Walkthrough by MaGtRo     December, 2002

By Michael B. Clark


Allabaster, your dog vanished in the park. 

Park:    Go forward 2xs under the light. Look down and take leash. Go up, turn right and see a pond, bench and bushes. Turn back to left and forward to skyline view of the city. Turn around and turn left to bushes. Look close under tree. See a hole in the ground. Enter the hole.

Tunnel:    Turn right and flip switch. Turn back and enter through door. Turn around and find yourself locked in. Go forward. Look at words on wall on the left. Tina and Bob married Jan 5, 1989 - Now Dead!!! Look close at panel right of grilled door. Open panel and enter 1, 5, 8 and 9. Door opens.



Blue room - Den:    Enter room, turn left and see a radio. Turn the knob on the radio to show the green cross.

        Bookcase -     Turn right to bookcase with red, blue and green balls. Read books by clicking on upper right corner of book. The Bunker - How to build your very own Fallout Shelter by John P. Mosley. Note the drawn 4x4 table and where the arrow starts. Bottom left - A Collection of Short Stories by Michael B. Clark about Robby and Alfie. Bottom right - Theories on Water Distillation by Johnny Mac Ray. Click on yellow paper and note the water extraction process of pulverized rock process. The pulverization process needs extremely high temps of at least 1250 degrees F., less than that will produce poison. Note the Diagram - rock crushing chamber (place rocks on top) to pulverizing and extracting tank to water collection unit. 

Note the painting on upper right of bookshelf. Turn the painting and note - reversal is the key, one way or the other, opposite is the way.

        Secret room -    Press the protrusion at the top upper right of the bookcase. Enter the secret room. Click on the white switch on the right. The light doesn't stay on. Exit the room.

        Desk -    Turn right and listen to message on machine by clicking the top right arrow. Dr. Mackie wants to talk Mr. Webb about his father. Open drawer to see a puzzle of the painting just seen. Read the letter to Vance from Mark, Stacey's husband. 

        Blue room wall safe (Cat Picture on wall) -    Click on picture of cat and see a wall safe with a 6 button lock. 

It is time to explore the other rooms. Before going out the door, turn off light and see the halo of light. Go out through the blue door. The red door is locked. Turn left and enter green door.

Green Room - Bedroom 1:    There's another radio with the same icons - turn the knob to show the green triangular flower-shaped icon with rounded base. Turn left and click the blue curtain. See a wall safe. 

Green Room Wall Safe Puzzle - The object of this puzzle is to have all blue circles depressed. Numbering from the top as 1 going clockwise to 10: click on 9, 10, 2, 3, 7, 8, 5, 6 and 1. Click cent