Type these while playing a scenario.

Code Result 
911 Win Scenario 
1313 Lose Scenario 
8675309 Show Entire Map 
123456789 More Luck for Heroes 
32167 5 Black Dragons for Hero Selected 
844690 Crystals 
899101 Gems 
101111 Gold 
844691 Ore 
101495 Obelisk Map 
1911 Final Battle 
1134 100 Titans 
1135 100 Arch Mages 
1136 100 Steel Golems 
1137 100 Rocks 
1138 100 Halflings 

Command Line Cheat
/NWC: A useful cheat that will access the game's debugger. With it you can give your hero extra mobility, free spells, free resources, free creatures, and allow you to select secondary skills. This cheat is NOT typed during the game. It is typed after the line HEROES2W.EXE as an extension (it will look like "HEROES2W.EXE /NWC".) Under Windows 95, you can create a shortcut to Heroes II and under Properties option, change the executable to read HEROES2W.EXE /NWC. ? remember the space!

Hint: Battle Garb Of Andura:
A particularly useful artifact is the Battle Garb Of Andura. It increases moral to the highest level, increases luck to the highest level, and provides the town portal spell.

                     HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC II
Best Choice:
For small and medium maps-> Knight or Barbarian
For large and extra large maps-> Wizard, Warlock, Necromancer or Sorceres
For long games the final battle is between Wizard, Warlock and Necromancer
Knight->Attack2 Defense2 SpellPower1 Knoledge1
        Basic Baslistics and Basic Leadership skill
Barbarian->Attack3 Defense1 SpellPower1 Knoledge1
           Advanced Pathfinding Skill
Sorceress->Attack0 Defense0 SpellPower2 Knoledge3
           Basic Wisdom & Advanced Navigation skill
           Spellbook with Bless spell
Warlock->Attack0 Defense0 SpellPower3 Knoledge2
         Basic Wizdom & Advanced Scouting skill
         Spellbook with Curse spell
Wizrd->Attack0 Defence1 SpellPower2 Knoledge2
       Advanced Wizdom skill
       Spellbook with Stoneskin spell
Nocromancer->Attack1 Defense0 SpellPower2 Knowledge2
             Basic Wisdom & Basic Necromancy skill
             Spellbook with Haste spell
|Castel     |Income|Costs|    Speed of the creatures:
|-----------|------|-----|    ______________________________
|Knight     |8750  |11865|    Knight     |VS|A |F |F |VF|US|S=Slow
|Barbarian  |8750  |13450|    Barbarian  |A |S |VF|A |F |F |A=Average
|Sorceress  |8750  |13200|    Sorceress  |A |A |VF|VF|F |UF|F=Fast
|Warlock    |12250 |22180|    Warlock    |A |VF|A |VF|VS|VF|VF=Very Fast
|Wizard     |8750  |24000|    Wizard     |S |VF|S |A |VF|VF|UF=Ultra Fast
|Necromancer|8750  |15100|    Necromancer|A |A |F |F |VF|A |
--------------------------    ------------------------------
Few    =1-4
Pack   =10-19
Lots   =20-49
Horde  =50-99
Throng =100-249
Swarm  =250-499
Zounds =500-999
Legion =1000-4000