FAQ/WALKTHROUGH (version 0.3) by MattP,

Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for information/comments on this FAQ.  

If I use your comments in this FAQ, you will be given full credit.

         Geneforge and all names in this FAQ are copyright

               Spiderweb Software (


INTRO: Welcome to the exciting world of Geneforge!  Geneforge is an 

innovative game designed by Spiderweb Software, who has also made such 

games as Avernum 1 & 2, Nethergate, the Exile Series, and Blades of 

Exile.  Their homepage is  While there, be sure to 

check out their games and the spiderweb message boards (under forum).


PURPOSE: Geneforge is an exciting, new game from Spiderweb software.  

It has given me much sanity time in this busy period of my life, and I 

felt it was my duty to try to write a good FAQ for this game.  I have 

also written Walkthroughs and FAQs for Avernum 2 and Nethergate.  Be 

sure to check them out!

   Right now, this FAQ is about a third done.  It covers the Demo 

region of the game, and also goes over some of the creations and gives 

a few hints.  I have noticed that many people have questions about the 

demo that are easily answerable.  After my thesis defense and exams, 

work will begin anew on this FAQ, and it will be completely done 

hopefully by the end of June.  Admittedly, I'm also trying to stake my 

claim to the Geneforge FAQ.


WARNING: There are plenty of spoilers in this FAQ.  Please refer to the 

specific section/area about which you have a question to avoid being 

spoiled silly.

   I will not be providing cheat codes in this version of the FAQ.  If 

you want them so very badly, then you should order the hint book or 

check the spiderweb forums.  They may be placed in a later version of 

the FAQ, but not for a long time.

   I will not give out registration codes.  Spiderweb is a small 

company, and they need your support.  Ignoring their request for a 

small fee for your hours of enjoyment is stealing, and illegal.

   If you wish to post this FAQ/walkthrough on your site, please send 

me an email.  I will try to get back to you, ASAP.  You will probably 

want to wait for the full version, too.



1. Character Classes

2. Character Stat Guide 

3. Creation Guide

4. Spell Guide

5. Sect Guide

6. Location Guide (table of contents for the walkthrough) and


7. Canister Locations, other Miscellaneous info.

8. Equipment Guide



1.               CHARACTER CLASSES

The Guardian: The physical powerhouse of the triumvirate.  When playing 

as a Guardian, you'll often find that "If I can get next to an enemy, 

in the next turn, it will die."  This is true.  The Guardians can beat 

anything to a bloody pulp.  They also have decent shaping skills, and 

can summon up a weak army if really necessary.  They have very poor 

magic skills, and this is their main downfall.  They are unable to open 

most chests until they've advanced to a high level or have invested 

valuable skill points in intelligence or mechanics, or are willing to 

burn off living tools.  On easy difficulties, they rule.  On harder 

difficulties, they don't.  They can not deal effectively with crowds, 

as they don't get searing orbs, nor do they get a powerful army.  That 

said, beginners may find them very easy to start with.  Guardians 

probably won't find much use out of magic spell canisters.


Guardian HP = ?

Guardian SP = lvl*int+6

Guardian EP = 1.5*lvl*int+6


The Shaper: The shaper is probably the character at whom this game is 

aimed to please.  They will get a lot of use out of every canister they 

find, and this may be appealing on some levels.  Their strength lies in 

their numbers.  Shapers can create with the best of them.  They will 

always be able to summon up creations, and will rarely be at a loss 

when one creation dies.  That said, Shaper's can't take a beating.  

Essentially, if there's a strong wind, a shaper might lose half of his 

hit points.  They must be guarded by their creations.  Fortunately, 

shapers are pretty good with missile weapons and with spells, so 

erecting a creation-shield shouldn't be difficult.  Shapers can manage 

well on all difficulties.

Shaper HP = ?

Shaper SP = 2*lvl*int+6 (from Alex on the Spiderweb message boards)

Shaper EP = 2*lvl*int+6


The Agent: The agent is probably the singly most powerful character in 

the game.  Magic is well balanced with creations, and the agent can 

spellsling with the best of them.  She will never be able to summon up 

an army like the shaper or even the guardian, but can take one out on 

her own pretty readily.  She is very difficult to play at first, as she 

will have at most one or two creations as assistants, but will be 

increasingly powerful as she levels up.  You do not want to create many 

assistants with an agent, as she needs much of her essence to cast 


Agent HP = ?

Agent SP = 3*lvl*int+6

Agent EP = 1.5*lvl*int+6



                        2. CHARACTER STATS

Stats: Stats can only be raised up to 30.  It is unlikely that you'd 

reach this over the course of normal play, so it's not a bad cap.  


Stat name (cost, Guardian, Shaper, Agent [if constant for all three 

classes, then only one number is shown]): Effects and opinion.


  Strength (5): Influences you weight capacity, and your chance to hit 

for melee, your stunning resistance, and you're damage done.  Very much 

necessary to the Guardian and Agent.  The Shaper can ignore it 

somewhat, but will need it in order to carry items.

  Dexterity (5): Influences you chance to hit for missile weapons, your 

speed in combat, and your chance to dodge enemy blows.  This stat can 

be ignored by most characters.  The bonuses given by it are easily 

mimicked by quick action and missile weapons.  A shaper might find this 

stat moderately more useful than the other characters.

  Intelligence (5): Influences your spell points, your essence points, 

and your mind resistance.  This stat is very important to shapers and 

agents.  Both need essence, and this is the only stat that affects it.  

The guardian may want to invest a few points in this stat as well, 

since he will eventually want to cast unlock and summon up some 

powerful creations.

  Endurance (5): Influences you HP in a large way, and your poison 

resistance.  Guardians get the largest bonus for this skill.


(Guardian strong, Shaper weak)

  Melee (G-2, S-5, A-3): Influences your accuracy and damage done by 

melee weapons.  The most powerful weapons in this game are melee 

weapons.  The agent should always use melee weapons, as missile- magic 

is her specialty.  The guardian should use melee weapons whenever 

fighting melee opponents, and should try to use them when fighting 

distance opponents.  The shaper should probably ignore this skill, at 

least until he gets a lot of points in it.

  Missile (G-2, S-5, A-3): Influences your accuracy and damage done by 

missile weapons.  Shapers will find this to be a valuable skill.  

However, it is extremely expensive, and not necessarily worthwhile for 

them.  Guardians may find this skill useful, especially when engaging 

distant enemies.  Normally, they can manage without adding points in 

this skill, however.  Agents should probably ignore this skill.

  Quick Action (G-1, S-4, A-2): Gives you a small chance of attacking 

twice in a single round, and also influences the time you act in 

combat.  A cool, powerful skill.  All classes will appreciate this 

skill.  Guardians and agents will find it more useful to invest in this 

skill than shapers, however, given its cost.

  Anatomy (G-1, S-4, A-2): Gives you a small chance of getting a 

critical hit.  Once again, agents and guardians will get the best use 

out of this skill.  Shapers should pretty much ignore it completely, 

unless they decide to use melee weapons.


(Agent strong, Guardian weak)

  Battle Magic (G-5, S-3, A-2): Influences the strength of your battle 

spells, the chance to hit with your battle spells, and the level of 

battle spell you can cast.  You will need to add points to this skill 

if you're playing as an agent.  An agent will want to have 5 points in 

this skill a few levels after completing the demo region.  Shapers can 

ignore this skill and instead use thorn batons, and guardians can't 

afford this skill. 

  Mental Magic (G-5, S-3, A-2): Influences the strength of your mental 

spells, the chance to hit with your battle spells, and the level of 

battle spell you can cast.  All classes will want at least one point in 

this skill so as to be able to cast unlock.  Agents and shapers may 

want to invest more points in this skill.  The guardian should be 

miserly as always when adding points to this skill.

  Blessing Magic (G-5, S-3, A-2): Influences the strength of your 

blessing spells and the level of blessing spell you can cast.  This 

skill is especially valuable to the shaper.  The shaper will want to 

beef up his creations before any big fight.  The agent will want to get 

this skill up to level 3 so as to be able to cast speed and war 

blessing, but won't find much use out of mass energize. 

  Spellcraft (G-7, S-5, A-4): Influences the strength of all spells.  

This skill is where the agents reign.  Other classes won't be able to 

invest points in this skill, or will find it too expensive, but the 

agent should add a point to it often.  It will greatly strengthen all 

of your skills.


(Shaper strong, Agent weak)

  Fire Shaping (G-5, S-4, A-7): Influences your ability to create fire 

creations, and the level at which they start.  Shapers will want to 

invest in all the shaping skills (or one in particular).  Fire 

creations are versatile in that they all have strong melee and physical 

attacks.  Guardians will want to put a point or two in each skill, but 

won't find much benefit from further investment.  Agents, unless they 

desire a pet fyora, should ignore this expensive skill.

  Battle Shaping (G-4, S-3, A-6): Influences your ability to create 

battle creations, and the level at which they start.  Shapers will want 

to invest in all the shaping skills (or one in particular).  Battle 

creations focus primarily on physical attacks, and have a lot of HP.  

Guardians may want to invest more points in this skill, as there is 

always need for cannon fodder.  Agents, again, should ignore this 


  Magic Shaping (G-4, S-3, A-6): Influences your ability to create 

magic creations, and the level at which they start.  Shapers will want 

to invest in all the shaping skills (or one in particular).  Magic 

creations generally have a bonus feature to their attack, but are 

generally only missile weapon users (with the Glaahks being significant 

exceptions).  Guardians may find this skill to be very useful, as 

artilas are a nice component to your army.  Agents may want to start 

with one point in this skill, and to make an artila or two over time, 

but again should probably ignore this expensive skill.

  Healing Craft (G-3, S-2, A-5): Influences the strength of your 

healing spells, and allows you to use the spell mass restore if a 

significant investment in this skill is made.  Useful for all classes.  

Agents should be more hesitant to add points to this skill, however.


  Leadership (2): This skill is only useful in dialogue.  However, you 

will be talking a lot in this game, so this skill is extremely useful.  

You should at least have 5 points in this skill by level 5, this will 

get you more skills and such.  You will want at least 8 by the end 

game, though more (12 or so) is quite useful.  Going above 12 is 

unnecessary except in one (major) encounter.

  Mechanics (2): This is a very useful skill.  Guardians will get the 

most use out of it, as they will be unable to cast the spell unlock 

(they should try to have around about 6 by level 5).  Agents and 

shapers still should not ignore this skill, but do not need to invest 

in it as heavily (maybe ~5).  Mechanics is used in some special 

encounters, and also influences the following: Unlocking of levers and 

chests, Manipulation of power spirals, Disarming of exploding crystals, 

Disarming of mines, Manipulation of spore boxes and control devices.

  Luck (1): A useful skill, but not as pervasive as in previous 

Spiderweb games.  All characters should start with 1 point, and then 

delay getting any more points until they can purchase them from Dig.  

Each point of luck increases the chance to hit by 1%, and the chance to 

dodge by 1%.  It may also affects some resistances.  Every 2 points of 

luck increases armor by 1.  Monsters may also drop items more 

frequently. (both hints are from Scales on the Spiderweb message 





                        3. CREATIONS

Important things to note- not all creations start off at level 1.  Some 

creations start off at different levels.  Therefore, it is not 

necessary to keep around old creations just because you think that 

they're more powerful than new, more advanced creations.  I once had a 

level 17 fyora with my Agent.  I decided I needed some help for a 

particular battle, so I made a Drayk.  I was surprised to see that the 

Drayk had superior stats, despite being a level lower.  I saved my 

game, and absorbed each creation to see which was more expensive in 

essence.  Much to my chagrin, my fyora was costing me over 100 essence, 

whereas the Drayk only cost 60!  I got rid of my poor faithful Fyora 

right then and replaced him with the superior Drayk.


Generally, creations that have a specific set of stats determined by 

their level.  Newly created creations have stats defined completely by 

the level at which you create them.  When creations gain levels, they 

don't necessarily get a set of points at each level.  As a result, 

creations that are newly created at a specific level are almost always 

better than or equal to a creation that has ascended to that level 

through gaining experience.


Creature name: (cost in essence, cost in essence +2 int). [starting 

level]. Opinion.

  Fyoras: (8, 11). [0] A staple of lower levels.  They can become 

fairly powerful at higher levels, but will never be as strong as 

Drayks.  As a shaper, create a few of these.  They will save your life.

  Cryoras: (30, 39). [3] A more powerful version of fyoras.  They can 

be more powerful than fyoras, but are also more expensive.

  Roamers: (15, 20). [2] Kind of disappointing.  They spit acid, and 

have a good bite, but artilas are better acid shooters and are cheaper, 

and there are stronger physical enemies out there.

  Pyroroamers: (12, 17). [1] An interesting concept, but kind of hard 

to employ.  These little guys explode when they are hit hard (lose all 

HP).  You could potentially make 7 of these guys go after a single 

enemy, and once said enemy attacks, they explode and kill the enemy.

  Drayks: (60, 75). [9] Very powerful, but also expensive.  Still, a 

nice improvement.  They have a better melee attack than missile attack, 

though both are very strong.

  Cryodrayks: (90, 111) [10] Very, very powerful, but also expensive.


  Thahds: (7, 10) [2] Another staple of lower levels.  These guys can 

mete out good punishment and take it as well.  They aren't the most 

powerful, and die pretty easily against turrets and other ranged 

creatures, but are still a good first option.

  Thahd Shades: (28, 35). [5] These guys are much harder for the enemy 

to hit than Thahds, but by the time you get them, you'll be itching for 

something more.  They still are probably stronger than clawbugs.

  Clawbug: (20, 27). [3] A decent upgrade from Thahds.  They can fight 

pretty well, but also tend to share many of the Thahd's deficits.

  Plated Bug: (48, 59). [9] A very powerful creation.  Expensive as 

well, unfortunately.  These creations start off with 10 AP, so can get 

2 hits in during a round.  This is a significant advantage, especially 

since they start off at a higher level, and can really pummel an enemy.

  Battle Alpha: (45, 56). [7]

  Battle Beta: (75, 92). [9]


  Artila: (12, 17). [3] Probably the best of the early level creations.  

Artilas can take out most everything.  They have great accuracy and a 

powerful attack.  Unfortunately, they can't attack too much, as they 

have limited energy.  They are also very weak in melee.

  Searing Artila: (30, 39). [4] A decent improvement on the Artila in 

terms of strength, endurance and such.  They can attack more often than 

artilas, but cost more as well.

  Vlish: (15, 20). [4] Very potent, especially at upper levels.  For 

mac users, they may not be so hot, but for PC users, they can clean 

house.  Their attack stuns and does good damage, and doesn't cost too 

much energy.  They are also quite cheap.

  Terror Vlish: (45, 56). [7]

  Glaahk: (45, 56). [8]

  Ur-Glaahk: (65, 80). [11] A powerful creation.  Their sting stuns 

enemies, voiding their next turn.  They are also the cheapest of the 

top level creations.


  Ornk: (8, 11). [0] Sort of a hidden creation.  Quite weak, but good 

for comic effect.  Don't go out of your way for this one.  Save your 

living tools instead.


                        4. SPELLS

  Firebolt: A cheap, powerful spell.  A staple of the Agent.  You can 

get it up to a very high level as well.

  Searer: A bit more expensive, but somewhat more powerful.  Causes 

energy damage, and acid damage thereafter.

  Searing Orbs: If you can use this (as an agent or shaper), then do 

so.  It's very powerful.  Use it on multiple enemies.


  Unlock: A necessary spell.  One spell the guardian should definitely 

invest in, since he'll have a hard time opening most doors of the 


  Terror: Kind of expensive, but useful enough.  I've gone through 

plenty of games without ever even using it.  It can be quite powerful 

when you're in a bind.

  Dominate: Similar to terror.  I rarely ever used it.  However, there 

are those who swear by it.  Give it a try, maybe you'll like it.


  War Blessing: A good spell, saves you from using those battle pods.  

Especially useful for shapers, since it blesses all of your creations 

as well.

  Speed: A very nice spell, especially for shapers.  Agents get good 

use out of it, too.  It gives you 1.5 X your current AP.

  Mass Energize: Good if you know something's coming.  Unfortunately, 

you can't use it too often.


  Heal: Necessary.  You get hit a lot in this game, this will save your 


  Cure Effects: Useful, there are plenty of poisonous monsters and 

regions out there.  This will help alleviate some of the pain.

  Mass Restore: Myeh, it's not awful, especially if you have a lot of 

creations.  If just a few creatures are hurt, use the cheaper and more 

powerful heal.



                        5. SECTS

Sects: Joining each sect is a commitment of time and ability.  Be sure 

to wait to hear out all sects before agreeing one way or another.



                        6. LOCATIONS and WALKTHROUGH

Crumbling Docks

Abandoned Vale


Bandit Woods

Ruined School


Ellhrah's Keep

Crag Valley

Spiral Burrow

Thorny Fen

Pentil Woods


Pentil Plains

The Tombs

Pentil East

Thorny Woods





NOTE: Quests: All quests give experience, unless you're at a very high 

level.  Many also give decent items.


Crumbling Docks:

Q: Leave the island

C & S: Firebolt.

Enemies: None.

D: (North to the Abandoned Vale)

  You start off at the Abandoned docks.  You get your first quest, to 

leave the island.  Walk around and get acquainted with movement.  There 

are some jars nearby.  Search them, but you won't find anything.


HINT: Containers, well, they contain things.  In Geneforge, containers 

range from jars to vats of goo to cabinets.  If you put your mouse over 

a container that is searchable, it will be highlighted, and you can 

search it.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Head further east, then enter the building.  Here you'll find your 

first equipment- a tunic.  Equip it, it'll aid you slightly.  Check the 

drawer to the south to find 6 javelins.  Head to the northwest room to 

get a cloak, some coins, and a key.  Then head south, and stand by the 

door- it will automatically open for you.  Grab the canister:


HINT: Canisters give you skills.  Use all that you come across.  

There's no penalty for doing so (at least, not intrinsically.  There 

are a few encounters which are different if you haven't used many).  

There are at least 4 of every creature and spell.  View your skills 

with the "character traits" button.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Continue east, you'll get a message regarding your use of the canister, 

and check the small passage to the east.  You'll find some thorns at 

the end.  You'll learn what these can do at a later point.  Head back 

out and search the container for a healing pod.  Enter the building, 

and grab the dagger and shield.  Pull the lever:


HINT: Levers are your ticket to moving around.  Whenever you see a 

lever, chances are there's a door nearby.  Some levers are locked and 

can only be manipulated with a key or through some sort of unlocking 


\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Head up and around.  You'll find another healing pod in a jar.


HINT: Magic items.  There are several classes of magic items.  First, 

you can acquire pods.  These affect your main character alone.  Second, 

there are spores.  Spores affect you and all your creations.  They are 

a bit more rare than pods.  Rods behave like spores, but are even more 

rare (and valuable).  Crystals will cast a spell for you and can be 

very powerful (especially swarm and spray crystals).  There are a few 

other magic items you'll run across as you go on.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Continue, and enter the south entrance of the hotel.  Go west, pull the 

lever, and you'll find a belt, some more healing pods, and a robe 

(better than the cloak).  Head north.  Here you'll meet the Ornk.  

Ornks are rarely aggressive (only in one area).  That doesn't mean you 

can't take your aggression out on them.  Doing so isn't too bad an 

idea- they will give you some handsome experience and meat.  Head to 

the east, and pull the lever.  If you have 3 mechanics or more, you can 

pick the lock, and get some thorns and ice crystals.  Head to the north 

to the next level when you're ready.


Abandoned Vale:

Q: None.

C & S: Create Fyora, Heal.

O: Timo.

Enemies: Fyoras.

D: South to the Crumbling Docks, East to Vakkiri.

  Head directly north.  You'll see two pools here, one on your right 

and one on your left.  Blue pools heal you and your creation's essence 

and energy, whereas green ones heal your health.  Go up, and you can 

get two canisters (Create Fyora, Heal).  There are some goodies on the 

tables as well.  Exit, and choose your path.  The lower one leads to a 

dead body with some coins and a few minor items.  Head through the 

middle one.  You'll get some messages warning you about enemies.  

Prepare for battle, and attack!  They should be quite easy.  If you're 

a shaper, you'll probably want some assistance, in the form of fyoras.  

Guardians and Agents can both manage on their own.  Check the buildings 

for a few more minor goodies.  Head to the west, and look in the 

building to get a Baton:


HINT: Batons are one of the more unique weapons of Geneforge.  They are 

very powerful, but not useful to all classes.  Agents should not use 

them, but Shapers should.  Guardians may want to use them, depending on 

their enemies (i.e., artilas).  Many batons also have secondary effects 

like poison, stunning, acid attack, or the dreaded super-death attack 

(of sorts).

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Enter the center building, you'll find a pair of boots in one of the 

containers.  Walk to the east, and you'll find a Servant Mind:


HINT: Servant minds are great sources of information.  They will also 

assist you in your quests.  Sometimes, you may want to kill them as 

well.  In such an instance, talk it to death.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Talk with him, and he'll analyze you and let you go off through the 

northern door.  A servile will come up and talk with you, giving you 

information, and asking your opinion:


HINT: Opinions matter.  In order to join the various servile sects, 

you'll have to get on their good sides.  Telling them what they want to 

hear is the best way to do this.  Most of the time, you can exit the 

conversation without telling them anything, if you desire to take your 

time in making up your mind.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Don't attack his Ornks.  You may then leave to the east to Vakkiri.



Q: Eliminate the bandits, Find stolen knife, Find spy in Vakkiri, Kill 

Ellhrah, Find Pixley, Find Arth, Search ruined school, Open box, Clear 

watchhill, Deliver message to Ellhrah, Clear Crag Valley.

C & S: War blessing.

O: Learned Pinner, Ham, Khobar, Strout

Enemies: none.

D: West to the Abandoned Vale, North to the Bandit Woods, East to 


  Welcome to the first Servile settlement.  You can get much of the 

background story here by conversing with the residents.  You will also 

get many quests as you talk with the villagers.  Brodus Blade asks you 

to eliminate the bandits (in the Bandit Woods), and gives a wand of 

firebolt as a reward.  Inerny asks you to find her stolen knife.  Lietz 

has it, but you need to have 4 leadership or more to get her to give it 

up (look away).  The reward for this quest is cheaper food.  It might 

be better to keep the knife, as it's a powerful weapon for a low level 

character.  Sencia asks you to find the spy in Vakkiri.  Nabb is the 

spy, and he gives the quest to kill Ellhrah.  He is a member of the 

Takers.  Reporting him to Sencia only gets you exp (but a good bit).  

Sencia also refers to Clakkit, who can give you a good bit of 

information about what people think of you, and may give you a few more 

hints as you progress through the game.  Coale will buy and sell from 

you.  He gives you quests to find two merchants.  Finding Pixley will 

get you 3 living tools.  Coale's lever room contains a few living 

tools.  The room to his north has two locked chests that contain pods 

and coins.  Further south, there is a room to the west that has a trap.  

Inside is a bronze sword and some robes.  Now is a good time to talk 

about theft:


HINT: Theft- it isn't a crime if it's unseen.  Wait for a character to 

leave, then steal their stuff.  Use this often in Vakkiri to build up 

your gold reserves.  It will be quite useful later on in certain other 

areas, as well.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Dreet will sell you access to a canister (containing war blessing) for 

300 coins, or if you have 6 or greater leadership.  Save up your cash.  

Learned Pinner wants you to search the Ruined School to find some 

answers.  Your reward is exp.  She will also examine you to tell you 

how mutated you are.  Ham will buy and sell from you, and also wants 

you to open his box. Use spells, tools, or pure mechanics if you so 



HINT: Opening things can be a problem.  Luckily, there are plenty of 

living tools available.  Living tools act as an unlocking device.  Use 

them on an object to decrease the mechanics required to manipulate said 

device.  There are other ways around locked chests and doors.  First, 

and easiest, is to have a key.  A key will open a lever or lock without 

problems.  Of course, you must find the required key.  Another means is 

by increasing your mechanics skill.  This is the most broad answer, as 

you can do almost anything with enough mechanics.  Note that each 

living tool acts like two points of the mechanics skill.  Finally, you 

can use the spell unlock.  Some doors are resistant to this spell, and 

will not unlock even if you have a large unlock spell bonus.  Unlock 

only works for locked items and does not affect power spirals and such.  

The best way to approach unlocking an item is first to use living tools 

to get the message down to "You need to use 3 more tools to open this," 

then to attempt the spell unlock.  Guardians will have no chance until 

they reach a high level of unlocking anything requiring more than 1 

living tool.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

For this he gives you a few pods.  If you've spilled the beans on Nabb, 

you can go up to his room and claim his stuff, which includes a Chitin 

armor and a gem.

Leader Khobar gives you a series of quests.  The first is to clear 

Watchhill.  The reward for this quest is 300 coins.  Next he tells you 

to deliver a letter to Ellhrah.  Telling him you've completed this 

quest gets you 150 coins.  Finally, he asks you to clear Crag Valley.  

Once this has been done, you get a girdle of strength


Bandit Woods

Q: none.

C & S: none.

O: none.

Enemies: Fyoras, Thahds, and Bandits

D: West to the Ruined School, South to Vakkiri, North to Dry Wastes

  As you enter this area, you are accosted by Ghurk, leader of the 

bandits.  You can attempt to convince him not to attack, and he'll tell 

you that they will stop raiding if they get some food (leadership 4 or 

more).  Tell Brodus Blade this, and if your leadership is >=5, you can 

convince her to agree.  This results in an early exp reward.  If you 

wander through their woods enough, they will attack you anyways.  They 

are difficult for a low level character, but one bandit has a Coated 

Cloak.  Their NE headquarters has a lot of gold (235 coins), and some 

nice pods (healing and 1 shielding).  In the center of the woods there 

is a room with three locked chests.  Opening them gets you gauntlets, 

living tools, pods, and one healing spore.  Finally, go to the west.  

You'll fight several low level enemies, and can gain entrance to the 

Ruined School.


Ruined School

Q: none.

C & S: Searer, Endurance, Create Artila, Firebolt.

O: none.

Enemies: Fyoras, Thahds, Artilas, Rawbone.

D: East to Bandit Woods.

  This is a fairly rich area, and is well-worth exploring.  To the SE 

and SW are several magic pods.  Check all of the containers you come 

across.  Get to the center west area, and you'll fight Rawbone, a 

powerful Thahd (100HP), and his cronies.  Killing him gets you the very 

nice Student's Belt.  You can also find the School key.  Use the key in 

the SW corner room to get some thorns, a bronze sword, a studded belt, 

and a Searer canister.  Head up to the NE, and use the key to unlock 

the lever to get a point in endurance from the canister.  Then head to 

the NW and get to the servant mind.  Ask the servant mind about the 

history of the place to complete Learned Pinner's quest.  If you have 5 

leadership, you can also convince it to give you one more point in 

Firebolt.  Explore the area around the servant mind for a Venom Baton 

and a canister of Create Artila.



Q: none

C & S: Create Thahd

O: none.

Enemies: Thahds, Fyoras, Spawner

D: South to Ellhrah's keep, West to Vakkiri, North to Crag Valley, East 

to Thorny Fen

  Here you will meet your first spawner.  Head to the north, and you'll 

have to make your way through thahds and a fyora or two.  In the NW 

corner, you'll encounter a spawner.  Spawners generate enemies every 

two turns or so.  They are a decent place to build up experience, if 

you so desire.  Once killed, the spawner leaves a group of gems.  

Search the area, killing any hostile creations you come across, and 

search the containers.  You can find a good variety of items.  In the 

central area of the building, you'll find a canister that will give you 

a point of Create Thahd.  The rest of this place doesn't have too much. 

Seerula will assist you in your fight, if you so desire and have enough 

leadership.  If she kills an enemy, you don't get any of the EXP, 

however.  I generally just let her stay. 


Ellhrah's Keep


C & S: Firebolt, Create Fyora, Cure Effects.

O: Ellhrah, Swan.

Enemies: Cryoras

D: North to Watchhill.

  This is a friendly area.  There are some merchants just east of the 

entrance, they have a decent amount of gold to trade with you for your 

items.  Swan is a good character who will train you if you are a member 

of the Awakened.  Head down south to Ellhrah.  Along the way, you meet 

Ting, who wants you to kill Ellhrah.  Ellhrah wants you to join the 

awakened.  Give him the message, and then return to Vakkiri to get your 

reward.  Ellhrah will let you join the Awakened if you have said enough 

things to make him happy.  He will first make you prove yourself by 

insisting you go kill Control 4.  If you have enough leadership, you 

can avoid this quest.  Head to the SE, and you'll find some cryoras.  

Thy can be tough for a low level character, but take your time.  This 

area will yield a canister of firebolt, pods, and living tools.  Head 

to the center south as far as you can go, then head east.  Unlock the 

door, and you can get a jar of Mind Nutrients (More on this later), and 

a canister of Create Fyora.  There's also a dead servant mind here.  If 

you join the Awakened, Ellhrah will give you a bronze key.  You can 

convince him to give you a gold key if you have enough leadership.  If 

you don't want to join the Awakened just yet, you can still pillage the 

keep's hidden goods.  When you have enough tools, you should head west 

from the dead servant mind.  Watch out for the guard (unless you have 

the key).  He'll shout an alarm if he catches you without a key, and if 

you can't lie your way out (requires a fairly high leadership).  Once 

you make it to the west, you can collect a lot of gems and coins.  You 

can also get a girdle of nimbleness, and a canister of cure effects.  

Finally, you can acquire a discipline wand, a powerful magic item early 

on in the game.



Crag Valley

Q: none

C & S: Unlock, War Blessing.

O: Forney

Enemies: Thahds, Roamers, Artilas, and a Spawner.

D: South to Watchhill, West to Spiral Burrow, East to Hall of Jars.

  As you enter this area, you meet two serviles, who are both members 

of the Obeyers.  They have been having trouble with artilas, and could 

use your help.  Head to the west, and kill all of the enemies you come 

across.  Towards the south you will run into roamers.  Head up north 

and you'll have to fight some artilas.  Enter the building from the 

west, and you'll see an essence pool as well as a Power spiral:


HINT: Power spirals can be rather annoying.  Most of the time they are 

powering something dangerous, and should be shut off.  There are two 

ways of accomplishing this (3 actually, but the third doesn't come into 

play until late in the game).  First, and easiest, is to blow them up.  

The best way to blow them up is to enter combat.  While in combat, 

disarm the spiral, then get behind a wall.  A turn or two later, it 

will explode (doing damage to anything nearby).  The second way to do 

it requires investment in mechanics.  If you have adequate mechanics 

skill, you can turn a spiral off without it exploding.  The third way 

is to use the control key.  Some spirals are instantly turned off by 

this device, but you don't get it till real late in the game.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

You don't have any choice but to explode this spiral.  Do so, and 

you'll kill the spawner hiding just east, and blow a hole in the wall.  

This finishes Khobar's mission.  Also, while you're here, be sure to 

grab the shaper equipment.  It is useful for a later quest.  You can 

continue heading east in the building, however, you will be attacked by 

very strong artilas.  If you feel you're up to it (thahds and more 

creations can help), you can obtain a canister of unlock and of war 



Spiral Burrow

Q: None.

C & S: Heal, Create Roamer.

O: None.

Enemies: Roamers, Warp.

D: East to Crag Valley.

  This area is home to Control Four, who is the object of two quests.  

It is also the home of Warp, a dangerous Vlish.  As you enter, you'll 

notice Roamers that are, well, roaming the halls.  If you don't kill 

them quickly enough, they will run away and get their friends to gang 

up on you.  Most of the important stuff is in the center of the map.  

You can find some decent equipment and items in each of the four 

corners (NE, SW, NW, SE) and to the North.  Also in the SE, you can 

obtain a canister of Heal.  When you're ready, head to the center.  You 

will have to fight Warp, a dangerous Vlish.  If you have any creations 

around, Warp will attempt to charm them and get them to serve him.  A 

charmed creation will eventually uncharm.  It may take a few goes, but 

eventually, you should be able to kill Warp.  Head west, and you'll 

find a closed room, wait for the door to open, and use the canister for 

a point in Create Roamer.  Then head north, and talk with Control Four.  

If you want to join the Obeyers, feed him some of your mind nutrients.  

If you want to kill him (to join the Awakened), you'll have to tell him 

4 times to deactivate himself.  If you're not sure, wait before doing 



Thorny Fen

Q: None.

C & S: Unlock.

O: None.

Enemies: Roamers.

D: West to Watchhill, North to Hall of Jars, East to Pentil Woods

There's not too much to do here.  There are a lot of roamers, and they 

yield decent EXP.  Be sure to check the bushes- they will yield thorns.  

Occasionally you may get lucky and get something other than normal 

thorns, but this is rare.  To the SE there is a body and a chest 

containing a few thorns and other items.  To the NE is Sleet, who is 

being attacked by a Roamer.  Kill the roamer.  Talk with Sleet, and you 

can get some info on nearby areas, and some crystals, if you ask her 

for them.  To the NW is a body with a baton, a sword, and a crystal.  

The most important thing here is just south of this body- a canister 

containing Unlock.  You probably can't use the unlock spell if you're a 

guardian, but all of the other classes now can open a lot of those 

chests.  If you kill enough Roamers, the area is cleared.


Hall of Jars

Q: None

C & S: Create Thahd, Quick Action, Searer.

O: None.

Enemies: Turrets, Venom Turrets.

D: West to Crag Valley, South to Hall of Jars, East to Pentil Plains.

  This is a dangerous, but rewarding, area.  There are two main 

sections- the outer rim, and the inner room.  The inner room is the 

most rewarding.  There are over 10 living tools available for the 

taking in this area.  You enter on the outer rim, most likely from 

either the south or the west.  Explore the area, and head to the SW (if 

you're coming from the south or west).  You'll find some mines:


HINT: Mines are bad.  Fortunately, there are many ways to get past 

them.  Some mines won't explode unless you step right on top of them, 

thus you can avoid them by careful walking.  Other mines can be turned 

of from a lever-controlled spore box.  Finally, you can also use spore 

batons, which you will find at a later point in time.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Carefully make your way to a nearby locked door- unlock it and use the 

lever-controlled spore box.  This will turn off all mines in the 

region.  Then head a bit NE to the central area.  You will probably 

need to use some living tools to get in.  Once you've entered, prepare 

for a fight.  Turrets are waiting for you.  You should be able to kill 

the one without too much hassle.  Then move to the east and manipulate 

the spore box, turning off the turrets.  You may now kill them at will.  

Be sure to kill them in one turn or else you will be attacked by all of 

them (this shouldn't be too difficult).  Killing them gets you some 

EXP, as well as some thorns.  You should get enough venom thorns from 

the venom turrets that you can now ditch any plain thorn batons.  There 

are other areas to explore in the room, but first head to the NE.  The 

door will open, and you'll see a mine.  This mine is always dangerous, 

but won't do too much damage.  Head to the north.  You'll see a servant 

mind.  Talk with it, and with adequate leadership, you can convince it 

to turn off all of the mines and turrets, making your job a lot easier.  

You can also get the name of the human who has been troubling you.  To 

the east of the mind is a key that is quite useful.  To the west of the 

mind is a jar of Mind Nutrients.  This is a very valuable special item, 

and there are a limited number of these.  Head back down to the west 

room, and enter the NW room.  You'll find a bunch of Pods, and a 

canister of Create Thahd.  Head east, and you'll find some neutral 

turrets (kill them if you desire).  Head to the northern room from this 

turret room to get a chainmail armor and a canister of quick action.  

Head to the western room from the turret room to get some acid thorns, 

an iron sword, and a canister of searer.  In the eastern turret room, 

you can get some steel gauntlets.  Exit once you've got everything you 



Pentil Woods

Q: None

C & S: Create Artila.

O: None.

Enemies: Vlish, a spawner.

D: West to Thorny Fen, North to Pentil, East to the Tombs.

  There are Vlish here.  Be sure to kill them in one turn, or else 

they'll call their buddies, and you may have a hard fight on your 

hands.  If you kill enough Vlish, this area will be cleared, and you'll 

be rewarded with EXP.  Do not bother with the room to the SW until 

after you've spoken with Godwin in Pentil.  Completion of his quest 

before he asks you may result in no reward!  To the south there is a 

nest, but I've never found anything to do with it.  To the NE there is 

a room filled with mines that are guarding a canister.  The best way to 

deal with the mines is to create a dummy creation, and send it in to 

get blown to bits.  The canister increases you Create Artila skill.  In 

the center of the woods, you will find the living place of the woodsman 

serviles.  After you've gotten Godwin's quest, be sure to head to the 

SW and unlock the lever.  Enter the building, and grab the iron shield.  

Unlock another lever, then kill the Spawner.  Report back to Godwin to 

claim your reward.



Q: Clear a bridge, Find Shaper Records, Find source of Vlish, Clear 

Pentil gate, Destroy hidden rebels, Feed Control Four, Kill Gnorrel, 

Speak with Doge.

C & S: Quick Action (2), Fire Shaping, Melee weapons, Mechanics, 

Leadership, Create Roamer.

O: Learned Dayna, Natley, Leader Rydell.

Enemies: None.

D: South to Pentil Woods, West to Pentil Plains, East to Pentil East

  This is the home of the Obeyer Sect.  The Obeyers worship you.  To 

the south, you will find Pixley, the object of one of Coale's quests.  

Pixley has a mission for you: Clear a bridge.  To the SE are living 

quarters, and if you're sneaky you can steal some minor goodies.  At 

the outer wall, there are chest at each of the four corners (NE, NW, 

SE, SW), all with goodies that are ripe for the stealing if you're 

patient (there's a guard that is watching you at each, but he leaves 

eventually).  There are merchants in the eastern section.  Learned 

Dayna, in the library, is busy saving shaper records.  You can help her 

if you desire, and if you don't tell her that it's a pointless task.  

You get 10 coins for each book you bring her.  There are some in the 

southern room of the library.  In the NE you can talk with Godwin- he 

wants your help clearing out the vlish in the woods to the south.  

After you kill the spawner, return, and he will train you in Quick 

Action (+2).  Natley is just west of Godwin, and provided you haven't 

cleared out the gate to the west, she will ask for your assistance in 

doing so.  Upon completion, you get a shielding band, a nice magical 

ring.  To the NW is Mickall Blade, who wants your help killing some 

rebels in the Thorny Woods.  You can either help him (an Obeyer), or 

help Eko Blade (a Taker).  The Takers give a better reward, but you 

also have to kill some friendly humans.  Your choice.  After completing 

this quest (for no reward), you'll get another quest to speak with a 

servile named Doge.  Learned Jaffee will talk with you a lot after 

you've joined the Obeyers- he will train you in Fire Shaping, and will 

instruct you in the Sholai Language:


HINT: Over the course of the game, you will need to learn the Sholai 

tongue.  *i on the spiderweb message boards says that you need to learn 

it 3 times in order to be able to speak it fluently.  Each sect will 

teach you once, and there are other teachers around who will increase 

your knowledge of this language.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Finally you can speak with leader Rydell, and he will let you join the 

Obeyers if you've talked down to serviles, and do a quest: Feed control 

4.  If you've killed Control 4, he will want you to kill Gnorrel, of 

the Takers.  If you have enough leadership, you can get out doing 

either of these tasks.  When/If you join the Obeyers, you will be given 

a key.  The key gives you access to all of the areas in Pentil that are 

blocked by hard-to-unlock locks.  However, if you have enough living 

tools/spell power/mechanics, you can pillage the rooms relatively 

easily.  Start with Rydell's room.  Breaking into his room will let you 

read his books (giving you +1 to melee and mechanics), and take his 

Carnelian gloves, which are quite useful, as they will give you some 

valuable magic skills.  Head to the SW, and unlock the door there.  you 

can get a canister of leadership.  Then head to the east.  For some odd 

reason, unlocking the doors in this fashion voids the lock on this 

door.  This is Pentil's storage room.  You can take the steel shield 

and the canister of create roamer.  


Pentil Plains

Q: None.

C & S: Cure Effects.

O: None.

Enemies: Artilas and Thahds.

D: West to Hill of Jars, East to Pentil, North to the Junkyard.

  It's easiest to enter this area from the west.  There's not too much 

here, but to the SE you can find a few items.  In the east, you can 

obtain a canister of cure effects after unlocking a nearby lever.  

Eventually you will need to kill the creatures guarding the gates.  Try 

to do this after obtaining Natley's quest.  You'll probably want to 

kill as many Thahds as you can by wandering around the fields.  You 

have two options for killing these creatures: the first is to enlist 

the aid of the serviles.  Go to the south and speak with Chesh (you can 

also take any items lying around their camp), and if you have adequate 

leadership, you can convince him to attack.  In all likelihood, some of 

the serviles will die.  Otherwise, you can attempt to take on the 

creations on your own.  This is probably a better choice, despite being 

more difficult.  Use your cunning to kill the cretures (a good way I've 

found is to march forward, then run behind a corner when attacked).  

Once dead, tell the serviles, and they'll ask you to escort them to 



The Tombs 

Q: None.

C & S: Melee Weapons, Healing Craft, Fire Shaping, Battle Shaping, 

Magical Shaping, Battle Magic, Mental Magic, Blessing Magic, 


O: None.

Enemies: Unstable Roamers, Thahd Shades.

D: West to Pentil Woods, North to Thorny Woods, East to Southbridge.

  This is one of the most rewarding areas in the game.  You will get a 

lot of stat points by clearing this map, especially as a shaper.  Head 

to the south.  On your way, you will inevitably come across some 

unstable roamers.  For these creatures, be sure to use melee weapons.  

They are very weak, but when they die, they explode, damaging 

everything around them (including their friends and you).  If you can, 

try to get a large group of them assembled, then blast one of them, 

yielding a nice batch of fireworks!  Head to the SW, and you'll get a 

message along the lines of "You see the boat that attacked you sinking" 

and will get some experience.  Head a bit to the north, and enter the 

room to the west.  You'll have to fight 3 thahd shades, which can be 

very difficult for a low level character.  Continue west, and you'll 

have to fight another thahd shade.  Head into the room to the north, 

and search the cabinets.  You'll find the Caretaker's amulet, which 

will give you access to all of the rooms in the area.  Head to the room 

to the south, and you'll find a canister with the melee weapons skill.  

Now it's time to do some tomb-raiding, especially if you're playing an 

agent (sorry, couldn't resist)!  Each tomb is guarded by a green mine 

which will explode to create a thahd shade.  If you enter combat before 

the shade appears, you can attack the shade twice before he responds.  


HINT: Most tombs have a tome hidden within their casket, which when 

read yield a point in a skill.  However, in order to get the free 

point, you must at least have one point in the skill to begin with.  

Therefore, Guardians and Agents may not get full use out of the tombs 

until they decide to come back later with either more skills or stat-

raising items.  Agents may find the shaper robe (which raises all 

shaping skills by one) useful, as they can get the points in shaping 

skills instantly after equipping this item.  Guardians may find the 

Agent's robe useful, as they will get the magic skill points from use 

of this item.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

The tombs to the NW give a point of healing craft and of Battle magic.  

The tombs to the NE give a point in Battle Shaping, and you can also 

acquire an iron breastplate and sword on a dead body.  Those to the NNE 

give a point of Fire Shaping.  The ones to the east give points in 

Mental Magic, Magic Shaping, Spellcraft, and Blessing Magic.  Once 

you've pillaged all the tombs as best you can, you should leave.


Pentil East

Q: None.

C & S: None.

O: Garnet.

Enemies: Cryoras, Spawners (3)

D: West to Pentil, South to Thorny Woods, East to Northbridge.

  If you enter this area from the west, head straight south, and enter 

the abandoned building.  You'll find some nice items.  Directly east 

are also several items.  You can talk with Pool- she'll give you advice 

about the local happenings.  Sorking will teach you some of the Sholai 

language if you are a member of the awakened.  Talk with Garnet.  If 

you have enough leadership, you can convince him to help you attack the 

enemies located here. This place is full of cryoras.  It's a relatively 

straight-forward place, just kill all three spawners.  There's no items 

around here that really stick out, although there's a dead human to the 

east SE.  If you wander around too much, you will be attacked by 

cryoras guarding their nests.


Thorny Woods

Q: None

C & S: Firebolt, Create Fyora.

O: None.

Enemies: Warrior serviles, fyoras.

D: North to Pentil East, South to the Tombs.

  You have two options for this area.  You are either here to kill the 

rebels, or to free them.  You won't be able to get the "free them" 

quest for a while, and that quest also requires as a precursor, the 

rather untasteful slaying of friendly humans.  So, killing the rebels 

is probably why you're here.  First off, head to the SE.  You'll see a 

building (you may also get attacked by a servile carrying a girdle of 

strength- it happened once for me).  Open the door, and you'll see some 

box mines:


HINT: Box mines can be very dangerous.  However, as opposed to living 

minds, box mines can be disarmed, provided you have enough mechanics.  

Some box mines explode, and some summon enemies (the bright green 

ones).  There are ways to explode mines without getting hurt.  First, 

enter combat.  Then, approach the mine till it says "you trigger the 

mine," then go hide behind a corner.  The mine will explode, but you'll 

be unharmed.

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END HINT////////////////////////////////

Make it through the box mines, and you can get a canister of Firebolt.  

Head to the center, and you'll see an Obeyer servile and some tamed 

fyoras.  Head west.  You'll come to an area with essentially 3 

branches.  Both the north and south passages don't lead anywhere 

special.  There are some minor items and a few fyoras and serviles to 

fight with, but that's about it.  Head to the western path.  You'll 

hear some serviles speaking.  In the SW corner you'll find the rebel 

base.  Ezog is the servile leader.  He'll be hostile if you're trying 

to complete the Obeyer quest.  In the SW room, you'll find a jar with a 

key in it that will open up most items in this area.  Open the door 

slightly to the east, and avoid the mines.  You'll find a canister of 

Create Fyora, some steel gauntlets, and an acid baton.  Return to 

Mickall Blade and tell him your success.



Q: None

C & S:

O: None

Enemies: Clawbugs, Turrets, Venom turrets, Searing Turrets, Sholai

D: West to the Tombs, East to Stone Circle



                        7. CANISTER LOCATIONS (COMPLETE)

Crumbling Docks- Firebolt

Abandoned Docks 2- Create Fyora, Heal

Vakirri- War Blessing

Watch hill- Create Thahd

Thorny Fen- Unlock

Ruined School- Searer, Endurance, Create Artila

Ellhrah's Keep- Create Fyora, Cure Effects, Firebolt,

Crag Valley- War Blessing, Unlock

Pentil Woods- Create Artila

Pentil- Create Roamer

Tombs- Melee weapons

Spiral Burrow- Heal, Create Roamer

Hill of Jars- Create Thahd, Quick action, Searer

Pentil Plains- Cure Effects

Thorny Woods- Firebolt, Create Fyora

Southbridge- Create Clawbug

Northbridge- Terror

Buried Cells- Speed, Searing Orbs

Quiet Marshes- Burning Canister (dangerous)

Crystal Burrow- Speed, Create Vlish

Outpost- Terror

Kazg- Create Vlish, Create Thahd, War Blessing

Kazg Ruins- Create Clawbug, Searing Orbs, Unlock

Dry Wastes- Searing Orbs

Wooded Valley- War Blessing, Firebolt

Tribal Woods- Create Artila

Holding 2- Speed, Create Vlish

East Kazg- Terror, Endurance, Heal, Searer, Create Roamer

Servile Warrens- Quick Action, Mass Restore, Dominate, Create Ornk

Dock Ruins- Cure Effects

East Docks- Dominate, Create Battle Alpha

West Wastes- Create Battle Alpha

Patrolled Bridge- Terror, Magic Shaping

Freeplace- Searer

Power Station- Strength, Mass Energize, Create Battle Alpha

Power Core- Create Glaahk

Kantre's Realm- Cure Effects

Icewalls- Dominate

West Gate- Create Drayk

Peaceful Valley- Create Artila, Heal, Searing Orbs, Speed (for 5 skill 


West Workshop- Create Thahd

Sealed Lab- Dominate, Create Drayk, 

Crossroads- Create Glaahk

Patrolled Dell- Create Drayk

Guarded Docks- Create Clawbug

Underground River- Create Clawbug

South Workshop- Create Battle Alpha, Unlock

Winding Road- Melee, Mass Energize

Great Temple- Create Drayk

Mine Core- Strength

Northern Mines- Dexterity, Intelligence, Create Glaahk

Western Mines- Mass Restore

The Arena- Create Vlish, Luck

Inner Crypt- Strength, Endurance, Intelligence, Dexterity

Central Labs- Create Glaahk, Dominate, Dexterity

Holding Cells- Battle Magic

Quarters- Firebolt, Create Fyora

Vats- Mass Restore



  Skill raising locations (not from canisters, not yet complete)

Ruined School- Firebolt, from Servile Mind if leadership is > 4

Ellhrah's Keep- Melee +2, Missile +2, Anatomy +1, Quick Action +1, if 

join Awakened

Pentil- Fire Shaping +1, if joined Obeyers, Mechanics, Melee

Tombs- Fire shaping, Battle shaping, Magic shaping, Healing magic, 

Mental magic, Blessing magic, Battle magic, Spellcraft

Southbridge- Leadership, Anatomy

Northbridge- Terror

Wooded Valley- Spellcraft from Anya, if on good terms

Icy Tunnels- Spellcraft +2, if sufficient luck (at least 2)

Patrolled Bridge- Luck from Dig, 500 coins a go

East Docks

West Wastes

The Hill- Healing Craft, Create Roamer

Kantre's Realm


West Gate

West Workshop

Sealed Lab- battle magic, mental magic, blessing magic, fire shaping, 

battle shaping, magic shaping

Guarded Docks

South Workshop

Winding Road- Mechanics, purchased for 2000 coins from Flig

Valley of Wind

Spirit City- Luck +1 from freeing ghost

Sentinels- Endurance +1 if you complete Huestess's quest.

Mine Core

Northern Mines

Western Mines

The Arena

Shaper Crypt

Ancient Crypt

Drayk's vale- Leadership from Learned Halm for 2000 coins, if you're 

not aligned with Takers.


Inner Crypt

Central Labs

Holding Cells

Geneforge- Using the geneforge gets you +8 Str, +8 Dex, +8 Int, +8 End, 

+8 Melee, +8 Spellcraft, +8 Fire Shaping, +8 Battle Shaping, +8 Magic 

Shaping, +8 Healing craft


Good magic item locations:

Vakirri- Belt of strength (reward for doing Crag Valley quest)

Bandit Woods- Coated Cloak (on a bandit)

Ruined school- student's belt (on boss enemy)

Ellhrah's Keep- Belt of Nimbleness (hidden in good supplies), Swan also 

has a shielding band

Pentil- Carnelian gloves (hidden in Rydell's room)

Thorny Woods- Chilling Band or Girdle of Strength (randomly appears on 

a bandit)

Stone Circle- Specter Boots (secret item, on a shade)

North bridge- Chilling Band (well hidden)

Buried Cells- Static band

Kazg Plains- Girdle of Insight (reward for doing spy-quest)

Kazg- Shaped Shield (reward for completing control 3 quest)

Refugee Cave- chilling band on one of the Sholai

Power Station- Green boots, singing rapier



Mind Nutrients: Ellhrah's Keep, Hill of Jars, Kazg, Holding 2


Entry Batons:


Control Key:


Ancient Pillars- Drayk's vale, Ancient Crypt, Diarazad,



                        8. EQUIPMENT GUIDE

Rings:            Bonus:

Arcane Band       +10 Arm, +20 Stun, +20 Acid, +6 C Arm

Chilling Band     +25 Fire

Gold Ring

Mica Band         +25 Acid

Ring of Eye       +50 Mind, +25 C Mind

Shaper's Boon     +1 All creation Primary Stats

Shielding Band    +5 Arm, +15 Stun

Silver Ring

Stabilizing Band  +50 Stun, +50 C Stun

Static Band       +25 Energy

Zavor's Band      +1 All Primary Stats


Boots/Sandals     Arm  Bonus

Sandals           +1

Boots             +3

Heavy Boots       +5

Shaped Boots      +9

Dodging Boots     +5   +2 Dex

Green Boots       +5   +3 Luck

Grounded Boots    +3   +10 Energy

Quicksilver Boots +5   +1 AP, -2 Str

Samaritan Sandals +1   +2 Healing Craft

Specter Boots     +3   +10 Acid, +10 C Acid, -2 Str

Stability Boots   +5   +1 Dex, +20 Stun

Vat boots         +3   +5 Poison, +5 Acid


Gauntlets/Gloves  Arm  Bonus

Gloves            +1

Gauntlets         +3

Steel Gauntlets   +5

Shaped Gauntlets  +7

Carnelian Gloves  +1   +1 Battle M, +1 Mental M

Gloves of Hammer  +8   +2 Str, +2 Quick A, +2 Anatomy

Ornkskin Gloves   +3   +2 Str, +2 End, -2 Int, -20 Mind

Specter Gloves    +5   +10 Energy, +10 Stun, -10 Fire

Thrusting Gloves  +5   +3 Anatomy, +2 Damage

Tinker's Gloves   +1   +2 Mech


Shields           Arm  Bonus

Wooden            +5

Iron              +10

Steel             +15

Shaped            +22

Agent's Shelter   +15  +20 Mind, +20 Stun, +1 SpellC, +2 Dex

Fibrous           +15  +15 Stun, +5 Energy, -10 Fire

Fyoraskin         +10  +15 Fire

Glaahk            +8   +40 Stun

Leaded            +15  +50 Mind

Reflecting        +10  +10 Resist All

Shining           +10  +2 Leadership, +25 Mind

Stability         +22  +50 Stun, -5 Mind, +50 C Stun, -5 C Mind


Girdles/Belts     Arm  Bonus

Belt              +2

Studded Belt      +4

Shaped            +6

Bhargeth's        +4   +6 Damage

Danette's         +4   +3 All Primary Stats

Oozing            +4   -2 End, +2 C End

Of Endurance      +4   +1 End, +1 C End

Of Insight        +4   +1 Int, +1 C Int

Of Leadership     +4   +2 Lead, +1 Int

Of Nimbleness     +4   +1 Dex, +1 C Dex

Of Strength       +4   +1 Str, +1 C Str

Shaper's          +2   +15 C Fire, +15 C Acid, +15 C Mind, +15 C Stun

Sharing           +4   -2 Str, -2 Dex, +2 C Str, +2 C Dex

Stability         +4   -1 AP, +10 Arm, +50 Stun

Student's         +2   +1 Int, +1 Damage



Robes/Cloaks      Arm  Bonus

Agent             +3   +1 Battle M, +1 Mental M, +1 Blessing M, +1


Cloak             +1

Coated            +5   +10 Energy

Fine Cloak        +5

Grounded          +3   +15 Energy

Guardian          +8   +1 Melee, +1 Missile, +1 Quick A, +2 Anatomy

Robe              +3

Shaper            +6   +1 Fire S, +1 Battle S, +1 Magic S, +1 Healing M

Specter           +5   +10 Energy, +10 Stun, -10 Fire

Symbiotic         +5   +2 End

Transference      +6   -2 Str, Dex, End,  +2 C Str, C Dex, C End 



Armor             Arm  Bonus

Tunic             +1

Chitin Armor      +7   +10 Stun

Chain Mail        +12  +20 Stun, -1 attack

Iron Bplate       +18  +30 Stun, -2 attack

Steel Bplate      +28  +40 Stun, -3 attack

Shaped Bplate     +40  +60 Stun, -4 attack

Draykskin Tunic   +18  +30 Stun, +10 Resist All

Quicksilver Chitin+7   +10 Stun, +1 AP, -2 SpellC

Quicksilver Chain +12  +20 Stun, +1 AP, -2 SpellC, -4 attack

Quicksilver Plate +40  +60 Stun, +1 AP, +1 Dex, -4 attack

Grounding Vest    +12  +15 Energy, +20 C Energy

Thahd Skin Tunic  +10  +2 Melee, -1 Int

Charmed Plate     +28  +40 Stun, +5 Luck, +5 Resist All, -3 attack

Vat Chitin        +12  +10 Stun, +10 Poison, +10 Acid

Crystal Plate     +40  +60 Stun,


Weapons              Damage  Bonus

Dagger               2-14

Bronze Sword         3-21

Steel Knife          4-28

Iron Sword           5-35

Steel Sword          6-36

Shaped Blade         10-70

Singing Rapier       5-35    +2 Quick A, +2 Anatomy

Shielding Knife      7-49    +4 Arm

Bonding Knife        7-49    -2 Str, Dex, Int, +4 End

Living Knife         7-49    +2 C Dex

Charmed Falchion     7-49    +5 Luck, +10 Resist All

Tek's Spectral Dirk  8-56    +5 Arm, +30 Resist All, +30 Stun

Guardian Claymore    10-70   +2 Str, +2 Quick A, +2 Anatomy


Thanks to;

Scales on the Spiderweb message boards.

Alex on the Spiderweb message boards.

*i on the Spiderweb message boards.


Unsolved Mysteries:

Nest in Pentil Woods