will now enter the house and be on his way to the office. Pull out your Silenced 9mm pistol. Walk to the other exit of the office, which is directly across from the door you entered. Open the door, go out slightly, and do a 180 turn so that you are facing the office. This is done so that there is less of a chance that the Don will spot you when he walks in. Get a good shot and take him out with one head shot. Once he walks in, he will not spot you and will walk to his desk. Aim for the head and shoot. Make sure that you shoot with the Silenced 9mm pistol so you will not be detected. Walk up to his body and pick up the revolver and room key. Drag the body to the door you entered from. Put your hand gun in your holster. Save the game at this point. You must exit that room, but the guards will almost always see right through you. Walk through the left door (as if you were looking towards the front of the house) and walk casually. The guard just outside will be extremely cautious and the meter will be flashing red. Do not panic. Just keep walking and take a left. If he shoots, pause game play then load from your previous save and try again. When you take that left, go through the door to your right. You will be able to pick up some ammunition in that room, but you will not really need it as you cannot shoot anyone to get the Silent Assassin rank. As soon as you enter that that room, there will be another door that will be on your left that leads to the kitchen. Check your map and make sure that no guard is there. If there is only a green circle in your map, it is the cook and she will not be alarmed. Run down the stairs quickly, walk in the kitchen, and walk towards the basement stairs. From there, you can run to the door where your main objective is located. Once you open the door, you will find no one and walk out the other door (left of the door you just opened). Save the game at this point. Once you climb up those steps, you will be in the main yard again. You have to exit through the door you came in through. The guard should still be knocked out. There will be two guards in front of the house looking around. Try and walk closer to the wall to decrease the chances of being spotted. Run as fast as you can through the door and main exit and you will get a Silenced Assassin rank. If you get a message that the guards are alarmed, start over from your last save point. If they call you and are close and chase you. they will see the knocked out guard which will alarm them and you will have to start from the last save point. If you take too long, the mail man will deliver the flowers, the maid will go to the Don's office and see that he is dead which will also fail the Silenced Assassin rank. 

If you have a sniper rifle that you can start with, use it. If not, when you start all you need is the anesthetic. From the hill you begin at, run down at a right diagonal. You should be next to a door with a guard inside. He will exit and start to urinate. When he does, use the entire bottle of anesthetic on him. Take his clothes and gun and walk inside the door. Next, walk over to the back garage door entrance. Go in and get the sniper rifle. Walk back to the hill you started at. If you look in your scope, you will see the Don playing golf on his deck. Snipe him. Drop the rifle and run back to the door. Then, walk over to where to Don is located. Pick up the key and walk to the other side of the house, down into the cellar. Open the door, walk in the room, and immediately walk back out. Walk out of the cellar and out the door you came in. If the coast is clear, run to the exit and you are done.

Hint: Death of Hannelore: Easy Silenced Assassin rank:
When the level starts, immediately run to the brown boxes and wait for the guard to go up the little "hill". Run towards the water and stay along it. Go into the sewer and look at your map. Find the way up the stairs. When you get there, do not go up the steps. There should be four walls that stick out. Find the one that is the darkest and go through it. Then, go up the ladder and head right into the room. Go left and keep running to the next room. The doctors will run, but just keep going. When you cannot go through any more doors, look on the bed and change into the clothes quickly. Go out the way you came from quickly and run. Some of the doors on your right have bathrooms. Find the one that does not have one. Walk out calmly and go to the supply room. Get the door key then go to where the lady you are supposed to kill. When you arrive, there should be two people sitting down. Wait for the nurse to get up and talk to you. Follow her up the stairs and she will take you to the lady in the green. Wait for the nurse to leave and the lady in the green goes to the window. While she is still talking, go up behind her and cut her throat or strangle her. After she dies, drag her out the door and watch out for any patients or innocents. Go straight across the circle so the guards do not see you. Go to the door on the right and put her inside. Walk out calmly and go back all the way you came from. When you reach the end of the sewer where you first entered, watch out for any guards that may be present. When it is clear, run to your motorboat, still in your doctor's clothing. 
Information in this section was contributed by KillaValley187. 

Hint: Jacuzzi Job: Easy Silenced Assassin rank:
When the level starts, immediately hop over the railing next to you and enter the door. Go towards the two double doors that lead to the elevator hallway but do not go through either of them. Stand between them, next to the potted tree. If you are in the correct location, the guards will not see you when they enter. Once they have passed, calmly walk through the double doors and toward the Jacuzzi room. Enter it and stand behind the screen so that the bikini guards cannot see you. Wait for them to go to the bathroom then sneak up and rope Charlie Sidjan with the fiber wire. Quickly drag his body towards the door and position him and yourself so that when the door opens you will be hidden behind it. When the girls re-enter the room they will not see you. After they walk by, drag Charlie into the bathroom across the hall. By doing this, the girls will not find his dead body immediately. A male guard should now be heading your way. If desired, open the door and chloroform him as he turns and walks back from the end of the hall. Hide his body in the bathroom as well. Next, walk straight to the piano room where the expensive statue is, but do not take it. Exit the doors and wait outside, watching your map. When the computer woman turns around (green circle on map), enter her room then sneak up behind her when she has the wall safe open. Feed her some chloroform and take the money in the safe. Leave her body there -- no one will see it. Exit the other door in the room and cross the hallway to the next room. Smash the fuses so the power goes out. Head back, grab the statue, then wait for the technician to arrive in the elevator. Stay out of his sight. When he exits the elevator and heads for the fuse box, walk into the elevator and get your Silent Assassin rank. Note: You can optionally chloroform the second male guard in the dark when he cannot see you. Also, if you cannot see in the dark, turn up your brightness on your screen or get the nightvision (difficult to use) near the statue.

Hint: Kirov Park Meeting: Easy Silenced Assassin rank: 
Note: This is the easiest level to complete with a "Silenced Assassin" rank. You will need the crossbow from the hidden valley at the Gates And Shogun Showdown level. Start by running to the dumpsters directly in front of you. Hide behind the box so that the patrolling guard does not see you. When he goes back behind the wall, run and get the car bomb. Then, run down the sewer that is visible when you run from your boat. Keep going to the left of the wall and you will eventually get to a turning. Go down here and you find a ladder that leads to the underside of the car. Place the bomb then climb down. Go to the ladder that is nearest to the radio tower and climb out. There will be a guard that will stay at the door of the tower for a long time. Go behind the wall. As soon as he goes past the wall, run up and pick the lock. Then, run to the right of the radio tower. Do not go up the ladder. Instead, hide as far behind the tower as you can. Wait for awhile until the guard goes behind the wall again then climb up the ladder. Save the game at this point. Look through the scope and you should see the two targets walking around the park. Do not shoot them the first time you see them. Wait until they come back and take out the man in the brown. Save the game at this point. Wait until the "Objective Updated" message appears then check which way the guard down at the bottom is facing. Drop the crossbow and go down the ladder. Run to the place that you hid at previously. He should return to his patrolling. When he goes behind the wall that you waited for him to go behind before, run out the door and to the manhole. Then, run back to the manhole you started from in the sewers and check where the nearest guard is located. Climb out and run to your boat. 

The anesthetic and custom rifle are recommended. Otherwise, you will be using the sniper rifle you will get at the pick up. When you start the level, wait for the limousine to pass by you without getting spotted. Check your map and make sure the guard is not heading towards the dumpsters where the weapon drop is located. Once the guard is walking the other way, run toward the dumpster and get your weapons. If you do not have the custom rifle, get the sniper rifle that was assigned for the mission. As soon as you get all your weapons, run to the street and go down the manhole. Once in the sewers, run all the way to the manhole next to the one you climbed down. If you check your map, it is located all the way to the left. Once you climb it, you be under the General's limousine. Set the car bomb and climb down. Open your map. You have to go to second man hole from your left . When you go up, you should be near the water tower. As soon as you are up on the streets again, run towards the building that is closer to the water tower. Stay on the side of the street, not the alleyway. Hide from the guard but make sure you can still see what he is doing. Save the game at this point. Once the guard is walking beside the water tower (away from the streets), run to the door, pick the lock, and run besides the water tower (on the side the guard is not on). Hide as close to the wall as possible near the corner, drop the sniper rifle, then take out your anesthetic and have it ready. Get ready be ready to walk silently when the guard is near. The guard will pass right next to you, walking toward the street. When he passes by you, start walking towards him. As soon as he stops, use all your anesthetic on him. Take his clothes, run and get your sniper riffle then climb the water tower. As soon as you are ready to shoot, save the game. Aim towards the park and shoot the Mafia leader. He will be wearing a brown outfit. If the Mafia leader cannot be seen because the General is in the way, take the shot at the General. It will go through and you will take out two men down with one shot. If you just shoot the Mafia leader, the General will run towards his limousine, which will explode with the car bomb you set. Go down the tower and run towards the manhole you came out from. Climb down and run toward the very first man hole you climbed down from (the one near the weapon pick up). Then, run toward your boat. 

Hint: Motorcade: Easy Silenced Assassin rank:
Walk over to get the sniper rifle that the agency dropped off for you. There is a building across from here that has stairs that only go up one story. Make sure you do not get spotted with the rifle in your hand and make you way to those steps, but do not go up them. Use them to hide behind. Set your aim to where you are still behind the stairs and have the last bit of road that the limousine will get to before entering the castle gates in view. This should leave you with a good shot at your target. Once you have scored the shot, drop the rifle and walk calmly to the exit. It may take a few attempts to hit the target. Note: Kneeling helps. 

Hint: Redemption at Gontranno: Defeating Sergei:
After you have killed all of the bodyguards, get a sniper rifle. Go into the confession booth and wait for the Sergei to appear. When he begins to come out, run across the church and hide behind the cross. When Sergei is in front of you on the second level, fire one shot to the head. Note: If you are in stealth mode when you open a door, no one will hear you. 

In order to fight the Boss, you have to eliminate all of the hitmen. This will make the Boss battle much easier. When you have killed all of the hitmen, enter the confession room on the left. This is the one that you pray in during the first level's loading screen. The priest will be in the confession room directly next to you, being held captive by the Russian general. The only way to get the general out is to crouch down and shoot a bullet at the heart on the confession booth's inside wall. A short intermission will start and the general will come out, firing an SP12. Use any automatic rifle and fire, making sure every bullet connects. Make sure you have the full amount of ammunition equipped in the gun. He should die within a few seconds. 

Hint: Terminal Hospitality: Easy Silenced Assassin rank:
Use the Anesthetic on any of the cult members outside of the hospital and take his clothes. Get to the basement and shut off the generator. This will turn off the life support for the cult leader, killing him instantly. Then, return to the boat to complete the mission without firing a shot.

Hint: More ammunition:
If you are near a stack of ammunition but are notified by the game that you cannot pick it up, use the following trick to get almost twice as much normal ammunition. For example, if you have a shotgun with full ammunition and are next to a pile of shotgun ammunition, fire one shot, reload, then pick up the ammunition. You will now have almost double the ammunition.

Hint: Getting the M4 (M16):
On the motorcade level, you need to clear the town quickly and grab the supplied rifle. Shoot your target. This will cause the UN guards to stop and run on foot to your position. Wait until they get through the gates, then dodge their shots and put them in the cross fire from the remaining troops outside. Since you cannot hurt them, do not shoot. They will soon shoot their own men. Then, just run up and grab an M4. This may not be easy, but it does work. 

To get the M4 easier, just use the fiber wire on the UN guards. 

Hint: Getting the .22SD pistol:
The .22SD is well hidden in the castle level where you have to kill Hayamoto senior. It is one of the items that is displayed in his museum. 

Hint: Gun collection:
Throughout all the levels you will run into many different types of guns. Whenever you see a gun that you do not already have, pick it up. After you complete the level on which you found the gun, the gun will now be available at your house. You will have ammunition in the room for you to use if desired. However, there are many guns that are too big to carry inside your clothes and therefore must be held in the open. You will not be able to pick up a gun of the same size or greater without dropping the one you are holding. You will find other guns on the same level that you cannot pick up because you are already holding one, and the gun you want is simply too big to conceal. In this case, you will have to decide which gun you want more then finish the level with it. You can always replay that level to get the other gun that was left behind. 

Hint: Pick locks quicker:
Pick a lock, look at your map, and exit. The lock will be picked.

Hint: Animals:
When at your home area with the shed of guns, you may shoot down the birds either on the ground or while they fly in the air. Each bird that is shot will fall to its corresponding area and remain there until you leave the level. You can also shoot the pigs in their pen.

Glitch: 47 drives with a weapon:
In the level where you have to kill the Don, do all necessary objectives. Then, when you go to escape in the car, select a weapon and start shooting it. While shooting, press [Action], to open the door. 47 will drive with the weapon in his hands. Note: This was done in the demo version of the game.