Ok, here are the solutions to all but the Dagger puzzle, which I am currently 
working, I mean, I solved all of the 7th Guest puzzles, how hard can it be? ;)

On the table with the three concentric circles:
you want to line up the following at the pointer on the opposite
side of the table (this is what drove me buggy for awhile)

Dagger: Summer + no moon + noon
Silver Thunderbird: Spring + full moon + morning
Flute: Winter + 3/4 moon + morning
Death Mask: Autumn + 1/4 moon + midnight

Silver Thunderbird:
Mesa - Bird - Open - Evil - Sky

(I have numbered the hole in the flute from top to bottom)
3 - 5 - 2 - 4 - 1

Death Mask:
Just walk down the tunnels, and the mask will give you
a hint as to the proper direction. Then just give the
mask to the Fallen One.

working on it.......

Have Fun!!

Doug Marien