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                    Unofficial Heart of Darkness FAQ
                          For PC/Windows Only
                              Version 1.0
                             By Beno Jange
                     Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
   I. Disclaimer
This FAQ is intended for personal use only. This FAQ can't be used for
any profitable purpose nor it can be published in any forms. No one are
allowed to update, edit, translate, HTMLize, reproduce or do anything
with this FAQ without my permission. If you like to add this FAQ on
your site, pls ask my permission first. If I agree with you then keep
this FAQ unaltered and up to date by checking the newest revision on
GameFAQs once a month. If you want to take some parts of this FAQ, give
a credit where it is due. Any offenders will severely dealt with.
If you feel that, reading the FAQ like this is a bit tedious,
especially when you have to look at the computer and play your game,
you are allowed to print the part or whole of this document out, but
the printed copies can only be for personal use.
Heart of Darkness characters, logo (C) 1998 by Amazing Studio and
Infogrames Entertainment.
Unofficial Heart of Darkness FAQ, logo (C) 2000 by Beno Jange.
All copyrights and trademarks (if any) are acknowledged.
  II. Table of Contents
   I. Disclaimer
  II. Table of Contents
III. Revision History
  IV. Author's Note
   V. Introduction
  VI. Game Basics
VII. Walkthrough
VIII. Tips & Tricks
  IX. Frequently Asked Questions
   X. Credits
III. Revision History
v0.2 - 10/31/2000 - Walkthrough up to level 2.
v0.7 - 11/01/2000 - Corrected the FAQ title.
                  - Edited Introduction section.
                  - Added characters info under Game Basics section.
                  - Walkthrough up to level 6.
                  - Rewrote the entire walkthrough.
                  - Filled Tips & Tricks section.
                  - Updated Credits section.
v1.0 - 11/04/2000 - Edited Disclaimer section.
                  - Edited Author's Note section.
                  - Edited Game Basics section.
                  - Finished the walkthrough (Yihaaa ...).
                  - Updated Frequently Asked Questions section.
                  - The FAQ is officially finished now.
  IV. Author's Note
This game is the best 2D Action game that I've ever played beside my
beloved Crash Bandicoot on the PSX. Thx to GameFAQs "Top Request" for
PC for the information about the 'unwritten' FAQ. HOD is one of them so
I decided to make a FAQ for it. Btw, pls excuse for my poor English.
The newest revision of this FAQ can always be found at:
- GameFAQs                     http://www.gamefaqs.com
- Video Game Strategies        http://vgstrategies.about.com
- Games Domain                 http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk
- DLH.Net                      http://dlh.net
- The Cheat Empire             http://home.planetinternet.be/twuyts
- Cheat City                   http://www.cheatcity.com
* Currently I post this FAQ only on GameFAQs
If you want to send any correction, suggestions, questions, critizisms,
contributions then feel free to email me. But pls write it politely and
state "HOD" or "Heart of Darkness" as a subject of the email. I will
surely answer it if I have a time.
   V. Introduction
Infogrames finally published the greatest 2D action game. This game
took many years in the making (almost 6 years). So we can expect a
great adventure from this game. They even consider about hiring an
orchestra to make the music. So if you like 2D action game then you
should play this game.
The requirement for playing this game is 'cheap' you know. Why? 'Cos
with standard 1 MB VGA (not 3D!) and standard sound card, this game
play quite very smoothly. I try it on my 233 MMX with 32 MB RAM and
this game is still run without any slow down. So if you like 2D action
game with beautiful 3D graphics, fantastic sound and fun game play then
choose Heart of Darkness.
Well, here's my rating for this game:
- Graphic    : 8.5/10 - I have to say that the graphic is amazing
                        compare to other 2D action game. Considering
                        that this game took 6 years in the making so
                        there's no doubt for it. If you see the FMV,
                        you'll be amazed about it.
- Music      : 9.0/10 - The music of this game (FMV) is composed by an
                        orchestra. It make you feel like watching the
                        movie. Unlike other 2D action game, this game
                        doesn't have a BGM. But we can hear background
                        SFX. Really innovative idea isn't it?
- Sound      : 9.0/10 - The SFX in this game is really realistic. And
                        the most important that the SFX is very detail.
                        It covers almost all of the aspect in the game.
                        They even hire voice actor for the FMV.
- Story Line : 8.5/10 - Yess !!! The story line indeed is great. Btw, I
                        won't comment anything about it. Find it by
                        yourself and you will know what I mean.
- Game Play  : 8.5/10 - Very fun. Jumping, grabbing, shooting, running.
                        More than traditional action 2D game. Let your
                        hands keep busy for this game.
- Innovation : 9.0/10 - The innovation are great since it has movie
                        gallery, many controls, etc. And of course the
                        animation. Almost all aspect of this game is
                        cover with animation. Really creative isn't it?
- Overall    : 8.8/10 - Great isn't it. If I didn't consider FF8, I
                        will give it 9.
- Difficulty : Medium - This game contains several puzzles in which can
                        make you got a headache and you must have a
                        good instinct to finish it.
- Buy/Rent   : Buy    - Five words: "You should buy this game!".
  VI. Game Basics
Basic Controls
Up                 - Go up.
Down               - Go down, Duck.
Left               - Go left.
Right              - Go right.
Home               - Up left.
Page Up            - Up right.
End                - Down left.
Page Down          - Down right.
Alt                - Jump, Grab.
Enter              - Jump.
Ctrl               - Run.
Shift              - Fire.
Space              - Special Power.
Special Movements
Double Jump        - Press jump twice.
Grab the Ledge     - Press Alt to jump and press Alt again to grab.
Higher Reach       - Run, press jump when you see the ledge. You'll see
                     the improvement of your reach.
Avoid Enemy Grab   - As an enemy grab you, move to its direction then
                     move to the opposite direction. Do these steps
                     several times until the enemy release its grab.
Andy               - Our hero, young boy with great spirit.
Whisky             - Andy's dog.
Amigo              - Andy's flying friend.
Master of Darkness - Our boss bad guy.
Vicious            - A Coward magenta creature with long noose, serve
                     Master of Darkness.
Mefudoka           - Another big fat bad guy.
Spectre            - Soldier of darkness, looks like black skeleton.
Flying Spectre     - Flying black skeleton equipped with fireball.
Double Spectre     - Spectre equipped with armor and fireball.
Boulder Worm       - Worm in which can dig the hole.
Shadow Tree        - A black tree can crawl.
Shadow Spider      - A Black spider in which has the green glime.
Lip Plant          - It is a plant with lip shaped.
Sucking Plant      - Underwater plant in which can suck in and out.
Weed               - Underwater plant with many hands.
Some of the character names are based on my own. SOMEBODY pls help me
with the proper name!!!!!
VII. Walkthrough
In this walkthrough, I try as much as possible to avoid the spoiler. I
played this game on medium difficulty. So you need to adjust the game
by yourself if you play it in other difficulty.
Jump from your ship. Jump over the cliff. FIRE at the T-REX head shaped
bone. FIRE at the bone. FIRE at the T-REX head shaped stone. Take care
some spectres here. Kill all of the enemies. Kill all of the enemies.
Jump when the spectre run to you. When the spectre smack its hand then
quickly kill the spectre on the upper left, then kill the 'smack
spectre'. Go up by the bone. Suddenly the big fat enemy (Mefudoka) will
show up and eat your weapon. Quickly run to the right. When the spectre
approach you, quickly walk to the right (don't run!!!). As you reach
the edge, quickly run and let the sunshine kill your enemy. Follow the
black lizard. When you jump to the other ledge, quickly grab the ledge.
When you see T-REX leg bone, jump several times. As you reached T-REX
mouth bone, quickly jump to the ledge and grab it. Go up and then let
the bone fall down. Push to the left. Go up.
Jump to the rope. As you see the lake, jump to the other side. Jump to
the rope, wait until the lip plant eat the fire-fly and quickly jump to
the other side. Go up, to the right. Jump to the rope. Jump to the next
rope. Jump to the grey looking rock.  When you see two flying spectres,
quickly duck by pressing DOWN. Go up the cliff and to the right. Jump
to the rope shaped. Go right, wait until the enemy eat the fire-fly and
quickly jump on the fire-fly place. Now go back to the cliff. Go up.
Wait until the first plant eat the fire-fly and walk to pass it.
Quickly jump to the right as you below the 2nd plant. Wait until the
2nd lip plant eat the fire-fly, jump to the rope. Quickly run!!!!! Go
up to push the stone. Swing yourself to reach the twig. Just go right
by pressing RIGHT. Go up the tree. When you see someone need help, jump
to the rope.
Go down and touch the glowing stone. Now you have the magic power. Go
right. As you outside from the water, use your SPECIAL POWER to destroy
the stone. Push the seed to right and use your SPECIAL POWER to grow it
up. Touch the seed and let it to the right then grow it up. Go up, jump
to the tree. Go up, go right. Dive, go down. Quickly to the right use
DOWN RIGHT direction when the enemy want to eat you. Now, watch for the
weeds hand movement. As it disappear then quickly pass it. Go up to
breath. Quickly use DOWN LEFT direction. When you see three sucking
plant use DOWN LEFT to pass the left enemy then quickly press DOWN LEFT
to pass the up enemy. When you see one sucking plant and one lip plant
press DOWN to avoid the lip plant (don't worry about the sucking plant
'cos it won't eat you). When you see the weeds just press RIGHT to pass
As you outside of the water, give your SPECIAL POWER to the first lip
plant then jump and grab. Quickly feed the up lip plant then left lip
plant. FIRE the boulder worm. Go down and FIRE the enemy. Now give your
SPECIAL POWER to the tree and feed the lip plant. Quickly grow the seed
into the tree and climb up the tree. Push the stone to left. Walk by
pressing DOWN to avoid the lip plant bite. FIRE some worm here. Go
down, dive to the right. Push the stone. Quickly go to the left. Before
you climb down the tree feed the lip plant by pressing DOWN LEFT and
SPECIAL POWER. Now turn the tree into the seed. Bring it to the right.
Feed the first lip plant then go left and up. Feed the second lip
plant, go up. Quickly feed the lower right lip plant, then left lip
plant, lastly the upper right lip plant. Kill all of the enemy here. Go
left then up. Run to the left. As you see the seed, quickly turn it
into the tree and jump on it. Jump to the left and go left. Kill all of
the enemy by pressing DOWN LEFT and FIRE. After all of the enemy dead
go left. Climb up and go left.
Run to the right. Fight some enemies here. Run to the right as you see
the background village is destroyed. Go right then enemy will make you
fall down. Climb down. Jump to the right and grab. Climb up then right.
Kill some worms here. Jump to the right and grab. Climb right, destroy
the bone using SPECIAL POWER. Jump to the rope then jump right. Destroy
some spectres here. Climb up. Turn the tree into seed. Bring it to the
right. Turn it again into the tree. Climb up the tree. Jump to the left
and grab. Give SPECIAL POWER to the shadow tree. Climb UP RIGHT. When
you see two shadow trees, give SPECIAL POWER to the right shadow tree.
Climb up. Take care of some worms here and give SPECIAL POWER to the
shadow tree. Climb left. Take care of some boulder worms here. REMEMBER
this area (closed area). Climb up then left. Climb up. Ignore these two
shadow trees. Just keep climbing left. Climb down. Push the boulder to
the right. Take care of some flying shadow enemies here. Now, go to the
closed area. Climb up. Watch out for the falling rock. Jump to the left
and grab. Climb up. Avoid some falling rocks. Climb right then up. Kill
some spectres here. Go left then climb up. While many shadow spiders
chasing you. Keep climbing up.
Go right. Kill some enemies here. Go right. You're stucked isn't it.
Now, go left and press the stone by putting your foot on it. Quickly
run to the right. Double jump as you see the lever and you passed it
... Now you are on lava area. Look carefully for the lava eruption
rhytm. As you passed the second rock, quickly climb up. Watch for lava
eruption again. Climb left. Take care of shadow spider here. Watch out
for its green glime 'cos it will make you fall down. Climb right.
Quickly climb up and kill the upper shadow enemy then kill the rest.
Jump to the right and grab. Climb right. Kill flying spectre here. Go
right. From this place, kill all of the enemies. Go left, then climb
down. Pass several lavas. Climb up. Kill two shadow spiders here. Climb
up. Take care some enemies here then climb up.
As you reach the top, go right. You see another lava area. Pass the
lava eruption by jumping to the right and grab. Climb right. Take care
two shadow spiders here. Pass the lava. Climb right. Kill some enemies
here and go to the ledge. As you go to the second ledge, kill some
flying spectres. Jump to the first ledge and climb down. Pass the lava
eruption. Bring the seed to the right. Turn it into the tree. Go back
to the ledge and keep going right. Climb up the tree. Some flying
spectres will show up. Kill them all. Climb up. Go right.
Run to the middle of the screen and fall down. Quickly go to right and
fall down. Go left and quickly turn the seed into the tree. Go right.
Push the stone. Go left and fall down. Go right. Bring the seed to the
right (but not too close to the spectre). Turn it into the tree. Kill
the enemy. Jump right. Kill some spectres here. Go right and fall down.
Go right by pressing DOWN RIGHT. Wait until the stone smack and quickly
pass it. Don't worry about the lip plant 'cos it can't bite you. Go to
the seed. Bring it to the left by going left. Now press DOWN LEFT and
wait until the stone smack. Pass it. Bring it into the middle of the
screen and turn it into the tree. Kill all of the flying spectres here.
Avoid the fireball by jumping.
As you walk right, the upper spectre will jump on you and the flying
spectre will show up. Kill them all. Go right. Kill some enemies. Climb
up then left. Jump left. Use your SPECIAL POWER to destroy the stucked
stone. Use SPECIAL POWER to turn double spectre into the eggs. Quickly
use SPECIAL POWER again to destroy the egg. Go right and press jump or
run as you walk on the bridge to make you fall down. Kill some enemies
here. Go right then quickly run to the left. Wait some enemies here and
kill them all. Go right again then jump right. Press the button by
putting your foot on it. Now climb down then right. Press the right
button. Kill all of the spectres. Go left and press left button. Kill
some double spectres here. Go right, you're stucked isn't it? Remember
this area (stucked area).
Go left, climb down and push the button. Go to the previous area. Climb
up then right. Kill the spectre and turn the seed into the tree. Climb
it up. Kill the spectre on the right. Jump left. Go left and press the
button. Kill the spectre. Climb up. Take care some enemies here. Go
right. You should see three stomping legs. Kill the spectre on the
right. Wait until the 2nd and 3rd legs smack together. Quickly jump to
avoid the button on the 1st stomping leg. Run to the right to pass the
rest legs. In this new area, climb and kill some boulder worms then
climb down. Press the button on the right. Climb up then left. Jump
left. Kill the spectre then push the button on the left. As you go
right again, you should see a bunch of enemies kill them all by
pressing DOWN RIGHT and FIRE. Now go to the stucked area.
In this new area, your job is to keep the boulder worms busy. Turn the
double spectre into the eggs. Wait until it turn again into the double
spectre. Quickly climb left and you pass it ... Now, you are on lava
area. Go left but watch out for lava eruption. As you are on the left
side, the lower right ledge will appear. Jump on it and grab. As you
reach the lower right ledge, the lower left ledge will appear. Again
jump on it and grab. You are in the prison now. Use your SPECIAL POWER
to the seed above you. As it fall off, quickly turn it into the tree
and climb it up. Jump to the right. Push the boulder. Push the button
on the right. Go left.
In this new area your job is to keep the boulder worms busy. Turn the
double spectre into the eggs. As the eggs turn again into the double
spectre quickly go left and push the button. Climb up (in the middle
area). Quickly jump to the left. Go left and kill some enemies here. Go
left kill all of the enemies. Press the button on the left. Go right
and jump right to avoid the button on the right. Climb up then left.
Let you fall down. Don't move. Wait until double spectre attack you
with fireball then quickly double jump. As you've lost your magic power
so run !!!!!!!!!. Avoid the underground spectre by jump over it.
Quickly walk to pass the bridge. Run to the right and fall down. Now
press DOWN LEFT and keep going left. Press the button on the left. Go
right and double jump to avoid the underground spectre. Quickly jump to
the right to reach the ledge. Climb up. Run to the left. Pass the 1st
hole by double jump on it. On the 2nd hole let you fall down.
Blast off Mefudoka's stomach by pressing FIRE. Take care a bunch of
enemies here. Go right. Kill a bunch of spectres. Watch out for the
hanging spectres. Go right. Kill all of the double spectres. Climb up.
Go right. Kill some flying spectres here. Go right and let you fall
down. Kill some double spectres. Go right and press the button on the
right. Go left and climb up again. Go right. Double jump to go to the
next platform on the right. Double jump again to reach the next
platform. Kill some enemies here. Go right and fall down. Now your job
is to follow the double spectre. When you've got chance quickly FIRE on
it. Don't forget to use your SPECIAL POWER to destroy the eggs. Go
right. Kill some enemies here then go right. You meet Vicious here.
Your job is to collect the scattered pieces of glowing stone. Go right
and you should see the 1st pieces. Go right until you're stucked then
turn left. Your stone pieces should be moved to the left also. Bring it
to the Vicious. Go right then climb up. Press DOWN LEFT then quickly
FIRE at the spectre. Climb up then kill some spectres here. Go right
and press the button. Jump left and go left. You should see the 2nd
pieces. Bring it to the right. As you press the button on the right,
FIRE at the stone pieces to go to the left. Climb down then go left.
Bring it to the left then bring it to the right. Bring it to the
Vicious. Now go back to the 2nd pieces area. As the stomping metal go
up, quickly jump to pass it. Quickly climb up then double jump to the
left to avoid another stomping metal. Go right. Kill all of the double
spectres. Go left then climb up. Kill all the double spectres. Go left
then climb up. Kill all the double spectres here. Go right. You should
see the 3rd pieces. FIRE at the stone pieces. Go left, press the button
on the lower left. Go right, FIRE at the stone pieces. Go left, press
the button on the upper left. Go right, FIRE at the stone pieces. Go
left, climb down. Climb down again. Repeat the same steps you do on the
2nd pieces. Bring it to the Vicious.
As the Vicious get the stone pieces, go left. Kill some double spectres
here. Now go left and let you fall down. Kill some spectres. Go right
then fall down. Kill some spectres. Double jump to the left then
quickly go to the hole and fall down. Kill some double spectres here.
Go right. Kill a bunch of spectres here. Go right. Now Master of
Darkness will show up. You can't kill him so instead use double jump to
avoid his fireball. After you kill enough spectres, go right. Now you
will meet the Master of Darkness for the 2nd time. Use double jump to
avoid his fireball. After you kill enough enemies here, go right. Now
touch the last stone pieces. Now, you're plunged into the heart of
darkness. Attack the ghostly tentacle and the spectral hand by pressing
FIRE button. Watch out as you attack the spectral hand 'cos it will
jump on you. Eventually the glowing red eyes will disappear. Go left
and watch the credits roll ...
VIII. Tips & Tricks
Movie Gallery
As you progress through the game, you also automatically collect the
movie. View the movie in "SHOW CINEMATICS" under "OPTIONS".
Load Game
As you progress through the game, you also automatically save the game.
When you've finished the game once, you can load all of the entire
level in "LOAD GAME" under "OPTIONS".
  IX. Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What other FAQs that you have written?
A: Bloody Roar 2 (PSX), Chocobo Racing (PSX), DUNE (PC/DOS), Dyna
   Blaster (PC/DOS) and Lion King (PC/DOS).
Q: Why don't you finish your other FAQ?
A: You mean Lion King. Umm... sorry 'cos I have to finish my Heart of
   Darkness FAQ first. I'll be finished it after I finish my HOD FAQ.
Q: Where can I find all of your FAQs?
A: Sorry, I forgot ... Just kidding ... Of course you can find all of
   my FAQs on GameFAQs.
Q: Where can I get a copy of {insert game name}?
A: Hey, I'm not supporting software piracy. So instead buy it.
   X. Credits
Appears in alphabetical order:
Al Amaloo
- Thx for asking my permission very nicely.
- You are really a nice people.
- Be sure to check his page at:
All of my friends in ISTP or in anywhere.
Complete English Dictionary by Prof. Dr. S. Wojowasito & Drs. Tito
Wasito W.
- For helping me finding the proper English word.
Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
- The webmaster of GameFAQs.
- Big thx for hosting all of my FAQs.
John Kramer & Campbell Tobin {This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.}
- For making HOD FAQ (PSX) before me.
- Thx for some of the proper English names.
My brother
- Thx for buying me this game.
My father and my mother
- Thx for growing me up.
My cousin, Joni
- Very big thx for helping me through the first half game.
- Thx alot pal, without you I won't complete this game.
Official Heart of Darkness web site
- For providing me some official names.
- You can find the info about CD Soundtrack.
- You can also check out what awards that HOD win.
- Be sure to check their page at:
Scott Ong {This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.}
- Thx for some parts of the disclaimer.
- Thx for the email policy.
Whoever on creating WordPad. GOD Bless you.
Whoever on reading my FAQ.
Yee Seng Fu {This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.}
- Thx for some parts of the disclaimer.
- Thx for almost always replying my email.
- Thx for inspiring me on making the FAQ.
                        --==END OF DOCUMENT==--