Join a game and give all allies each a 

seperate item. Then they must drop it 

and give back to u, but u must change 

ur person. Aa soon u give them the items

u must change ur person and ur first 

person and all people will have the items.


This is a glitch!

I figured out a way to get infinite perfect gems.

Save all the files of a character to a disk or 

something. If doing this for single player, you 

must be in a tcp/ip game (it works for too)

trade the gems to a buddy to hold on to, delete you're

character and re-load it from the disk. Go back in the

tcp/ip game (or game) and have you're buddy

give you back the items. Eventually you can get 

perfect gems, and then infinite perfect gems. This 

works great for wepons, armor, rings, amulets etc. If 

you're buddy needs some better equipment. You can also

use this to imbue infinite items too!

Dual Weapons:


To get 2 weapons at once without being a barbarian, all

you have to do is:


1. Look at the 1 and 2 slots on your Inventory screen.

2. Put one item you want to use in the slot farthest to

   the left in the 1 slot.

3. Take the other item, switch to the 2 slot, then bring

   it over to the slot farthest to the right but don't 

   drop it in.

4. Press W and right after (like a split-second) click

   the slot to put the item in.


That's all you have to do!It only shows one weapon, but

it adds the mods together. DON'T TRY THIS ON A BARBARIAN!


Diablo 2 - Lord of Destruction [FAQ]

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction (Diablo II Expansion)
for PC (DOS/Windows)
Rare Items FAQ
by OTACON120
--Contact OTACON120--
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
**NOTE** That is the letter O at the end of MY AIM s/n, not the number 0. Thanks you.

OTACON120's L.o.D. Account Name: NocatOtacon
OTACON120's Mainly Used Character: Nocato (Druid)
Last Update and Current Version: 10/15/02 - v 1.0
Table of Contents

   I. Foreword
  II. Rare Item Prefixes
 III. Rare Item Suffixes
     1. Rings
     2. Amulets
     3. Swords/Blades
     4. Belts
     5. Axes
     6. Boots
     7. Blunt Weapons (Maul, etc.)
     8. Gloves
     9. Spears/Tridents
    10. Shields
    11. Bows/Crossbows
    12. Armor (Body)
    13. Wands/Scepters
    14. Staves (AKA Staff)
    15. Helmets
  IV. Updates
   V. Credit
  VI. Legal Info.
 VII. Closing
I. Foreword
First off, for those of you who have read my Set Items List, this will NOT be anything
like that. You see, rare items (items whose name appear in yellow) are not always the
same. They will always have different attributes and defenses, and they are always made
up of two word names. The first word doesn't have an effect on the type of item, but the
second word does. I will NOT be giving lists of Rare items, as the possibilties for items
could be endless. Instead, I will be giving lists of the Prefixes, and the suffixes,
which will be grouped based on the item made by that word. I know this explanation is
kind of hard to follow, but bear with me. You'll figure it out as we go along. Enjoy, and
I hope this helps, somehow.....?

**NOTE** Any word with an asterisk ( * ) means that the word goes with more than one item
type. For instance, the word scythe is used more than once for several different types.
Just some heads up.

And, as always, if you have/know something that I don't, or notice a word used for two
different items that I seem to have missed, PLEASE let me know at the e-mail address or
AIM s/n found at the top of this FAQ.
II. Rare Item Prefixes
The following words have NO effect on the type of item you get, but they will always
the first word in the two word name.

Corruption | Beast     | Rift      | Eagle    | Order    | Raven    | Chaos   | Viper
Entropy    | Doom      | Brimstone | Grim     | Soul     | Bone     | Gale    | Dire
Shadow     | Hailstone | Ghoul     | Bitter   | Skull    | Havoc    | Blood   | Rune
Armageddon | Dread     | Carrion   | Corpse   | Storm    | Empyrian | Cruel   | Bramble
Demon      | Pain      |Spirit     | Loath    | Wraith   | Glyph    | Stone   | Imp
                                     | Fiend |

III. Rare Item Suffixes
1. Rings
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a ring.

Knot  | Nails | Circle | Knuckle | Loop | Finger* | Eye | Touch* | Turn | Hold* | Spiral
                   | Grasp* | Coil  | Grip* | Gyre | Band | Whorl |

2. Amulets
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being an amulet.

Scarab | Talisman | Gorget | Heart | Torc | Noose | Beads | Necklace | Collar

3. Swords/Blades
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a sword.

Song*    | Stinger* | Needle* | Barb*    | Wand*      | Bite     | Scratch*  | Scalpel
Fang*    |Gutter*  | Cleaver | Sever    | Spike*     | Impaler* | Skewer    | Thirst*
                       | Razor    | Scythe*  | Edge  |   Saw   |

4. Belts
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a belt.

Clasp | Fringe | Buckle | Winding | Harness | Lock | Chain | Strap | Lash | Cord

5. Axes
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being an axe.

Splitter | Rend  | Beak   | Scythe* | Cleaver* | Mangler | Gnash | Edge* | Sever*
          | Slayer   |Bite*  | Song*  | Sunder  | Reaver   | Thirst* |

6. Boots
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being boots.

Slippers | Track | Brogues | Trample | Nails | Blazer | Greaves | Stalker | Tread
                                  | Spur | Shank |

7. Blunt Weapons (Maul, Etc.)
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a blunt weapon (Maul, Etc.).

Star* | Crusher* | Mallet | Blow* | Breaker* | Knell* | Smasher* | Grinder* | Ram* |
                                 | Crack*   |

8. Gloves
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being gloves.

Knuckle | Grasp* | Fist | Claw | Hold* | Touch* | Clutches | Hand | Grip* | Finger* |

9. Spears/Tridents
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a spear or trident.

Branch* | Fang* | Wrack    | Impaler* | Gutter* | Barb*    | Skewer | Thirst* | Needle
Prod   | Goad*  | Scratch* | Wand*    | Spike   | Stinger* | Dart   | Scourge | Lance

10. Shields
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a shield.

Emblem | Mark | Ward | Tower | Shield | Wing | Aegis | Rock | Badge | Guard

11. Bows/Crossbows
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a bow or crossbow.

Bolt | Quarrel | Fletch | Flight | Nock | Horn* | Stinger* | Song* | Quill

12. Armor (Body)
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a suit of armor.

Mantle | Jack | Shroud | Cloak | Suit | Wrap | Coat | Carapace | Pelt | Hide

13. Wands/Scepters
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a wand or scepter.

Gnarl*    | Weaver*   | Chant*    | Spell*    | Cry*      | Call*     | Song*    | Knell
Mallet*   | Crack*    | Grinder*  | Breaker*  | Crusher*  | Ram*      | Smasher* | Blow*
                                       | Star* |

14. Staves
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a staff.

Gnarl* | Weaver* | Chant* | Spell* | Cry* | Call* | Song* | Spire | Branch* | Goad*

15. Helmets
Any rare item with any of these suffixes (Second word of the two word name), will end up
being a helmet.

Casque | Veil | Horn* | Brow | Circlet | Cowl | Mask | Crest | Visor | Hood | Visage

IV. Updates
10/15/02 - v 1.0 - Yes, I know it has been a while since my first update, and yes,
I know that the version hasn't changed. This is simply an e-mail update, so all of my
adoring fans (or angry delinquents) can e-mail me and receive a response (if so deserving).
Nothing more than that. Sorry. >=(

6/19/02 - v 1.0 - First version up. I really enjoy doing these for this game. I dunno,
there's just something about this game that makes FAQs more fun to make than normally.
But I digress. I hope this guide is good enough for all you nitpickers out there. >=)

V. Credit
My little cousin, whom without his help, none of this would be possible.
Oh yeah, and he lets me eat when I'm using his computer to work on my FAQs. Sometimes.

VI. Legal Info.
This FAQ may only appear on these sites:

This document is protected under U.S. and international copyright (©)laws.

If you see this FAQ on any site other than the above mentioned, please
report the site and it's URL to me as soon as possible at . This FAQ cannot be used in any form of printed or
electronic media involved in a commercial business, in any way, shape,or form. NO
EXCEPTIONS! You CANNOT simply link to this document. By GameFAQs legal rules,
you MUST put your link to the page that lists all of the FAQs for this game.
Simply put, you can only link to a webpage with a .htm or .html extension, not .txt or
.doc! I am sorry, but I will not allow anyother websites (except for the two listed
above) to host this FAQ, or any other Diablo II: L.o.D. FAQ.

This Document © 2002 by Jakob Schiebert AKA OTACON120. All rights
VII. Closing
I hope my FAQ helps you, in whatever way, shape, or form, in your quest for rare items.
>=) Here are the other FAQs I have done on GameFAQs:

Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 (Any system except GBA): Secret Characters

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (GBA): Walkthrough

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (GBA): Character
Specials FAQ

Harvest Moon: Back To Nature (PSX): Recipes FAQ

Sky Odyssey (PS2): Cards FAQ

Diablo II - L.o.D. (PC): Set Items List